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Show ' ' '''' ' l ' I EDITOR; MITCH WILKINSON THE DAILY llr.RA ID 344-25- More SUNDAY. MARCH 8, 1998 mm & kmi& cM The state will opens the filing period for federal, state and county offices on Monday and will close it at 5 p.m. March 17. Candidates fcr U.S.. senator, U.S. representative, state Legislature, county offices and the state school board can file j at either the Lt. Governor's Officetin the Capitol or the county desk's A good question, says county's party chair; a Part of the problem, Davis said, is that many people in the county think the Republican Party's platform is identical to the moral stands of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y herculean task. ' Saints. By DONALD W. MEYERS "Well have a handful of candidates," The Daily Herald "(Democrats) feel that even though Davis said, but he said there will still be the church has come out with the PROVO Starting Monday, cand- races were Republicans will run unchalmessage about being because the prevailing culture in office. I the people are not," Davis said. idates for federal, state and county lenged offices will have iline days to file for the county looks down on Democrats. Davis said the Democratic Party is The Utah Democratic Party has Rod Fudge, - Davis' Republican., trying to scrape up candidates for'the tried to counter that the election. image to some said the lack, ; of state and county races, but it's not extent by demonstrating that its Utah Democratic counterpart, County Chairman Bob Davis is hoping to get Democratic candidates is more a sign looking good. He said there are two members are not staunch advocates more Democrats on the ballot this that the Republican incumbents are candidates considering runs for counyear, an effort that's proving to be a doing a good job, . ty positions, but they aren't definite. ; See FILING, C2 candidates can begin filing on Monday , Mike Patrick And if you agreed with that editorial, better not read this '. non-partisa- ; Editorials are not intended to change people's minds so much as to promote discussion of important issues. " Proof? Go back to A10, your friendly neighborhood Opinions page. Take light fantastic , See the editorial. Bark, editorial, bark. T" Bite, editorial. Draw blood. ' Bad editorial! Yes, Dick and Sally, the editorial does imply that America's education in the parlance of high i system school kids sucks. And the editorial cartoon supports that proposition. If you noted that my name appears wider the editorial, please, go to the Kead of the class. But understand that my name appears there not because I agree with the editorial so much as I believe its arguments desperately need to be discussed. ;t And flushed. AV rZ and Sean Scott of Pleasant Grove, right, compete in the quarterfinal round of the United States Dancesport Championships Saturday at BYU's Marriott Center. The competition draws ballroom dancers of all ages, such as Afton Delgrosso of Highland, 8, and her partner, John Hannon of Provo, 10, seen below dancing Saturday. The pair finished first in the semifinal round Friday! Holli Gilbert - -- 4 this job and study it Personnel director evaluating county's 684 full-time- rs By JOSEPHINE ZIMMERMAN The Daily Herald , BEFORE WE grab the silver hanr die, though, I must offer a disclaimer. ' If it's true that those who can't do, teach, then I am one who cannot teach, so I must do. Not only do I rather enjoy making a EVable wage, but I possess too few of tte virtues that permit teachers to c teach. I am repetitious, impatien b6rj; ing, repetitiousshorl4empered, igno rant, offensive, insensitive and, so I've been told, repetitious. Teachers are none of these, except Ms. Bastings, my e math teacher who eschewed razor blades and deodorant and collect-- : ' ed big warts all over her face. "" I As much as I love the First Amendment and all it stands for, I not a quarter as dedicated to my profession as most educators ere to tn&rs. Since graduating from the University of Arizona 147 years ago, I have taken law many courses to improve myself as a journalist? Same as the number of Pulitzer Prizes I've pulled in. My continuing educational endeavors don't, exactly stack up to teachers', many of whom double their class credits in t&e i years following graduation. So, where was I? Oh, yes. The pit fells of American education. i You can see them clearly, but only. if you've got a mirror. j ,V-- - , .4. - ', I PROVO KEVIN LEEThe Daily Herald County personnel director, she took on a monumental task. She's in the process of evaluating the job descriptions and wages of every one of the coun e 684 employees. "Utah County is the lowest of all," she noted. We have to do something because wages are not at market in some cases. "All jobs needed to be upgraded and she added. ts ' l , Elth-grad- -- r'W .. : ... Job descriptions I . y MERCY ME, I know that's from sea to shining sea. But I helieve it. US While there are monumental Exceptions, much of the problem lies Etheachof bias-phem- - n ri iimn riiifctolif in mi- ettitr" rimtiirr Ti f- mmmt spective. If, in your job, you were publicly scrutinized, criticized, second-guesseinsulted, degraded, persecuted and alienated, and on top of that you took home half or less the pay of anybody else with your education, how easy So you think it would be to get fired up to go to work each morning? Yet teach- - ' era do, and a damn fine job at that But perhaps I wander from the point. What Td really like to say is this: ; If these us vs. them comparisons mean anything, why do the world's - ym 'tow m r aiirmiiilHi iliiinniii nii mw t - ' n i ri - - . asured by a busload of friends us. ""How intently do we nurture our children's appetites to learn? Encourage them to sample the delicious fruits of the humanities, to love the arts and devour the written word? How many hours each week do we spend with our kids on their homework? As volunteers in their classrooms? And that compares to how many hours of TV they watch? That we watch? Let's look at it from a different per- full-tim- t.-- 1 1 When Susan T.' Preator took over as Utah Green residents who died in a car acc- said Bruce was driving home from work ident Feb. 2S. And so is nothing but after he picked up his two sons, Skylar The Daily Herald praise from, his relatives and wife, and Sterling. The two boys take classes determined to keep going and make do in Payson. Sterling was riding in the A busload of financially after their deaths. FOUNTAIN GREEN back seat and saw what was happening. employees traveling to a "Sterling reached up and put his arms around Skylar," Catharine said. funeral is . enough to show a man's A packed service i worth. On an evening return drive home "Sterling's the policeman in the family." The Henderson's Subaru was hit by So is the bus driver's payment: through Utah's winter hazards, Bruce Money that the driver decided should Henderson, a Provo Deseret Industries an oncoming vehicle. Skylar was killed r go not to him, but to the family of Bruce supervisor, lost control cf his Subaru on - and See LIFE, C2 Skylar Henderson, both Fountain the icy reads. Catharine, Bruce's Wife, . By ANN POTEMPA ; - Preator accepted the personnel director's job last Nov. 1, after Mikeil Callahan took a job a in Arizona. Preator isn't new to personnel work. She graduated from the University of Nevada with a master's degree in busi- 1 ness administration and has worked in' the personnel field for nearly 14 years. She worked for the federal government in the Environmental Protection Agency, then became personnel director for Clark County in Nevada for eight years. For the past two and a half years, Bhe worked in the administrative services department of Clark County, which includes Las Vegas. The Utah County job opened up at an opportune time for Preator. A few months earlier, her husband had accepted en engineering job in Utah. When she took the job, it was with the agreement that she would complete a complete job description and salary study, comparing it with the local market. Her first task was to ask all employees to update their job descriptions, provide them with See JOB, C2: d, top physicists and mathematicians want to live in America and have sir children educated here? Z Do I need to repeat myself? ZtMike Patrick is managing editor of Gie Daily Herald. Fhone: 344 254 1; W mpairickheixddextm.con. e- ; R COPY I cr Iain,:Cit. " JLnNJamp the LindaQ pouncil Vppreiwiative -'- j' ""Plannmg Conunission recently "V"1 offered a little humor to ease the frustration the board was having over two new ordinances. " While discussing a pi'oposed ordinance for commercial zoning and another for industrial zoning, debate over architectural requirements became the main roue. Dain, also a member of a committee of residents, businesses aad city officials whose charge is to write up the new ordinances, said he had a basic solution to the wording problem. "Just .decided you want an ordinance that doesn't allow ugly buildings," Dain said jokingly. "That should be clear enough." But Dain didn't, expect everyone to take his joke seriously. The actual wording of the document city officials are working on for the next meeting actually takes on the philosophy of not allowing ugly buildings by using the words "aesthetically pleasing and proportional to its eurroundings." Barratt - Mayor Ted put an urban legend to good AMERICAN FORK use after a recent City Council meeting. After the council meeting, Barratt presented residents with a "State of the City Address." Using the story of Prince Llewellyn of Whales, Barratt expressed his concern and disappointment regarding several rumors and false accusations about his political agenda. The story goes that a dog was given to the prince as a gift and became his best friend. After his wife died giving birth to his first-bor- n son, he took a day to go hunting and left bis newborn son with the dog. When he returned, he was greeted by the dog running out of the front door at him with blood all over his mouth and fur. The prince immediately assumed the dog had killed his only son and took his sword and killed the dog. When he turned around, he saw a dead wolf in the corner of the room and realized the dog had actually saved bis son's life. "I am also one who has been judged before hearing the truth instead of going by what (people) have seen and heard," Barratt said. "I won't "kill" Bomeone until I have the facts." ' |