Show CJU V V g ys gys y 4 to the be preS presented entea will approval li TV ty i iJLl for their vote residents of yire symuel V owen chief of the fire tion sumuel prevention protection division spoke to the council at the monpeople of the commuday meeting owen declared prove nity have an opportunity to that fires may be preour success in this effort may serve as a vented guide for other communities throughout the united states at this meeting also the council ao STREET rotating ting departmentsts plan for rona department landscape the tha the bo submitted to jill plan will streets the the city nemes of approved the and planning commission if signs will and street izod be publicized public the streets will FIRT be made il N aalt rl RI i 71 1 I 1 city wide citywide A V U c ity wl J pacc pf late af athe 1 ia eway passed li memorial sor- cobun sponsored by the comun council as a tribute to vice e M vie I1 isa i isao recently will 11 nn minn Sn Su 1 who at fort ba held be PIM at the tha civic dt 2 PM afternoon at A pola and a flagpole flag 50 foot school area pol center temporary platform hava been erected for the occas- this W wednesday ion the urn containing the ashes of the nisei soldier guards of honor was brought into th the city tuesday L milibe american for the service will on city furthe in tary police and nisei soldiers lough b e aar program will tie rev kumata throe mass ilass cil iz i 1 fl reading lows fallows allows cc by logies ogies ul i carl hirota curl dr Cn airman L ernst and arnst military police valediction charles F cur project director the nililandof lo10lower- donald R N rev kumata rov Z cf the colors and tas ing of Cb observance servance of a citywide city wide one minute during the ceremony has been asked F of the bior silence 1 o 0 churan orrial protopaz the church 17will ill take OPENING 71 ope opening aing of testant place at dining hall sunday 32 on 52 at 8 november 2 frank herron smith superintendent of the japanese missions of the pacific coast and president of Je stern area protest the vestern ant commission will be present PI dr an open invitation is being extended to the public to attend the ceremontaj rev ies according accordia to th M ishimura president of the protestant church council it T L was today that all plans for entertain mert eventa in the japanese language should be referred ch virnan birian oi awa to hisashi owma japanese entertainof the ment committee at rac 10 anno announced cement e alio th announcement arranga ment that this arrangement being made to effect of ification fi corts ment of efforts ese ann baer HALLOWS ars s un- all entertainin1 the japanthe EN activities a total halloween took the weekend wwihh anity commu section conducted by evelyn kurimura Kir imura due safety wardens by vio prisoners their first morning saturday on lence after te 1 i div i 11 te is LS PaLe 3 1942 of 8 ove overr reapat ing part ic ST sidents participating w PUBLIC cej safiy captain tr an cn al a strenuous half hour chase henry T Tk division fay divisi V pointed were out public 4 tied the prisoners of 0safety iside cj rip the ty out today that residents he office of the wardens at roc Rusi dents r- c 11 I Easi 0 uld not allt awaiting further action residents sh fraternize terni Z e Awith should fra fraterno sercame to view tho drawn by the commotion of the chase police the thu military WARDENS tTA 1 tl 1 u L 1 I1 culprits i interviewed for news of the cap tura captured inspector george takeda stated about 9 AM the presence of 4 stray sheep in the high school area was brought to our attention s ivon jo armed of u s at once prepared ourselves for pursuit ve ourselves with ropes 13 ta twirled tha ropes with a vengeance and let out many a war whoop but it took us fully a half hour hour to capture our prisoners oile of us would concentrate on the actual lassoing lessoing lass of the creature while the others would drive it toward the waiting safety warden supervising the tha whole noisy roundup was captain glenry enry Titkaki ar dens finally 4 of us inspector kohei yoshida addens managed S antoku and K zed to su and myself irana suss due the sheep duo novi holding the sheep outside the safety ia are now pending arrival of thair owners wardens office ita acting K B capture 11 a v d reported to davs the ported lter ri head tha absence internal security division in tho of ralphb fridley 1 I1 cat ions between ious cc the military nd the city citi result sult ha arb liable to rl tha resideclared unless the strictly observe dents this DAD DID off ice L TT S the post today todal to that lotten the following follower sons era parsons Tr FO for lor being held at the PO sr dar rodn ss lack of ami no fusako amino Kt atsuko lmani ch Fujiamani aoki isako fujitani fujioko fujisaki Tameo breo duj Four wara takashi furumoto furuya 11 santa anita T mrs 6 fumi hayakawa rev S hirota mr ond mrs ikola K IA adt J 43 3 tanforan 45 oda I1 ikeda mrs Y I1ihoda |