Show 4 4U Ns i ZE j jjr aj vola ej THIL v r L D 11 A 2 i L jil v T 1 7 ITO not arr 0U T itar OUTSIDE I1 K K WORK at DISCUSSED POLICIES ter af after 1 7 ast fhe la the latret As OA COAL ia a 2 day discussion with story on 1 t Uf coal all tho the ca al ssitua 31 nn TH m D nr ent agaj m ava cyko division be to tian vision citha ng policies on outside the times irr T ea citira reports the newly adopted by the reports 71 J e ip 1 fw MEA of ll rc As the fth 4 ll condavia davis chief mcenti 3 tf11 she employment the section in voy to sot sat CUT fj om h s san francisco left topaz tuesday afternoon IT city to ir mcentire declared that rork 0opportunities in all coal shiranee nt to the ty shi rantE shir hat oopen were throughout jt the united 19 trucks lef fields of leftt here ealcay11iy es he added that the demand monday morning for beatle states to qualified evacuees was especially marked for settlement vor jero engri engi corkers dole dale iao miles away draftsmen and all types of office workers vas manned the ele convoy was RA the aim of the WR truce rc sud is to relocate by 30 men 2 to a truc mcentire McEnti elements alf all desirable citizen el emerts before the end of the a driver and da relief chri war and he rc A food and cloth revealed that a thorough investigation sti gation is being planned to determine the nur number ber of city resi- ing in F werl taken to make it dents qualified an overnight lied for outside employment night mission 1I Mo A mcentire convey of 1IP trucksO sei up Entire explained from a register to be set within within the center for all ri F alzy hhere lart V interested in pri- that left ere 1 l st vate employment will develop a line of ir inquiry airy that Is afternoon at calif 14 i the c P ital arpan pan 1 sPy i i l t 1 11 c 1 L 0 11 Z L 1 expected to take 53 weeks for each person thi sur dyY nomine i this tho surdy rough study will be the official n and hbo r 5 0C dale 1ni aita th abo 10 bonfi arraion ion of that persons citizens citizenship lo i and loyalty thiis hs 0ofP coal to america sa sai e archiv cp cj ti 2fr tnn hi j clr ea ph aft niev C co record vius ir 5 individual ay i INDIVIDUAL li 1 surreyv was begun bues arcade de day by 4 arz 00 tuesday tues t r pl groups of interviewers aaa y vicT ers covering bizy anr J k Y Bbf rar r 29 ng RC p a sa cl ipar blocks 3 9 27 and comprised each group ans of rr vii q- caiI 44 I 12 to 14 issei and ni dar atzaa di ri ei inter in out sije nisei sido outsize aj vers who acre provided with questionnaires thit tells ane ri j vie viers vic to e vickers 9 hstory t- fol Qc upon yi ched ch K 3 as arc such and educational e si ip 10 occue points li i couched jou c dional bistor historyY residence within the US aand 1 nd abroad t e drafting s I tbecs t ef 1 l conditions languages bages spoken physical jong tables tb j Jinn bob tob iki is serving as resident rlanager sur crinager of the fur resi ts alredy working residents deits vey QS nith james Nishi as supervisor of the iatch in deltas bicek fields Vi bosc d 6 E overs vicT fers the heads of ane 4 groups pre 3 all chic d are gary ari guy ayana I etsul amato and ichiro Shibo tc divi of t e agricultural di i hibb B se s helen fujito and hisa ei rl under the office off ice staff these the d employed were supervisors of coding and r ord verification taj chiyoko fujil C fujii supervisor of filing ed at c fr the fa ci tor of earningg th ans8 the ceif the com i ty caun kency wk I cor N T YF young ck kenn at for these holding in ia icorn cil A day wednesday the our club delta in f li nsIM at dining C IJ N C L Q evening at 6 PM Divisi Sn fr r cuts de hall rai division 4 apt hough the reception in return 7 j 1l ajla iven thera recently at delta by tc to fai td bAr they edse ferriih tabar 9given the lions club various city officials and J ue beet felds nd groups tc 2ithe jok in to work f have been to aate i d ser attend invited ns as their sor cis long os this gathering it id acre deab beconstitution the Counci committee in councils biccs lB constitution et with AS AE obrien OE rien acting project attorney imet t t alin cause realizing th vilt afi afas on the draft for the city or y afy iss afternoon to ci ty governnation in f ments constitution suffering ering sfr a an1 neuta the committee submitted a cuff they a nu 1labi hheid meeting he 3 b r shortage outline of the constitution at a coun council id fara cil mechin aday afternoon at the city liall hall felt that they were cobe ntributing toward good re jr HJ after the constitution is drafted it will rill 16 to b or ar between ad by advis try committee and su mitte the nad jiju and peoples then dij a pPt wj roject oct ct dirtat r for rhi of millard co tion it y and cur city of topaz t continued on page 53 ind I1 1 ba I1 1 V ia I1 ier S i L abl f JC 1 1 C 3 I1 i T 1 tc s to 0 11 i 7af l- js itye in T 1 I1 I1 I1 I1 1 I1 i 4 nt 11 nd 1 v |