Show TWELVE CARS CAnS Street I Hallway ha Company uy Will Wl I I Turn On lii DIll Dig The C l Hallway anti and Power ml 0 that the tho new combination l double cars caNt made dade lIi In tho thio home shops elvo such excellent service that the tue building of ot tho tito same atomic will bo con continued TIme Tho company has hal already four tour of oC these earn cara rebuilt froze from ono one and out a n half of ot the tho old earn catri ami two morn lucre are IlIO being completed In tho thu city shops They are numbered 04 Dl and 05 OD experiment will bo ho nindo which will 1111 give tho time company curs cars of ot unusual size alzo for tOl UBO URO In III thoo tho o of ot tho the tiny day when willm travel Is la likely to become con comm congested Time Tho Boheme Is III to two whole Stephenson cars Instead of ot ono ammo and anI am a n half thus giving a car of or twelve windows Instead of at nine nino A ear car of ot this size will vili make quite a n showing on tho time street anti and ought to provo very cry service serviceable able I he heThe The TIme now stylo style of ot local car In Is found to I work so eo well voil that It Is III a it j matter of or maim con pride among time the carmen that timet they can cnn HO so successfully compete with eastern builders of at long and of at established reputation |