Show To Act on Oi iTano Jano Case nR Mass Dec Dee C Without waiting for the lie usual proceedIngs of or i 1 a formal hearing b ru the time court before which this the II defense usually has had hadan an 11 opportunity to be bl heard the he Hani nl stable county giand Jury today will wil be lie 1 asked to art act u upon on tho lie cane of oC Miss lul Jane Jil who is Incarcerated in tim the tho lie I JLIi charged with time the murder of Miss Maty E g nt at Cat Ctt Mass Tho Tue ho calling of or the tho grand Jury Jilt today toll I q rather nattier an ni extraordinary occurrence Ol I ld md hums has en much comment In lii II this vicinity A number of Ir witness have arrived her hera hen thorn thom Is Professor Prof essam E I S Wood of or time the Harvard Medical school action who assisted In him tho the autopsy made mude examination of tho thO tw stomachs of MIB 11 nail other oIlier mem mcm members ers bers of ot the household who imo the h govern claims tiled died under tinder suspicious cir air circumstances It II Is him tel that thurit proceed proceedings hugs ings will wi the lie greater portion of ot the tho t day do und should time tho th grand JU jut a 1111 MI IRS s there thoro tharl will be lie no tin I tam for COI the Ul hearing ar an aI for next Wednesday |