Show Dr Lyons Lyos PERFECT Tooth roder by b of for oror a ft quarter of a t BRONCHITIS Juffy Fare Halt Caret Grip anil smi All Diseases of the Throat aud Luva If your threat Is weak or It if you are r In nay w lea y with grip or bron If it you hive Malt Whiskey will cure you U IL aids Jda digestion and enriches the blo blood d Invigorates the brain builds nerve sens tissue torn toned Up the heart bean fortifies the against germs and pro prolongs longs life Ills CURB CURI FOR FOIL BRONCHITIS men Early lest lat spring I was tak taken en with Chronic Malaria I beEan to lose set In and catarrh of this the Lit p fl followed I tried mo most t but found no relief till I toot took Milt Whiskey I raining ani after taking bottI I had It gaIned coined W 43 pounds which 1 I had bit lott before I bf beian ran t taking your key kry I would 1 e ill all who hays havo similar trouble to take Malt Whisker It ht has be cured mu from trouble whim when noth nothing ing else cite would ive me f lof n U C Pa Ps Oct 17 13 Us careful and Me sea that Pure Pur Malt Whiskey U ii on the label and that jt it it U is our own patent bottle bottle with the name namo blows blown in the bottle This Ij I the only way war Putty puffy Pure Malt lL Ij ii sold If offered In bilker n r its It Is a fraud H NO OIL Two same counters for whist etc nt froe send 4 I tents ceni In stamps to on 08 counters Also a vain valti cover able medical booklet oklet Pure Malt Whiskey is sold by all dru rUti grocers or direct H It l is the only enly nl a by br the r nt M ss a medicine Company Rochester K K Y i iw w I DrUg Co SIt Salt Like Uke Cy City The Tho Windsor Hotel adjoining ad joining the tho Kenyon New building new nev furniture lIsten r iO 0 cents 75 5 cents ond ind per day A FRED WRY IS GIVEN THAT there will be a special meeting of the tho stockholders of tho lb Canaan Live Stock company held belt at room Templeton building corner of South Houth Temple amr ail Main streets gait Bait Lake City Utah on Saturday the day of A pi II at four p m iii for the tio purpose of amending the tue articles of agreements ns as follows Dy Inserting at the end of paragraph third the tho following And Ami to buy sell hypothecate transfer deal dealIn dealin In stocks of other corporations or corn com panics bonds notes mortgages and andall all evidence of Indebtedness And by striking out the tho words and un Inures figures one hundred thousand dollars and the words one thou shares of paragraph fifth and Inserting In lieu thereof two hundred thousand anti the lie figures and the words two thousand shares so tie saul paid paragraph shall read aa as follows The amount of the capital stock of this thin corporation shall bo be Two Hundred Thousand Dollars which stall shall be divided Into two thousand shares of thi th par value of Ono One Hundred Dollars each And by Inserting after the fourteenth article th the following All of the un subscribed capital stock la is to bo be held In Iii tho he treasury of said corporation until disposed of by b the tho board of directors as they think proper anti and right Dried at Salt BalL Lake City Utah thin fht day of March A I D 1902 HENNION President By Edwin Secretary TO OK 01 Oscar ii Hardy Creditor stilt cialini with vouchers to the under at the of Voting Movie Morl no city U tat i on or before befort the 2nd nd day driy ot July A U I its IM It As of the of OsCar It hardy o oh list publication Feb A D P k Moyle Attorneys TO of Joshua K Whitney deceased Cre Creditor will present claims with vouch vouchers ers era to the tho at Deseret Ive fling New N ws on or before the tue day ot of July A D 1902 HORACK G 0 WHITNEY Administrator of th tho estate of JoshuaK JoshuaE Joshua K E Whitney dec ts ij Date of fIrst publication March 21 A AD AD D li 1502 02 R It W V Young Attorney B BE WISE TODAY TS FOLLY flER ITS USE eIer Wondrous Cures K it Is the ItIC Great Spring Life Giver and women omen young and old oki onto onte Into Ito tho with a variety satiety o that Item a faulty or Im kit Impaired paired nervous system of if all known Panics Cel try pry Compound list first as a rap tapi timid mid cure for all nervous disease rheumatism am Hit blood troUbles trouble At this time limos when th lit blood la Is thin I it in and Compound U Is the ngen that Hint amid tile tha lit litSi Si itO 0 tr visor vi gor health The Th u tise e of one bottle bottlo of Col ery will quickly suffering m nun n or women that they hay hav truly city I laid Is iii hold ot of the lie spring sitting html in ii that accomplishes all It promises Thou Thuu In iii the past imst have been unveil am ant b toy Values Celery Compound you yell can share the same blessings am have yearn ot of happiness added to you life When you go to your denier dealer sos see tim tha you got get the ilia genuine Paines Celer Ceier Compound refuse all substitutes nm flOt Imitations Bee s that the lit lIe on wrapper end bottle HM No tor oer full tiU AN AN Till THI upon property im on tIle the wea es side of I from the tho north side sid o a 8 uth Temple Street to th the north ido o a Third In sidewalk No 81 24 for fir the of at a IL sidewalk lio Ho It by the tho City Council o 0 Salt L Lake ke city Utah Section i 1 t I the hue Us lie mails by ty tin ha City rity Treasurer us as und auth completed by l the City Ity Coun wl Pitting us n a hoard Board of o othe othe the abutting ng on omu the t he west of t I sir ML between South Temple sires and Third street In Sidewalk No il 51 of LIt Salt Lake City for fat the uro of constructing a sidewalk upon Bald pot por ion nf If Id street In and the made and returns In iii said completed lists am are hereby con confirmed firmed 8 2 This ordinance take ef st feet upon approval Passed by the Council of Salt Lak City Utah March Nth ACh 1302 and re referred r o the Mayor for fou hl approval J 0 City Approved title this day of March 1102 MIIA THOMPSON Mayor State of Utah City and County of Halt lAke I 1 1 n 0 City of Sail Halt Iao City unit I du hereby certify that thai the lund and Is it n us full fuli true tru anti correct cui copy y of an ordInance An ordinance the as us up n property on the west went side MU ot rut I street front from tim tho north side ilda of South Bout I to north sida of Third In I Sidewalk district No 24 for the of a passed missed by the il City tty Council of Halt Ball Late Uko City Utah March th 1502 atul approved by thi th Mayor March PV tui un Appeals of rec record ord ird lu in my ollit In witness I T bay havo hereunto Art rt my and the corporate sent of 0 sold i Ity this day of March Seal Heat J 1 0 City Recorder Dill thu No 37 31 Sidewalk Extension No 15 AX AN AN ShiV Lieu 32 of K ot of the tue Or finances of Saul Salt Lake City CIL In relation tc Ic licenses lie Ilo It ordained by the City Council ol oi Salt Lake City Cliv Utah Section 1 i That lutes lines 21 mill 2 of Sea heo ton 32 o of Chapter K 22 of the Or ot of SHit Lake City are hereby intended la ci read rut mi For Kor a license fur for liny tin other exhibition whatsoever for far or test trat of skill or for each slay day or exhibition t 00 2 This ordinance shall take tako ft ef root Oct upon approval by the City Council of HaiL Bait Lake ity Utah March 38 IMS und and referred o 0 tho us Mayor fur for lila his approval J 0 City fly Approved this day of March ll 02 Mayor of Utah City and County of Salt SaltI Lake I J 0 City of Salt Bait ake ke City do hereby certify that ho he obeys above ann na foregoIng Is in H a full fail true trite and copy of an au ordinance entitled An amending Section M 22 of Chapter 1 I of ec th the OrdInances of Halt Bait Lake Ike Ity In relation to e by byh h ho City Council ot of Salt Bait Lake Uke City Utah larch sitU and approved by Ia the tha March waIt ISO 1102 iou appears of rec iM rd In iii my In whereof T I have hereunto set ny hand and the corporate seal peal ot laid 40 9 city thin day of March Jurch 1503 1 Seal J 0 N Y STROM City Recorder fill Bill No 39 nn nv BY TUB tilE Of Commissioners ot of thio Utah for or low ft more or ot of two Inch rubber hoed liro lira lir Hose In r M tt lengths simple of each to accompany bit bid must be eai i ami marked Midi for or Fire llo lime e anti and to tin tat In Insane I a aMISS sane MISS Asylum on no or before April M mu MIMS IMS Ilia opened at a 18 12 noon of tahl date data TitS Tim board thu right tn to ct an any and aud all bids not to tho ho OF or INSANE ASYLUM COMMIS COMMISSION SION lly Ihy Milton H If Supt Utah March 24 11 IM isa Text hook fit of State Superintendent of Public Instruction Salt Lake Uke City Utah Marsh 25 1102 Notice I li hereby given gisen that a conven convention tion to consist of the tue county superintendent of district school the principal ot of the tho Stuns State Normal school and the State Superintendent of Instruction is railed to meet In room No IU 11 City and County building Silt Salt lAke Uke City Utah on Saturday May 31 I at I 2 nv rn to Ct decide what text books shall be ha adopt odour adopted ed for ute Use In thin the district schools of th State of Utah In hi a of this first and second vla H for a ti period of flo years after their adoption The Tho subjects subject upon which t text books will lo ho are spell spelling lug ing language lessons geography State history arith erith arithmetic physiology civil government phys leal ItS geography general of natural elementary l m nt ry alge sig algebra bra bo keeping drawing w sod d music Sealed Scaled proposals for furnishing such sueh books Will ho be by the undersigned State Superintendent of tion ni at any auty turn prior lo to th the hour of meetIng ot of said Mid on the tho day All Mi ls must be with sample ople of the books proposed to Ito be furnished with a statement ot of the an ex x cluing prices nn 1 of the and retail prices at which publisher arise a ato to tt furnish path book ut at all points within the Stall during the rail full term for tor which said boox bo may tOil bo be The conven convention tion tb the right to reject any uny and nil all At the time line 2 p m of ot tho Ito Jl Slat t day dy t l Max Mav 1 B tIme tho convention will m t and ly to t open elicit ad read ill all the ala which shall have havo ben receIved anti ami shall within thirty da thereafter make attIcs award thereon and the publisher or whose proposal b bis will b be to enter Into a written contract with the State Slate Superintendent of Public and to give bond bends with two Iwo m in a sum to b he Axed fl d dby by the th for tUe th faithful per Ot u li I A C oN of Public laurie ties ui NOI NO ion ur or SPECIAL 01 OF Till TAll IS in THAT A AS S lal of tha tiu of tin tIu Itah Sugar hits bai been buen out ioU by the ilia to l be e held on out t to lit tiny lay nf it April A 11 1 IW at tat Room No to ton Halt Lade Mir itt tit Iii Hiu 0 1 o pm p in i this ol of said I ii fur or hito 1 I o ont shier and a lid inke I s e action a hail ol Ia is I antI and to the of Incorporation Ion KiWit to Wit It l I il to article eight W to Its cerno m as lotions follow thu of ut laid cot cor corporation tush Ito u a board of coven tors Second a pr 1 a TC vice a filth a ri HUtli u to ilm I lie pr soul and hull ln tit mim Our riot of the bo board rd nf itt t lbs anti mutt or may not be MCf of tile board director shall be n to form trio A tt quorum aud ud Ste to iho nut ami the tho corporate powers of com pony Th The of uund If in a v bo held by tin lie sonic property I It IL It is to Ii article II M iJ that thu tamo wad read a in follows II tit it oral itt of the of lit lie corporation to ba he shall bo no the live yura and until mull thai lie be auly anil anui linen hilly duly nullified Ito sooner or M hereinafter Tha turin term nt at ot of of skull tip tu during durin the his pl a of tU the said ld board of It u is e i IC article so the sumo same mend ni us follows Article U ii list I the general and iut of of atlon for the tho of or tue of mich tuLl other nt its tony may come IU it t ho U ott t hut 7 Ut i of t April laud sin hay of April A rii ul u IliK lit years IMi l 7 mt him IM 1927 and thu said sixth any fails falli failson aa on nr or n a holiday ID iq whirls which meeting beheld be heiti on next nest mo moo o ut itt tl Lii coin alibis at mil tait lul take i Utah ol of duo bo be by publication Iii coma hn n tout ecu oral eral til iii ta of fora for I of diy previous to io said mid be director thirty tiara alter heir election hiatt t duo lao not e from rom thu secretary specifying the hit plato 01 and shall lull own number a sod aud and appoint from ruin the a u ii trout It general iliad bo be bomi bean mi an an mm I ot of tin the ot of company Iii tilt of hearing tile ot and for such OIlier 11 the titan Iii ot of ui Its m may y properly coins before such meetIng on the tius day ot of April ot at each cacti and thou year union tint hut laid saud sixth day ut April S irA this 11 Sunday or a alo al holiday anti and lion limn snob audi be held heldon on next nail luy them thew alter w shall IHS mu held at a thi bourot of II lice f o pm pta ul ilL dues of lbs tho company In Suit nit L lo City No notice of said ald need flood lie HT Ill the board if or directors lo R 1 SMITH SM II I Secretary Anti Treasurer Elate ot of first March U lW Annual of or iho tb of the lie HugAr Company Tug TUB ANNUAlS ANNUAL OP oh TILE of thio Utah Jugar ugar Company will be Kola ioia In Iii linom F Pull Rih lt Lako Cly Flub at i 5 pm pta on Monday April 7 l Tue puri purpose o of meeting li ii to elect directors to IM SOIlS for tho thu term torm to reports i UI for fiscal year ending l 1 ind md to transact such other as may limy legally bo be brought lie meeting acting it fl 1 anti Treasurer wait Bait Lake City Utah March 12 lis TilE Or fl 01 UI TilE Utah Hugar rugar Company has tills tiny Oay declared n a dividend No iNo 20 U of 3 nor r cent nt on the tue cap tal stock of i ho company payable March 1 8 10 of record on March 38 i file stock books of the tho company will be cioth fur on March Sith 1902 1102 nt itt p m Itt and on April let at itt 10 n ii m in U f und tutu Treasurer Salt Ink Iak City ls Old Mining Company principal pal place of business Salt Bait Lake City Utah Location of mines nun min mining tag ing district Utah Notice There ore are delinquent upon the following des described stock on account of assessment No 3 of He per tiet share levied on the day Un of February 1901 1902 the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders an as follows Name No No Cert Cort Shares Amt II P F Woodward 10 1000 GOO 60 A Hanauer Jr 45 1000 J K R 40 46 1000 Win Vun huh Hall Cl 01 2000 1000 W v P Lynn Tt TI 2600 2500 T IU It Jones 97 9 T It JOuleS OS 08 2300 T H II Jones 03 93 2300 T F U It Jones 2500 2600 T 1 It H Jones 2500 T r R ii Jones 2500 2300 T P It Jones 1000 T P H U Jones 1000 T F n Jones 1000 T P R 8 Jones 1000 T r H ii Jones 1000 T r II n Jones 10 1061 1000 Frank Crocker Croeker HO 2000 1000 henry Gardner IK 1000 W v H 11 Simmons hudson Sons Co 2600 1250 J 3 K R J 3 E I 0 I B BOO Henry Gardner Wm Hall Ball 16 A Hanauer Jr 01 Hudson Sons Bonn Co 1291 1201 T I It Jones 09 2214 W v P i Lynn 00 3 OS OSH H Henry nry Gardner 1000 Wm Win Hall 2 LA W sp B jJ Jone 9 1000 Alma HulM 1090 C H Hudson 4 2000 1000 C 1 K l Hudson i 2000 1000 C C IJ R Hudson 1000 Henry Gardner SOS 1000 J H If Young Tr 2500 1250 1251 L Ij 0 Taft 2500 J is J 1 HO Ut 75 Arthur Hopes 37 27 26 J 3 37 2711 MO 75 James W Clark JOT 77 OM LU 34 J 3 MS SM 78 J 3 MO 7 Wilson Wilton and Smith MS 5 tM 25 J 3 Josephine son 60 W WO lM And In accordance with law and an order of thus the board directors of made auie on the day of 1901 1002 so many of each Parcel ot of such stock Mock as may be will bo be soul sold soldat at public auction nt at the lie elIte of the secretary at itt Progress bloc Salt lt Lake City Utah on Monday the day ot of March 1302 1902 at 2 p m in into to pay thin delinquent assessment there thereon on together with tito costs of advertis lag Ins antI and expense |