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Show Sunday, October THE HERALD, Provo, Utah, 16 Page 30, 1988 Camcorders offer amazing special effects Animation recording creates Claymation-styleffects as used on the popular "Davey and Goliath" series. The feature works by recording for lf or each time the button is pressed. By VIDEO MAGAZINE A new breed of camcorders are providing amateur video users with dazzling effects previuously available only to those with professional equip- e, one-quart- ment. one-ha- The current issue of Video Magazine reports on types of tricks available to the consumer from the latest in camcorder technology. e phoAnimation, Dr. Peter Gott M.D. Executive doctors aren't a voice-over- s, 6 o'clock Sunday mornI ing, admitted a middle-age- d man with a heart attack to the At hospital's Intensive Care Unit. This is a common occurrence; the man was the right age, he had had chest pain for three hours and his tests showed an unequivocal myocardial infarction (heart attack). In most case the was Lavisn ttnn lining For example: 50"x64" pair Other sizes ed 0, $1,450 smooth condensation of hours of activity. Other camcorders feature with the time-laprange in price from the se Syl-van- VHS VCC159, to the Sony 8mm for $2,500. Professional-soundin- ia at $1,349 CCD-V22- CCD-V22- voice-oveside-mount- The g with a unique rs ed voice-ove- r microphone. can be checked through the stereo headphones included in the package. The tape can be watched through the viewfin-der- s as audio is checked 0 are yet another of voice-ove- rs the options on the trick shooter camcorders. With this feature, a flick of the switch will add narration to any recording. 0 allows The Sony through headphones. Zenith has taken the sound check concept one step fur ther by adding a "retake" VM7500 feature to its and VHS VM7050. These cam- corders allow the operator to check a shot while the camcorder is still in the record mode. Retake is a considerable improvement over the more feacommon instant-revieture that shows only the last four to 15 seconds of a video. The race to provide camcorder users with audio-vide- o w screening capabilities has brought forth another feature the color LCD viewfinder. also on sale. OFF vJ- -' was entirely preventable. The United States is somewhat peculiar in the world today because its citizens have an almost blind reliance on medical testing as a In particular, many large corporations insist that their n executives and to themselves a subject ritual: the yearly examination. I don't know who originally ofconvinced the ficers of companies that this ritual was necessary. And I don't care. It was a superb selling job and it's been going on for years. Maybe this is a good time to blow the whistle on such an utterly ineffectual and expensive form of medical overutilization The corporate exam has become an industry unto itself, and I think that businessmen ought to consider pruning this money tree. My patient had been examined by a group of doctors who do nothing but routine evaluaexecutions of white-colla- r tives. They're not family physicians who will take care of a sore throat or a Saturday-afternoo- n pulled muscle. They're middle-manageme- 0 and $1,350 PV-42- , Pen. check-up- " two months before. Based on the report of the examination, I believe that his heart attack disease-preventativ- for and respectively, both have time lapse triggers and record for one second every minute. Played back, the effect comes across as a fast, VHSD PV-40- OFF straightforward. What makes this man's sudden illness worth writing about is that he had undergone a "executive those speeded-usequences of sunsets and of flowers blooming, is now available on p camcordcers. Panasonic's Sale pre Hdiday bargain respects, nd effect that gives viewers and image stabilization are just a few of the features the new camcorders offer. tography, one-seco- VM7500 Zenith's Super-VH- S for $1,999, and VHS VM7050, for around $1,500 both have this new animation mode. Time-laps-e recording, the time-laps- Newspaper Enterprise Assn. stop-moti- on are mini blinds, e. YtL. also on sale. r I. ISc ire ,nel nt upper-echelo- quasi-religio- us ineo-- qer lesser vaiu well-educat- ed Si -- X - OFF 3V I popster. P'ws of Astros examP,e jCPenney Standard size. 9 99 Every Day. 999 sale ItH bath tiff cost-conscio- us more like Sale prices by Croscili history, o- . SesTst. physical tnrfip.neck -, 9.50 -- SALE exam, blood count and chemical analysis, urinalysis, vision buffalo plaid John's Bay M?n'S'.St sig- electrocardiomoidoscopy, gram, breathing studies and a stress test. During the stress test, the examiner discovered exercise-induce- d ventricular tachycar- - SALto" dia, a potentially ominous car- - shirt- - John's Bay sportswear Other nn sale. a SALE 19.50 RegSALE S21 RegSALE $21 Reg. check, hearing evaluation, stool blood determination, 3.99 -- EVERYDAY in- assembly-lin- e r(OrdeS bed Save on Victona spectors who, in this case, operate out of suburban Connecticut, a stone's throw from New York City, the financial Big Apple. My patient had the usual rigmarole: questionnaire about medical etlectwe . - 26 Corduroy g- - orduroy "' ;- vc. ts. snlrt. slacks. - 0 Heavyweiy"i- diac irregularity that can progress to heart standstill and death. This dangerous warning usually indicates that, during the stress of exercise, a patient's heart cannot obtain - OFF "V enough oxygen and it begins to short-circui- t. - bate This condition almost always requires sophisticated evaluation and the use of medicine to suppress the tendency to irregularity. In the report, the doctor wrote: "this precipitated my stopping the test." He then went on to suggest that my patient eat more roughage and obtain more regular exercise. no That was it. No follow-ureferral to a specialist, no medicine. Now the man is lying in a hospital bed with the front wall of his heart blown out. How's that for preventative medicine? I haven't yet been able to figure out how much the executive exam cost the patient's company, but it must have been plenty. About $600 is a k figure. Makes you wonder if our captains of industry are getting their money's worth. OFF All children 's sweaters boltoms, "9 includes. p, !F'fn Saturday, nriced PSdTH" ssssss ball-par- NEWSPAPER PRISE ASSN. Sa'e B:-"SS-d- Sp Store o ENTER- I :, 1988. J C Penney Company, Inc iney - to, children ,our J ftJ I merchant" effective l9roTreg" Smart Values. prices. university MaB-Ogd- en City Mall |