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Show Page - 66 I era THE HERALD, Provo, Utah. Sundav. November 4. 1984 a II Atffl W W' A W I ! n American inv m m m m ar mm m . c. . By ARNOLD SAWISLAK L'PI Senior Editor WASHINGTON iUPIi Americans are reminded every four years that they do not elect their president With the votes they cast on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, they instead elect a group of electors, who do elect the president. These 538 citizens, who cannot be numbers of Congress or federal employes, collectively are called the Electoral College. On the firjt Wednesday of December after the election, they perform the f'jrmal ritual of casting their state's electoral votes, almost block, for the presidential ticket that always as a winner-take-areceived the largest number of popular votes in November. '.Tie electoral vote certificates are sent to Washington where on Jan. 5 Jan. 7 in 1985 because the 6th is a Sunday the House and Senate meet in joint session to open and tally the votes. The ticket that gets a majority at least 270 of the 538 electoral votes wins. If no one gets an electoral vote majority, the House of Representatives has the duty of electing the president and the Senate elects the vice president. Each state has electoral votes equal to its congressional delegation. With three votes allocated to the District of Columbia, this provides one vote each for the 435 members of the House and 100 n emheri of the Senate. This formula grew out of the same constitutional compromise that balanced the interests of populous and small states by basing House voting strength on states' population but giving each state two senators regardless of size. ll Th Constitutional scholars say the Electoral College and svstem was the result of a debate between groups that disagreed whether the president should be directly elected by the people, by state legislatures or by Congress. The provision for Congress to break a deadlock was put in because many who went along with the Electoral College compromise believed it would cause such regional splits in electoral voting that a fail-saf- e provision was essential. In fact. Congress has had to elect a president and vice president only twice, in 1801 and 1825. There also was an electoral vote dispute in 1877, but Congress turned that over to a special commission for decision. The Electoral College system makes it possible for a candidate to win the presidency without getting the largest number of popular votes. That has happened three times, 1824, 1876 and 1888. In the first instance, the House chose John Quincy Adams president although he got fewer votes than Andrew Jackson, but neither had an electoral vote majority. In the two later cases, both Rutherford B. Hayes and Benjamin Harrison got fewer popular votes but ended up with electoral vote majorities by narrowly winning big states and losing heavily in smaller ones. v 1 V 5 ARIZ rru . ; ' 3 MISS. 1 r n Electoral 8 GA .- -4 Vote l . States represented -- tfl HAWAII ALASKA drectoby FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS, M0KDAYS. ONBAAIOGftAPHYBY 374-022- my nH6 1 OFFER GOOD EVERY CLOSED DAY Child s SWINISH Menu cvtnv SUNDAV DURING THIS MONTH FORK SPANISH 985 fjftll Served lo Mai' Street Anyone Plume 798 285 Anytime ''J. ' M FORK 985 North Mam Street Phone 798 2885 fi IDDM M M M ' m M i MTMTAU MTMTAt I VI ITflvJlTl store hours 11 9 Friday & 00 P generous serving of Prime Rib (English Cut). Salad Bar, Baked Beans, Potatoes Au Gratin, Corn on the Cob, Vegetable and homemade Apple Cobbler. '5vl i31 : PRODUCER : COMPOSER LEX DE AZEVEDO Friday and Saturday, 5:00 p.m. till Closing Sunday, 3:00 pm till Closing Children under 10 FRI. OCT. 26, SAT. 27, & MON. 29 I :": . CALL 487 3221 FOB MORE INFORMATION AND GROUP DISCOUNT 8:00 P.M. ACADEMY SQUARE THEATRE 'jEp-- 9 30 Ti Ti TttTl TflT Buffet Hours : BASED ON THE BOOK BY JACK WEYLAND M Salufda p m $1 A95 You can return to the buffet until you're satisfied! SINGLE Sundowners cheese toast BUFFET A txf FULL COURSE DINNER FIT FOR ROYALTY A 7:00 P.M. Acadamy Square Cinema INCLUDES: 2 Tenner Nm York steaks Chotce of baked potato, trench fnad or maafted potato a gravy Choice ot soup or dinner salad drink Large size . APPLE BUTTER FARMS A MUSICAL FILM PIODUCtlOM PURCHASE WELCOME AT $4 50 A WEEKEND DINNER,. 3 HtcdSisseot Two (2) New York $099 STEAK PLATTERS J? sizes in proportional to their electoral vote Total votes: 537 Needed to win: 270 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ZCMI UNIVFRSITY MALL ORFM mm DESERET BOOK UNIVFRSITY MALL $6.95 ATrTCBDTTER (CottonTree Square) '. Provo ! MISSION BOOKSTORE FIKiFMONT PI AZA 148 N 100 W PROVO ORFM 2230 N. University Parkway '. . . . Aopie Buttei Farrns Now Accepts Reservations IBIBKKmmmwmwHIKHmmmVKttHtmWKnmWItmni ft . ( 5.. 1 r yi n ri i . .A '.'.1 - v " patarimg3igismBBmani7tai!iiq8aairap : " B I r i ewiafHeaasesisweaaeXaiaaaaitgi : I bnnttwicn Hn.f--- r jnc irJi ru-- . I I ii ti ;:,sL i I i i i I I I I Get a Chicken Breast Filet Sandwich Limit 2 orders per coupon Nnt nrwl m mi anu nthor erional nttar Pitctrimor iut yuuu in rnniiinrtinn unith . pays all applicatue sales tax AJo Get 2 pieces of the Colonel s Original Recipe or Spicy PnhhottD ni rnrn mH mirhnH S FRESH BUTTFRMil K RiritiT i m it 0 nrHorc nsr rnnnnn Good only tor combination whitedark orders. Not good in conjunction wttn any other special offer. Customer nauc all snnlirahio cioc rhirkPil k? ,'' I V. OFFER EXPIRES DECEMBER 4, 1984 Otter aood at all Ksntnrku Pnort 4 l e 9 MP I Shiokan 'n: Corn 1 s 1 6- " " 'IS 'n'' r4 - jr L'" ' E i s- - , 1 ggg CiHU'tSm 8538 ra it 4 ,s . - 7f g 1 im.,..,. OFFER EXPIRES DECEMBER 4, 1984 Otter good at all Kentucky Fried M W iicnen stores in utan. 1 aBal Keal JgjJ Jlgg J Vs. aiU 1, ' LP'C IS ?M ? a .J ii rf r ?CUIT?: mmhintinn 0 "8,Co I n?, 1 UthtlOflirW ' V v. A v aB al i a ! 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OFFER EXPIRES DECEMBER 4. 1984 Otler good at all Kentucky Fned BSi I I Crispy 0 O ' j; w? ..; : . V lv j ;; Coupons good at all Kentucky Fried Chicken stores in Utah! -.. .... ,. , r Get 15 pieces ot the Colonel's Original Recipe or Spicy Crispy Chicken. 1 large salad, 1 large side dish and 6 FRESH BUTTER- i uiiiBicrniTr miLR niwwuuo. Limn.4i groer per coupon liood oniy x lor combination whiledark orders, Not good in coniunction with any other special otter. customer pays an applicable sales tax OFFER EXPIRES DECEMBER 4, 1S84 Otter good at all Kentucky Fried unicKen stores ia utan dr . 1 |