Show LULU lm ol Im V State Stale 1 tr li Ia lt l l of or n a Kansas City CI Mo 30 Juno 10 Lulu had bath hi recovered clenty front from her breakdown of Batur Satur Saturday day da to sit t In court urt title this morning antI and nm her trial for Cor the murder of or Philip II I Kennedy was wal resumed The out OUI was Wil pale and appeared entirely worn wor It I ww W only with wih great cret effort that tol she ht k kept Ht her eyes cro open suffering ap Lip lP from extreme weakness or orth orth orthe Vrn th th the te of ut sedative given glen to pro 1110 dUOS due deep Ally Atty ty searing for or the de tie defense detent fence tent the tho four Oar that she clue would not be able to continue tho the strain lor br or any an length leneth of at time The Tho first witnesses produced today by u the state were examined In an nn to tn prove that hut the tine conspiracy to 10 kilt kill Kennedy was UI hatched until and carried out by tho Uno womans father two tV brothers and herself Jack Cn t tilled tlell to a it 1 conversation with wih Will Wil on 01 thu day following his Jils hl sisters marriage at tiC lt tine the tlE courthouse to Kennedy at ut 11 which Will Wi Prince and ull lila his hl father t wore were ore present Will Wil had hud related the scene nt at lt the Ito courthouse to 10 witness and told of ur Kennedys saying when friends congratulated him hUn I l will wi not bo ho 10 a live mount man throe weeks train from frol to today day retorted Well Wel eli you 01 jiao prolonged your life by h this mar la rlee 1111 Prince hail had also admitted to witness that thai the marriage had hal been hOI forced upon Kennedy Then later In 10 when his hil father haul had called at itt lt Kennedys cube oll unIt arid tried to tu collect 10 1 i ifor for Mm Mrs Ia Kennedy Kennedys board Wilt Will 1 related to the Ih he witness how Kennedy had hail run iuni out of at the time and gone gonna 1018 down don downstairs downstairs stairs hl 1 first 1111 He lie II practically ad admitted ul that ho lie hI and his father were vero 1110 armed at nl tine the tl time and that Kennedy WOI under rule the tho tl of ut a gun had Imil l heel been een married but buta when W he lie was killed Saturday a n hel 11 U Bert Ilert lorl Prince lied had hd fore tore forecasted the me w Ider IderA A newspaper reporter told of at Mrs rs Kennedy and her bothel Will Wil conning conningto to his lila after atter thu e Mrs Mr Kennedy wanted Kennedy roasted In Inthe 11 inthis the this p pr and Wi Will mad had soul said that the tho marriage was 1011 forr foret forced d to 10 prevent Ken Kennedy on nedy ln another woman K Ji J In to a n conversa conversation thou tion with C W V Prince the oIlier father after tint the marriage Prince lutil d said mild 1 I was WI not going to 10 let Jet this nina mOll jilt my daughter If It thing dont ilont ont go right you OU will have hn 0 n a good deal more son lien national things to write rie about Prince hind had mistaken Curlin for fOI on a n re reporter reo porter Two witnesses testified to seeing teeing Mrs rs Kennedy and Will Prince going Koine In tim tilt direction of lit if Kennedys on ant tins the afternoon ut of the murder munier Eliza Elizabeth Elizabeth beth Jackman lold of ot the two 1110 board boardIng lag Ing tn n a per OAT for tor down town and anti of at Will Prince requesting hU lila sister r to 10 do to some something thing Witness did not nol catch Wills illa word worl hut but lie me heard lion hOI answer All Alt Allright right I will willIt willIt willIt It Is the tho theory of at the state Into that Prince furnished the tho prisoner tho the re Ie revolver volver with which hio killed Kennedy anti and accompanied her to near nunI tho th scotia of the killing nerving her to 10 this tho point of oC committing the tIme crime Continuing Mill t that Ihal Will Prince called on her har after the murder lie Ill believed Miss his Jackman would be te a In the onto case and llUll asked her to testify that t she Aho did lId not see lice oe him with Mrs Kennedy on the Ihl day In iii question Co Go on III Strike 51 Oakland Cal Juno 10 Between OO butchers moat meat choppers anti drivers drIeta rakel out of ot the till various butcher bulcher shops of tile the city elty this title morning and anti during the day cia tine the only meat to be ho secured was 1118 that Ihal pui chased In shops haps where whelo nonunion men could be lie em cia employed I played or where the proprietors wore were willing to 10 cut cUl the lie meat Tho rho trouble IH Is between the men and the tue wholesalers at al atthe atthe the tock stuck yard who wino to display union cards ranis and anti threatened not to de dt deliver deI I liver meat macat to 10 union Linion shops |