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Show Friday, April 2, 1976, THE HERALD, Provo, Utah-P- age Foundation Cites Utah Legislative Reorganization Issues citizen-legislato- in a cross-sectio- in involvement interim activity is a move toward the d participation has proved highly controversial, the foundation said. Critics charge that committees are overloaded, that many members are neither technically qualified nor deeply interested in important subject areas to which they are assigned, and that "hard" decisions are rarely reached in politically-sensitiv- e areas. Supporters of legislative reorganization, on the other hand, feel that the program provides better continuity between interim and activity, and that it effectively answers the charges of "rule by clique" that were brought against the old system. Little Change Foreseen "Regardless of the merit, or lack of merit, of the new program, many observers feel that existing patterns are unlikely to be changed," the foundation report said. "The rank and file of legislators are believed unlikely to relinquish the positions they now hold, and return control of critical areas to a designated few," they of full-tim- e professional legislator. Supporters of reorganization, however, assert that only by thus spreading the workload and by providing adequate professional staff assistance can the be preserved. Interim work requirements have become so heavy, it is argued, that it could not be carried by a few individuals without their having to sacrifice their professional and business interests. Extensive reorganization of legislative activity was effected in 1975, abolishing the former Legislative Council and Joint Budget and Audit, Legal Services, and citizen-legislat- Orem's in changes pornography ordinance involve changes in language to be consistant with language used by the United States Supreme Court. are "We the placing ordinance in language on their terms' not ours." he said. He added, however, that regulations of the ordinance remain unchanged. The ordinance, which has received some passing national notoriety, also is receiving close scrutiny by other communities within the state, Councilman Watson said "We've had no challenges to the ordinance yet because Ihc local merchants have been extremely cooperative in this effort." he added. Mr. Watson noted that under the Supreme Court direction, communities local citizens would have to request a distribution. Ccuncilman formal complaint be drafted Watson said, "Its encouraging for me to work with a council against the offending item. "We have received no that's not afraid to be trend criticism from Orem residents, setters." It was noted that at one time but have had a great deal of If the council had been cited in a reaciton you positive represent the community national booksellers magazine That standard you should get good for its ordinance. reaction," he said. complaint was picked up by The councilman noted he has another magazine, religious in been associated with the nature, which praised Orem ordinance for only three City Council for its stand. months, and he praised those A bookstore dealer on the decency committee who reportedly moved out of the their time checking spe.id community in a dispute over books, magazines and films for the ordinance, but no offensive matter. opportunity has been given to Regarding Orem's position test the validity of the concerning pornography ordinance. II SALT LAKE CITY a disagree, the merchant 9:30 ! Till 6 (UPIl-T- he Farah is feeling the European infulence. They've taken the suggestion from European detailing and added it to top American quality. The result is a new look in leisure suits. Take a look, take the suggestion. The six airlines which use the airport had been paying fees based on a contract which expired last year. The agreement, which raises landing fees 30 to 36 cents per 1.000 and increases rent 9 percent, is retroactive to last July I. STORE 9:30 till 6 1 particular then a group of PARKING OPEN HOURS DAILY FREE PARKING merchant literature areas Should DOOR airport fees. The compromise agreed upon Thursday will mean an increase of about $15 millon for the airport, city officials said. may whether films or is consistent with community standards, he said. "The merchant decides what has to be cut from a film or token from a bookrack." he said, adding that the board can point out specific problem M LOTS OF FREE FRONT & REAR city and the major airlines who use the Salt Lake International Airport have reached a settlement on new I review boards that represent the local feelings of citizens. These boards act more or less in an advisory capacity, advise U contract oicd establish to Future With no legal definitions of how the workload should be divided between the two, the Utah Foundation suggests duties could be divided by assigning the verification of past records primarily to the elected auditor and having the legislative auditor emphasize performance audits to insure that legislative intent is followed in the expenditure of state funds. added. The foundation pointed out an important feature of the reorganization program was establishment of the office Only the Wording Reported Changed in Orem Smut Law Councilman Wayne Watson of Orem has reported new of - Broad-base- rs Critics charge that expanded legislators Uncertainty But with the certainty of a newly elected auditor next since the state auditor may not serve consecutive terms under the Utah Constitution the future appears somewhat uncertain, the report adds. year d community. Some legislators, however, have urged extended sessions and the development of "career" legislators who devote full working time to this pursuit. To date, Utah voters have shown a preference for the and limited historic pattern of sessions, although the move to annual sessions in 1970 may be viewed as a step in the opposite direction, the foundation observed. 2 Viewpoints Outlined Controversy over the reorganization program goes into the larger question, the foundation added. citizen-legislato- of Legislative Auditor. In establishing this office, by constitutional amendment and subsequent statutory provision, Utah did not abolish the office of elected state auditor and now has two separate auditing authorities. Both offices thus far have worked without serious conflict, but this appears to be due primarily to the ability of the two incumbents to work harmoniously, the foundation report observes. Legislative Operations committees, the foundation noted research report released this week. How New Plan Works Under the reorganization plan, all legislators participate in interim activities previously conducted by the relatively few legislators assigned to the council and the three joint committees. All members of the Legislature also are assigned to subcommittees of the Joint Appropriations Committee in a program launched when Utah adopted annual legislative sessions in 1970. Sessions in years are limited to 20 days and restricted primarily to consideration of matters directly affecting the state budget. over reorganization of the Utah Legislature may be just one facet of a larger problem on the state's basic philosophy on governmental operation, according to a Utah Foundation report analyzing the legislative reorganization effected last year. According to the report by the private research organization, the real issue may be the continuing question of whether Utah should stick to its traditional pattern of limited legislative activity, conducted by n of the who represent a Controversy Our Jr. dept. offers you a wide selection of jeans and tops to match. Tintic Band FOB Will March the run OF IT In California The Tintic High Kt'RF.KA Srhrwl Band has received an invitation to m.irch in the Santa Maria Elks Rodeo Parade in Santa Maria. Calif., on I 1; Monday. Hand director Ronald Cricus noted that for the last two years the Tintic High School Rand has won more top awards than at any time during his teaching career lir said the band s winning during the last two years Included two first place the Marching in trophies Festival, two superior rating formnrrrt playing, and second place in the Itavis Cup marching contest held at the ttiivmilyoU'lah last fall The band borers committer rrrMtcd. boimrr. that il is tfmrt CVW ti the total cost of ending Ihr hand to California, i tl h will several fund tr raising ppjerts vhnWed months dunns the next OtitnUilions also atf bring tu h P r aft rmatcd In addition it as noted the Bureau of tand Management has inviUd the T.i.l.i RhihI la t Ihr dedication perform rrrrTTv tiies lor facilities at the little Sahara Sand Ihmes.nrar JttHho. on April I? The pn ram will include swccbe. flig frmrMiic b tle Rn ScwHs. and oil road vrfw Ic rvrnts The ceremonies will ?8artt Ifla m mm.. ; Royal Gabardine ttfk, !JI gats'dit. oit. 1 Africa's IVsert Kalahari more than I now miles, from Smith wjiiar Africa to Botswana and Nairn hia of Smith West Africa hmr.g mass trek of South Airman billets to Angola In the turns, hundreds f people and thousands of cattle prtistird of thirst m the Kalahari. Nal tonal CrfY,faphic ewers tHe Chino tf.'uf'ifd ppVi? ft4 ro"'t f"r i'fi4 U, to- fi(J vl .! te WV "I" NCV f ot tne rHv o b1' t,ii -. Our Tee's are a natural with jeans . . . whether ' playing or just strolling in the park, it is the in look Printed, Stripe and Matching Tee with denim jeans and jacket are now available in our jr. Jed! legvlet 40 44 U9 49 44 dept. Uogifc Mil 32 00 18 00 JtM legvlo l.ng Jl 40 44 44 28" 20 00 tht J |