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Show in.-.- ltd Ittt If Salt 31 BY QANER SPAfciSH fork New I ttrm om. J tm rm , mB gr?C W 13400 fc A CtuNi 1 j rt iHG tor wooor LOO East at Hi us tot Wit Sam rip let (w your horn' KIMW ha, C0 Kxx M ms plus Ci49 Realty tai m iui NEAT 3 Mrm eioer fertck horn on approximately I cr Sna ciir, orchard, garden, flowing well, good tor horses 124000 liettnanc ar 29 IIW a? S TOO I Sprmot! Call tor appointment JUST LISTED West Peysoa two yr tarn. Sid 60' m. bth, trick veneer, 22 acre of ground, mi it barn, lounging shed, water runmr through properly yr round Owner Mill carry CCm act 79 Oown Just 1400 United Eacfcenge Peaity 419 4c49 tr Jim Duncan 4l-sPROFESSIONALLY 0ecarte 1 bdrm brick home In SE Orem must sen! Call 0ner transferred Stipn a Bushneii Real Estt, J73-4- 0 H er 374 SPEMUNG Of living! SEE this 4 pdrm brick home with hjg living rm. dining area, i bathi lam rm., tewing rm, 001 garage Fabulous landscaping & 3ecor. Only U WO Call Daid Casti at 6ushneii Real or 774437 Estate, t luck ! Owner mutt tell and can't wait. 1 bedroom brick, family room In nice i.eighborhood SW Pro0 Call Bill Brown Realty Jvet Ted 37S 735, 373- Vou'r Hi m an.rr t '9 M8 - Factory built home. 3 BEDROOM Rang, refrigerator, draper 2 batht tet on lot carpeting, and your DIXON REAL ESTATE 236 West Center 373 2264 Gront 377 3533 Pool 224 1480 Roy 225 0053. Mrm vw 3 mu i. p-- e tt MICE 3 barm, home M Prove Only 5 U 90S Large tot loned retiOentia! i Ca'i Cxrtieid and Asva 0 Al 3734411 LOVELY f bdrm horn M Edge-mon- f. Very large kitchen, tamny room, tirepte, Si totmt, 1 batht, double carport and larg tun deck Only years Old Garteid and Asso. 373 I0?e or Bop 225 417 OWNER anmout, custom built, two yr old Cape Cod Horn 300C to ft 4 finished bdrmt, J batht, ooubic garage, mce Oem location Priced at only U2 500 Owner will take racier, boat, pickup or camper at partial Asso pmt Gartieid and n 8c 373 1090 Gary LOOK and see how levely a Boise Cascade home can be 4 bdrmt, family room of large kitchen, cor- ner fireplace 'n I vlng room. Garfield and Appointment only Asso 373 1090 2254417. Bl LEVEL in N.W. Orem, good location, 4 bedrooms, d'Shwasher, 122 500 Clegg Realty 225 5055, or n nHuiMrrED Provo 2il Associates I0l Gary ad 375 1627 15 700, tefl N on Saiem Canal Road acre Mater 4 gas Can 79 7574 9000 375 tol titatt 5 tarpett, 940 North, Provo EXTRA LARGE LOT Room for a and a duplex, or for ! homes full basement home, garage, 1 coops, tucetient location and the H world of potential for 126,500. FOR LAND SAKES. CALL 465 2418 373 5363 Richard Ellsworth Gordon Swapp FredBaifd 225-328- KOL03 REALTY 64 W. 1st C . Provo 373 6764 25 E 2nd S , Spnngville 489 5o07 BH W Utoh Ave , Poyson 465 26 fojonl Housing Opportunity Sxoltnr MemlMS of Multiple AMi Hours ploase Coll; LB it 489 4309 489-410Max Puck.ird M irk Sumsion 375 6382 Eorl Craythorn 373 8294 J. K -- lit Johnson 489 4408 Ermo Andison 373 6924 Jo.k Wood 377 1203 liMar Mm.-- r 489 4468 R"x Betilinrj 465 3929 1907 1479 1270 Red Eitatt 6060 36 for Salt BUSHNELL YOU CAN WALK To the BYU Campus, church, thop-pin- g and p'ayground it you live In thit choice location and ramble in thit tpaciout 5 bedroom, Vft bath 188 East Center 375-717- 1 . 373-202- 2 fine location. 535,900. 373-024- , 373 7247 . .373-139- REAL Glen Don 225 2837 l,-- t 375-082- Glen 375-771- Tom .... 789 2714 4 Neal. yeart ..375 9990 .... 225 2737 ....375 224 1634 Lee 7585 nn LIES block on South State Street in Orem? Has a nice home and other bldgs. ESTATE W., Provo ONLY and Compactor Archie Tobler 225 1842 Dorothy Hayhurst Scott Strong Jim Norton Peggy Andersen 373 6567 225 4176 375 2843 1U. low Interest loan 225-010- 2 . Water and electricity. tage 110,900. KJarJ J4eal $eat Estate OUGHTA rrrv -- THIS Choice Salem Hill farm should double in value in a short time, approx 36 acres, 46 shares Strawberry water, 3 bdrm modern brick home, barn, corral, feeding pens, work shop, panoramic view, can buy with moderate down pymt, no interest on mortgage, if present owner can lease back for 10 years, asking 1144,000. Monson 4 Co. Larry Taylor 225 6233 cres LEVAN. Family farm. 5 Irrigated, 34 acres dry farm, 230 acres sub irrigated meadow. Nice home and machinery. All for only 10 189,000. 125,000 down yeart at low Interest. Call George at Mountain West Realty 375 9000. Eves. 791 7574. . - By GET RID OF THE GOOSE 3UMPS.7 J 42 DEVELOPED Mobile Home Park, one year old, landscaped, space for 30 units, 29 down. Good investment, cell today. or Clegg Realty fM7 i near campus. ii - Presently renting for 1246 per month. Always rented. Quick sale, only 124,500. Call George at Mountain West Realty Eves. DUPLEXES-DUPLEXE- rs Fr-- SIX MONTHS OUT Of SVrJC Whipple and Borth WE HAFTA WAVE if F - FAM Ot4 !M iJ the f - HAVE TO WORI 40 NEWLY 373-345- 0 BE A LAW poor d,M c as-- , rUF SLAVES! THEY TWO MOBILE HOMES For the couple who want to get started building up an equity. See us today! t4,50 and 1500. . GAMBLE PROVC. ft. fron- 103 . attractive 121,500 for this nice, older Limited business duplex, loned usage. Call for details, Bill Brown eves, Realty, Kent, 374 0885 495 North University Ave., Provo THERE development. Beautiful view 3753 Boyd. ONLY Heal Wo' 225 5852 TIMP HAVE LOT One of the nicest in the whole - Con Be Assumed NEW OREM OFFICE David I. Ferre iy INCOME property in the heart of Springville. 3 business bldgs, plus 3 apartments. Always rented. 165,000. eve. Kolob Realty 489 5607, '44,500 improvements included Bearing fruit rees All Magnificent views! '365 South State Street forirta Ranchf s fit Ibcoim Property 1 1 i -) Ml y- ,1 - - ,il,vi i' in i Wl "1 r- - i, in. ill. S NEW duplexes well located in Provo. One with 2 bedroom units and one with bedrooms, only 127,000 each. Central Real Estate 3 AAONEY MAKER The next best thing to owning a money making machine. Ttvj 10 unit student rental just one block from lower campus is always full. Only 7 years old, Very well kept. Even has laundry facilities. Central Real BEAUTIFUL HOME! On a lerge lot in North Orem. baths, Tastefully decorated, 1 spacious living room, carpeted throughout. Let us show you this one today. 137,250. Estate CLAYSON REALTY After all "WERE ARE CM.V m Ld Aorippimg.v f CO. ( wr-me- ME.' S'hL C I J2 373 8300 OREM STATE BANK BLDG. 185 So orem State 225-777- Paul Ferguson jean Gardner .Tom Williams 'Don Machon Eli Ciovson 7 Brick plexes with plenty of parking, centrally located in Good renial history Springville. showing excellent return on your investment only 149,000 Each. Central Real Estate 373 8300 throughout Utah no investment necessary. Call Mr. Wilson AVAILABLE O was fy 25-456- 225 4786 373 2576 373-688- 225 2076 TOUCH SltDDiHG H ruiMn flUGUat, in r mk umm mill I c1 V '- - iSfe smites - 775 C75 l0 f. ftrt.i ?fl eve I. Atenue Ladies Ready to wear retail business has put owner s daughters through BYU, lie S tired now Excellent inRowir-come fealty. 375 Gran. Jensen, 7 J727 2l. -- T iu"l"J"M"- 41 PLACE Your order now fur lop Quality pine firewood 130 per ton delivered 377 0)31 4f HItc for lent TROUT pond with 7000 ten to fourteen inch trout For Lecse Phons TO 7714 irs N Wire Spools 56 cents II SO Oem Ctt SJD H 225 SCOPES 4 Binocu'ars repaired GammoA Optics 7 W TOO N Prov 175 1171 M WANTED old Cars 4 trucks W pick up We buy wrecked and let model cars that won't run Acm Wrecking 375 4S0 WANTED I used pony crt NEW 39 DANDY Machin Helps bed wetter Was 135 Now 18 Ping - pong taoie as is s jr u tor Solt 59 Sea CLOSEOUT on all Mohawk Meteor tires Buy below dealer cost. Call 2857Boyers Tire Center. 373 ""INDIAN JEWELRY" crafted Squash necklaces, braceletes. etc. i0 below retail Call 373 595 SHARP Used Kirby Vacuum hand QUALITY, reconditioned Other used Vacuums from 120 225117 cleaners, repossessed, EARLY AMERICAN Sofabed, chair, coffee table, clean etc. 441 S State No 73 Oem. or parking lot. Brand name parts all work guaranteed V I s 121 Parti 4 Pro. DESK, Itrge executive Swing out 0 typewriter well. 4 drawer 145 LOST OUR LEASE Carpet 4 electric water heaters See at 85 N 160 W at office between I 4 4 pm Only 3 weeks I ft to buy your boot ot such low prKsl USED SALE, Antlqu Pliyer-Plr100, Orgn with rhythm, tak ever payments, B W T V ; tables, beds, chain; stationery other items. Sat Aug 18th 1 m , 101 S. Eastwood, (700 El Orem. 127 S NEW Midwest trailer, 13 wheels. With 700 El Mere ngin. Reg. $3813. NEW MUSKIE 14' $1299 Fisherman's dream. Midwest trailer. Mer; 110. Reg. $1850 USFO BOAT SPECIALS: Overstocked on Trod ins! IT GARAGE SALE Must sell Washer, dryer, bdrm set, new furniture, labie, chairs, couch, cedar chest, dresser, larg chair 894 N State, Orem, No 136 FOR SALE Lovely 18 ft. Brown Fridge frecter, 7 dr.. Need to see to appreciate, 225 6993 on all Mohawk Meteor CLOSE-OU- tires. Buy below dealer cost. Call Boycrs Tire Center RECONDITIONED Washers, 140. 4 up. Washer 4 vacuum parts and service Drapers Appliance CLEAN rugs like new, so easy to do with Blue Lustre Jones Paint 4 170 N. 100 W. Provo. Gla- - 50 52 16' RICHLINE Aluminum . . Trailer, 65 HP Merc. Watt amp Only 1279, if 5035. 14' OASSlS Trailer, 45 HP All Motors $999 $799 Mrd. Guaranteed 30 days. PIANO Sale. New, used, rent or buy. Big savings, all reduced. Easy terms Wakefield's, you want a boat, don't miss this sal! If PIANOS: Lester R. Taylor Co. Why pay more? Sohmer 4 others. 109 N. 4th W., Provo, HALSTROM MOTOR ywwsMwwinMnnnnrw 600 East 55 Motors . 14' STARCRAFT $699 Trailer, 35 HP Johnson. REN f GUITARS, .imps, mikes, P S 's .ir.cordions, drums, and org. ins. Progressive Music 374 5035 4 tilt, 15' GLASSPAR $1399 Trailer, 65 HP Mrc. 17' LONE STAR Aluminum . .$999 Trailer, 6$ HP Merc. TRY before you buy! Rent new Baldwin piano. All rent applies Wakefield's. Boots $1899 powr 15' HYDRO SWIFT $1499 Trailer, 65 HP Merc. month, Progressive 374 SPEEDIINER Top sef, 100 HP Johnson, trailer. rvrh tu 110 $2799 boat. Ski y per month will uive vou I Peavey P A. System. 40 watts kl M S . 4 channel Progressive Music PEAVEY TORON ADO SK GARAGE EQUIPMENT. Medium-dutvise, brand new, Acetyien torch and carl. CP Impact tool. rips SPECIAL T NEW LARSEN 15' $1999 In hull, midwst trailer, 13 wheals. With 50 HP motor. Regular S3165. 1920 W, LIKE NEW avocado Hotpomf refrigerator, 1100. Music, trailer, mattress, I 114. VACUUM Sales 4 service, Andersons Furniture Co Springville. Gioispor Must Gol KASUGA Folk Guitars starting at 15 per montn best quality tor price Progressive Music 374 5035 t4"4:1!?! - larsn Olympic Boats 15 ft thru 19 ft. Outboards IO'i ONLY A fEW BOATS LEFTI CLOSE-OU- Air cond, York brand, new condition, 150, ladies skiis, and 0, HEARD OF LOW PRICES UP TO 40 Cres'linr OVERHEAD metal garag door, 8X7' with windows and hardwar. 135 374 5085 R MUST BE CLEARED) SAVINGS mos Washer 4 dryer, Ktnmor, old 1175 tor both, see at 210 E. 300 N. 7569. No. 489 Springville Musical Instruments AND MARINE Stat, Rd., Am. Fork 7566078 hair, ha .id tied brunett wig 4 fall. Almost new. 150 each. (Husband dislikes wigs) 775 8349. HUMAN FINAL USED fridge, approx 10 years old, like new. Freeier on bottom. 1175. or best offer. CLEARANCE SALE! New '73 Boats! OKEEF 4 Merritt yrs old, 1125. or best offer. or used fridge. Vft fV CHEAP! Ash blonde bookcase headboard double bed complete with dresser. Call Used Boats! TOP SOIL 4 fill dirt nosy available. Cat available for back filling, bsmt digging and any other tall chor In Utah Co. Dump truck available fur hauling, call USED APT Size gas stove. Kitchen table, call r 7 w", ". KENMORE Automatic washer, Excellent condition, 135 down, pick up pymts. Call BERNARD Low moist foods days delivery. Opening special coal stoves 158 Beef 4 chicken meals 10 cent serving. 250 E. Ith V Orem or call 225 4533. WiLL SACRIFICE For immediate sale, 10 acres. Cool and beautiful, heavily wooded mountain proptrfy, adjoiiing National Forest, 13950 262 8690, cash. RCA. TV, If FAST, PLUSH 18' 1 LUXURY you want to our low prices. OPEN Bow Jf 19 FOOT Plush Jet. $6195. 255 Deep V . SAVE on pinto, red, great northern dried beans Coal cook stoves, meat extender, Bernard Foods. KIRBY VACUUMS HP $5695 ONE ONLYi Regular $5895 19 FOOT RUNABOUT 330 HP Jet. Loaded! Regular $6495. ONE ONLY! $5295 $1295 18 FOOT OUTBOARD BUY DIRECT FROM OUR FACTORY We Can Give You A Better Boat For Less! OFFERS WELCOME Sale Lasts 4 Days Only! Now reconditioned and Tr.iiJm'j 402 W Center CARPET SALE! BUY direct from Locmcraft Carpet Our prices Mill Respresentative. can't be beat! First quality avail. with Regular $1895.00. ONE ONLY! PORT-ARIBS Nl: W '.ornplctr; with mattress Onl SI9 50 AAA Trading 2 W Cr.nt'.r 374 827 guaranteed. John Bevan .... $6995 ONE ONLY Regular $8495 Deep V, 165 HP V8 engine, inboardoutboard. ONE ONLY! Regular $5695 WHIRLPOOL Washerdryers, reduced, Sale prices, big savings; hurry! Wekefield'S, SAVti SJ00 AA 3748273 18' InboardOutboard . . $4195 FOOT OFFSHORE Cruiser Wakefield's 373 1263 iiv-- J, lnboardOutboard.$3895 30 HP with power trim and trailer. Regular $4300.00 19' OPEN BOW TOP SOIL the; best in thr.-- wf'st S in'J lo;irn 469 4803 check bAAMfLtb: Jf 21 STORAGE FOOD, Bernard'! dehydrated foods, 10 day delivery Call save, a- 160 HP V8 with power trim 4 trailer. Regular $4550.00 OLDER Restaurant equipment cheap, Tibles, boothes, misc equip COLOR s V 650 cc Yamaha 4 cycle engine, 6,000 miles, 1950. Also Westinghouse 0 upright freeier. 700 lb. capacity 1972 . PROVO Canyon. Very good lounge 4 drive-ibusiness 4 large home with 900' of Hiway frontage, 1125,000. Rowley Realty NEVf MOVING MUST SELL Brand new GOODYEAR wide oval and rim I7S value. Will sell 135, now 375 8469. Chicken nests, automatic poultry feeder, vent fans, Call 43 sl 373 6904 CRAFTSMAN Accra arm 10" radial saw, like new call 785 4007 55 XIAP Marina Boat Club Membershi tor Cheap Can 775 411 FIGURETTES Bras, Girdles, gowns, boots, 2 7 teats k Heitn WHEA I mills, broad mixer, Hnky irlnclro'.t.itic swrrpers June Wilcox 275 2234 CAR Refrig 60 recurve bow 110 lb 715 4381 DEHYDRATED FOOD 7953 0 with JO 10 SPEEO Sears bik excellent cond 145 Girls Stingray Bit. Ilk 120. new, call 725 407 !.: Itov Mk offer MOTOR bike racks, 110 V W Dun Buggy, 1250 Console stereo, 170 357 mag Ruger Pistol, 180 374 9006 or 531 N 2050 W Provo labor. Call 225 REMINGTON 700 i SPEEO Superior tl, ALNVHV NEW must sell immediately 115 er best otter 174 004 754 924 TUNEUP'S In your driveway ng.i scoe, cimg 4 case I 54 GARAGE SALE Wed. Thuri 4 Frl afternoons only Trash, Trinket! 4 August METL FOR SALE by owner new duplexes in Provo Cash or trade. Business t tt 1752'rlJ0 ,idi WAREHOUSE 7St 6388 Mint condition 30 0 GUNS Buv Sell Trad E xpert Gun Smithing Woite s 1290 S S'a'e Orem UNBELIEVABLE PRICES at 67 E 1700 Orem 124 pm weekdays, closing upholstered fur 4, misc. household items CRAFTSMAN Accra Arm 10" Radial Saw Like new 1)35 4S N. W 200 Orem NEW Electric Ston mill, not tnc y. but works great 119 94 373 439 725 5M? . LIKE NEW Wm Mooet 70 300 Magnum. 4 power, Leopold Scope Sing (use wVin Mooei II I! gauj shotgun, excel con 724 0225 FRYER Rabbits d'ened, Averg 1 ibs II 40 744 JI5 HOSPITAL Bed mower kiti hen sink 4 wash batm w,th '""ilsCail 17 sits Call center, tm USED OLD GOLD 4 silver coins wanted High (ash (WlttS Grn Am I lit! !ou. 1540 W good trs shoes, chiids eesk. furniture coats, eodina machin drapes rnSet, Aug l) llih Jtn N 20 E Pro. N lift "rMMinMMrWMw 54 Sprtim C o1 1 4 cl wtr 985 mptitr new with steel back, f4 Garg 51 Husehsid ilcmi gtvi Treasures Pe.y OLD Upright M 42 cookwar tana giasswa' bOy item, new tshionDi clothing used Clothing, 49 Kite Wanted WuSK. 44 V. 2nd Uii Hi SENSATIONAL "- ar usa treem..iu, .. So.a. i. s Pn Sharp 02S m 52 iTEiNAAy Gran Pan 58 and mahouanv 12 400 Uprtuhl Prgtessiorai new, li 400 J?5 02J Used SuUj n chas cava Dee Apt g n 70 MOVING SALE Upr.gM 1158. sowing machine 115, electric stove 131 1 niidren. io es 4 teenage clothes 100 1 'Q misc. 5 4 1 Orem thur Sat 177 Fuel a i tw IJt ftarts RMS l CH 377 334 CC s by university per m .... 3 ., POWERFUL ar Reh.gera.ors. COior TVs 4 S'ereos 1700 AAA Tiad'fttl 4C7 WOODl FAMILY income trom family occupation I lt 300 annual net trom a 125 Wd investment can easily be produced Rowley Realty. i)i 2M Ainr-- Gemon 173 441 m No ft SOS will t-- iq BirsineM with miiHfwnmt Inquire at Sharp Realty 4 FAIRFAX VACUUM DIRECT FACTORY DIS. Member of Multiple s ?e 7t Motel PROFIT!! Restaurant in talma 0ner fall tor 4PLEXES Twin "Your Sotisfodion is our Giinrnntee of Success" fMUST S Kite, OWNER must sell now! Nice duplex in SW Provo, built-ins- , hurry! 127,000. Call Bill Brown Realty 225 4383, eves. Ted Nearing Completion large corpeted view deck baths plus roughed in Double garage Quality Construction Family room, fireplac Completely carpeted Range, Disposal, Dishwasher Completely furnished beautiful bunding et.enenl opportor the nytit person CaM tunity f et otiv Real Estate in VH, 1:4 stii CALL US in regard to several lutings We have trom one to 500 acres, from horn sites to cattle ranches. Mac's Realty or ??t.nnia EXCELLENT Orem commercial property on State Street. Near new Good location for Insurance office, dental or medical clinic, etc. 160,000. Clegg Realty or Bi-Lev- WEDDING RECEPTION" Rei.ty , '"''K 174 Pru.u N Save up ts W Centw 1J4I273 WANTED Old Upright pitno, Fir condition, Around 1100, Ba'lton Saxophone, Around ISO 774 3313 MAGNIFICENT EDGEMONT SETTING 3 Bedroom FSEiftiV ; Bt-.r.- er B.f 114 , . 39 ag CLOSE-OU- MARRCREST Winner, Extra larg lof Mom or duple with stream. Park Realty J? 2435, "THE HOUSE" CHOOSE NOW! at tar Ce"ei . ". -. 04 2.4 CtNTtK retiring LEl 7VX tih-P- lttrnifiti S9 Mttskd iNt BawtrH of PrOv fioaiKKvg Cast) WELL Located .53 acre of commercial property in Springville with Body 4 Paint shop and larger older 4 bdrm home. Caii Garlieid 4 Asso. REALTOR 1 ta-"i- d (suit i?3Ja6 4JU1 72. 31 (ommtrclal Preptrty your business use thit QUIET, 5HAOY V, acres in the 300 COLONIAL Galgan ITi - Beverly . . 225-430Ruth ....225-317- 3950 Norths 650 East old. lots In maturing Development in S Several to choose trom Playground for the children Paul Rowley Realty J7S Planned-uni- t WWXWWWWWrw COULD eREAl ESTATE CONSULTANTS Neff Earl ....374 0590 OWN YOUR OWN APT. unit brick apt. Only Great Provo location. BEAUTIFUL Orem, A GOOD .375 6156 SECURE YOUR FUTURE! With this acre commercial piece in Orem. Firtt commercial property off freeway. 660 ft. frontage. Call us fur details. 16 0 NEAR CAMPUS TEMPLE AREA Large Spanish split level with 3 bedrooms, 3 batht family room, Forget maintenance problems. Llv deck and sprinkling system. in thit lovely 3 bedroom, 2'i bath patio, Has a student rental. condominium complete with added family room. Enjoy the twlmmlng FOR YOU pool, tennit court and picnic area J bedroom, 2 bath in and let someone else mow the grast. 1400 Springville. ft of finished con- Within walking distance of the venience with more tpace for Temple and Campus. expansion. 375-771- 1 373-202- . . Only 141, BEAUTIFUL ra'mbler style horn with 5 bedrooms, large family room, fireplaces, ACRES young ppl orchard. Good area Hear Springville H S . South of Prove, Utah Oft Hobbl Creek Canyon Road Joins mt. Sream, fishing, irrigation, 175 03b bedroom frame home on i acre in Wallsburg with irri. water, root cellar and shed. Kitchen remodeled, pine trees 114,500 15000 dn. owner I - 654 financing. Call I 654 2216 or 1350. Vaiiey Hi Realty Heber City. i BDRM Home, out buildings, on 22 acres, 2 wells. Irrigation water, excel frontage, will divide 224-098- . . . 373-830- REALTOR' Stwk ficai s m,-- THE HKFUli). Provo, I ' 673 35 West 300 No. Provo Woyne C. Close REALTOR LTJ iib completely finished basement, .377-289- PAYSON larye building lot on Ooosenesf Drive Good location nd yew 45 Wn Terms. Great equipment. Western Real Estate Phonel HI Central Real Estate Member of MLS landscaped! 16 ACRE Meadow pasture boarders Utah Lake below American Fork SW0 per acre Plenty of water, 1700 shade, grass Lehi 172,500. 275-269- Beautifully 00. near m ll BY Deercreek Reservoir, 375 8529 489 7808 extras. Pme 4 Ouaki 2 TTpVIERO ll r tIADkCTINfi l ii r more Vtom evns acre farm well. Irrigation, 225 8632 1 Sharp Markelmy J24 IJI eves i?i TW TWO Choice Building lots with all improvements In nice location Call 225-5J7- BURNING TREE ACRES! Here It home with 4 bedrooms, J batht, double garage, and many, many 373 No. University - Provo Member of Multiple Rtoltor Steve Thoreven Gene West Mabe! Sevy Pearl Thoresen Dear) Robison Don Jensen Charles Miller W. Patrick Wymon 224 0434 Moc Bruboker J B. Washburn Dovid Costl Steve Blankenship Poul Bartholomew Jerry loveland 8 Acres White brick and dark brown wood two level horn. Mansard roof with dark brown shake shingles A million dollar view of Utah Valley and loke Excellent carpeting and drapes through out. Built in refrig, stove, . washer-dryerTwo fireplaces, 6 bedrooms, Ig. living room, dining room, recreation room, kitchen, utility, large storage areas. Private semi Isolated country setting nestled on top of hill. $110,000. To arrange appointment fo view this horn contact Mr. Williams at 0 Utch 373 6650 Lincoln .Realty IN MAPLETON 5,000 Square Feet Real Estate brick h home completely air conditioned. Enjoy the covered patio and the many many entrat. You must tee thit today because It will not last. Priced to tell. 155,950. Evenings call Charles Miller, EXECUTIVE COUNTRY HOME BEST LOT IN PROVO! 120' u 140' on the edge cf Indian Hills with unobstructcble view of Temple, lake, city, and mountains, f 12,000. 0t4ils WALLSBURG lovely 1 bdrm new brick home on I acre, fireplace, elect heat, many extras, S2.5O0: 50 acre farm, with 2 ponds, 4 springs, old building, Adioms Fish 4 Gam property Only 1600 per acre, good terms. Heber Valley: 7 bdrm home, on extra-larglot; can have animals, 116,500 Live in Heber and own your own business. Several from which to choose. From 15,000 up. 10 recreation acres In Woodland 11. TOO only SI. 000 S unit plus Income per yr. Only 121,500. United Farm Agency 654 2231. 961 ACRE farm near Fillmore, Fenced, corrals. Irrigated, pasture, alfalfa, barley, wheat 1150,500 200 374-261- 1 Office Hours 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 6 day per week Bob Scofiold 375 8954 377-333Miks Condie 375 0854 lorry Johnson 225 6636 Dorothy Jasperson Ed Hansen 375 7481 tcv N cr mountain Shoo 40 15. 187S. Kisc It Set 43 Cate Laundromat wit tuatasyfuiy ;l LARGE LOT located on the way to th greatest Golf Course m th County All utilities available 15500 ESTATE Stole. Orem, 224 0600 Member of Multiple Real Estate - Insurance New construction 659 N. State 225 2673 225 Hons Burmeister Mtirl Unless 225 225 r.ed Hansen 225 Don Robertson area woeded 4 wildernrss area Good Price 4 Terms Call Dennis at Diversified BUSINESS PROPERTY in heart of Sprlngville Buy subiect to emstinj leas Always occupied 124,000 B(uty ?2S TAINlVnD' jn0n 50 ACRES 32 112 000 Call 7S4 General Agency ACRE fan tPM. Scotieid Located in uniaue wiidiit CORONER'S 373.5363 PifAs-in- t Cai4 'rVVA"PLEONv W ACRFS Ai)rirititirl land with water n.irirs $1 006 prr ac re Sharp ACRES tor sale, water Neit to SentaQuin cttv Duplei, I bedrooms and hath, with Gat '(replace In the livingroom rang and refrigerator to go with it, good location, easy terms REAL ESTATE ah sjareta . lucated lIJ frm Beautifully Call Bill Brown Realty 225 4313 eves Ted 375 7635. IN NORTH OREM hkve a tin 4 year old brick W uvail 4 Saiem 4 &pansti For fM t nrnpnrty Realty H0.6O0 930 So improvements Motmt land development property el vaiiey. ctean Gorgeous view r . room for kids, VVM0rS 'MOUN I irnh wen 127 000 hotob 37364. eve W uot Possible ACRE Home sit Jli REAL drapes, dithwather, air cond swim pool, t33,0O0, Kolob Realty 373 764, Eve 374 046S SWAPP Applet 4 Strawberry Check your calendar, not much time lett or land either, hurry on thit 25 acres in Salem, utilities close by DISTINCTIVE Spanish tievor 1 bdrm. While brick, enchanting kitchen, automatic Corning stove, built m desk Patoramic view ot Mt Timp from L ft picture wmoow Unusual white brick fireplace New shag carpeting throughout, with magnificent matching custom made drapes R I batn and fireplace in huge bsmt. Room tor 2 more barms 2nd rec. room. Monson 4 Co Larry Tavtor 2254233 t aaimait CHOICE view lot surrounded with new homes IS 000 koioo Realty eves 373 i?4 OPEN HOUSE SAT. AUG. 18th 474 W. 1200 N Orem SE Orem I batht, full bsmt. drmt, in m buildmg tot, wth improvements. 16 W Pf ova. V! 016 water Realty 31 ftf Salt pasture m W Soringvili. toned tnoustr,! vVha! buy tor oni il W Can Bill Sr;r, Reasty. 12SMl mioci, evev urate, in-M- l 118 10 ACRE orchard cherries Eouipment. West Mountain ItHjH 1 ACfiES 1 BY OWNER 22 Tavern. most Vniarea residential tor StU OAN YC'JR OAN BUSINESS CioseOe( i'J m. t ifroud'end Hiiis utilities an pae roaos Unsurpassed view. Ivraviiv woooed oak SJvsS oer acre terms6v owner itll 225 499 lslsscs Ooud Ntnd Phoft eicUsive Comnrte pane's m the sm oe elooment have been selling tor t900u900 By owner 375 1141 r ACRES in NA Oem ill 500 street frontage Call George 74 7574 Mountain West 375 9000 Realty 3t 4 4 ACRES m Utah Nu ottermg beautiful II act recreational tric. ?5 mile S E ot Prove far only 63900 cash. 300 ft. City George Reeitv Prov wen lintin lW 1044 OFFER CASH 2 65 $ ACRES 15000 per 25 C w S ChOiCE Bwiid.ng tots 771 E 643 fc Orem Call Benn Soenojm 76 U 9 Gart.eia 19 900 373 terms cr NEW condominium, ' Of north Orem land with 2 bedroom Grnb your paintbrush and paint your wny into a new home from Pavson 374 EDGEMOMT Bv-dotot 137 teet w il 0ep Beautiful locat on Owner vi'd Custom built ham to Wit Lot priced at Ui 4 Atrttf ti 31 J ACRES Prim Man.ia location across from Aipne Country Club per trriget.ea water I 13 600 ANNUAL INCOME Provo Duplex with low down pay ment. Call for Details. REALTOR. 5555. 225 31 Utt 4 Acrttps Choice SA Pre. area 20 av res at t70ut per acre loned R A I 4 R 1 1 Owner will finance CaM Ouane Mountain lAtest Realty 375 0u9 LOVELY I barm horn wall to wall cot . curtamt, aui porch., garage, HI tonced yd., trees 4 eg goroen. Can 37 IM2 1 W.", Sp Far large garoe 2 5 West FOR DOWN IJMS ! All improvement Un.ted Hom Atwort of water I i Acres Pasture 4 Corrais tor beet ar horses 3 6Km home Mi Wml Only J TMi Can 373 Uts 4 Acrtofes Kr AvE Vour PAINT 275 N. 200 o m tiowing Artesian 225M45, NEED ROOM? See thlt beautiful in South West Or em. Five bedrooms, 3 batht, 1300 tquart teet with fireplace!, plenty of storage. Ail thlt tor only 439O0 Call Bill Brown Realty 373 3002, 225 4311, eves Ted 374 735. 4W71I It lik led lildi 31 August For free est. CiEL? 13-1- 6 itaniiiz r Sporli Craft & Wff. Co. Phone insulation 460 East 100 North, Payson Phone 465-292- 1 1 |