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Show laud PaleuU. LOCAL ITEMS. r A Card. ,.. .' ,Th folUwing Coantj-lan- d patents nave been recvited at the U. S. Land From f Office, in Salt Lake City want that widow rain -- We Mary Lifinwione. of Henry ltv Hkr Come. - Livingston, of revolutionary war, warfor setaround which ha been hanging rant 31.924: Calhert Kine, Utah Volnn- Let ber droI and haT dne eers; James Ba uea, Utah Volunteers. aral dy8- I hereby return thanks through the columns ef the Junction to the Ogden Fire Battalion and others,-- wko so promptly extinguished the fire at my house, during my absence, on the 6th inst. They saved the house and its con. tents and proved themseWes highly effwith it. icient as a fire company. A Brvtb. Last Friday a daughter of B. McKean, James Davis. For Cinciskati. J. Mr. Isadore Morns at Salt Lake, nine Re1876. Justice, Utah Dolegats to the Ogden, June 7th, went east thia years of age, was accosted, on the street, Convention, publican by a brute who pretended that he Cak't Bb Bbat. The Utah Woolen morning. from was goiag to dine with her father, Mills, or the Xhe "white eouled" has departed Ogden Woolen Factory, and who induced her togs with him "to which yon please, is making cloth whioh ?U Lake, and yet the Tribune doea not but only jabbers get some ice cream." He led her near can't be beat in the Territory. Just .npear in mourning, to the Jordan, where he attempted an take a look at the jeans exposed for sale mournfully ana muuers "icuanou: outrage on ber, but she got away from in front of the note the price, big ., him and complained to her father, who examine the texture and give it the Is Tows. Joshua Hawkes, Esq., hag since been searching for him. palm for durability and cheapness. We was in town On Sunday evening he discovered the Mayor of Franklin, are glad to see our factory on the lead. AftHawkes is a live man and a publio- - scoundrel, who was identified on the Keep it up, Cummings. ipirited official, who is well respeoled street by the child. Mr. Morris gave He joes to him a terrible of Franklin by the people beating and had him arGood Paper. We received a call this Bait Lke this evening, and will not re rested. His name is J. S. Ryan, and morning from Mr. George II. Acker, turn home for two or three day9. he was placed yesterday under $3,000 agent of the Chicago Journal of Com bonds to answer before the grand jury. merce. He is in town for the purpose Mr. Morris confessed to the assault, and of the in of that interests are canvassing committee The The Fourth. was fined $5, which was very properly of Commerce The is Journal paper. pushing preparations for the Territorial remitted the Mayor. by well our known business men, among Centennial Celebration with a Tim, and and no of needs oars. It eulogium abroad has throughout gone (he news 1 in the commercial world, No. stands Relief The Ladies' Store. in Society the land, many influential papers s an establishment on and is conducted with ability. places calling public attention to it ef this city have We Mr. success. wish Acker Fifth Street, which ought to be patron We shall haye a big time. ized by the ladies of Ogden and Weber The Cheyenne Tragedy. The Chey County generally. Millinery goods and enne Leader of the 4th inst., gives par We learn from theDeseret a variety of PttOWNBD. from articles of the shooting of Miss Jennie tioulars Coal of Chas Adcock, Vews that while carpets and quilts to hats and artificials, news of which was briefly given ville, and his two sons, were traveling can be obtained at this store, and Mrs. Martin, in our telegrams yesterday. Miss Mar through Parley's Canyon last Saturday Job Smith, with her assistants, will make hole in a to order, or alter, olean and repair tin, with her sister's ehild and a compaa deep evening, the wagon upset ion named Minnie Montgomery, was throwing them them all into Smitn's straw hats for gents or ladies. We hope this institution will prove a taking a walk, and while crossing from Fork. Mr. Adcock and his oldest son Seventh Street to go up Eddy Street e escaped, but the other boy, five years success, and ibinic that Miss Martin fell to not old, was drowned, and his body has goods should be brought to this house for shot was fired, and with a the small round bole in ground been recovered. sale, and that the publio should go to it to buy. Sustain home manufactures the right temple. When taken up she and patronise home institutions. See was dead. Some ladies, who heard the shot, saw Edccatiosai,. Prof. Riggs, Terrilo advertisement. saw a young man running away towards rial Superintendent of Common Schools, the ! half-padepot, and giving information, about This Fire with his wife and two children, left this morning Sheriff O'Brien soon captured him. He morning for the east, baring been in- seven o'clock, fire was seen emerging colored hoodlum named Butler, and a vited to attend the meeting of the Na- from the roof of a frame house on Eighth it tional Educational Association at Balti Street, occupied by Mr. James Davis, it ia reported that he had threatened the conductor on the C. P. R. K. A son of life of Miss Martin. He was locked np more, and the International Educationa' He wil Mr. Jatuci jumped oa a horse and con in jail pending an examination. Congress at the same place. also visit the Centennial Exhibition. veyed the news to the firemen working The Times in a Cloud. The Salt Through the kindness of Supt. Clark he at Mr. Williams' lumber yard, and in Times announoes that "an investiLake obtained a half fare rate over the U. P fifteen minutes they had the of the Ogden City books is now R. R. Prof. Riggs expects to be absent on the spot, while the locomotives at the gation on." That ia like the wigh water about six weeks. depot gave the alarm to the tow a, and going fetched uiiei Williams to me tire in a item. The error it contains is "only a of time." The investigation hurry, involving the loss of his break question took place about three weeks ago. Give A Good Book. "The Fall of the fast. The conflagration was soon eitin us some news, Mr. Times. Stuarts," is the title of another volume of guished, as an abundance of water was But who on earth can understand this: close at hand. The damage was princi that excellent series of popular works "What the developments will be, we Epoch of History, published by Scrib pally confined to the roof, and ia estiraa can only conjecture. Familiar circum to fire is The at ted $200. supposed aer, Armstrong & Co., of New York stances, however, point strongly to an It embraces a period in European his have been caused by a defect .in the unenviable position now being worked tory of great interest, dating from 1078 brick work of the flue. The light fur out for toe occupation or one ot our to 1697, and gives a sketch of the prin niture was removed from the house "Burg" cotems." "Circumstances point strongly to i cipal events of that time, both in without any material damage. Our fire department has several times position being worked out for occupa England and on the continent, culmina out wnere is "our ia eooa. ting in the overthrow of James II and proved its efficiency, and the promptness nan. Whose morn this rallied the which with the Stuart dynasty, and the accession ef "Burg"? What Burg Burg"? boys The Times' in William of Orange to the slang we omit, that kind of British ing, and the smartness they displayed thrcme. handling the engine, is another proof talk is only fit for such street Arabs as fire- - Bermudas. s The work is written in a pleasant yet that Ogden can boaBt of a Tueiday't Daily of June 61 - . ef Co-op- to-da- y. first-clas- home-mad- e nome-maa- gt fire-engi- first-clas- scholarly manner, by Rev. E. Hale, M organization. Celebration Rates. The following A., and is illustrated with several well Persomai.. Mr. J. Thomas, of New rates have been obtained on the various executed maps. The price of each book in the series is only a dollar,' and York City, president of the Queen of the railroads fer the Territorial Celebration U of them can be obtained of James West Mining Company, whose mines are in this city on the Fourth of Jnly: Union Pacifio R. R.. half fare from at Lewiston, went east this morning. Dwyer, bookseller, Salt Lake City. Green River and way points to Ogden and return. On the Central Pacific the From Wednetday's Daily of June 7. fare from Corinne has been placed ' at SitT Laks Herald.- - This morning Farmers! Be sure yon read Geo. A. $1 CO for the round trip. the Salt Lake Herald entered upon its local notices about the Buckeye Lowe's On the Utah Northern the fare for the seventh volume. The Herald has at round trip is as follows: tained a reputation in the Rocky Moun call to day Personal We had From Franklin and Richmond, $2 50, tains of which any journal may be C. W. Halleck, ef Albany, N from Mr. from Smithfield, Hyde Park, Logan It is essentially a nwpaper proud. of the Oratorio of Queen Mendon. and a good one. The most important Y.. Director Hampton, Deweyville, Honey and teach ville and Calls events of the times, in both hemispheres Esther, Musical Conventions, Fort, $2; from Brigbam is at present stop who the of er voioe, from Willard, $1. and are daily chronicled in its columns, and City, $1.25, in professionally. Ogden it is generally sound on questions of loca ping regular excursion train will be run from Franklin, arriving here at 10 a.m. interest. the de Tickets will be good until the evening of C. Graham, While taking an independent stand in Lsi'a Go John his annu a community where takes the fifth. strong antagonisms servedly popular actor, On the Utah Central the rate from al benefit at the Salt Lake Theatre, next sxist, it does not descend to bitterness i rous- - Salt Lake and Woods Cross, for the a have He will nifrhL abuse, but temperately discusses publ; Spuria measures and public acts , of cffi ing bill and his friends should go and round trip, has been placed at $1.50. public -- ci&ls. see him. It has a wide , circulation and an ex tensive influence, has been conducted wh ability and fairness from the cm eaemeat, and we iiope it will eon nue to receive that snjport which kaa P'cea it n its uresent honorabla ia the field of journalism. We wish nerald many happy aad preaperoM """oiitrMrtaday. C7 , Mrs. E. M. Bingham has opened a store for the sale of ladies' and children's ready made clothing, on Riadt Made. Fourth Street, just west of thPeery Call and see Mr. Bingham, Block. ladiefl.aad patraniii be laodahle efforts. She is atuilntst woman,' and oeght to I aicceei in t iltf like- Oda. From Centrevilleand Farmiagto&$1.25; and from Kaysville $1. An excursion train will also be run oa this road, arriving here between 9 and 10 a m., and returning at night between eleven and twelve. Rates oa the Utah Southern win be ia the same praportioo aa those--, on thi Utah Ceatral, bat the figures have sot at Wta naaud. j Townstte Patents. and. free trade. At length Mncinni offered an amendment providing that Patents for the following townsites any person desiring U trade with the have been received at the Land Office Indians shall receive a lioense or certificate of the district judge or judge of the in Salt Lake City: ; court or any territory that be Goaben: Certificate 1,008 George W. supreme is of good character. Agreed to. Bean, prtbate .judge. The committee then rose and reported Feoa: Certificate 007 Aria Hiakler. the bill to the House, and it was passed. probate judge. rrovidence: Certificate 632 William Bill Allen. Hyde, probate judge. 1.176 Edward bcipio: Certificate Columbus Letter in the N. Y. Herald Partridge, probate judge We had a lone conversation. The old man sat down or walked around Mad. The dead "ring's" half dead aa fancy took him. He was the room organ, otherwise called the Tribune, is full of life and hope, and greeted his so mad because the' illegal grand jury committee made so many blunders and friend?, who kept constantly calling false statements, an i now fumes and fusses on him, with impressive warmth. About his being endorsed by the and blows and wheeies, but only suc State and nominated by the National ceeds in squeaking out for the nine hunhe had no doubt whatConvention dred and ninety-nint- h time the tune of ever. In aay miscellaneous assem- "our reporter was kicked out of the City Mage of men he would be sure to atCouncil chamber." Grind her out once tract notice if only by the aggressive again, and make a level thousand of it. and ponderous character of his nose, which is as remarkable in its way as ( Metier n Women. It is a sad commentary upon our boasted civilization that the women of our times have degenerated in health and physique UBtil they are literally a race of invalids pale, nervous, feeble and with only here and there a few noble exceptions in the persons of the robust, buxom ladies characteristic of the sex in days gone by. By a very large experi ence, covering a period of years, and em bracing the treatment of many thousands of cases of those ailments peculiar to Women, Dr. Pierce, of the World's Dis pensary, Buffalo, N. Y., hue perfected, by the combination of certain vegetable extracts, a natural specific, which he does not extol as a cure-albut one which adfulfills a mirably singleness of purpose, being a most positive and relible remedy for those weaknesses and complaints that afflict the women of the present day. This natural epecifio compound ia called Dr. Pierce a Favorite Prescription. The following are among those diBOHses in which this wonderful medicine has worked cures as if by magie and with a cer tainty Bever before attained by aBy me dicines: Weak back, nervous and general debility, falliug and other displacements of internal organs, resulting from debili ty and lack of strength in natural sap- ports, internal fever, congestion, inflammation and ulceration and very inaay other chronic disease incident to women, not proper to mention here, ia which, as well as in the case that have been enu merated, the Favorite Prescription effects cures the marvel of the world. It will not do harm ia any state oroondition of the system, and by adopting its use tie invalid lady may avoid that severest of ordeals the consulting of a family physician. Favorite Prescription is sold by dealers in medioinea generaly. baok-ach- y, l, the Duke of Wellington's. It is like the U080 of an anvil that points at you without turn or equivocation. It is a nose on which .Napoleon would have conferred pro motion, for it suggests a determination to conquer or die. If you can imagine a nose of the kind I mean, projecting like an awnforehead ing, from a straight-built- , over a determined mouth and chin. rigidly braced up by a black stock around the neck, a stiff collar rising half way up the cheeks, the head surmounted by a full growth of white? hair, the figure over six feet, well proportioned and erect 88 a drill sergeant's, and the whole man dressed and patterned after the fushion ot forty years ago, you may have som& idea of "Old Bill Allen." ; out-straig- Bnl Pleture. A Cineinnatian, who had purchased an oil painting ' at a private sale, called io an artist to consult him as how be should hang it. The artist looked at it long and curiously and then said: UI wouldn't hang it, ii I were . you." "Wouldn't bang it? Why not?" "Because the sentiment of the age is rather against capital punishment. I would commpte its senteace to solitary eonfi&enaeat Sot life Congressional. In the Senate, at 1 o'clock the legisia tive business was suspended and the consideration of the articles of impeach ment against Belknap resumed. Counsel for the accused filed a motion that the Senate vacate so much of the order recently adopted holding as naught the plea as to jurisdiction filed by turn, for the reason that said plea was not of the overruled by a vote of Senators present. The order submitted by Whyte en Thursday last direoting the defendant to plead further or answer the articles of impeachment within ten days iron- (Bat date, was amended bo as to read that the defendant have leave to plead fur ther. ete. Thurman submitted an amendment to that order as follows : And in default to answer to the merits within tea days by respondent to the articles of ivpeach ment. the trial ehall proceed a upon i clea of not guilty. The amendment was agreed to 35 yeas, 7 nays. The order as amended was then agreed to yeas 34, nays 4. Whvte further modifced his motion so as to read aa follows: Ordered that Bel knaD have leave to aaawer the articles of impeachment within tea days from this date, and that in default of answer to the merits within tea days by the respondent to the articles of impeachment, the trial shall proceed as upon a plea of not guilty. Agreed to yeas 83, nays 4. Manager Lord submitted an order that on the 11th of July the Senate, Bitting as a court of impeachment, will proceed to hear evidence. The date ot July 6th w fixed upon. An order directing the managers to furnish the defendant or bin counsel, within four days, a list of the witnesses tbey intend to call in this case, was agreed to. The Cth o! July was fixed as th date when the trial of Etiknap shall com- Sewing Macliin e. two-thir- - ', mence. mm? VICTOR! ITS WITH with IAT1 IttPftOVKXEHTS tofftB tt priactpto th Mri0r ehiDM. i aow mimI to if not other Diachw ia th nitrktt. BMohiiM having ' It i nrdl.. Ualy a to anf Mlf-MMi- It ha th lateat fcapiov ShuttU which ha no nmatt holat or ipriagi to threat thrahgl or vadefj - . , .. the UtMt patnit fed All wearing point M raid of eet, cent. queatlf iU darahilitv I Hviag the fewest pert ef ny Fhattie Machine ia the market it ii ecmee,MntJy tt ranoiDft. Each machine eold makeaaaVe far otheri, a Trie i.e Oi.m. tfcciMelvea recommend they ia operation. Oood hfoljr agenta wasted la every- town It Northwa Wtah;te- - whom a goed cfciaii-- wiil It hat to-a- bepaiA i Writ t A. Wt BROWN ' fe Cc. Seatral agenti an dealer in BOOK & SHEET In the House, a proposition to ehaage the rules eo ae to allw the committee on banking ami currency ? report at any time was agreed to yeas 115, nays 97. The Hoiue then went into committee of the wfcoU eo the Indian appropriation bill. The ck airman overruled ' the point made bj XoCrary against the eecrtho U transfer Iht Indian bwreao- to the war ' TlerMce, Waeefer A Wilton; Rortv fnvtU mi dfTwtmest. 7h discussion then arose JteiBttiagtpa aeedlac aa4 repair akwayt a fcaa. ' exports,, (rotectiot iaflrtni aufiaiaaa of alt Ua sieaaed aad napafe 3a fina&eea, MUSIC I Musical Merchandise, ilND STATIONERY. - uprtt |