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Show ders of these howlers, have resorted ters m the first place? And has he PACI IC II A ILUOA DS. THE to rumor, assumption and misrepreTl produced and read all of tbero? It seems that, despairing of sue fubhehad cvary WEDNESDAY tad SATURDAY "In Los Angeles sentation to make out a case, an J will Tbe letters, o far as read, do not couai. w, A br the OeixH Pbhusbiho in their joint efforts to in eeeding either hare to rttraet and acnow York, perhaps afford evidence of criminali duce Charles IV. Penrose, Editor. , ', 0rf er the United States to purchase make twenty , .earsconsiderable knowledge their errer.or stand' con- ty, but anfortunately fur Mr. Blaine, of them the worthless unsold lands Walter Thomson, Business Man'jrr, victed before the publie of a bse at- there are too many things connected at two dollars and a half per acre, an f ,nt'i fit V"' teb tempt at slandering raen.whose whole with his Congressional life requir fuel L,e0:,ltt- ilisadmirrM which been have to the Pacific given lives are etanding evidence of their We think that OttDEX. UTAH. ing explanation. Suable , railroad companies, these companies also integrity aad their steady devotion to Mr. Blaine wonld have acted more quiek SATURDAY. JUNE 10, 1876. are now nuking another proposition grin and firm.; bodv,'Cro.1",A the public service. wisely by not appearing so eager to Angele, which was fubuiitted yesterday to tbe impress. these "matters before House the bring We are not TO CORREMPO'XDfWro. House judiciary eouiraitttee, as a sub prepared f and the is world. there no If THE I SITUATION VS charge stitute for the Lawrence Tt will ikt trouble aud eraLarrMwnieut If cor knowledge to exoress n bill recently of a criminal or disgraceful charac EUIIOPE. r pnniftntn, either p rKaU, ea bawinen. er thou to the truth of the above , reported by the majority ei the com tiu.i, will ofi riling for pultlicatloa la the ter will he of be proof, susceptible A feeling of ''alarm is spreadine to nentras and be governed by tbe MJewing rnlet: the mittee. rapid duly vindicated, and that in time for lit Writ, if for puWIeelloa.nii one Me only over WeSBU1 and of but This propositwH provides that each 'Europe, twe, have no reason tl anticipations of a theet of paper, Uive ml name of writer, the Convention. not beritNNtrily fur trbiicatiiea but for protecdoubt war are almost We it. universal. of becoming brief but explicit. tion. If the letters read by Blaine may the companies shall pay into the iJ If on biiM4if th0gdn PobMnliiiig Cm The situation in Turkey has not been direct to Waller Xboweua, Uuninw be regarded as evidence, we do not treasury of the United States annual fortbepurpc,eofsoggt,tilJto I'Aojr tbe improved by Manager. for the term of tenyeargj farmers and oihers, the change effected see that M If fur puMleatioa direct Etor Oomx Jusw- have damaged his pros- ly $000,000 they 110. through the recent sudden revolu and 750,060 annually thereafter pects for the nomination, and really mua tion, and it is generally believed that ,uu' e'J ao better iDTe8t can scarcely conceive why so much until these amounts with compound -ent can be made England has conoladed an allkncc shall than in Ai riIOKI7.i:i AGENTS. creates sinking fund of stress has been put upon them, or interest, ,roffi trees with the Sublime Porle, guaranteeof sucb value for sufficient amount to liquidate the authorized to The fotlomnj art health, the shade prtns circumstances, unless the exciteand luet. bonds busw ing the iategrity of Turkey, aud its issued t'Alect inbicriptioni and transact a to the e respe-tivment was created as has beeo sug subsidy n t cnnmcUd with the. "Junction" Ojice in protection against Russian hostility. and advanced to said com- roads, Mr. Blaine and his friends The insurgents of Boumania, Bul gested, by tktxr reipective tetllemtntt, for the purpose of giving him an pany, together with simple interest RIGHT PLACE. Lojan, Iovdnet and MSlvillt, il. D. garia, Montenegro and other proto the dates of maturity. This up opportunity to make a successful H umnond. vinces ia revolt, are is in lieu of 5 uniting their per cent payments on said to favor e, C.T Sithfidd, JfyJe IW and Richmcni, W. force8 mfox KQS8iaa con,maD0 be account of net receipts, and of other m the candidate for (heWd or our part, we should oiucu wjm iiusiian money. vr monetary requirement. wit i Wooden mar, as a standard 4k r .,...,. ' It is further proposed that the IOUTFUL TASTE. lands of the companies shall be ex- denual caropgn.-Om- aha Ml te.ttltmtnt on the rett tile of Bear footing and negotiating for a war Be,.P W' I I II mi We regret to notice that some of h'tver. m Cache Yalle. J. II- Barlttr Muan lu uernianv. llie- efnrma No, empt from taxation under State or jet a gaa bas. nnL I WlJrd, Jtfalad City, With Sjrijt and commenced under the late Sultan the citiieus of our neighboring city, territorial favor inflation. and that the jou Wood.' true authority, have been discontinued, and EnrnM Salt Lake, who belong to different present law ma&iu? all l.mrla nAt ;fl. position is with .rtmm,so: n. vwumj. Crook's TnrH" . ........ O. I,. Rohinton. .. i I'iminffton, .c secret j have sonae made ... . . societies, icrmuui, uaiiy eipecting arrange- posed of within three years, subject pedition, where he euld follow hh - rr I u ...:m u uieuu m n,.ikn..i Id Oregon recreation a on w the ol to oave, Uourtli shall he -rnel,r1 ""u"" . A. Ska PnadiH ueaojy -r as . i ' between the British lion and July next, what they call a "frater-E. A'. Juttin graPP,(J limr Lakt Valley There are some features in this hunter." . t.1-I t k a Vrt- -i U T a. r !ll ' Ioaivtue..,... nA.jamp aaimon VUJ 'uhuciu jcar, wuicu win only nal ceiebratjon"! Fuller's Hill, ia trproposition to which we -- -j , . n. ii. Amhrson 0Q tbe preluile to a general conflict ,1.! .i4. J oataj t hope Congress will nnr. 1nr,f tuanaoj. An Iiidiau Idol. . . O a wmumvpv VUaS I ir fci taK'. We regret to see this, ia tie first It would be wrone- tn nmitarim whietk all the governiaental beasts .vorjm th A corresnondent nf Addrtn all hutineu ewfimuniattioni, w of rev of the eoatinent will be en. place because, as no steps having fwnmeDt land t v iuveri wHh ra V iews I (ieneral .rrr been taken for a general celebiation for an u u unlimited time, ont of reach expedition to, Montana, writes . MtM manager. tVof a of the day heretofore, there, the eiti- - of actual settlers. mer.W tn j;nlrtm4rv Maw ...... " white girl who has been for jiiuviujiiuavi Hen 32, Ojden, Utah. j years the day, but the struggle must come. zens ef Ogden have made ample ar- - these companies an opportunity to with one of the Indian tribes. She was ensvtured when ftnl f.A .v... and the telegraph, at any time, may iiugciueiu xora xemtonal cele bra- - sell the r lands withnnfc mnnta IS A HAJ FIX. years ol, from Mormon emigrants it startle the western world with tidings tion, aad had hoped to have the The United States' lands, as well is I believed, and is now about twelve i? The committee of the grand )ory of the inauguration of a great and icuBuro i seeing inose jrentlemen as the comnnnW UnA, years 0f age. traicn reported on tbe feait .Lake mu-- 1 niooay war, lovoiving all the? Euro here on that occasion, and m have sold as fast : asrequircd for settlement, while a prisoner. r liar Aav. ... i a made she bare terrible pean powers is hand one nuite or tbus becomiB taxable w well as mcipai records, -oj w.wu..uj 44o a Crv I .v, he Die3S oi Jt. more oi tnose societies would have pleasant disposition, and is esteemed bceking to play mto the productive. The proposition to as the treasure- bv W J,,airW hands of a few libellous persona, who pleased to join us here, who errM the He nercr knew then companioM. UX AIDE'S DEATH have for some- tine been casting mud w louaiwu oy mis new and railroad coihd frnm tar,nn i,- - to insult or maltreat apr nnH oh ii j STHUtiCJLE. at the city officials and every promi not extraordinary movement. the- States or Territory compiled to perform the com inon nent uiau in the Territory, they have The writer of this article is a mem- - thev lie. is one whinh labor of the souaw np Some sensation was created b the uao vvij.wo in being so spent i.i2orpotated many palpable errors Ilonso .of llepresentatives yesterday, ber oi one of the orders named in the no- - right to doing fancy needleembody in any kw and work aiwi f embroidery. m xneir report, an cave mvolvcd by Mr. Blaine, who arose and made ..uSiaujme, Duscomessestis inabili- - which the coiacanies onrh nnt rr, "I". .. f . themselves ia so many false assmp. a personal explanation of certain y w perceive way the fourth of expect. With these exception? we . i.: .. . nrnor nova noa.t, mat tney have exposed them- - matters connected wit1! the withheld ii u i. I i u.iLiiiriK rna iiicnnAcihnn " ESTRAY NOTICE. . . l . Irw.J fti - 1. . nf L. l to paone ' u,lUi 10 ue aaoptea rcprotition and to letters. From some of his remarks seiesiea as day to be set apart to , it w juld seem that he is workin" be celebrated by secret societies asl TUB FOLLOW- lgal action for libel and slat der. IIIZIIA of ASTI-CIUMEStbe suck. Could not these fraternal breth E Investigation public records hard to make the world, and more es SECRET also discloses the fact, that these per- - 'penally the lleniiblican ren unite with other people in cele- SOCIETY. cartv hp. .. . I co,t' 0De tM l koih who have been trying to make a lieve that all - the Fro investigation's Drwmg . the anniversary of our na- On black ft Sn -j:..- -4. t fuvicvu uietuutcfli. case against tho city authorities, ar . being made m to" his transactions. ft Ann lnri ananHAn a ) T. aV4 iuai uay published elsewhere, it seems that a -, S11.?.--r oin, with roa..,. wita one exception, are ,' instigated by members "of the lueni inao 10 otb3 secret society, called the-- California ,h.a ,tr waoAHl A on left I . rvi i aey are tneretore not only dwquali- - Democratic party who want to de and is not that taste bad which as I. w. jr. mfk Secret Organization, has nca io enquire omeiaiiy mto the city feat him at Cincinna-tito Not baing says separate one class of oor citi-- f been formed m California. For what Ogden Ciry,JUBe JJt ma. DUtricrjondWper. dSHHS-also to sit on a jury willing to await the action of acciunU, but the ns from the masses at such a time? purpose the order, has been created JC mu We repeat our Committee and tQ what sort of a re- regrets that "the we oaa readily guess, but how it Trace the source all of the . hue port they might make, be seems dis- - brethren" have adopted this ques proposes to accomplish that purpose, au-- i cry wuica nas ocen raisea about posed to precipitate a quarrel witb tionable poiicy, and suggest a hope is one ol its secrets. It woiald seem iiitr yeBouuro or puoue money in th Democrats, charging them with that it u not too late to reconsider from the proceedings of a late meet will find it arising rub, H iafeitlgatlDg with a view to ruin it, a&d after uniting with us on the ing of the e Centra wuv Hum jdiwio nave no Btaite in I aim. Fourth, hold a fraternal celebration Unioa, that they discourage and de- the eountry, who pay no taxes, wbo at some future time, He eeema to have refused to ghe precate all acts of violence toward assist ia no way to build up and benup the Mulligan letters, not, perhaps the Chinese, and invoke wotection efit the community, but com' ing A much because they contained mat newly lo 05 lor then at the hands of the police. into' the Territory as impecunious ter calculated to nEXXETT TO I3E OUSTED e 1 his secret society says that the criminate, bim, as adventurers, thoy seek to make a little that the refusal would create an ex- We are g'ad to note that the members "neither intend to respect money by stirring up great deal of citemont, and afford him art opportu House committee o elections have me Chinese or their emnlovers." A strife; and being corrupt at heart nity to come forward as he has The done. reported against the what question is, course will the sitting Delegate and dishonost in principle, imagine nd read them voluntarily, thus from Idaho. We in the premises? pursue o society their resolu hope that others must also be lacking in making capital tor kimself. Whether tion to unseat Bennett will OD Harpera Weekly has an illustra. prevail purity and honesty. They know that if this is so or not, it at tion looks as If ever a seat in which aptly embodiw the diffcertainly p Congress was obthey had the opportunity.they would if il such might be titer case. lie tained by fraudulent practices and iculties of the Chinese problem. It rf feather their own foul nests at the makes a point of the fact that he had illegal voting, it is that now inse- represents one of those toys called a expense of the public, and cannot e )' rieht' to " the DOfflesaiftn nf t.boaa C The figure curely held by Bennett. & S. Fenn that others would serve tho com- letters, hence he refured to deliver was elected by largo majority of the Chinaman, tbe box js labelled, uFor munity from 'any principle but tbemup.'and'nowboldfv comes for legal votes ot the people of Idaho aitforma Direct," and is entitled, r Knowing that they would ward and Voluntarily reads them to "A Chinese Puzzle To and it is only proper that the eun. keep tho steal if they had the chance, thoy the House. a devices of his unprincipled en figure down, and let it have its free-doning rill publie officers thieves, aad offer He says that it is at the Bame time," huaailiatiag to emies should be exposed, and that for proof their own corrupt imagia-ing-- v be forced to produce crrrit liitter.r their intrigues should The statesman who can "work" signally fiil. but it is better to do so than submit Prepare to congratulate Hon. S. S that This illegal conemitt e, not finding i to'in.iimtiotis, whi,h is ?erj true tent as Delegate ia Congress from plish more than any other man who f.oU to U& op the grouailess ilia- - wt has tried liia nv:.... .4 wbj dij U not prodaoe U tdU uau ioeitorj. question. BLUEjquj, d , anti-nwlari- il .T. 2 iwa ' "T' 2 u,,.. - ll.tt.nL,.;. 11 1 ' niS Viee-PrL!?.!- !' C" - W. I 1 1 -- pre-emptio- M. I I a Ww M - kn , AA-- .a . i fml s I . 1 V - mt-iuoer- a ex-bee- n nc-bes- t - - - 5 fw. I -- 4- 1 -4. ) 'A A .i 4- i . oSttdT" .. I I w .... I - " s, bM ' 7 Anti-Cooli- e . j - nndu Anti-Chines- 0 -- QQ be-liv- "Jack-in-the-box- ." 5 sel-fijhne- a m v ii. |