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Show ITtmo. LOCAL, , Deputy., U. S. Marshal Stokes, and a Kirby, Tom posse consisting From "the'' News 'of last evening we Winn, Bill Roberts, Ed. Clark, Jim Pufflearn that yesterday morning a young er and one other of the same stamp, man, named J, E. Johnson, employed at surrounded the housd of John MacFar-lanthe establishment of Latimer, Taylor & this morning before daylight, with Co., while engaged in sawing a piece of the expectation of arresting Haight, lumber, acc;'deutly brought the thumb of Higbee and others, but they failed to his left hand in contact with the circular find' any of the parties they wanted; saw, and, quick as thought, a piece it they liad visited the house of W. II. was snipped off. The cut was so sudden Branch, searching for the same parties, that he was scarcely aware of his loss acting in an intrusive and insulting Until a nicked the de manner, These night visits, have tached piece of thumb from the floor aroused the people of our quiet city to Yesterday morning T. W. Smith, of realize the indignity offered, as we have llta, was arrested and bound over to reason to believe these characters had await the action of the Grand Jury, on other objects in .view than the arrests the charge of robbing the Alta mail pretended. They returned to Washing' The mail sack was lost from the coach ton, apparently crest-falleand finally discovered near his house Mac. ' and the ripped open,' and letters opened From Wednesday? Daily of Sept. 15. rifled. Two men had picked it up and left it at Smith's house. The case is aa Wanted. A good girl can find a perugly ene;. manent situation in the family of O. A kd named Kersey, employed at th Moritz, Fifth street, Ogden. railroad boiler shop, yesterday morning indulged in the feolisk and dangerous Baelet. Bucbmiller & Wells want a practice cf jumping on and off a switch of two rowed barley, for engine at the depot, while it was in mo large quantity which will they pay the highest market tion. He stumbled and fell, the wheel o See advertisement in the engine striking him upon the foot, price. severely crushing it. He was conveyed .' Jo his home, where he was attended by Emigrants. Elder Joseph F. Smith, Dr. Richards.' Although the foot is with, a company of emigrants, was to badly injured, it is probable that it wil start from Liverpool this morning. We not have to be amputated. hope they will have a safe and speedy From this morning's Herald we learn journey. that Alta is now connected with' Salt Lake City by railroad, and that the peo Costkact. Wbe wants to contract for pie of that upper region are jubilant the carpenter work, plastering, paintover the completion of the line. The ing, etc., of Mr. Joseph West's new fare from Sandy to Alta is $2. ' Passen See advertiement and send in gers and ore have already been shipped, your bids. ' ' To guard against enow, the line is to be shedded eight miles. Whose Colt. About two weeks ago On Sunday night, a gentleman resid a dark bay mare colt followed Walter ing in the 9th Ward, whose house bad Hadley from Ogden to West Weber. It been visited by a midnight burglar, re is from two to six months old, and has solved to wait for t him. Putting the two white spots on the right hind foot. lights out early, he laid low with a re Wbe is the owner? The animal can be volver, till the thief came in through obtained on application to the above the kitchen window, and was gathering named. ' ' ' " w ' i sundry articles, when the proprietor of , ,t the house blazed away. When the smoke Ikformatiojt Wastid. Any .infori , s Salt Lake Items. , . y A j f-J- Canada Snake Story! f Father and ; aok fJi Shot! 1 The Hamilton Spectator says :,"Ifc Yesterday, about 10 o'clock, a.' m!t nine ailes; southwest from! about; very seldom tne newspapjrs or the l ... ; uvuiiuivu arc uuiifu upon to curoni Lowell, Kearney, county, a: Joha cle a genuine 'snake "story, llattle Bryant, of shotaod instantsnakes and copperheads are' so few desperate character, Nathan Porter 11. Vroiuan, father;-anDavid Judge killed ,1 Francisco, and far between that they are very ly were among the Harmon, Thorjw Vroman, son.' The diffJudge seldom met with, and their depreda this morning. They p train tions are never heard of, However, iculty which produced this deplorrivals k.r . eastward. f a 'genuine snake story comes from able tragedy, grew out of a dispute proceeded Ancaster this week, the victim being between them regarding the division a young girl named Lucy Smith; re and ownership' of some crops which We are in receipt of a pota had been planted rupori Williams siding in the village of Ancaster, and West Weber. raised by Mr. land.' beveral law suits have beer the reptile one ot those hideous, yeltoe between ,- niVison. wnicn is a fine sped had, them, in which Willlow spotted monsters known as milk ' been has iams It is nine " J worsted, and he had snakes." l'" -- ,, of the murphy species. become and finally took the furious in cireum inches eleven is The girl Lucy had gone out in the lcDe, life a and son, leaving a of father Who and welghsthree pounds. morning with her pail for the pur- wife ference, small and three children helpit. pose of picking huckleberries. Iler jn beat less. A strong feeling exists alt feet and ankles were bare, but Lucy, the community against through like most young country girls', was The troops sent to Deep The coroner's jury rehardy and strong, and picked her, way without turned a verdict of wilful murder, r go (vcek returned yesterday, among the brambles with as much lie and is in no was than Toano. There prison. He is an Englishing further grace and courage as au Indian. All nuthrcak. and the whole affair .j:-- n she remembered of her misfortune is, man and married. Omaha' Herald i ft.l fitvU noorlv ftfl bad as that as she was walking through some 10th iast. burdocks she tread upon something tit Corinne farce. soft, slimy and crawling, and upon i Sawdnst Rramly. a stinging sensation in W feeling We are to Gosjs. grieved Another ankle, like the touch thistle, ' A German chemist has succeeded ' Wallace and his hear that Mr. Thomas looked down, and, to her inexpressi- in making a first-rat- ' brandy out of ble horror, beheld a huge milk snake sawdust. sorrowing wife are again called to mourn We are a friend to the of a family jewel. The other of tu of extraordinary proportions twine temperance movement, and we want itself about her leg and strike at it it, thjir twin children has passed away to succeed, but what, chance will it for their trial with distented hood and jaws. She have when a man can take a Jly tbey be strengthened rip saw remembered nothing more than that and and out drunk with a get she screamed, until 6he found hers;lf fancogorail? is What the use of a The Alleghanians who Conine Again. ' ' in her own bed at home. law is able a man if to prohibitory performed here several months ago, are Fortunately, at the time of her ad- make brandy smash out of tho on their way back from Uregon, and venture, several men were working shingles ou his roof, or if. he can ret in a field near by, and haviog seen will call and give us another entertain delirium tremens by drinking the the received flatter have Bent. girl go into the berry patch, and legs of his kitchen tabic? You may very They hearing shortly afterwards a scream, shut an inebriate but of a gin shop,, ' inj notices from the chief journals ' which told of fear, repugnance and tiiPacifio Coast. ana Keep mm away irom taverns,but agony as plainly as Words could have when he can become, uproarious from ' done, they hastened into the patch, Dr. E. G Brokes Limd. and after a search of half an hour, dow sills, any effort at reform must Williams was called to attend a ease at gave it up as a bad job, arguing that necessarily be a failure.' ' ' It will be seven Marriotts. Wm. Price, aged probably the girl had been stung by wise therefore, if socieWilliam Price, was thrown years, son of a wasp or some ' other venomous in- ties will butcher thetemperance German chemist. from a colt he was riding, breaking his sect, and had left the berry patch by before he further. Ex. ' goes any. ' left arm just above the wrist The Dr, some other way. .' ; " was under the necessity of administer After the men had gone back to while he chloroform their '' the get log bone, work, three little girls entered the patch for the purpose of picking and the boy is progressing favorably. berries.' They,' too, commenced to cleared off the thief lay dead on the mation concerning Fanny ' Knights, scream, one after another, and ran Msdical. Dr. Tom Williams starts floor. No arrest has been made. Public daughter of Nathan K. Knights, who into the field where the men were GENERAL AOENTN 1 His name was wounded at Haun's Mill, will be working, when one of the girls fell for the north to attend to the verdict served him right. r'' ' ' h was A. S. Quirrel. calls of the infirm and prescribe for in thankfully received by Lucy Clements, down in a fit. The others told the Montana anil! Tilids. He will lake medicines with him, (now Hale) at Hooper City, Weber men, as well as they could for their Utah,. Idaho; Nevada for fear and and a long and varied experience in the excitement, that Lucy Smith County, Utah. A Accident. was lying in the berry patch,' and Frightful ailments to which humanity Is subject. that a big worm had killed her and PETER SCHIITTLER'S The Doctor has been successful in Last evening a fine Day team came Correction. Mr. Thomas Wallace's was ' : ' eating her up. several important' eures ia this dashing doitn Mam Street from', the which was to child have died reported :t They immediately hastened to the city. north with the front running gears of a yesterday, is still alive, and y ex i i ; patch, where they beheld a sight that new Bain wagon and half the reach pole. hibits .. ; , i: symptoms which lead to hopes of was enough to make the blood of the Fcsmi.. The funeral of Robt. HeL They ran into another team near the eld its recovery. The report originated strongest man run cold. There lay lewell, Jr., who was accidentally shot on titbing office corner and were secured from persons who saw the little one in the girl in a dead swoon; and in her Sunday, took plaee and was nu No driver being ia sight it was a matter convulsions, and supposed it had suc lap lay a large milk snake, which was ,!Ujt IIis parents are of wonder for some time to whom the cumbed to the fell meronsly attended. We shall its The of conduct destroyer. jealous very prey. greatly afflicted, and Mrs., Hellewell panting, frightened animals belonged. be very happy to learn that the child of the reptile as the men drew near AKTk TUHAVVTHi i Mil diV II JillJ)l iy that she was aware of her son's They were at length recognized as the overcomes and lives to be a blessing to was peculiar in the extreme. With RPIPPM leaving home, and that he did not go this its hood and head distended, its red city, its parents. property of Warren Elmer, in without her notice,' although she had and subsequent investigations disclosed its long,' supple jaws wide- " I open, " . 1 . previously requested him to stay at the particulars of what might have been i ana1 y tuDgue BtriuDg maiiciousiy rignt home. Is this a Job! For a long time left, it ran around its' victim almost , fatal accident: , Warren, Elmer and his half brother, Levi, were coming to Wells, Fargo & Co. have had charge of erect on its tail, hissing savagely, and ' 'I ' C: Gashsd His, Whist ,!.'': till 1 ")''": The, Beaver town with his team, on a hay rack, and the mails from Ogden to Salt Lake, per- making that strange grinding noise uterprise of the 0th Inst.4 says! " were just coming over the Utah North forming the duty for $25 per month. A possessed by only one reptile of the 1' 1 t ' '. ' A featlemaa named Alvei, engaged in rn railroad crossing at Lynae, when person by the name of, Poland is now snake family, the milk snake. Rage, the meat business in Beaver, received a the train came up, and before the' engi put on, whose sole duty it is to take jealousy and excitement had made : ere injury on .,,; L ,'. f' ..VI Oi.-I- . .1 i' Monday last. While neer could stop the train it dashed into charge of a few sacks between this the creature as supple, as a cat, w was almost impossible to strike skinning a beef, the knife slipped and the wagon, knocking the hind portion point and bur chief city. His salary is that it ' ' ' ' : . ruck him on the a stone: besides! the men were ' ' ' with it wrist, severing one of of the running gears to pieces, dragging not likely to be less than $100 per lh and the question arises, what is afraid to throw with any force from rge veins and inflicting a deep the rack some distance and hurling the month, a fear of striking the, helpless and g?h Dr. Herbert dressed the wound, .. : , .. . . . to the ground; The team, es the reason of this increase of expense occupants but not until ' It is said that the prostrate cmia. at least a quart of blood Governmentf to the caped with the fore part of the wagon. Sometimes the snak9 charged with d been shed. when, the train was brought to a new man is a brother of the such rapidity and fury that the men standstill, it was found that Levi Elmer man who fathered the bantling known as were forced ' to retreat, when the WAGOX MATERIAL. Bsar Riybr Bridge. The Evanstcn was insensible, having! pitched on his the Poland Bill. If this proves fact it creature would return to its victim ! head. Warren was also bruised consid will be easy to discern the 'colored gen and coil itself in her lap. A neighbor, people want a Iron Steeland bridge over Bear River wood-pilthe in lleman o facilitate travel to their town from erably. They were both conveyed to seuiug mo wjsiuruance, arrivea WHO. Bear Lake a pitehfork and succeeded in trans Their heads are Ogden on the train,' and on its arrival Valley. ' PICKPOCKET. The FROFEBSI05AI, leTeL It to to able homes. were their fixing the snake, which measured BLACKS TOOLS proceed will cost $2,500 to build the V:j Laramie Sun feet two inches in three eays: and 'Yesterday that in line the the It appears evening, neighlength, uriage, but the interest on bonds for Chatterton was walking up seven incnes in circumiereace at tne that mouat will be Charley borhood obscured the accident is of by nothing compared to uaibr-tunat- e Always on hand;' the profits which would accrue from the high ' willow fence for some distance. Second street, near the creek, with a largest part of the body.' The girl was carried home, when Urease in business which woald result and that it is impossible to see an ap stranger who had, forced his company was found her leg was terribly it who. him left from the after walkproaching train from, the road until the upon him, and construction of the bridge, ine is reached. Those willows should ing a short distance. After he had gone swollen, and of a spotted, green, like : OFFICES: : i like of the that itself. snake color, ' a block, Charley discovered that be cut down, or some measures adopted about -- .il ' t y ? 1 !'.': 'i a Jen JcDas.Wudge HolHstev, Chief to prevent such accidents in future. his revolver and watch , were missing. The mother of the child,, without the Lake. City Ss Carinne nuce of Idaho, honored u with a call eth the Elmers are slightest hesitation, 'commenced to Salt getting along well, He at ence followed the light angered suck the wound, and soon, reduced ;"' aornmg. He will leave for his the hind. end. of the wagon is a total gentleman, and forced him to return the ' the swelling and drove away the TJXAII ' on " '' ' at Malad We admire wreck.''" , property. . A wajrajat was issued this color, after which a "i course drawing poultice of Judge Hollister, becauehe morning and f laced in , pepu,ty Sheriff f red was applied and ere cabbage Proits no religious Not Akbesied. The rumor has been Dugan's hands, who arrested , the man prejudices or ques-t- o morning all signs of swelling had enter into, his judioial proceed in circulation that Height and Higbee, and lodged hin in jail. He gives his . :? JL1MMONDdisappeared.'-;-lH He rules MountJones. Th as the Charles for in name skillful indicted he law as ta ; participation according The girl has naw entirely recovered jademanda it, and exhibits that impar. ain Meadow massacre, had been arrest- manner in which he abstracted the arti and haa sustained no serious injuries l. ia. ,b )(': Agejrt Ar iktbo and fearlessness of censure which ed. The fallowing telegram to the cles frem, CbatUrtoa's, pocket at once- save a shock .ofitaa nervous, system ld characterise every occupant of Deserei News from, St. George dated sets him dow.iv as, a. jBofeasUjoal piefc !fiom, which Jiet youn firiraa will we. beach , ; 2th. last explodes tit itorjj 13 e, elect r,EBsoAV-Mayor-- A . , : ; fellow-workma- 1- n , !'' - . n. ' , the-murder- , . -- . . . oa semi-weekl- y.' e " y , res-idenc- e? . . To-da- y ' 6E0;AJL0WE 1 . j , to-d- ay SI 1 I . . -mw ng -- ; te-da- , , , .... , - -- to-da- y, BUCKEYE , . -- A ,i ) , I- A 1 . ,U-t;- ' t ' -- s : ;.:' Wagon iJwbods, .. . , ' e. MIW . i'--'- . 'C-- ' '- w, '''"' , 1 ? ; ! J. M . . - . . - |