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Show How Jackson " lather. Srcen ' It-f'iv- daipt Ogden Junction. ed Poor tivumt- - Jacksou Green is on fourteen years Sixth street. and lie liven The other day, while reading a dime .novel, his grandfather came in fiti'l asked liiui to read the President's to Message. It irritaUd Jack'-owhere thi break off his story just trapper was tfoini; t0 DC scalped, m hs made up his niiu'd to be revenged on hi grandfather. He took up the pa- : per, and started off as follows "The business of the 1'atcat Office shows a steady iucrease. Since 1 83G over 155,000 patents have been is-- 1 sued. Officer Deck: of the station' house, wants it distinctly understood that he is not the Deck confined' there a few days since as a lunatic.' - 'old, , "What!" exclaimed the ' that in "Riht Annum, Six Months, ' $2 Three Months. R. R. R. wiis tlif The Only raiii mst licmedj excrm iatint; pain ntom tha InHuiiimutioiis and chi-C(inj;ietiona. wliptlierof the Lnnirs, Stomach, Bowrls. or other in fmm chip R4anrior orpin, ly inn to twenty minute, no uintter how riolcnt or i. the pain, the Klienniatic, Iiiflrm, OripplcJ, Wervomi, Aeuraigic, or prosiraiea with dicea.-- may nunVr' nupli-Htion- Of vmvjmfr 1 ! "Jackson Green, does that message Cards? - Bills, - Posters, ; ( - ' Programmes, Bill lleails, ; Drugs, Clscniicals, Patent , etliciiics RADWAY'S READY RELIEF ill aflurd inMunt eae. Inflammation of the Kidneys. Inflammation ol the Madder. Inflammation of the lioweli. Con gestion of the Lungs. Sre Throat, Difficult lireatliing. Palpitation of the Heart. IlyKteris, Croup, Dipthoria. Catarrh, Influenza. Ueadarhe, CoW Twthache. Neuralgia. Kheumtiu. Chills. Aeue Chills. The applitation ( the READY REI.IKF to the where the pain or difficulty exiMt part or part will aflord eaue and eomfort. Twetitv drops in half a tumWer of water will in a few momenta cure Cramps, Spasm, Sonr Stom ach. UraiHnirn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysen tery, Colic, Wind in the uovreu, ana an internal Fains. Traveler should al wavt carry bottle of RAD- VYAY'S READY RELIEF with them. A few droi on water will prevent nickness or pains from lhaiiL'a of water. It is better tlian t reucu i;rauilj a etimuhmt. cr ltitter FKVER AX I At;t'E cured for fifty cents, There is not a remedial agent in thii world that will cur Fever anal Aguo, and all other Malarious, llilious, Scarlet. Typhidd. Yellow and other Fever (aided by Kadway'a Pills) so quick us RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Fifty Cent tier bottle, bold by Druggists. Order Books, Ball Invitations, ' Theatre Checks, Xotc Forms, Respokc Bool and Shoe Hepartnent; Leather, Findings, Beltings, &c; PItODLCE, MACHINERY S.irsjiparilliaii Resolvent Uas made the met astonishing; cures, so quick, to rnpid are the changes the whit unncrcfie, tuirtir tVie iDlluenee of tlii truly wonderful Medicine.thut ITS ALL jT Will find the Largest Assortment ;of MrrclmnJise in the several DepnrtmeaU Z. C M. 1., as above, that can be seen the West, nntl all at fair prices. 8l-t- ltI.Ol H.KK.VT lI'KIFIEIt. the SAKSAPAkILLIAN ROL- VENT comniDnicatee tliron-the Uloixl, Sweat, Urine and. other fluids and juices of tue system the Vienr of life, for It Toniiirs the wastty of the ixtfiy wviih new ana sonna material, at rotula. by- uhilis, Consumption, ulandular riisoasn. Ulcers in Uie Throat, Mouth, Tumors,, Nodes in the Glauils and uther parts nl the system. Sore Eyes, Strum our inscliarges rrom the Ears, and the worst forme of kin Diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, ScaM rail, King norm, Salt Khemn, Krysipelas, Acne, BiarK spow, wormti in tne noxu, rumors, cera iu Uie Womh, and all weakening and paniful diw harifi-s- . Night Swentsl Loss of Sperm, and al) wastes ot Uie Uie pnncjpla, are within the cntativt ranee of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, aud a few days' nse will prove to any person nsine It for either ot tkuse loriou el disease Its otem power f cure them. If the patient, daily Iteeominjr reinued li the wast us aud decomposition that is continually pro gressing, sneoeeus 111 arrminx ttiese wastes, and reairs tha lame with new titaleiial mado from healthy blootl and this the' SARSAPAIULLIAN F:very drop of of W. H. HOOPER, Superintendent. f EVERY DAY AN ISCKEASK IN FLKSU AND ' WEH1HT IS SEEN AND FELT. THE BRANCHES, &C..&C. lake citit s-AX- i Dr. RADAUY'S IN SLEDS; Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors Strongand Pure Rich Blood Increase of FlesL and Height Clear bkin aud Beautiful Cum . plcxiou secured to all. ... ORAIJf, BUTTER, EGGS, Ac.; BOB Health!'. Jicauty! h 1 1 in SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S ,; IMPROVUD G . ' will and does soenre." Hot only d(Ki the SarsamriUian Resolvent ex eel all known remedial agents in the enre of Chro me, Scrofuloua. Coastilutiviiinl aud Skin disease but it is the only positive cure for KIDNEY and BLADDER COMPLAIN IS,' Urinary add Womb diseases, U ravel, Diabetra, DroiisV,. Stonnatw ot Yater, Incontinence of Urine, llrifht's Disease, Aioinniiiuria, anci in an cases wnere there are brickilust deposJts, or fli water is thick, cloudy mixed wiiu suosiauces iiKe tne white of nu ettjr, or threads like white ilk, or there Is a morbid t dark, bilious irppearuuce, and whit de posits, and when there is a pnckliic, burning when pasNiii)r waler, and jHtin In. the small I the hack ami alone the loins. Price, JUS) WORM. The only kiiowu and sure Remedj for Worms Pin, Tuiie, etc. A B.I NE T :: 1 TTn O R G'A'N.S tT" 'Ft ITTiir Deeds, Heeeipls, ovaries aud bowels. All the: doctors said tier a no help for it. I tried everything that was recommended; but nwthinc keliied me. I saw vour Resolvent aud thought I would try it; kat had im tm tli in it, l had suncred for twelve Tears. I took six bottles of the Rexolveut, and one box ol Radwny s Pills, and two bottles of your Ready Re lief; and there is not a sijin of tumor to be seen or it' It, and 1 wet better, smarter, and happier than have tor twolve years. The worst tumor waa i the left side of the bowels, over the creiu. t wilt jnis to yon lor me heuont ot others. You can put Ush it if yon choose. HANNAH P. KNAl'P. " ; fcc. PURGATIVE 1 . r 4. . a CITY. PILLS Perfectly tasteless, eleimutlv aimtud with gnm, pHrpe, regulate, purify, cleanse aud streotb n. sinnwaj s ruis, ior the cure of all disorders i i"o omniacn, nver, iwwels, luuncys, itladder Nervous Diseases. Headache. Cnnntiimtioii neei. Indijtestion, Dyspepsia, Bilionsness, Bilktna Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, aud all Derangements of the Internal Viscera, Warranted toeiiect Hi positive enre. Purely vegetable, no nitwonry, minerals or deleterious drugs. r- - wiwerve iHe loiiovnip; syinrtnms resulting uraus Constii irp . : ni lisoraors t,oii iu e Digestive . . . . . ,.mm, inwnru j nw, runnel oi uie liloodinttie llaad, Acidity of the Stomach. Naasen, Hnartburii. Disgust of Food, Fullness w Weight iu the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at thsj Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of Uie Head, Hurried and Drtlioiilt Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensation when In a Lying Postitra. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency isT Perspiration, Yellownosa ol the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Chest, Limbs, aud indden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh. A few doses of Radway'i Pille will fret the system from all .the d .disorders. Pioe 24 cent per box. S(4d by Drnggfcts. RYAD "I'aNe himI ,Tle-- , Semi one letter stamp to Radway A Co., No. 87 Maiden Now York. iBftjrajaUoB worth thousand wH) b ent yoo. s8&-- l lady engaged a Fer, berth in a palace sleeping coach. When she wa,rendy to retire the took from her 'sa'tchel a gum bed which she ihflattsS and placed la the t. berth she was to occupy. It happened ALL-- ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED.' that her berth was' very close to the tove,; an,d the heat caused the gum f i t lit J A ..j , hed to expaud until the profsure got so great that it collapsed with a tre-- I ' mendous shock, jind, the passengers I' ' " jumped out of their berths in their PENROSE, Busi-nes- s night clothes thinking there was a Address, collision. Thefojce of the collapse Manager. the ceiliov vi ; spinet the terth, but did nolThurt her. i ; " ' BOX J O G DEX , Grand i tif above-name- In m i " III CombiRation FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT Shipping Tags, m 'f iteiKii 12 Year' (irowlh Cured iCeNoUent. by HiMlwny'N ltKVKKLT, Mass., July 18. ISf-9- . Dr. Rabwat: I have had Ovarian Tumor in the - 32; Singers' Sewiiig Machines, in Variety Tumor of - i WIXES, I.IQUOIIS, AliE and PORTER seii-satio- n T i Statements, - JlriCeJ Vall Paper, KorderSstg, IJctoralioiis; hxne-diis- v better lleads, : v i al!avn SOUTHERN UTAH! read that way ? asked the old man.. . "You don't suppose I'd lie to you, do you?" inquired Jackson, putting on an lnjurcu iook. "Well, it seems btngular,". mused the old man.- UI shouldn't wonder if Tieneral Grant was tired wheu lie wrote that," ..v;f,i!(( j -Jackson went on; ' Thftre arc 17,620 survivors of the war of 1812 on the'pension rolls, at a total annual rate of 1,691,520.' and still another lot of those one dt ! lar felt skirts; they go like hot cakes ; on a cold moruing" :!:J . "Hold on,- Jackson stop right tV.ere !" said the old tnan as ho roso "You needn't read another word of the message.' If General ' Grant thinks he can insult the American ' people with impunity he will find himself mistaken. You may threw ( I the paper in the')tove, Jackson, and lot this be an awful example to ynu never to taste intoxicating driuls." Jackson tossed the paper away, and resumed his dime novel, while ' the old gent loaned back and ponder ed on the degradation of men in high" ' , Brut Bin! lliat instantly - .'. It OK JIATS, BOOTS and SHOES; after reailing THE TOWNS . ;' Cf,OTISI, HOUR NOTtli ih QUE nilwtiiwiicnt need any one IS Junction Office, , STOVES; DRY GOODS, STAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS, RADWAY'S BfADY; RELIEF! I III. WtJISI (I Iu from On to Twenty .w unite. ; i, & 1'atterM. KUFFEIt WITH PAIN. UADWAY'S ItKAI'Y HKUKF 13 A CUKE KVKHV 1'AIX. ALL IMPLEMENTS AStiETS, Olli CLOTHS, it' ,s U't & CROCKERY; TOOLS, . CIRCCLAT"S HARD WAR Li Books, Periodicals, Mag- GROCERIES, azines, Pictures, Albums, Stationery? &c. iil.srriittimB taken for nil thu VnVr of the day Loml. lyu.hM-i- ami Westeru. 't places'. Ogdcn. &9uUiJ Bureau is rapidly growin-r- , and tlio department grounds are being enReached by a Daily Mail. larged, and the highest prize in a cents, Chinese lottery is twenty-nin- e and the man who draws it has his name ia the papert and is looked upon as a heap of a follow.": ; "What! what is that?" roarsd the old man never heard of eiich a ' as that !" message "I eau't help replied Jackgon; AT TUB read the Presiasked me ;to .'you', dent's message, and I'm reading it." ' And he went on: t ' V 'Jiring thc.year, 5,758 new applications for army invalid pensions ": wercf allowed at an aggregate ennoal 'rate of SUy,332,.and kcioscnt? oil is ' the, best funntuve "oil; it. cleanses, rtfUL-wk- i adds a poliihj bfedpreflurYts from the Try Vinsects. ravages of "Lor save me! but I never heard of the likes before J" exclaimed the old man. , "I've read every Presi OF ALL KIND3, dent's message sinc JackaouV time, I never vf anything' likr'this !" jbut v "Well, I didn't write tho tnessage," replied Jackson, and he continued: Is Executed in the Best 'During thft'year, 3,264,314 acres Style; at of the public domain were certified to ' railroads 'against over six millions oi acrea the preceding; year, and you will save mouey by buying year REASONABLE PRICES. y Christinas preseutain thebnckblock fine toys of every description "at re-.- ' & Co.), - - - FiHli Street. Wall Papers of i$8-$c- ' replitd Jackson. And he continued: "The business of the ;AgriculturaI ' a B. McGregor Bel-riddi- the message?'' here, every word of it !li it.:..... (Late 1IOAKS A.Vl TOBAtm old man, s' 1 ! From the Detroit Freo Press " . 5the "wjt"' She 9gilcn gfimdum, .UMI i GEORGE fW.J TURNER, SCRIMEirS PATENT QUALIFYING TUJJES, An indention having a most important bearing on' the future reputation of Reed' by means of whi.h the quantity or Volume of tone is Tery largely in. creased, and quality of tone rendered ,:.;.r,. Tlm BFST PIPE ORGANS OF .THE SAM CAPACITY. 'uis OnrcelebratW -- Vox Celee HuiAana" "WilcW Tateat," "Octate Coupler," the charmingraterrt.;'Vox Celltf or "Clarioiief Stops, and ' late ImproTemeiiis All the ! Thirty-fiv- e Can lc Obtained Organs.. Only in thes Different Styles, For the Parlor and the Church, ' The Best Materinl and Workman sJtip, !, Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled Tl COto fJOO Dollnrw. : : i ' r ICES, WAREROOM3, CORth & CONGRFSS ?T? nTRfVTT ' , MI(piIIQ AN. AG ENTS WANTED IN E VERY TO UNTy! FACTORV-AN- ., ' ' i t ; !'': ' ESTAB ISHED i .1830., Address, Simmons A j ..,, i. ' ; t s93-- Ij Clovgb Oeoan Co., DitkoitMxchoaii. |