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Show . LIKE ... : i j?.'?rat;:.vs the peace-lovin- g From Monday's price in cash and driad paid for wheat and Fifth Street peaches at J. .STANFORD'S, Ogdn. S- - ' For the winter season overTkavex.. land travel i9 unusually good, much larger than at the name time last year. . J4 ''EkrirsD ' Time. Tbe Unien ' Pacific passenger train was six hours late last ' warded 64,080,380 pounds. night, owing to heay snows in the John Tyumins has been missing since Black Hills, - . December 4th, 1874. It is supposed he has wandered away and been froien to Storm . Stod thr Saturday night's death. storra prostrated the Western Union Tel Saturday afternoon a boy, boji of Mr. egraph, but the A. & 1. line remained Jssepb llidges, was thrown from a intact. Good for the young and thrifty wagon in the 19th Ward, receiving a ' line! wound on the scalp four Inches long. ..i ; On January lOih, to the Special wile of 0 J. Wright, of this ofllce, a fine sen; mother doing well. Father able to work Bring along t he actors, to-da- 'Gil." storm set in 9 a ra., and from present appearances it is likely to give us a good one. Bal for stock on the and ranches, but good for sleigh-ridin- g The BKAunrut this morning about piion: court. coasting'. A enow ' ' Fikst Johnny" Dee, of the firm of Carro l k Dee. was out this afternoon, with Lii family, with a fins pair of si aukine bays, hitched in front of a splendid cutter. The company have al the necessary paraphernalia for a them while the turnout. snow lasts and afterwards. ' , first-cla- ss ; ! 'SnooTiKo.-Sever- prominent gentle- al shooting, 'the other day; we are not advised as tc the amount of game men' went ; captured, but our readers can ascertain by calling upon the parties. Look out for that tump. . GOIJJG ISTO THE DltKAM The Kusas jail birds, by Busixess way of vary ing the monotony of "Mountain Mea dows," "Opposed to free schools" and "Our 'reporter was turned out of (he City Council," are now publishing bogus dreams more than a column long, 'with worse balderdash than was ever found in a three cent dream-book- . Are not the of the' tired oMhis proprietors 'organ" gfop?': y ?-- ; - Municipal. The City Counciimet, as per adjournment, Jan. 8th, 1875, L. J. llerrick in ' in t he chair. Richard Ballantyiie, Sen., Sealer ef Weights and Measures, represented to 4he Council the secessity of conforming to tbe Territorial Statute the city ordi nance regulating the fees for the official discharge of bis duties, and that he needed scales suitable te test the scales now in use in the city, and asked tbe Council to make an appropriation to to purchase thero. The matter was re ferred to a special committee. Mr. Josiah Parkes.iB behalfof the'Og. den Iron Manufacturing Co., stated that the company had complied, n the ex penditure of means,, with the terms tf the contract, between them and Ogden City, and asked the Council to make an appropriation to them of tbe amount of bonds due as per articles of agreement. ' The matter was referred te Committee ' '" " ' on Claims.' Gibson,' Eccles & Co. were granted a renewal, for three months,' of their li cense to sett mtnoer nt tneir yaru on ! : - ": ' ' " Franklin street. A general broker's license was grant. ed to A. Landt for one month from Jan. 1 . templation. A log dwelling house on tneiarm.ci Sttrnuel Dean, Esq , was burnt down last evening. The wind was blowing at the time, and though aid was soon on. the ground, it was difficult to stop its pro are?s it being out ot town. A nave noi board the particulars. Our indefatigable professor, r. w. Ellis has at last succeeded in raising abont enough money to place an organ m cor meeting house, though be uas done it almost alone, h thinks f til is net Much credit is due? in the programme. him, as he hns been and Is the leading spirit hereabouts in music, ke ; in fact anything that lends to improve, enhance and give lone to society. New Tears eve T. W. E. and his choir, about 40 in number, took possession of your correspondent's house, serenaded the hosts, sapg songs, recited quaint stories, gave toasts, and many good wishes, until the new year made its when all showed by their respect and good feelings, that tbey .designed to makt, and have a Lappy new year, and, your correspondent pronounced blessings upon the XtorU Ogden Choir. 5. 3. Refpect fully, . y Treating flic Wrong Disease. Many times Women call upon their family physicians', cne with dyspepeia, another with palpitation, another with trouble of the bretet, another with pain here and there, and in this way they all present alike to ' themselves and their easy:goiBp and indifferent doctors, separate and distinct diseases, for which he prefciibes his pills nhd potions, usmrn-io- g thtm' to be such, when, in re&Hty, they are all symptoms caused by some uterine disorder; uud while they are thus only able perhaps to palliate for a time,' they are ignorant of tbe cause, and encourage their practice until large bills made, when he suffering patients are no belter in the end, bat probably woe for the delay,'treatment, aud other complications made, and which a proper medicire directed to the Ciuse would have. entirely removed, thereby institutinsleud ef proing health and comfort " ' 'i longed misery. Krwm Mi.--s Losixda ' R Sr. Clair, Shade, Athi i'S county, Obi; ., ., ... "Dr. R. V. Pierce; Buffalo, N. Y.r Your Favorite P 'escription is working almost like a uiinclfr, on mt. I am better I have been for over two already than ' ' ' " ' ' year's." i ' From Ella A. Schafeb, Zanesville' i Ind ae : ' 4th, 1875.The Committeo on Sanitary Regulations, to whom was referred the petition of James Hamill, II. Care' nrid others, complaining of the nuisance Caused Vy the slaughter house at the west end of Second street, reported that for the pre em no acuon wasr necessary. The Treasurer presented his report of financial conditio a of Ogden City for the half year ending Dec' 21, 1874. which 'Dr, Pierce I received the medisiae was acaepted, and ordered to be publish-e- d ' you tent mcand begaq using it immedi' in the Og len JrscTiox. .As a result of the treatment I 'Tho Auditor, the' Captain of Police, ately. feel better than l hare for three yeare." the Sexton and tbe WaterMaster,' preFrom Mrs. Jonx K. Hamihx,' Ode)l, " .. sented their respective repor a for the Illinois: ) ,. ". ,v. ., ' Dec. "Dr. Pierce The Favorite Z Prescripquarter ending '1874, whieh tion has done me good, which I am very ' " ; were accepted. ' ' ' thankful for." The Auditor's and the Sexton's're-port- s Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptioi 18 were ordered to Ve published in sold by dealt rs ii medicines. the Ogden JcxcTioif. Lorin Farr precnted for the lisiKioiiar the Council, a letter which he hud received from Mr. Joseph RichardThe Home Missionaries of Weber son, ef New Vork, enquiring whnt the County are requested to fill the appointprobabilities are for obtaining land from ments herein named on Sunday Jan. the city on which to erect works for the 17th, 1875: ' manufacture of farming implements. Harrisville C. II. Wheelock and Hen' The mutter was referred to the Com" ' ''' ry Holmes ... , ' mittee on Public Grounds. ,WeHt Weber Edmund Ellswcrlh and ' Several bills for public labor were al- Moroni Brown. . ' lowed. : ; North Ogden C. W Penrose. 'The Council adjoarned till the 22d of Hooper City Lbrin Farr and January, 1875, to meet in the City Hall ; -Farr. !,., at 2 o'clock p. m ' ' i.v Plain McQuarrie aad .! Wm. N. Fife ).,', - - . i , Supreme Coukt. The Supreme Court of this .Territory met this morning, at Salt. Lake for the .first, time under .the provisions of the Poland B"ill.""TLe three Judges were all present. "There are only seven cases on the calendar. . i' re- ' i i i ' ; gard "thi measure with disapprobaThe American Peace Society wants tion, and it 'is extremely improbable ' t 'iMlf'1! "".'if1;'',, money, .llusjs the great cry of 4U tlut it will become a law. , ' these religionists,! or moveuieuts. The more '.'Christian'-thel atnl Accident at ATephi. nr in their sentiments," the ' ' Dv Pesret Telegrnpb. more c;ub is required. Y The professed object ot this Socie' ephif.O. "A sad accitlc&t occurred fibout "four is between nations. ty to prevent war o'clock this p m.. which cast a gloom Its representatives do not pretend to over our city." While Ohe of our citizens; interfere with local or family disputes, George Ostler, accompanied by bis little daughter, ged 10 years, war ri.ling'on or to make any attempts for the re- a wagon loaded with chaff and coming down in a the father elid off pression of individual violeuce or from the load hollow, and fell immediately be crime. , To bring the world to the hind the horses, one of the wheels passoyer his leg and bruising it severi'ly! point predicted jc2 holy writ, when ing The little girl seeing her father full, ,;natiou shall not lift up sword Against lenncd over towards hint and also fell tiation, and they shall not learn war oft, one of the wheels pussing over her ihonlde r. It is believed ttat her, heck any more," is what this Society, re- was broken in the fall as she expired al quires money for x Subscriptions are tnoet immediately. requested, aud benevolent people arc invited to leave Bums of money or In England the waist of a lady's their whole estates, by will, that the dress is called the "body." A young of the affair may be able to t managers American girl on a visit to an Engestablish "'peace on earth, and good lish country house, which had the ' will to men." t .. , reputation of being haunted, had We af B requested by this ' society subdued her nervousness sufficiently to give publicity to 'its .appeal and to fall into1, a light slumber; when we do so, and if anybody ' thinks he thero.,cauie a gedleJopjit the doon will be putting hla liHVfiey w'Iere it auauAi Eepuitatatuoice, whisrcrfctl t inrongn ine kevhole, "1 want will do the uitttt gtod, by '" giving ii conic iu and get my body." MoaAL?Justicei Pyper and the Salt Lake police are having an easy' time of it. Either the baling fraternity are smitten with a spasmodic morality or cash is, so, scarce that there is no one to "treat." Salt Lake for a few days past, has been a sober town.; .., . semi-religio- ,X'J v r ' ''.;"!' i ''' 1 r consid-eraticn- of Appointment. , Accident Mr. Jude Allen, of CaJl's Fort, Box Elder County, informs us by letter,' dated 9th Jan., that last Wednesday a s n of James May west to tho canyon for a, drag of wood, taking' with' him a mare for the purpose of bringing down tho drag. On the way home the animal becatne frightened and ran away, breaking her fore leg. The mnre had to be killed, 'causing a loss of $175 to the wner.' ; , V 879-t- f , , TUB AMKKICAN SARP1NK CO's BONESiiniindc, are msrh lttcr, and lt Bl7-l- ythan haJf the cost of .lunwrted . al The legal profession generally mer-chandi- LESS . :3IONEYu1VANTEI TO lllll.Xft PEACE. Peaclie' The highest g ; Daily of Jan. 11. J Wheat and ! uub-thin- Correspondence, Bilk. Look out for a bilk wim a otherwise beard who calls himself Hunt, Nobth Ogdks, Jan. 9, '7a..' Donald Editor Ogden Johction: Starr, and says he is hunting As the old year has made its exit, and McRae. Don't give him any money. the new one on the stage, I thought of tbe Jpsction and its Interest while it. strides of fuccess, I thought Salt Lake Items. Condensed from Iwishing would contribute few items from this Sunday morning's Herald: burgh. We are enjoying (be holidays hugely, The Utah Southern will be opened for reany a cmgh and cold notwithstanding. traffic to Payson next Friday. The Junction did not come to hand on Trains are now running on the Utah New Year's (as per notice), but there Western regularly to Black Itock. were many enquiries tor jt, Bhowuic i& Some of Salt Lake's best, musical ta high appreciation its readers have for it. Tha rond between tins town ana your lent is organizing for a public rendition city is now in excellent condition of Handel's Messiah. tor traveling, ns King f rost is roau suThe total amount of freight rfceived pervisor at present, compels the travel on the Utah Central during December is to keep the upper rood. and forwarded, Building and improvements lias naa 25 031,409 'pounds, i its attention iu tins vicinity oi laie, re 5.597,057. During tbe year houses new sprang there hating many ceived 209,748,016 pounds, and for up this season, and many more in con A LOCAL ITEMS. gentlemen who NOTHING can do what they like with it, and LEATHEU. will no doubt take care first to pay We learn from the Times that the the society's numerous officers hand Utah Couqtjf.Tniory, at Tayson, is somcly for their good feelings on bein guccissfui opeMtioa, and; turning half of mankind, he: can. do so of vut a good article of leather. course, but we haven't any to invent Whea will Weber County have a in the concern. ? We do not ' taunery of its own War between nations will never know of any branch of Indastry, cease .until, the spirit of peace is cothe on established be which could wh poured out upon the people with better any' operative priuciple, them. The hearts of men a tannery. compose than of suceesB prospects must be softened by the heavenly inWe hate plenty of hides indeed we fluences of love and charity which can see them, bouud in bundles and cannot be purchased with money nor freon their wiy.to th9dep.otf very If the be dealt out in dollar doses. tha quently, ,to be shipped put American Peace Society, which is manufacture. for foreign Territory not by any means a new organization, We have an abundance of skilled can point out any Actual good it has labor of" the kind needed, which is dano in the past, it might have; some in in some other capacity, employed reasonable claim on pecuniary assistwhich it has hot had so much experBut it has ance for the future. We have lots of feet that are ience. that great wars be covered, generally happened perpetually wanting to have immediately followed the peace ah' a country which is splendid for proclaimed by just such societies as wearing out boots, and (shoes. this, fulfilling the scriptural predicAlthough wooden soles may be tion, "when ye shall say peace! peace! useful on sandy soil and for use in bihold .'sudden destruction comcth sloppy places, for a general covering upon you." The chief characteristic to the, pedal extremities, experience of these peace' proclaimers is that of has demonstrated til at there is the horsa leach, 'which continually A company lik leather." crieth, "give, give!" might be organized, putting the shares at a small sum, so that a gen-efINCKIMSINO THE St- interest in the concern might be bad throughout the country. Hut practical operations should uot be, In accordance with the recomcommenced until a sufficient capital mendation of, President Grant, a subhas been secured to start it on a good committee of .the House Judiciary financial basis-- and' then competent committee has been instructed to men should be engaged to manage it, prepare a' bill for an increase in the and be fairly and properly paid for number of United States District aud their services.' Cheapness and inSupreme Court Judges, generally, together, go competency i Wo regard this as au entirely and many a busmcssconcefn with ex-- , The evident object celleut prospects tas fyeeuruued of the increase bf five Justices of the through parsimoW and olj. fogyistn. Supreme Court is to give the Jlepub- We should'tike to see flWhncry lioan part , now. compelled to resort started in thi city, ami would prefer to all kiuds of dodges to preserve its to see it established Jin the power, an overwhelming majority in the UJat people the, court of last ' pritjciplei jif, appeal. We hope who profess so tnuci uoitf,, fcarint the project will Ve defeated. It is work together lor mutual interest inexceedingly doubtful that the meas work like this and. if to necessi-rure will be, adopted by the present da towards what can can't, they they Comrress,' other business of a more we hope some practical union pressing importance engaging its at energetic men will ptaft a tannery as tention. i ,. a private enterprise, work up the If thef professed object of in?reas' hides which are how being exported, ing the number of Judges is to expe and supply! ouxhornQ .shoo makers' dile business, the present mode of with good, sound. thoroughly tanned considering cases must be changed. leather, tb mvfcc ut for the llttfc.fect Each Justico of the Court giv.es his and big, to protect which makes' f ueh attention to every case presented, a large item in the bill of family ex1 and fourteen would, in this manner, penses ' instead 'bf hastening decisions, conft ii mm I siderably retard them. to 1 "" J V ! .' PtRsoXAt. Hn John P. Jones, U S. Senator !from Nevixda. is expeeted to reach onr city morning en route to Washington; the Senator will be accompanied by' a few friends. The party are travelling in a special Central Pacific car. We also understand from a reliable source that Hon. Wm. Sharon.of the same tate, is eipected to.' arrive here'to- nierrow. ri,'Prp'ft Gillnan, .Pres'L of the University vi vRia., leu ugacn lor tnj west U night. 1 ' , ; Win-slo- w ' . City-Rob- Kirlh. On Sunday the Sth inst , to Mrs. Jane Ann Wilson, wife of Mr. Robert Wilson, of this city, a son. ' All well. Died. , . Mariott Stratford. . ert ILomas AVallace and Edwin . , Slaterville Walter Thompson Joseph 8tanfotd. . , . Easton James Taylorand J.: A. West. Mound Fort F. S. Richards. KuntsTille In this city, January 10th, of F. Monch. whooping cough and lung fever, Emily, dangh-te- r South Weber of William and Mary Ann A. Chappell, Ballantyne. aged seten year's and five months. ' j i David and M.Stuart andL. R. Ballantyne and R. i .. t . ; ; Thef are eating green peas7 fV?e from the garden, in Savannah;'" ,J ' he! nest time tlial tlltie Ktte" goes into' the gKosi Wsjnefis she will probably chew flofts; !,Kl',UJ '"a ' |