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Show lSn1! Pox' BY TELEGRAPH. . Chinatown. A heavy wind was blowing at the time directly towards the heart Fran-11,- 6 San of the city. The flames soon to .be over following letter spread the whole of Chinatown, and ..... r v,lic ftthntion. the despite i heroic effort of the firemen and citizens, lor re,neay rlpleFe-taav- eor to Bridge street, thence down Hor- jumped both sides of Main street, tZu pox should be universally known: entirely destroying every building except Kessler & Miller's saloon, until it was stopped ren.ed.es by Milieu & Rosecran's shoe store and in theories, new illipo.tance Bohn's old banking house. The east side jf the rt.cord of of Close street and the r P,0,actiC buildings between lhe ehouM prov.' 5 it au.i Main street were also cominoa vinegar destroyed. power AMERICAN. Lverything in Jackson street to the rear uaed. of the St. Louis hotel was burned, and Z r e?omWl and f.icbflillj Washington, 10. AWh- - n art., A number of up both sides of Wood and Bridge 6treets vi Itepublicaus met to day to the first cross street east of Main as a Preventive Vi.ieCr beled that to consider the subject of cheap trans- street. ala Small Pot." It tppe.re iu portation. Representative Dorau, of la., publi-Ue- d n tide was origin.lly FOREIGN. Dr presided and Representative Bariere, of . Surgical JUjwrter. as seore acted Madrid, 10. .lis., ary. Ilolman, of "Adult and Max Heller writes: The intransigente insurrection broke to some e referred consider-fSfor lud., a were for appropriation &e., persons, who a patient rivers and harbors lust year, and said it out in Barcelona on the afternoon of time in ue roam with last, and a barricade was Sarin" the development of unall pox, was reported that they would beredueed Thursday erected the in suburbs. Fort Mantzoi, and the this of name urged year; opthe necessity air, consequently hreuthing sucii a reduction. Uurlburt., of in the south, has opened on the city. the posing or him her, by and even acting Great excitement has been caused at either escaped altogether Ills., of committee on railroads and can- Iftis, U9e of vinegar by the capital punishment of thero said were before the com. tenth als, proattacked from the Mireza Gussuef Khan, an able and pop tlt.y were with fever, lassi- jects involving an expenditure of IN GREAT VARIETY. ,0 the ihirtoenth day ular who was educated in statesman, had and ail their friends. He in constude pain in the limb?, etc., the at Paris Yus- of the Shah. expense St. favored Fort the the to were confined Philip Canal, cience of which they of the great lakes, and a sueft's offense was the malappropriation these symptoms lusted only from improvement of monies entrusted to him for relieving two' to three days, after which they felt means of aiding navigation to the sea. the famine that bad broken oat in mentioned the He of various other some points veil ncilin' witii the exception of Astragun. embarked and sufthe schemes, upon iHti"uerand from one to four pustules the face or fering of the West and monopolies in very small appeared upon the carrying trade. Referring to the MIXERS' MEETING ! nron thJ urms. Moreover, uo injurious exwas proposed till providing for a board to ellVcl upon the general health VTNOTIC IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE not even in children, to regulate aud reduce railroad franchises, perienced will be a meeting of the Miners of the Oi;deu l comthe he expressed opinion that the Junction Milling District, iu the City Hall, in Og- whom it was given by the teaspoonful, Bain, "Whitewater and Studebaker Wagons, mittee would endorse the bill and report duu City, ou the lUlli lust, at 7 p. ni., lor the iurin conscqtieuce of the Cluini pune of vlectinj; a Kacurder,an Inspector of It appears from the next week. He was satisfied that Con- and without orders." ALSO, a Standing Committee of 'i'hreo. A punctual to do this under its had "took the powers who gress these vinegar attendance 11 requested. article that 'nler-Siatcommerce, C. t. M1DDLLTUM, irrepularlv were attacked on the tenth jjowersto regulate Recorder. d3sl himself also in favor of in lie expressed with fever, pains or fourteenth day railroad from the Mississippi the limlis, etc , more severely than those freight by AND- EVERY DESCRIPTION OF to New York, and recounted the who look the preventive as directed, but river both would to the it seven to four give from advantages HAVE IN MY POSSESSION THE FOLLOW they recovered in western shippers and eastern consumers. ING described animal, which, it not claimed days; afterward, about eighty pustules, ordi- The proposition to construct a double and takeu away, wil he sold to the highest respon size the of the scarcely sible biddor at the District 1'ouud, Jxgttu. and track from a point on the Hudson to Cache County, Saturday Jan. Stray ,10 1S74, at lo o'clock nary ones, made their appearance, with branches to St. a.nu this dried completely fkp in from three Council bluffs, Buggies to Order on Short Kotice. One white yearling bull, crop in both ears. had been but and Louis made, blueish red Chicago, a spot, six to day. leaving One red ox. live years old. blur iu la a. wallow which disappeared rapidly. Even in the projectors require the United Slates ot the interest these cases tu'e infection is undoubtedly to guarantee the payment One red yearling heifer, crop and under bit in '1 He hoped that in the bonds. m Hi i ll tr a certain on did the of use the and vinegar proven, XilHllHlllhOi a em bill to week of a course prepare One red heifer, two yean old, white in the not accomplish altogether a satisfactory result. Nevertheless, there was a great bodying in it the pledge of the credit of ITIntlingrH. United Statce, with such guards and leftOneeartwo ear old red gain for those persons, in having passed the heifer, crop in left, under occurwould as tne prevent . Tr: i bloiKjluthe r.gl.tear.Ura.ia ou leu .Ue illeg.uie. i through the infection in from four to guarantees p tv i"Y x uiun vu iuo ouuivwi VT:.. One small red calf, hiud legs and bush vf uu All lYiuus vif iuuucu The rance ot sucli impositions by tlie railroads seven days to a healthy condition. in ear. ball in white crop crop ielt, rignt asthoee to which they wer now subject. spread of the fatal malady was thus conOne red heller call, under bit in lelt ear. Mck.ee, Hunford, The article and hole in right, un white slit modified." One 8teer All Orders Sent to M. THATCHER, Logan, will Receive Representatives rays calf, siderably ears. two tab espoonful of vinegar should be Luttrell and Stanard, briefly expressed der bit in lcttback heifer calf, crop in right, under Prompt Attention. One line taken one hour after meals by the adult themselves in favor of a feasible plan tor bit in left.Oou left hip. One red ateer calf, crop and slit iu right, elit In a smal'er quantity according to age cheapening transportation aud relieving and strength. It is certainly a reiy the producers of their present burdens. left ears. One light brindle, :i year old ox, crop in left to meet two simple rem dy, aud caunot put people The meeting adjourned ear. brand on left hip illegible. One brindle yeaning neer, crop in lelt, two ilita much out of the way to administer it to weeks hence, when the committee on railroads and canals will have prepared in riirlit ears. therr families. One red two year old steer, wuite on lelt anoui- a bill for consideration. S. M. Tibbits, M. D. der. crop and under bit iu both ear. Caleb Cashing received the congratuOne red cow, 0 or. 10 yearn old, rigbt ear cut on, ' on lelt ido. brand of this friends number of a lations larjte CORRESPONDENCE. A. LH.ai.lJ5.l., mornine. on his nomination as Chief District Pouudkeeper. oow 'it Justice He said he had no intimation Logan Cache Co., Jan 9th, HT1. 12 1374. Jan. Ogden City, of the President's iuteution until his E HAVE OPENED IN LOGAN & OGDEN, BRANCHES OF OUR WAGOH Errron Ogden Junction : sent to the Senate. He was was name and MACHINE DEPARTMENT, so that the people of the Northern I will admit of, Deae Sir: If space on the subject of his confirmaCounties can purchase without coming to Salt Lake City. would like to say a few words to the reticent sw 1 will bay from cw., to i,w per uusnei in several assured of it was but by tion, cash for good bright barley. public, and especially to the City Councalled. M. I). HAMUO.ND, Main Street, Ogden. & cil of the city of Og4en, through the col- prominent gentlemen who Chicago, 10. umns of your valuable paper, that one A Washington special says: "The " Supplied to these point as being th best, after much study and experience, and know that rurcLuM-colored gentleman, Mr. Chas Mingo by can rely on this recommendation. of i election Fish, Secretary name, pardoned by th Governor of the Territory. He was sentenced was an occasion brincine together a TIIAVK IN MT POSSESSION THE FOLLOW- I iue described animal, which if not claimed. to ten years in the penitentiary of Utah, m:iiority of the Senators and Represen conver- and taken awav within ten days from present of main the and subject tatives, for the murder of one Nathen Kenney. at Ogden Estray Found, Satur was the nomination of Caleb date, will be sold day. January 17th. 18. at 2 oclorK.p.m. livery person in this city knows the cir- sation One red '2 year old bull, white under belly, small cumstances of the case by this time. Cushiug. Nearly all the facts of the variout the white in came session executive stripe on rump. Illegible man a on leu ntp. Well, he is the man (Mingo) that I had w. ft. rim., W Sumner Mr. urged some words with, and did strike at him. ous conversations. District Toiindkeeper. all the and immediate confirmation, 1S74. Ogdon, Jan. 9, cut did not hit him. I got three months an hard labor, with a kail and chain, and Democrats supported him. Mr. Sarand inhfty dollars fine, I think I have suffered gent, of California, objected, commit SULKY RAKES. MACHINES the should t it go enough in the two last months, for the sisted that member WILL THAT NOTICE I GIVE HEREBY tee. offence that I committed. Nearly every Republican I hope that be re)Ousible for any debt contracted by the Judge, and City Council will throw of the committee was personally strong iiiv not wite. uau J. uuaicj. irera mis uaie: wa The Cehbrated TnOMAS RMOOTIII. 1IARIIOW, warranted to make the best fved but with the nomination, a letter of their sympathy towards rue, ly dissatisfied havitur separated. Bed and to I the liest cultivator for gratis, grain, corn or potatoes, yet inrented. Our best I aronTs HF.BER W. HUBBARD, as the governor has shown so much to it was at last decided that a favorable can- have a Harrow on trial. Willard CUT. Jan. 6th. 1M4. of made. be Thee Departments will also give information and receive orders u.r TLKUl.Ms YUltELE, snki should Upon receipt wards the other part v connected with report UKIST and SAW MILLS, or other article not usually kept iu stock. MACUINKB, was prevemeu the fus from the beginning I have had tse report, lurtner action no friends, on the outside I must do my by forcing the matter over till Monday. MOSES THATCHER, AGENT, LOGAN. All the indications are that there will own talking, and I would respectfully some which in usic, uis Honor, the Judge, and City be a very stormy debate, BARNARD WHITE, AGENT, OGDEN. of the most prominent Republicans will Council o take my case into considera MAIN ST., OGDEN. 30tf H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. tion, and I will assure those g"ntlemen take part. It is charged mat at Mr that Mr. that any favors will be duly reciprocated. Fish's reception, and seces Cushing was a States-right- s i ours very respectfully, was he and that wholly sion Democrat, Dealer in Chas. F. Thomas. reconwith the in sympathy wanting and late constitu That was a good hen, even if ehe struction measures and that his friends tional amendments; "was which mistook did not deny that in the main the char! sawdust for Indian meal ..aud ate ges were true. Some of the strongest heartily thereof, then laid a nest full radical party men toek part in these PURE or wooden burcau-kEowand in criticisms of Cushing, ana aeciarea mat man for the Span WINES. GINS, WHISKIES, three weeks hatched out a set of while he was a good i,h mission, for Chief Justice, he was furniture. parlor politically altogether ineligible. COGNAC BRANDY, GROESBECK BLOCK, SALT LAKE CITY, New York, 10 At Charleston, Mo., when a lady Captain Gill, for a number of years Case rides up to a store m that place, three deDUtv tax collector of Brooklyn, here arrest been clerks seize the bridle, two take the tofore beyond reproach, has THEIR LARGE STOCK OF BEST SELECTED horse by the tail aud yauk him to ed and held in $1U,UUU Dan, cuargea The amount is not AND uie Two more clerks with embezElement. on his innocence. stated. Gill insists spread a roll of Brussels carpet The committee on the procession o across the sidewalk, while the merin working men for Tuesday next, were chant in white kid gloves, white vest formed bv the police commission and forked tail coat escorts the they could not go below Canal Fine Stock of Perfumery and lady era that to a luxurious divan, where she sits street, and the former informed the lat PREPARATORY TO A CHANGE IN BUSINESS. Toilet Articles ter that the procession would move to at ease and makes her purchases. 001 the Citv Ha in any event, luecom would that stated then they OX HAND, missioners CONSTANTLY A "nice young man" at Brighton, hold the committee responsible for the Wisconsin, recently got a public cousequenccs, and declined further parat the hands of a young ley, pipping Inscriptions Accurately Prepared. lady whose reputation he had assailHorace Greeley's birthday is to be ed. She flogged him iu the commemorated on Tuesday next by a Call at -- a presball. ence of an approvincr crowd uutil he Helena, Montana, 10. confessed his. sius and DRUG STORE! begged for A fire4roke ont about seven o'clock THE CITY 63 tf d307-tof mercy. in the upper part a.m. yiucgar Logan Branch, Washington Items. Commemoration of ML ace Greeley's Birth Day. InX WHOLESALE Another Revolt in Spain I AND RETAIL Tar jr,,"ia Groceries, ISnrd arc, Boots and Shoes, li SWh Jft Z I. Hats and Caps, r Croelcery, Glassware, Notions, lrc. Stoves and Tinware, Drugs &3Icdiciiie Gents9 and Boy's Beady Made ClotJiiny, CBLEBBATED SINGER SEWING MACHINES, Wood's Champion and Excelsior Mowers and Eeapers, over-anxiet- - y, e, Winchester and Democrat Ught Spring Wagons, Totice. Estray - Farming; one-fourt- h Implements. Kr!B?Sf"MtlBtatw,0M,, California and Concord Harness and Harness r. Lcutliei and Shoo t. i n. C1.., i iiuuu B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. c. M I. Z. -- Barley! Barley! Barley! WE GUARANTEE WAGONS Bf t, has-bee- W estray notice. BAIJ and WAGONS, WS5ITEWATER, MACHINERY STUDEBAKEIt OODS, EXCELSIOR and WORLD MOWERS, Droppers or Self Rakers. and THRESHING CHAMPION, NOTICE. - 3-- City Drug Store. Wm. DRIVER, Prop, DEUGS, near-sighte- Patent Medicines s, FINE Goods, Paints, Oils, Turps, Yarnislies, stiie-bloe- k. GROCERIES. to-da- v A. HE SELLING OU T R C EL I S CHEAP FOR CASH! -- Jobbing a Specialty. Window and Plate .Glass x LOWER THAN EVER! yesterday, f |