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Show ntm . wn riii nW Cou II tcrfeit Kc v- - appeared in Chronicle, of June thean Francisco aWuction of an tk 13 detailing at th e Kcancli Mint, who statement X curious graver would lead to the carving out of ah- 'ther rich slice from the zroat and fertile Territory which once vielded to American prowess. There are, however, we iudse. ef forts being made by some of the and leading parties on the Mexican side fin- of the Rio Grande which of death forced under threats may lead to in the used annexation of more Mexican counterfeiting ish a die to lw a letter comes .Vow territory, so that the boundary line long gnM win. paper professedly from may be strengthened and Mexico Xt) the "smashers" detailiug some may be enabled to pay her vast in one oft& debtedness. The territorv coveted if t&eir operations and making an for this purpose embraces several 0ffr to the U. S. Government to on cer- States, including Lower California. cease from the counterfeiting This arrangement would shorten the tain conditions. and leave a The writer says that the engraver's boundary line frontier that could be correct much more ; statement was substantially both nationalities. five persons engaged asily protected by that there are one of whom pos- It is a vast territory, with fine arable in the work, only the main secret, viz., how to and mineral lands and rich pasturses. iuiitite gold so as to defy detection; age, which are now worthless to the that they have machinery which has Moxican people. No wonder that the Administra cost them many thousands of dollars; that they use an amalgam of certain tion is looking with covetous eyes at definite proportions of platinum, sil- a garden that may become the refuge metals so that of the redundant population of our ver, copper and other the exact weight and "ring" of gold older States, and immortalize itself by carrying into practice the theory is attained; that the color is imand of "manifest destiny." parted by a small portion of gold a process in which intense heat and Died, powerful galvanic batteries are emOn discovTuesday, the 17th inst., at 7:20 p ployed ; that tills process was who refuses m.. in this citv. of raralvsis. Cvnthia the ered conveyed 'to a secret place to sa-M- one-hal- f, manipulator, by to disclose it even to his accomplices; that they have circulated over fifteen thousand dollars of this bogus coin in California, and over twenty thousand dollars in the Eastern States ; that who Government detectives, think nobody knows their business, and who are vainly trying to track the counterfeiters, are watched by them every hour of the day ; and two that the operators are respectable business men, well known in com mcrcial circles. They make the following proposi tion : If the Government of the United will pay us in gold coin or Gov eminent bonds the mm of one and one half millions of dollars, and will give us full nnd free pardon for all past offences against the laws of the United States, we will deliver up all our machinery, etc., and will all take a solemn oath never (o engage in the business again. To add further security, the only man of our number who is possessed of the secret, will, in addition to his oath, leave the United States forever, and his pardon shall be upon the condition that he never returns again. It he do return he shall be punished according to law. The Chronicle is an "enterprising' .States , . journal in the full newspaper sense of the term, and it may be that these startling revelations originated in the cranium of? a Chronicle , reporter. Who kuows ? Noble Shurtliff. Deceased was born June 10th 1800, at Dryden, New York ; was married to Elisha Shurtliff, April April Hth 1829. Was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints, May 28th, 1843, in Russell, Hampton Co., Mass., and started next day for Nauvoo, where she remained un til the Saints were driven out of Illinois, leaving with the first company, and crossing the Mississippi, February 8th, 184G, and suffering greatly from the hardship and exposure after reaching Winter Quarters. She staid in Iowa till the Bpring of 1852, when she came to Utah and settled near Ogden, where she resided until her death, with tho exception of the period of the move to the South. She was seized with paralysis on Wednesday evening, the 10th inst., and remained unconscious and speech less until she breathed her last. She was widely known and universally re Her death will be sincerely spected y ! The ' Salt Lake WEDNESDAY, 18. Fourth. Our national anniver sary will be duly celebrated by the citizens of Ogden at Farr's Grove. At a meeting last night arrangements were made for observing the day appropriately. Committees were appointed, and all preliminaries determined upon. The Declaration of Independence will be read, and en oration delivered, in accordance with the cherished customs of the country. The preparations being made are on a grand scale. $ The following telegram Emigration. was received to-da- y : New lork, li. About 250 Mormon converts, who ar rived yesterday by steamer "Nevada," from Liverpool, left this a. m. for Salt Lake. This company may be expected to ar rive here about Thursday next. Items. We learn by our! TRUSTEES1 'NOTICE. Salt Lake exchanges that Strawberries and green peas, of home milK TAXPAYERS OK THE SKCOXD SCHOOL JL Pistriet. 0len City, are hereby northed that roduction, are in the market. Ogden meeting: will be held at the gecon DUtrir.t hoiiiHt on Monday, June VK'.rd, 173. at 7 is blest with the same delicacies. .ni.. fur the purpose or Irrvinjt a tax to luil1 and a &'honllioue in the southern part of Haiti Embryotic worms are discovered in furnish on tlie preut District, and mnke iinprovrment 'hool iiroiwrtv; also Kir tne tranaartlon of iui'h great numbers in locust trees. A burnOther buMineu aa may be deunieJ net (Mary. ing rag dipped in Kerosene oil settles THOMAS POXKY, THOMAS KMMKTT, their business. TruiteM. JAMES lilKCH, ) The Celestials are at loggerheads at 'Jf the metropolis. One crowd swears that Sam Lee assaulted a Chinawoman, and Sam Lee's crowd swear that the China woman and her cousin keep a house of a nature improper to mention. Jus- MAIN 8T11EET, OGDEN . tice Clinton found it necessary to disCANDIES AT WUOf.K)URK 1I0M aula or Retail. charge the whole crowd and leave fees HKGAU, PIES, i'AKF.S to the lawyers. PAST It Y of Every inscription and Small-po- x has been in the house of G. GROCERIES and Canned Good. II. Taylor for two weeks, and no quar e32tf J. U.m.MlKR, Proprietor. antine regulations established, because it was kept secret. Mr. Taylor's mother- died on Monday night, and his father-in-laand a young lady are afflicted with the disease. It was con -tracted from a child of Mr. J. Bourne's A fine of $50 was imposed last Mon day on a gambling concern, in which peo ple were induced to pay a fee, select photograph on which a number was marked which drew an article in the es 1 Cil-d-- CONFECTIONERY, -' in-la- w Years &go w This and gentlemen, ladies of large company arrived here from Salt Lake, and left by U. P. train for Evanston, to meet Pres ident Geo. A. Smith on his return from Palestine. Among the cumber were President tabluhment bearing a corresponding Brigham Young, and D. H. Wells ; Hons number. Some betting was also ia Orson Pratt, John Taylor, W. Woodruff, in, all of which is contrary to Geo. Q. Cannon, Joseph A. Young, John the Ordinances, and calculated to City W. Young and Wm. Jennings ; Gens. II fleece greenhorns of their greenbacks. L. Eldredge and II. B. Clawson, Col. Nine petitions were presented to the D. McEenzie, Sups. A. M. Musscr, Council last evening signed by W'nu flrnt known In America. Feramorz Little, James Sharp and 11 City It inrriti nre wrll known no licenses be out the habltnhle world.throughthat 2,783 citizens, It Una asking L. Campbell; John T. Caine, Esq., Salt the olilmt and beat rreord of mny The to or dram eranted shops. tippling Llniiiirat In tho world. From tho Lake Herald; D. W. Evans, Esq., Deseret millions upon millions of bottles matter was referred to a committee. Y B. no Andrew sold and Burt Xews; Caps. complaint has ever reachnon- - ed ws, and as a healing aud the number of were large signers Hampton; Mrs. Geo. A. Smith and Mormons. PAIN SUBDUING LINIMENT large party of ladies. J he company The Masking case was up again jester will return by the U. P. evening train IT HAS KO EQUAL. and escort Pres. Smith to Salt Lake day before Judge McKean, and severa 1 rfttommended with unbounded It other witnesses examined, but no evi nee in all cum of CuU.nniiaes.Uurnii. Sprains, City. . dence was adduced to prove that the de Kbrurantlsm, Hard Hwelllatta, UiteM, Joints, Frozen Feet, Ktr. Ac, among all persons, and for Hprslnn. Rich Discovkrt. Yesterday Messrs fendant made or caused to be made the tie., Founders. Ringbone, Scratches. erasures in the record or the copy. Hoof-alC. Woodmansee.George Seager and Wm Spavins, Springhalt. Saddle.Col-la- r and Hanica Galls; also disuabes of the fcys Harry Horsley takes a benefit and Ear in Hunt, of this city, went to Sardine Kan L. S. Theatre. at the John Lindsay yon, leading out of Ogden Kanyon, where will appear. they discovered and located a valuable Flies are just buzzing out at Salt Lake. iron lode. It is of red hematite, and We have had them in Ogden for a cou the vein from wall rock to wall rock 40 feet thick, leading from Sardine to pie of weeks. Escoetixg Party. MEXICAi lUSTAM LI1BT au PoU-Er- t Horses, Mules or Cattle. Cold Water Kanyon. Mr. Furniture. of TlicJIuu ' Sudden Death. e, necessity of some mutual arrange Dissolution. The firm of Eudey and ment between the two countries, by Williams is dissolved. See advt. Mr. which marauders on both sides of Williams assumes entire charge of the the boundary line can be followed houso and business, and will spare no No. 1 nnd punished. pains to make the Utah Hotel a in f every respect. ; The The great danger, however, to be establishment house is finely situated, has 'great acapprehended is that the Mexicans commodations and a good name "and living on the frontier, will avail ought to do a splendid' business. We themselves of the example set by our with all hope Mr. Williams will meet troops,, if, the raid is not repudiated the success he anticipates. ly the Administration. A storm is Higgixbotham & Co. There is no end brewing on our southern borders, and firm. the indications are that war is' in- to the enterprise of this popnkr stock of Besides their large drugs and evitable. , Such a ' result would be groceries, they are in receipt of a supply hailed by many in this country and of dry goods and notions,' and prepared in Mexico as a desirablr event, as it to fill orders ia every line. 1 t 1PSTAI 2jiO-- d , Pen-y-ca- Wind-Gall- s, ht Seager says Clienn he can insure any company that would Flygare and Child oiler for sale a large flock of furniture of the leit quality, very rhutp, like to start iron works and help develop Imported AIo kidiler s patent liee hive, store next A I S w the claim, a twenty foot vein of clear Z. C. M. I., Ogdea. ore. MexSkeleton There is something far more valuable ico. to Ogden than a gold mine. There is no Mexico City (May lfl) Correspondence of the New York Herald. place on the continent more favorable to , regretted. the establisment of iron works than this Inis told fearful A of the story The funeral took place this afternoon of of is There nnd robber dian of land, chief plenty plenty Tepic at 3 30 p. m.; a large number of friends city. railroad and telegraphio commu- liozada which has but recently water, assembled under the trees in front of the nication with the world, and every facil- been brought before the public1, and residence of the deceased. After sing cau not find a parity requisite for works on the largest which for cruelty ' ing by the choir, prayer was offered by scale. allel. in lodes iron are other There Elder D, M. Stuart. An address was In the small village of San Luis, this vicinity besides the' one mentioned delivered by Elder C. W. Penrese, and near Tepic, there has been discoverwe think this by far tlia the Benediction was pronounced by above, though ed subterraneous a apartment, conmost promising of any we have heard of. Elder F. A. Brown. After which the structed especially for the prosecuWe invite the attention of mining men remains were conveyed to the cemetery tion of horrible crimes, and in this and capitalists to this rich discovery, followed by many friends in carriages. was found, not long since, a man and believe that Ogden will become a who for fourteen years had not seen great mineral and manufacturing centre. Willard City, June 17th. The Mexican Complication Sister Ann Murray, aired 58, wife of From the way the wind blows it James J. Murray, Pestmater, died at p.m. She was attending to her house- appears that active measures to settle ho Id affairs, feeling as well as common our complications with Mexico are until 6 p.m., when she complained of weakness; and shortly alter she desired considered imperative by the Gov the Elders to lay hands on her. This was her last wish. eminent of the United States. Deceased was born in Bath, England, In relation to McKenzie's pursuit South Wales, by baptised in of and attack on the Kickapoo Indi Elder William Leak in 1849, emigrated She lived the in 1803. to the ans, on Mexican soil, the general life of valley a Saint; was respected by all who opinion is that there will be no scri knew her, and died in the hope of a glorious resurrection. ous complaint made on the part of Peace to her dust. the authorities of our sister Ilepub Lake Salt papers and Mill. Star please C. W. lie. The latter have long felt the copy. 11AKKIIY U)l)OX Hereby Hangs a Tale. Two young men are at this time paying their addresses to a young lady in this city. They are rivals, and the young woman cannot decide between the two, although in a pensive mood, thinking "How happy I could be with cither, Was t'oth.r dear charmer away." i The two cavaliers are assiduous in their attentions, and for some time have met every night at the young lady's residence, almost at the same minute, each one trying to get the first opportunity of breathing into willing ears the first whisper of undying love. But they cannot come to the point, for they are both bashful, and neither of them has the courage to propose in the . presence of the other. They keep midnight vigils, waiting for their chance, but tbey are pertinacious, and rather than yield the opportunity of winning the prize coveted, they keep the young lady awake beyond reasonable hours. Of course all parties become sleepy and restless, so last night one of them took with him his blankets, with the full determination of not being conquered by his rival, but at the same time resolved not to lose his usual night's rest, and to keep one eye is open." The plot of the and denouement the not fully developed, is anxiously awaited. It is 'diamond ' cut diamond." . : , , the light of day. Unshaven and unwashed, and doubled by feebleness and withal bereft of sense when discovered, he is said to have had more the appearance of a wild animal than ' humanity. '. From motives of revenge' Lozada had him incarcerated in tho pcpul-cheand formerly would seem to have taken especial pleasure in witnessing the tortures of this unhappy man, visiting him daily for that purpose, and taunting and mocking him ', "' in his helpless misery. Tho wretched man was placed on his release in charge of a physician, who is obliged to use the utmost prudence in bringing him forth from his living tomb to enjoy once more the liberty of life ; and, even with the greatest care, it is thought his enfeebled system will not sustain the shock such a change may bring to it. ' r, FOURTH OF JULY, 1873. NOTICE TO THECOCXTRT TRADE, Sr-ECIA- ' A COMPLETE FLAGS, . TORPEDOES, - H. WALLACE, . Firt , ETC., ETC., ETC. , . r South St., Salt Lake City. e Nipple, tie panacea tot all Sort) AflVx-tion- &o., EXTERNAL WOUNDS. Remember, this Liniment did not spring tip In a day or a yen r. pro- dUClntf THE MOST ABCD AND r;MNATTAI.CCUi:l n and Mchhuoov Lim-mkk-ts. ni But we bars tho oxperinnca ofovr thirty years of trial, with the iutaub. stantiBlresults,audby amulaitudu at witucMue. tf the Liniment Is not as recommended, thi cLAtxKD .Nkw-IJoe- Money will bcEcfim'iIcil, Do not be imposed upon by uinff any other Uulment clalinius the same, properties or rv suits. They are a ckuat and a fraud, lie aura and get nothing but Limld. Mexicia Hiislanj j(rj- - Solo by SioatiAT . , all Lucooura ,, , akd Cocvrat 23c, 50c. aud $1 per Bottle. Kozick Size or IiorrLE, Style, kc. : " LYON MFG. CO. ; HAGAN'S rr-- f 'X Magnolia Balm ATrtlCATIONS MATE A ' and it operation ! It li PurMy Vepptable. once. It doci away with th neen and Ms flushed Appearance caused b7 Heat. Fatigue aud Excitement. Healaaud removes all Blotches . 1 BALLOONS. hi 1 Mum-l- and may bo Justly termed Pure Blooming Complexion. STOCK OF FIBE.WOEKS, . ltoneaud A FEW Tiiwt IfcecclvcMl, melo-dram- s, ! 1 WILL ALSO Cure Neuralfjla, Kheumatlnn, Cent, Lim liack. halt KUi ura, 1'oiaonnuH Bit, Kztarnal aud I'impl'e. dinpeliaijf dark and twslht!y Sunspots. Drives Away Xan. Freckles and burn, and by He gentle but powerful Uinuunca mantles the iadud check vita YOUTHFUL BLOOM AST BEAUTY. Stores. Do "lloH oyaH nmrrpWe jot, S3 1V I1-- A. .N.-w- . Jo?, . li..; ; |