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Show L' ,,-'V"-'- PUBLISHED TIT,' I'EB VEAH Ik V;,'CT1 i 1' --.,.,1 OGDE, UTAH, Xo. 50. aSSSilrram tea ...n SBMI-WEBKL- T, V .1 WITT? 71 MM ,' SATURDAY, JUXK 2I, 1S73. BY TELEGBAPH. markable story of wholesale murder by a female poisoner. Last September . Drake, a farmer living near Moa- and mequa, 111., uiea unaer suspicious circumstances, and Mrs. fork, his mother-in-laand housekeeper, was suspected of having something to do with his sudden death, but no steps were taken to investigate the matter, and Mrs. lork went to live with a son in Kansas, where a few days since she was taken ill, and the physician summoned to her aid, told her that she was poisoned and had but a few hours to live, lacing inevitable death she made a confession, which ex posed to the world a fiend incarnate. She confessed to have poisoned her hus band in lcoo, Mrs. A. W. Drake, her '"iw"J ii:n tu. VOI.. IV. Clark street. She reminded bun. thai she wanted to go to Whitney street, Wit The following additional particulars of Griffith replied that he would first drive Atlantic to the the Oqdkn'Jcxctiox Special by he Thorndyke murder have been elicit er through Lincoln Park, and then Pacific Telegraph Company. OF MAILS. ARRIVAL ANB CLOSING ed: John Gordon, a man 70 years old, take her home. Mrs. Gunger "objected, had a farm recently conveyed to his son. but her conductor insisted, and at la?t .50 am,.!... Titv. doul.le daily, 7.40 a.m. Mail daily Almon M. Jhs form was worth $1,000. the southern entrance to the Turk was V t Through 5.40 p.m. taking back a mortgage for life for the reached. After driving about for a vt Through Mail daily 6.30 p.m. 8.40 .m, iort time, Mrs. Gunger once more re double support of hinself and wife. The other daily Uke Citv, 6. JO p.m. was dissatisfied with the ar- minded Griffith that it was getting late, wU Through Mail daily John, son, 8.40 a.m. T...,t Through Mail daily rangement, and thought that by the and begged him to take her to Whitney CUiSIJW. 7.00 a.m. death of his brother and family the pro- street. Then only she found out, to her Hart the and For Salt Lake p.m. v r SiltUk,.u.dtheVe,t orror, that she was in company with a perty would fall to him, is the only momails kovi LvanKtnn, Wyum-J- 'i auuty, tive thus far ascertained. human wolf, who abducted her with ,1 hYJ T leave the latter place for Kich County, 2 p.m. At the time of the murder the old peo criminal intent. In answer to her enand were absent on a visit. The inmates treaties to be taken home, the wretch ple County, Tuesdays, Thursdays 5.00 p.m. , ,ni house were murdered man, Almon swore she should never see her home Sundays Daily . u'Lojjaii the of 1....- 5.00 p.m. Rich County, M-- , 2.30 p.m. aged 25, his wife, aged 22 their again until she had consented to his vile Satur-own daughter, and two children of A. W, children, Ira B., aged six, a little girl proposals. She resolutely refused to HuutwiUe, Weduesduy and 7.30 a.m. jJiV$ Drake, the wife of E. R. Drake, former- aged 17 months, Anna, a niece, aged have anything to do with him, however, nd Slatoreville, Lvonn," I'lain City 3.30 p.m. ly of this city, and last September A. W. nine, John, seven, the brother, and a and uudcrtook to leave the buggy, which aud Thnrsdays Monday 3.00 p.m. Drake. She then went to her sen, and hired man About three o'clock in the was now standing in a lonely portion ef KiwrdaJo. Wednesday and Saturday Wednesdays a short time ago made a mixture of pois- morning the latter was awakenad by the the North end of the Park. Drawing Uwperville and 11.00 a.m. and Saturday on to administer to him on the first op- shrieks of (he little boy, and he immedi knife from his pocket and flourishing it OFFICK HOURS. 6.4o p.m. 8.15 a.m Ceoeral Delivery, portunity. Feeling unwell a day or two ately discovered that the house was on before her, he made some awful threats, Mlliuav, u p.m. i" afterward she went after some medicine fire; he informed the neighbors, and the and vowed lie would kill her if she DEPARTMENT RKUISTRV to the cupboard, and by mistake took flames were extinguished without much would not yield. But Mrs. Gunger. Oih-from 9 p.m. MONEY OFFICK DEl'ARTMEMT. the fatal dose prepared for her own son, damage. The bodies of the father, with, wonderful courage, in turn vowed which resulted in her own death. mother and infant who occupied the that she wo.ihl die before the ticad 0pu from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. n.it.ii.1 Door oueti from 6 a.u. to 8 p.m same bed, were soon found, so mangled should conquer her, and niakinjr a JOSEPH HALL, Postmaster. Boston, 10. Hon. Moses Bates, a prominent mem and scratched as to be hardly recogniza spring, leaped from the buggy. Griffith ber of the Democratio party, and for ble; the boy wh slept in a crib in the followed her, and, grabbing her by the A c r. train arrives - - - 7.40 a.m. some years Chairman of the State Cen same room, was severely wounded, but hair, dragged her to the ground. AMERICAN. 5.40 p.m. u P was deed The and evi ensued. survive. bloody prolonged desperate struggle tral CiHiimittee, died at his home at may - -0 Washington, 1C. p.m. c.r. a leaves deiitly committed wiih an ax which was during which, the ruffian ((jriihth) acthis East morning. Bridgewater 8.50 a.m, The commission to inquire into the u. p. There has been much anxiety during found on the premises. The wounds ot tually stabbed his victim nine or ten v. c. train arrives - - - 7.50 a.m, outrages on the Texas border arrived the three of the murdered persons were in- times on various portions of her body. past week among the few who have flicted and a.io p.m. here this morning and bad an interview known alarmupon the head, and must have MrsGrunger's screams for aid attracted the the facts concerning . 8.40 a.m with Secretary Fish during the day ii leaves caused instant death. The brother, John a policeman to the scene of the ' encounWilson. President Vice of illness C.S0 p.m They deny the reports that Texas made ing i4 and on suspicion, is twenty-eigh- t arrested ter. Weak from loss of blood, and sufHis was followed by partial deaf raids into Mexico and say there is noth ness attack and farm unmarried a laborer old, years fering from the blows inflicted by the the and partial blindness, and gen itoliffious .Services there to induce them to plunder cral character He maintains a sullen indifference, re ing wretch, she had sunk to the earth, and was such his of 11 and at a.m., symptoms iu tlioTabernacle, T.verr Sunday, stricken their . .. 1' ii neighbors, poverty c.i. but to was standing over her holding Griffith answer questions, any as to threaten the loss f his power of fusing fay in the Second W ara bciiooiiioum, rincjici.w School-hoand all the citizens care lor is at 6 p.m. he will time blood the that stained knife in his hand. the huu-- e and Third Wa-at ing proper imnow life. He not his ii if Episcopal Church at 11 a.m. aud I p.m. protection lor their persons and proper-- activity, but is himself. The Corouer held an What were hi intentions it is not diffdefend danout no means of J 11 by and a.m. proving, ii.m. Methodist Church at ty against incursions from Mexicans and ger. ' lit has been sojourning in Boston nquest this afternoon, and the prisoner icult to conceive, and but for the timely 7.30 p.lru Spiritualist Lecture (Child Hall), at Indians. Alter the commissioners went for seme weeks, under the care of Dr. will probably be arraigned before the arrival (f the officer, who, at a glance up the Uio Grande to take testimony', E 11. Clarke, and has seen very few of police court in this city OlmIoii Citv divining the situation, pounced upon the New Depot. Open Mexicans on the lower part of that river At John U. Chamber' little doubt villain, there is very His incessant labors in the his jvery day, Sunday excepted. crossed aud began tlttir thieving opera last friends, have barbarously murder would he that tuUowed the great by campaign, tion. for which they were pursued and ed her M ith a view to hiding his crime. A Shocking Outrage of last waiter, accompanied by chastised br Colonel McKeniie. The aaxrety The spot where the struggle took place a treat deal of work on his Texas Legislature bad instituted an in on this morning, unmistakable bore, as immediate the are G. regarded History, LIFE IN CHICAGO. evidences of the desperate nature of the quiry into Mexican and Indian wrongs occasion of his present Illness. upon citizens of that State, when some encounter. ' Whole hanJfuls of hair, Washington, 17. of the most respectable residents of dragged out of Mrs. Gunger's head, and (From the Chicago Evening Journal, 4th. A special friend and manager of Andy Nuecs Valley went to Austin and g&Ve of wearing apparel lay en the Since the exposure of the villain Mc scraps which than they had previ Johnson, is in town. From him it is testimony stronger latter was torn up within ground, is deter Laughlin and the breaking up of his vile Four Doors from Z. C. Jf. J., ously given before the commission. The learned that the a radius of several yards. Bloed stain: commissioners represents the amount of mined once more to ascend the rounds den and other similar establishments by were numerous, and in one pluce, that and ladder. He Lopes to be the police, the hanperc-aroum- l where Mis. Gunger fell, a large pool cf damages direct and consequential to of the political IS have he had sinks this defunct of and Governor that the elected fall, ropers-ithose who have suffered by these raids blood marked the spot. BOOTS fc SHOES, at between fifty and sixty millions of will be promoted at once to the U. S no dens in which to lurk, or whither to was conveyed to the Mrs. LEATHKK bait their victims to ruin: consequently EleventhGunger dollars. Five hundred petiiies in the Senate. Police Station, on Precinct SHOE FIXDIXGS, way of complaint with specifications New York, 17. they have been compelled to lie in wait Webster avenue, and Dr. Geigcr wan At the Lowest Prices. Produce were presented to the cominissroners and There were two cases of sunstroke to on the public streets for their quarry. sent for. On his arrival be pronounced Taken. sunnorted by 1C00 affidavits. Many of day, both fatal. The thermometer About a week ago one of these sharks, Mrs. Gunger's condition to be very crit meeting a respectable young girl on the ical and advised her being removed to Tietitioners and sijrhers of affidavits are reached U2. are street at 3 o'clock in the morning, asked and Murders stabbing very men affrays ol tine reoresented to have been her home. This was done, and at 11 her where she was going, etc. She re- o'clock this forenoon it was found Ehe the three last days During plentiful. charac most and tducation respectable plied that she had been to a party with ceuld not long survive her injuries. ter. A telegrapafc request of hackapoo two fresh cases are reported; some frieuds, whom by some mishap she Sohmidt stabbed which in one of the Harry commissioners to the fc'cctctary REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. This forenoon the wretch Griffith wfli had missed but a few minutes previousand in tov.rau. other his the brother taken restore to the interior y by before Justice Jvaufmaiin. captives arraigned McKenzie will trot be acted on except to which Geo. Campbell stabbed his mis ly, and that she was going home. Pro- Owing to the low condition of his victim enre'f it to the Sec. of War.witli a sujrges tress Nellie McNamee, who was danger curing a carriage, he induced her to to appear ere and her consequent inability closed door had the ter it. Scarcely WHOLESALE NOTIONS, that he coufet with the Sec. of State ously wounded. was remanded lor Griffith in tin court, S While the old dilapidated steamboat the villain made indecent proposals to further examination and his ban d on the subject. Intelligence had been re 'Tileror"was the Woolens. on making her way down from her. She however indignantly refused Orleans And ccrved here from New at $G,O00, being $3,000 of each cf Largest Stock West of New York. tfenth inst.. that U. S. Commissioner Elizabeth. N. J., this mornine. with an to accede to his request, and attempted two charges preferred against him, viz : to leap from the carriage. Then a strugMonroe aud Franklin Sts., CHICAGO Jehn B. Weller formerly Governor ot unusually large number of passeng? 'Assault with a deadly weapon with inshe and ladies children, gle ensued, and the girl's screams hapmany to kill," and "Assault with intent tent California, was lying dangerously ill, including who aralultfst hopelessly, at his residence in burst her boiler, filling the entire boat pily attracted a police officer, commit to rape." At hist accounts no S. with a dense cloud of steam. jo one rested the scoundrel and rescued the bail had been furnished. In view of the that city. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, was hurt. girl from further insult. The prisoner condition of Mrs. Gunger, it is difficult San rrancisco, io. Dealer in Silver aud Dion Boucicault has commenced suit is now luxuriating in Bridewell under a to conceive Jewelry, ;&. GiVen. was divorced from G. M. ...... Clock". til . J why the Justice nflurJel ..ttl.Vf . . , wun.i. U. S. Circuit Uourt to recover S100 fine. Following this case, three or Grifliih an tinr.f.i. mire, .aiai.x f.,tti.t.il. . r4 in rr the nn Ilia application. irAwud. lie opportunity to give bail. Repairing neatly done aud all wi $10,000 from Geo. Wood, proprietor of four others of a similar nature have cropmarried her twelve years since, but learned that she was all the time Wood's Museum, for alleged infringe ped out, but the latest transaction of the which occurred on last night, 'tire Wife of W. J. Given, and was never ment of copyrieht in producing the play kind, them all. The Particulars of Origin oT Chloroform. of "Octoroon" without his consent. The edinses AV.v. I,!m J t YOU WANT A TH0MS0NIAN DOCTOR OR Ulw. vtu Tr as so follow far as insL 21st are the the will take place outrage 1 The committees of 300 and 200 on the hearing We are indebted to the Insect tribe TUomsonion mmUcIih, Some thieves effected an entrance in developed : Mrs. Caroline Gun-ge- r, for lhe met afternoon this lor of Fourth July CALL ON DR. MURPHY, choloroform, one of the most pow erNo. 74 is at whose home Whitney Church by getting through to TOST OFFICE, MAIN ST, ful purpose of effecting a compromise. oneTrinity agents in alleviating pain. The litof the vestry rooms, and stole some street, went on vecterday forenoon to OUDEN. General Uazneau onerca to resign as contains a substance called tle ant a suit of clothes, the residence of her mother, corner of Mm CoysuiTATlos Ff.f., fl.OO. President of the Day if the committee of books, a pair of shoes, acid, about which old John Ray and the contents of the poor box. This Reuben street and Chicago avenue, on a 6,l- - i.- Martin Lester, corresponded a cenand Agbnfs rMitd! All 300 would accept Jacob Deeth as Uranu classes of woritig people, was accept is the second time this church has been visit. She remained at the house , until The ar8Uai. V'' proposition tury flgo; and found that it contained au . c . . about 8 o'clock, when, having taken sup , young or om, , lu.rr monpj a. unanimous- - robbed. then wn, and so it got into the books as forioi-lor us iu their 'pare itlomrits, or all tne , Our German citizens are awaiting with per, she rose from the tuble and stated it acid, time, than at anvtlilmrelsn. 'K.rtlfMlar free. Ad- - 1v fleeted Grand Marshal. JUUge acid. mic It was found to be composed fato be ber intention to return to ner drG.stihK6n AConl"ortlad, Maiue. 8o.ly Unmnann was elected President of the eagerexpectations the arrival of the radial formyle, ond three a of compound , r . . mous band of the 108th Saxon Regiment home on Whitney streei. Bidding her atoms of araiusv Drone conference up the and Dumas substituted day. of rifles of Saxony, who are coming relatives adieu, she left the house. Mie chlorine foroxygen. ana and thus obhumor and the good ueanj oxygen, great from Dresden to give a series of had walked but a hort distance when a here tained trichloride of formyle, which is lippr. ii Tn tXiJa is U. S. man, whose name is given as E. S. Grif of the foreign creditors of concerts throughout the Ninety-on- e chloroform. Then the Americans found fith, seated in a buggy, overtook her, Doston, 17. the l'ioche Estate have puea ior one uuu that ether was capable of taking away The anniversary of the Battle of Bun- and after making some remarks about all n minrtpr m illian dollars in the Nine seneations of the human body, nn l of loneliness , aud the ker Hill was celebrated in Charlestown the fine evening, uu an moos or Troduce. teenth District Court. Dr. Simpson, of Edinburg, found that with considerable spirit. Busi- the street, asked her whither she was Sncramecto, 18 of formyce was more thortrichloride both in this city and Charlestown, bound. Mrs. Gunger replied that she the ness, of case the in inrv Pfnnnr' than . ti,II V VKV.'V. " J J , , had been to visit an ngud mother and oughly adapted for this purpose in Every Variety- K liAttnnn. whose body was found in was generally suspended. 4 has from arisen All this ether. even Giiftith said was on her way home. San Antonio, Tex., 17. on Sunday evening, returned a insects. of the habits of fho rivpr study Messrs. Atkinson & Williams, Super that Whitney street was too distant for . A Full Anortment of HASH SEEDS f rtpath bv accidental drown- - intendent tm lianil. Indian Commissioners, who her to travel alone, and offered to drive r MUIT1NQ A SVEC1ALTT, s22Tm intr here arrived Friday nigh, from Mexico, her to her house if she would get into C. S. Brano, who was found on the to the Com- his buggy. Mrs. Gunger, not in the What do great liars do when they die ? communication a sent have he shot and who said street dangerously the of the which in character Indian least of Affairs, suspecting They lie still. ,. Obslaeles to Marriairo. foil from bis house and was wounded by missioner nappy itii,.f fwr Tora the Pfwtll 0f the restoration of fellow,' gladly accepted the proposal. that y?n been represent they to errors und almAa l youn(I have ., out ,. niitrd tnrfiR if.. i.:. plv U IU ..i...j Miss Susan Bridge, of Connecticut, J '"'pediment to mHrrmce reuoved. New method busi captive women ana cunuren, now in me The couple engaged in pleasant convergi10t by another Italian, a former of seventeen different marriage boanls that discovered Mrs. until sation will Gunger hand of Gen. MeKenzie, certainly $SZ ness partner, whom the police havd uo result in the peaceable removal of all In instead r,f directing hit horse's had to- - engagements, each one of which was in- ? tores,, HowARr) a!sciation. No. 2 ru.uth der arrest. ilinu tribes on the Mexican border tU wnnl her home on Whitnev trtet. Grif - cited bv Dure love, and yet 8be feels she nth st, Philadelphia. I'a. an 1' lnstititi.n)mhii;l Chicago, J 0 fith was diiving rapidly toward North could love just ncc more. or uoLoruuie couilu.-- anu pro-V ' Tinm, 111 .lUnntch IcllS a re their reservation. . OCDEN DIRECTORY. FOREIGN. Belfast, 10. w - Report of Commissioner on the Mexican . ; -- Invasion! -- Murder in Ireland! Another Female .Poisoner! Cu-h- Tanui u. . Illness of Vice President Wilson! : Bursting of a Steamboat Boiler! !.. a.in-to- 3 in Trinity Burglary New York! Church, ... Trains ... . , .... 1 1 d I Library . Anti-Slave- ry WHITEHEAD, FOURTH STREET, ()(iEX, GENERAL nt DEALER n and M PAID CASH for IIipEB. ht 2-- 1 JNO.V.FARWELL&CO., DH.Y G-OOX- afse-s-e- 6l-1- y LEWIS. J. ' Watt-hps- , i I , .1 U-T- y REMOVED. 1 Oflke-Orro- m SITE for-m- io vry- - ; ire GEO. t " fU RNER, rtrh.t, o.ika, Fruit. Vciifclablcs. Iluttcr, Eggs to-d- ay GAllDEXSEEDS A con-uint- ly I W 7 AZttSZ !' f . -- r njii ' ; ! |