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Show nr Tulfislici every WEDNESDAY by OODE.N n! SATURDAY Cotivkxt. )'U)II.ISlllNa m ' TOST " ''TT1'' bl-'jw's.'S- ,.J Wholesale Departiiieiit'-A Sifcclrcin the Kitchen." LOGAN, ' .Thercr h a'bitter juarrcl between two families living on National ave!, who Lavo heretofore been- - pood menus. iney are doui ucrman, one rejoicing in the namcof Augens- .1 , , I CACHE COUNTY. 2.0! ! ' ........ WHOLESALE & HE TAIL DEALERS IX ..if r ,1 .1 anu1,1. m tuo snorter ine owier ono of, KoprVTho latter owns , a house neighboring street, which ha 8 alwa ys rented at: a irood Drice nntil the present year. It was last winter leased to a of.;. Aa- ren "&blc?t .1?rA1.0 " cconot otiamily friendship.;.,. But hcjeft it a and assigned as a reason t wii-it- I A hut his , ', . Benim, Bomesties, etc, HARDWARE, Roots and Shoe, , .,,Croehery, , , :'' " : , ; . ! L"! Down MWOTife of Tnnmrfrd ' " Beatwrf'-rJlrmidfi iXT:T Q U JS has Been ES hi xoe neigiiDor- - ' r iSinco then; Ivopf unable to rent it, and has complained .1. bitterly of his neighbor for eausing t; him the loss.', ,'''-.;'.'."'..' he found a YestwdayliotrcTcr, tenant willing to take it, but . me jnfermeddler told him of. the tiuiv ucimunic uarxaiu waa eioseu. He went to.'AugcBsblickc's to-- asccr- - - -: ' ; i '" , .; (1 ,; ... ; f. ,, . j LALARGE thfl hist f (l?inf .lit t hr ilnrw . I ,1. . . nun mcir mission, -- dub;twan'tto - htorv. ' nnil ;,ic. 1 . At nrst SX - C$ JJ v V v v 11 IQ " " SINGER'S SEWING, MACHINES. : : '!..V'.'; A LAllGE STOCK OF '.. . Waosis. Plows, Hoes, Rakes, Ciueag? Scliiittler but this Cutlery, Locks, Carpenters' and other Tools. ; ' sata no- ! INCLUDING AMD VARIED. ASSORTMENT OF NEW TOYS. f1,1 t HAn'OWftnG:' ClU'taillS aild BlllKlS. , KopfaocoinDaonffhiin..,.Thevii,et i'll Variety, A General Assortment of V. 'i I and CALIFORNIA MANUFACTURE EASTERLY ;. Trill! Ill ill 1TJ lr.'1 H1UU0W- i.. .. - OP , ,.' flflrilftts i LI i Boys'' ": '"'' ; CL0THlf( vSHOP-HAID Of Every ' BS. O ed3 and'. Cap BOOTS w wnenuij hood. ; : mother-in-larepeated this wnmbjr of old friends, and thev ti a Groxxtev'clxica.' READY-IAD- E 'i Itat and Cap,;. Xotions ' 's ,, !r,; Sfovc and Tinware Drugs and Heriieincs, Etc.y Etc. .. Cassimercs , Colfonades, Jeasss, Etc., Etc.' GROCERIES, CXOTIIIXO, Jr.fnies9 Wool 'TD"R"V"! . Cloth, 3Ier2ifis,; Alpaeas, Relahit. tihii'luiuxs, Empress . (. ,' ,: ' . ; eon-in-la- w l . v-'- ;! ,vi-- . oa wW, . . 1 e . ; "... . Scythes, Forks ETC., ETC. . ' o kitchen, k lie went there 'to sec what ,' the matter was ' and each tifcht found Wheat, Barley, Oats, Tearl Barley, Flour, Bran, Shorts, Eggs and the fire blazing and the kcitlo on, as Butter, SHIPPED TO AN TOINT ON SHOUT NOTICE. a emyv pne wt going to COOK a meal. Tim fi I i rn sml all was silent. On tho third night ho determined on asking an explanation, and one came that filled 0F MACHINERY K,NDS OR?ER . , . ' brJeri addressed' to , him horror. He- approached the will receive prompt attention. tovo and tepeateJ;' ''Friend or ' 70tf spirit, whatever you maybe, I' com- vu i liitmu sicaiw as nc uttered these words a cold brcczo passed over him, and ho felt-- like ono benumbed with told ' Iu- - n moment more be, fancied he saw afacdf.'chast- . . . . , ' c - ' M .T ; , . Logan , ' All HO,GSHISS "'" ! J ' ' ' "'' Of All Descriptions. addressed to D. IT. PEERY, Ofjden City, U. Z, " ..." orders ;) , . B. CLAWSON, jj. CHOICE s THATCHER .1! ' ' . f A Full Line of TO ! ' ,. u' , PURCHASED HAENESS AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. Superintendent. "f rtxive prompt, attention. ' " s8"tf IL B- - . CLAAVSON, SuperintcndeDt" 4 1 . Mmons lallmg on hia brow, and in a whisper a voice said. "I Jived hero' ' twenty " & " , ., V ''44 clougii organ co:s: "' TMDDAvrn ' I uau lom iiicm up ana tnrown theui into the street herd to w w" revert the "deed:1" This glVostlrieyblaHon Vas 4ieor- rouoxaicu ny iuc lactiuat wiien the t " ' I Im ' ' 11 ji.ii , I ii ... : . . i CPIMOI IPAHTl : i '.; i Kj. ' IN CHARGE OF T; . :v';;:';-;:.,;H.:;fVY...NAISBITT- . '6 Will 'purchase any kind of 'Merchandise not usualir.' stock, including ; - Engines, . ; Saw Mills, - .fi '..V . ? "" .. ' : , kcii 'in ,:j .,: 'V. , Circular SaVvs, j. Tv lotlu. , RollingJLelSel Water Wheels, Cheese Factory r ' .... Threshing Machines, ;:!:..::ti! ,;.,,.( i..;,f Maeiiine Extras, ..,... ;,..,t ... ... orcc or other Pusnp.s, i ' : , . . . ... , ; bones, and v. paid Vfao ' "Se tenant Ho savs he bad to civo some exr'.ana'ion. and told oma ofli IS fiwn family the house- was' haunted that he wonU'fa'dvr hlfo.lsaul nioro if lopf hadn't insisted on it. K6pf deelares" it ail a falsehood ,' ...... ,,. ivVL. U) SCO Lunji;i if he has any remedy against the slanderer ' :S ' ta attention ' JS - ' " I ",,K S P who tells STirfeint ,.,v 'Bclting,ij'.:. ? f,.' ! - I ,: . tf.., ; .Evaporators, be neededTu an Lgrieultural dr'; f an7 article, from any State, that may ! 3leehanicrl population.' J ... i (-.-: Send in jpur orders arid we will do tho bebt to nil thenv at' Manufactur-- 1 wo riB ' ireignc aaaed, or on a slight percentage. ; i ..:. ,!- -' i it ' 1 " ; ' Gmnd s S: : Combination :t"ye are expecting an immediate shipment of the .. r Brians; FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED ! . J,...!.. ,.1..V . .. ! well-know- and n (... 't i V IS UUUiej xu IllK Sim -.TAnr.nl. V.. ticj , Ti :tti: , .....'.; t,, . but has been s JW Sorgliuia Mills. : i : I Creased, and quality of tone rendered WT 4 "T ' ' a m r1, mr jlilaa Aniii jitf Fi?- - acwry naT1DS Jttst got lairly runnin- G-EJ'2- ? the nuanlitv til t r g W 5 : . . . ' I - and yet the is a native of Germany, l..u.vv vuuuiuivm, ' , It is ; rest on some " ' J i ; V. VS ! 7 ! 1 Vfex' fu'il:' i 2 J "1 ' J1" r,; IL B- - . iHE BEST 1IPP SA.J1E CAl'ACITY. 9M? n CHICAGO CLAWSOX-SumriiUMideiit- - since the . , ,. TP31TZ.JZ1: i It' i' ..1 sow n "in wheat audit will1 not liierftf lmV t'S'V, iav to cut it for been no rain for toonths," and. the ' and the Church f Ir the .Tarter The Bfat Material ami irbrKMnthin:-i s wind and rain have killed everything, There arc a rreat many poor men in FACTORY thi, vslley tlm summer, fhe winter .. rre...n they owned iptodd U11 poV-ther- , J :l 7 1 ,1 k ! iiulittl and pR1CEs r u !t ' ' Volume of tone Unequalled. o TToTT-o- Vni; CORCTit ' Uii' C ' V '' ' ,,7 i :1' '- inr.pr '"l .! o N J.'l " - ' & COGUFS1? RTA TiPTnrvrT" ; MICHIGAN. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY liiSIABUSHKD W 1850. .. ; ... sD3-l- 7 7; AND WAREROOMS, y-- ' 0DOXE AT .THE , 4 1inGt&G2&'f .".0220 a:; n SOGDEX. ! ;,! I' |