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Show t by'strife and contention will be! brought ' ' " ,,; ' "' closer y fBLKCrllAPlI. OonrTiox the Adantia The Boston eight-hou- r league, at a discussed a resolution meeting which ant.cipate8 that the voting power of the masses will be openly or covertly assailed in the nest constitutional convention, withthe propositions to qualify the suffrage, increase the taxes, reduce the number of officers elected by the people, and that an aristocracy of wealthy Republicans and democrats will start with theirhigh-niiudeusurpations. The only hope fir purer elect ions, incorruptible legislatures, less violence.crime and misrule, is the reduction of the hours of labor, whenever the public opinion and legislation can properly interfere. I'he sugar refiners have compelled an arrangement and will dispense with the services of union altogether. to-da- y, ' i ' - and The Presbyterians the Government! Sent to Catch ! L Herald. ' ''1! ' :"' rioche,28;" .) Agent Leman lias !just returned froiri the Muddy Yalley and says that when up lelt there, nine day ago, Colonel Jen- nines was pavine the Indian allies of ' ! Boston, 28: ' by IMociie Xews. ; together. Special to the S. ' : Gen( Crook's command, the total amdunt beinir about II hrinir un. . . tw - H I ( . ii JIAYE OPENED. IN LOG AN & OGDEN, BRANCHES OF OUR .WAGON If and MACHINE DEPARTMENT, so that the people of the Northern Counties can purchase without coming to Salt Lake City, m m. m ff A mm a B mm mm a h. aa a M Mm m CC I ' . , u J. pulnt m bin tl beet, after mach itudy w& eiprione8,anl kaow that Prcliai SupplW to tl YJ I : s - m m m m m m m. Wli UUAKANT.ti WAUUNS ravorable report of the other Indians on the Muddy, an4 isavs they are poorly clad and sulky, oh' account of the lone and continued absence of Mr. Iosralls, dodoesMo-docs ! the ngeut. Col. Jennings was distribu l 15 ting salt pork, ttat being the only article food ou of he to also hand, them; Of-fer- ed says i.. that a supply train from Hockley 'It; Spriugs had been expected. A delegation that went out to meet it returned with the information that everything had been stolen, except some shovels. Ephraim Chandler was yesterday sen29. tenced to Beventy-fou- r Philadelphia, days imprisonLast night John ' Cruickshank, John ment, for SUr.KlT RAKES. MACHINES an officer a few personating Daring Cassidy and John Kerna ' were locked up since, and threatening to arrest a man in 4he station house. on a charge of unless he five dollars. guy drunkenness.' Late in the evening Cas- -l Tbo C..l..l.rt.Hl TirOHAK NMOOTIIIXM HARROW, warrant! to maV the Bed and to I the lxt cultivator for gnuti graiu, coru or jtobUoos, yet .invented. Our tot i'arnif m sidy and Kerns was released on the apAMERICAN. cun liKTe a Harrow 08 trial. plication of friends.. Sometime after, it nue DopartuienU will aluo (five Information and receive order ftr Tt'RBINK WHEELS. SMUT Washington, 28. was discovered that Cruickshank had From the SiouxCity Journal, Slav Jlth. MACHINES, UK1ST uud SAW MILLS, or otUorartlc.l. not usually kept iu ttock. to the .i.;ait. nf the delegates to On Saturday last, as Joseph Brewer the been cut in several' places, and his face General Assembly Trebvierian I. "..: Rev. Dr. also cut. He was removed to the hospi- and his sons were walking on the river Mnnsion MOSEH THATCHER, AGENT, LOGAN. tal, and cannot live.- Cassidy andKerus bank two and a half miles above Ponca, y, of the Nicbult former moderator were and evidence points to they discovered projecting from the IIARXARD WHITE, AGENT, OGDEX. speaking in behalf of his them as the being guilty parties. were glad of having rocRy bluff, winch at that point is about qqi H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. brethren, said they two Hundred feet high, 'the petrified tail Washington 29. their to .to respects pay saopporiucity havRichardson's attention Secretary oi some huge creature, of a species un now before the members of the Cabinet ing been called to published a statement known to this latitude. of absence the ckm. They regretted Monday morning several men repair but they could of his intention to resign on the first of the Chief Magistrate, next, says lie has never expressed ed to the spot and set to work digging July the Cabinet's with Roland n,i cb tbeir moderator also any opinion on the subject to any one, out the monster." At last accounts they Oliver, their esteemed nor has he authorized any contradiction had worked into the bank twenty-siThey owed their allegi-sc- of the statement. There being absent. appears, bow feet and had pot reached the shoulders. as Christian?, to only one, their some to in be facts connection with Some idea of the size of the skeleton may ever, but they adorable Savior, Jesus Christ, would indicate that RichardMr. it that be formed when it is stated that'the rib rendered obedience to the powers that son has still in view the acceptance of a bones are six feet in length. The frame more were earnestly be, and no hearts .1 ...... :.. l, r.k. than their proposition, which it is said has been devoted to the Government made to him by capitalists in New York own. He spoke the common sentiment City,' to take the head of a banking said when he' General Assembly of the :" house' iri Paris. ' ation is of the reptile order and the their prayer was that the spirit of truth, decided The has whole has the shape of a monster alliga Department Treasury righteousness and peace may always to the outstanding t legal tender tor. Tbe point in the bank where the reduce Governmof counsels the the preside over circulation by the first of June next. curiosity was found is about five feet ' ent. Secretary Fish replied: "Gentle-weTOOLS, IMPLEMENTS & STOVES; whom' the above the water level. to Jewell, we in the absence of the President, tendered Russian the President It U the intention of Messrs. Torter, recently are charged by him to express his regret arrived here last night. No AVelty and other prominent citizens of and disappointment in not being able, mission, NOTIONS, GOODS, official announcement as to his accept Ponca to exhume the skeleton in the best personally, to extend to you a welcome, ance of the mission will be made till he possible shape; when an investigation and say that he had watched with inter-stth- e J will be asked at the hands of scientific deliberations of your great body, has a conference with the President, who " '! Is expected here ex perl 8, with a view of ascertaining, if representing and controlling so large a One of the effects of abolishing the possible, to what era and to what In the PresidChristian denomination. species will be the necessity of now extinct reptilian life the remains ent's behalf I welcome you (o the city, franking privilege the purchase by the different Depart- belong. and congratulate you ou the harmony, of ments of a great number of letter bal wisdom and prudence which character The Land Office y purchas ized your long and important session at ances. Attempt to one ed " gross. Ualtituure. The delegates atterwards Senor Mariscal, Mexican minister, visited the capitol and other places, and ' About one o'clock on tho morning his family,' have taken up their res with in tb course of (he afternoon were entthe 20th, an attempt mads to set of ertained by their resident friends with idence in New York eity, and hereafter will the be the of fire to the Oriental Hotel, in El Do- '; Legation headquarters a dinuer. " ' in New ork. . ra'rln wliSfli '' if Riiffpsfifnl wnuld Portland, Or., 28. been minister has French for The An intense haie laid the whole north side of WI3HES, feeling was created in Oreg- some time urging his Government to fol Main on over stories circulated calculated to Hi street, if., not the entire town, low the example of the English'' and nAige the character of Senator Mitch. less life would and in creat ashed, ; elL The Senator publishes a card this build a palace for the Legation in n ash '..j D. encour dis been Miller have inevitable. has iDerton. such received lie will a full Horning, saying explanation from his Government as to war covered the fire and be made as soon as letters and ' : ' gave the alarm. dispatche- agement him in selecting a location. rant from s citizeus The en turned ,out Pennsylvania, where the scan' masse, U1 Newark, N. J., 29. i originated, can be procured. His .1 and by their timely, efforts Boon cx- &c.; A daring attempt was made laet night iutiiate friends claim that he will fully was as tne flames, to blow up with powder the residence of extinguisheu establish the falsity of the charges ' made wicks had ; Mrs. Lindon. and Potter several found Col. in that Potter, lamp him. igingt ' The children 'sewed building been barely escaped. together and saturated Quelle, 28. A man named V was The recent totally destroyed. SCnCTTLER WAGOXS,'' BOB SLEDS; with coal oil, which inflammable heavy rain swelled the . river and caused immense destructidn John Mulford was walking towards the im of was an inserted mass aperture of The Gosford railroad barn, two hundred yards from the house, property. house and of the the fuse a discovered siding and ignited. MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, &C, &C. blazing burning bridge over the Cartier river, Jacques He led a stack of hay. it ii extinguish- Tracks in the dust directly to a reported, is swept away; ' also ;the towards connected and was found th? fuse ed it government dam at the mouth ot- the St, dwelling opposite occupied by Dr. Maurice river, and a number of exten-i- v with fifteen pound packages of gunpow- Shultz and wifo. When confronted der. '.. saw mills. ' they made a full confession. The New York, 29,Toronto,' 28,. was intense, and but for excitement The U. S. District Attorney has noti The ' Well body of .W. II. Jacques, and known forwarder Claflin, the shrewd management of Justice of this city, was found fled counsel for Woodhull ' to have Richardson? aided by some of our move he will next that Tuesday ,the bay this morning. He disappeared oa Monday night, and as his watch an early day fixed for their trial on the most respectable citizens, the enraged d other in the several Departments of valuables are missing, foul charge of mailing obscene literature, would have then" una Will find tie Largogt Awwrtroent of Xfercliandise play is Twenty thousand Havana cigars were population 1. as above, that cqh be seen in the West, and all at fair prices. C. Z. M. "' . suspecteJ. executed the stolen from Hoboken last night, by there summarily San Francisco. 28. r - tr wife. bond his in Doctor, if not equally guilty KPun uasoroucK, commanding a River thieves. The cigars were f H. CLAWSON, Superintendent. to be shipped for Hamburg. ,. 'luadron of l'laccrville the is in Ae now left jail and cavalry, camp yeeterof the This CupL Tilton,: morning all is quiet. ; V morning on a scout.: General Iavis, wcompanied by John Fairehild. and kix schooner "Dennis Hastines" lyinir off mouHted men and four flats, reported, to the harbor poprincipal Indian Jersey lice that while cominir out of his cabin ruerguogus Charley, Curlr-headShacknasty he met three masked men, who, with .! eamboat, Frank and a Doctor, left for drawn revolvers compelled nim, to go afternoon yesterday "I ' OODEN ClTV IlALt, unknown. The Indians were well back into the cabin, then robbed him of 1873.7 26th, 'May wea with carbines and furnished .with six hundred dollars ana a goia waicn. HEREBY GIVEN TO THE swore they would kill him if he or ammunition and IS TOTICE They horses f'wy good ClItOESBFXlL'S BLOCK, SECOND SOUTH STREET, i are some of the principal offered resistance or gave' alarm. The 11 Owners of Pog in Ogden City that 2 inaians thieves escaped. they are required to Register their Dogs Jracters in the Modoc drama, and Baltimore, Md., 29. i in accordance with an Ordinance enti- 7: : '. ,"' thetrewheries committed by there, I Ttni. i: on trial .i.i colored i. a n.i.i;.. w .Louis man, Palmer, iu musi lue red devils not too much. hcuhuu neu, .lutruiuHuce ' "6 unnjk thirAMv ... Ill j for committing, rape on a young white Tnod Ma. .'Ulih. 1870. .:. -. J will rDiimn uuu . O'llC. "tlU J.f WE JUST HKCEIVED A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF -.was found rouna i of at can ois te The Kecorder guilty age, ten more prisoners, girl three years uoyaoout J"k included. ' iris accomplice In crime. was See any day (except Sunday) between XX r. two Uavi8 years ago. Palmer escaped the hours often and four o clock, where Rnd hung arrived safe it t was not arrested until a certificates may be obtained on payment and 8ad camped there last from jail . Qt. Colonel I'errv. commandin time of the fee required by law.' ago. th shprt v , wiU By order of the City CounotL HunHq,la.dron 8,art wA AND and twenty Warm Snrin Indian.. ' ' ' '' miWaJ I. 211-Recorder. ' City It is of no advantage to have a lively e'ening. Major Mason commanding the inind if we are not just. U The perfect if.J" 18. .inian,i7. friZlV In ?har6e of ftU the Indian tion of the pendulum is not to go fast, ' Rn . "9.,no.w m confinement.. General but to be regular. " ' o V ' 7 tol volunteers' ar mwmcamp this morning..: : There is a certain softness of manner Which they are oferlng at lower prices than aby other house in the city. which in either man of woman, adde a Im.. i Indianapolis. 28. t 'i''J Pur"n;?ri.CUllu.ri8t8 Congress cbnteneJ charm that almost entirely compensates A Stoek ' " ' lack for of beauty. Governor "Jrnment. l!en,l,; 2. a L i '. sf i J'.'.t r.:..7 ' 'vrb, made a Rhftrf ,t Street, ' ...... . .. lnnnto rvn .It If you know anything that will make -to me of a brother's heart glad,. runt' quickly and Jninna, "gices Gen. Jack Ann .' hospitality tit Tonnuaana tell fecponded it; but if it is something that will ' ''he conrention cause a W not hi . sigh, bottle it up. . -- 1 .... d Eussian Mission to Jewell! Colored Scoundrel! Attempt to Blow WIIITEWATEIl. AIX ; (VIAVnlliLK mid STUDEIMKKIt ? WAGONS, . C1IAMPIOX, WOODS, KXCELSIOR and 'WORLD MOWERS, Dropper or Self Rakers. TIIIIESIIIXG and . up a House! p bt llcptiliau. P.-.- , to-da- y. - Gener-seinbl- Z. C. Win x e, SH? AIJa" ( " In GROCERIES, HARDWARE & CROCKERY; n, STAPLE and FANCY DRY CARPETS, Oil. CXOTIIS, UPHOLSTERY GOODS, CtOTIIIXG, HATS, to-nig- ' BOOTS and SHOES; lltirn a Hotel. to-da- . Wall Paper, Bordering, Decorations; Drugs, Chemicals, Patent lediclues; MQUORS, AT.E ay d PORTER; ; , 1 .. Singers' Sewing Machines, in Variety; Bespoke Boot and Shoe Dcpartncnt; ,. Leather'Findings, Beltings, . . , f r PKODITCE, UR.UX, Itl'TTKK, EGGS, Ac; .. : f i , , ' : ; . ' . - , SJULT w ... 4 and Visitors TTliolosalo ZIP. urcliasers , LAKB;CITT . . B. el-t- . rs ! ! G. . F.CUIME B Sl G Q.. , c . .... ,r ic m Z. . , to-da- -- wa, SALT LAKE CITY, . ij -- 1 Groceries Jrt7 , oho,? : 6 WincloA Glass MONUIENTSI - . GRAVESTONES, ' " ' -- Stlhr erC8,s - .1 idtical, prodaCPlSh TUftl w'ioMbil ween t Iartrc of . . Main "ll"td b' Loavitt'H Corn or, ' wer? .... . .... '. ,, . V Fosiiitalns, Vases, Etc., BFPIGK.'''1 ' ' ' :s CUT TO ANT' Better be right than conquer in an ar- - Vit" frumenty Vetter bear the assumption of CUT ROCK FOR BUILDINGS, ignorant men than waste your dearly '""JAMES FOWLER, bought experience ou iuuu. . P tVa'iirtit' aflilerl ilil t C . ......,. ii. ! ectiow of th? country separated 44-8- Orders from the country Promptly Filled. 83-l- y t . |