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Show BY TELEGRAPH. ghe (Dgttcu function. iH,WUhM every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, bJ the OflMH PcsusHina Company. Chicago. On Saturday evening last a the drama of "The Drunkard" drew The Theatre. the at house Tery good was well received and performed ply creditably. Mr. Thome made a good Middle-tohit in the character of Edward and won deserved applause. Mrs. fowler made her first appearance as n, and performed her part Agnes Dawton With a with great ability and success. adwelcome a little practice she will be dition to the company. The house was excessively warm, but understand that immediate arrangements for complete ventilation are about we to be made. Gentlemen wanting Tailors should go to Thirkill first-clas- & s Earl's. The Theatre will night to give the pub- Night. fceopen lic in Ogden an opportunity of seeing and Minstrels." The "Overland the hearing entertainment embraces a great variety of songs, dances and comicalities. See small bills. At an ad Committee of of l:ie journed meeting on held Tuesday evening, Arrangements F. Kiesel, Esq. was appointed to assist Mr. Wheat in taking charge of the cit izens and strangers in the procession; d Hiss E. Ballantyne to assist Miss in taking charge of the 44 young ladies; Mr. Richard Williams to assist Mr. Freeman in taking charge of the 44 young gentlemen; Mr. Robert Wilson to conduct the athletic exercises at the Messrs. A. J. Fitzgerald, L. grove. lefever, John Young, John M. Dee and Chas. Woodmansee were solicited to get up a Ball in the best Hall in the city on the evening of the fourth of The Fourth of July. Can-fiel- July. Farm tor Sale. Any one who desires to make a good start in the farming line can have an excellent chance at Marriott's Settlement by buying out George See advertisement. Greenwood. and Srd Wards invite inspection of tlitir goods and a share of public pa tronage. They have a varied assortment of general merchandise, from pills to prints, merino to mustard, tacks and tnpes to tea, and turpentine, drugs to domestics, cheese to cherry pectoral, sugar to sarsaparilla, and so forth &c. The 1st Robert Hal-forwho left CJifton, near Rugby, in the year 1855, for Utah, will find it to his pecuniary advantage if he will ad dress John Halford, Clifton, near Rugby, d, England. Also, any person, knowing of the whereabouts of Richard and Margaret Hewett (who formerly resided in the 11th Ward, Salt Lake City), will confer a favor by forwarding their address to G. Holding, 19 Peploe street, Ephraim Bishop's Mil. Fields, Chester, England. Star. John W. Young Esq; in company with Capt. Baldwin, agent of the New Zealand Government, left on Monday evening by C. P. train for the west. Mr. Young has gone on a short business vis it, Capt. Baldwin is on his way home, after having obtained much information for his Government concerning the re sources of Western America. Departure. titf See estray notice in this issue. Hoppers. An immense army of hoppers were on the wing on Sunday, mov In S. L. ing toward the north-wes- t. City, they traveled with a noise like the rushing of many waters, and people ran out of their houses to see what was the natter. A body of the pests, supposed to be moving from Weber Valley, made a descent upon Huntsville and did con siderable damage, but resumed their journey after lunch. Another company made a stop atWellsville, in Cache Val ly, and took & bite, but we have not learned whether thoy were satisfied at that. It is sincerely hoped that their 'ay in Cache will not be prolonged, Our past experience in their company is ufficient; we shall not weep at their loss if we never see their winged forms 'gain. BIRTH. On Monday 27th inst, at 2.30 a.m. Mrs. Elizabeth rearee, wife of Mr, Charles Pearce of this city, of a son. DIED. In this city, of chicken pox, June 24, Ralph, son of Walter and Agnes Thorn' on, aged 4 years and 15 days. funeral took place in the afternoon of we same day; President F. D. TlioWds. Bishop Herrick an J President McQuarrie "mciated. Dtstrtt Mv, please There were six cases of sunstroke yesis terday, one fatal. The heat y unabated, the thermometer at 9 a. m. being 90 in the shade. In Folsyth, 111., yesterday, a woman quarreled with and struck another with a pole, inflicting serious injury ; an offi cer came to the house to arrest her when she retired to her room, ostensibly to change her clothes, when she took a gun and blew her brains out. The residence of Elijah Georze. near Cliuton, Mo., was burned a few nights since ; three children, the youngest three years and the others twins, aged ten, were burned to death in full sight of the parents and neizhbors. who were un able to rescue them. The heated term continues: the ther mometer at 2 o'clock p. m. was 92. At points within a hundred miles of the city it ranges from 97 to 102. The crops, except corn, in many sections are reported to be ruined. There has been an extraordinary number of fires in different points of the west during the past 24 hours. At Faring, Ills., yesterday, seven buildings were burned in the business part of the town; loss $25,000, no insurance. At Kacine, ms., yesterday. and last night, the large elevator, u table and several shops and houses were burned; loss au.OOU, insurance only $10,000 Five buildings, compris' ing nearly the entire business portion of Menuosa, 111., were burned this morn ing ; loss between SilU.UUU ana $00,000. Lieut-GeSheridan arrived in this city this evening from his tour of obser vation lu.tbc Indian country. New i ork The weather throughout the Northern and Lastern States, was the hottest of the season, the mercury rang ing lroin 90 to 100. In New York the thermometer stood, for two hours, at 100. There have been several fatal cases of sunstroke. Carlos Castello was robbed of $85,500 livery-s- LimibeB UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. FOR THE OGDEN CITY. PIOXEEIt LIXE OF UTAH. ON AND XtfZXXaXaXOlI. will leare Ogden daily at 8 a.m., and Arrir. at Salt Lake City at 10 jn. and Trains & RETAIL I WHOLESALE 6.50 p.m. UTAH 7 JO p.m. Leave Salt Lake City dally at t a.m. and 2.14 pjo. Arrive at Ogden at T ajn. and 4.15 pan. LUMBER OPENING: NOW In addition to the above an WILL RUN AND A FULL SUPPLY OP THAN BUNNELL, AMERICAN, IMPORTED. Inhabitant of Ogden olty and Vicinity with a Resolved. Ginghams, Chambrays, Irish Linen, Swiss Muslin, s, Ribbons, INSTITUTION, MAIN STREET, OUDIK, ber In Utah, we will furnish Lumber, at the C. P. EXPECTED TO ARRIVE, DIRECT SHORTLY East, a tplcndid Assortment of at the following ratal: Wprlnyf variety of d Stock, we think which, together will enable un to supply our customers and In. such with article! at they may public generally need, at pneet umi cannot uui iugivesaM.ia.cuuB. Please call and examine If tore trying elsewhere. Wheat, Corn, barley, Oats, butler and Eggs taken In excltange for Goods, at the biguMi Market price. CASH NOT REFUSED. Sto-- tf FirKt nml Cradles, Snaths, Em-peri- Rakes, Forks. GEOCERIES. y, Flooring Opposite Bishop Tud-denha- : y, ir.B. clawson, West's, MAIN OODEN, HT11EET, Dittos AI MEDICINES, Chemical Oils, rainli, Glass, etc., Have on hand a iplendld Stock of ' Likewise an excellent Aaaortment of Yry HATS, Inch and laiim-bc- r (t a, Grooorlea, I CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND STATIONERY. X.B. Prescriptions careMIjprepared NOTICE. Sheeting, rl at $35 pep Thousand. SMITH & CO'S. ALL PERSONS WHO DELIGHT IN A Glats uf fine Sparkling Beer, please call at the WESTERN LAGER BEER HALL, North side of Union Square, Main Street. Osden. where they can be tupplieU with that Article, of the very best quality, aud at reduoed price.. 30-t- per r LTJMBEEYAKD FIRST-CLAS- S One and a Half Blocks West of Junction Office, tbe And near the U. C. K. R. Depot HAVE ON HAND A LARGE QCANTTTT of good Lumlier, of various sitr to suit the requirements 'of the purchaser. Alto an quantity of Pickett, all of which we will tell cheap tor Cash, and Orain at Cash price. N.U. All thote persons whom we have accommodated, and who know themselves indebted to ua. ar. requeated to come forward and make aetlle-mcnt within onu month and save costs. SMITH Co., Proprietors. WE M. 80-C- Partial requiring a Bill for Building will do JOHN well to give ni a call, at we will furnlih a General COAL! COAL! PREPARED SI'KIOGS IS NOW furnish the beet quality Coal on the Cart at Echo. the line. All orders to be addrorted John Spriggt, Title, Summit county, I'tah Territory. We will deliver in Salt Lake City at an advance TO AT $4.00 PER TON Bill of Lumber cheaper than any other house in HOME of $2.60 per thouaand over Ogden price. Coal H-I- 7 MANUFACTURE. CHARLES PEARCE, MAIN S1BKET, OUDBN, Calls the attention of the Public to hit New and Ppleudid Awortment of To FAKMEKS and MER- Tin, Iron and Copper CHANTS of UTAH we offer this advantage: "IV c Mill TAKE ALL KIXDS OF PA wmcn n. Eggi, Butter, Flour, or other productions of the Farm. N.II.Job mm C. WOODMANSEE, Btore Pay at cash ratet, or even Caih Itself not refuted. art alto Work punctually aud neatly executed Alto 8tock ot any kind: Sheep, Cowt, Work Cattle; Wagont, etc. We Also, a good STOYBS, the Ktmt. At Market Ratet: Ware, keeps constantly on hand. variety of superior quality; all of which he offers for tale Y, of at at low figures as any that are imported front ainin street, Ojjilon, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, prepared to furnlie DRY GOODS, Shingles Stock complete in all Departments. CHEAPER Til AX EVER OFFERED BEFORE. d, Third Wnrri lXSTiTLTlOX, Flooring, FinishLumber and BOOTS & SHOES. ing Picketing, at $40. Scythes, nnd Wiiinmor GooiIm, with our present KINDS OF Plank, Scantling, s, y Second District Zion's MERCANTILE and our Mill running In the Gent Grove of Tim Shakers, STRAW HATS. OLDER, OPERATIVE CO Parasols, 14-in- Paa-- Iff Having a Large Supply of every kind on hand, ALL $2.00 JOSEPH A. YOUNC, SUPERINTENDENT. Cheaper thai ever before offered to the Public. R.R. Depot, $1.80 $1.T Titkut and Freight Agent LUMBER, Cambrics, Silicias, D. 0. or Toivcling, H.oo $1.35 For all information con.erning Freight or apply to Article First-Clas- s - Ogden to Kaytvllle " Fartuington " Centreville Wood's Croat Bait Lake City ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH THE Checks, sun-stro- FARES.- J. WILLIAMS & CO. Denims, y Conductor, at any point on lb. liiw to lake ou or let off passengera. Pass.ngerj will please purchase thoir ticket at the office. Fifty cent additional will be oharged when the fare it collected on the train. etc.) Domestics, & SATURDAYS, Leaving Ogden City S a.m. and Salt Lake City, 4.10 p.m. on wliich full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the name day and train free, and will atop by arranging with tho ANY GARNER, MERRIMAC, (SPRAGUE, y. WEDNESDAYS CHEAPER Prints, latest Styles TRAIS ACC0U0D.pi BETTER RESOLUTIONS. set-tie- AFTER THURSDAY, 3IAY lt 1870, That, realizing ourselves to be wives and daughters of Apostles, Prophets and Elders of Israel, and, as such, that high responsibilities rest upon us, and ihat we shall be held accountable to God, not only for the Eight hundred wtrkmen have been privileges we inherit from our fathers, thrown out of employment by the refusal but also for the blessings we enjoy as of the Mayor to sigt the bonds of the Latter-daSaints, we feel to unite and Prospect Park eomnissioners. with, and do mutually pledg? ourselves that we will uphold and susIndianapolis. There was a fatal case of tain each other in doing good. here yesterday. The heat is still exResolved. That, inasmuch as the cessive. Saints have been commanded to gather out from Babylon and "not partake of Philadelphia. An explosion occurred early this morn her sins, that they receive not of her ing, in the store of James Bussick on the plagues," we feel that we should not condescend to imitate the pride, folly wharf, a building filled with and in a few minutes the entire estab- and fashions of the world; and inaslishment was destroyed. A boy, pass much as the church of Jesus Christ is ing along, was hurled to a great dis likened unto a city set on a hill to be a tance and his eyes destroyed, and it is beacon of light to all nations, it is our feared that he is fatally injured. Charles duty to set examples for others, instead Rhodes, a fireman, who entered the of seeking to pattern after them. Resolved. That we will respect anbuilding with his hose, was terribly in jured by a second explosion, and has cient and modern apostolic instructions. since died. Several other firemen were St. Paul exhorted Timothy to teach slightly injured. The explosion is at- "the women to adorn themselves in tributed to spontaneous combustion. modest apparel not wiih braided hair, An explosion blew out a wall or gold or pearls, or costly array; but between Busstcr's store and the adjoin- which becometh women possessing goding store of Phillips brothers, dealers in liness, with good works." Peter, also, whose loss is in his first epistlu, Irants uml in speaking of $40,000, insure! $4.(K)0; llussier's loss women, says, "Whose adorning, let it is $5000, insured $5000. not be thai outward adorning of plaitMENS' AND BOYS' Rochester. ing the hair, and wearing of gold, or The Judson building, on Mill street. of putting on apparel; but let it be has been partially burned; loss $15,000, the hidden man of the heart, in that insurance $5000. which is not corruptible, even tie or The loss by the Clifton Sprints fire is nament of a meek and quiet spirit, wliich is in the sight of God, of great $75,000. Albany. price: for after this manner in old time, A switchman has been arrested for the holy women also, who trusted in An endless robbing the Central .Railroad freight God, adorned themselves." In a reve Saints in cars; he lias contessed, implicating lation given to the Latter-daNOTIONS. several brakemen. The robberies 1831, the Lord said: "Thou sbalt not be to several thousand dollars. A proud in thy heart; let all thy garments large quantity of stolen goods were be plain, and their beauty, the beauty found and secured in a house in nest of the work of thine own hands." All of which, we accept as true principle, Albany. A LARGE QUANTITY OF and such as should be fully illustrated London. in our practice. Six survivors of the ship Mercuries, Resolved. That, with a firm and from San Francisco, lost off the Brazilian determination to honor the forego coast, have been brought here. They ing requirements, and being deeply were rescued from a desert island, up sensible of the sinful ambition and van on which they had remained tor titty ity in dress among the daughters of Zion, which are calculated to foster the days. Havana. Also, pride of the world, and shut out the A number of cases of Asiatic cholera spirit of God from the heart, we mutu has occured here within the last few ally agree to exert our influence, both Grain & Grass days, a large per cent age of which has by precept and by example, to suppress, been fatal. The civil government is and to eventually eradicate these evils. Resolved. taking precautions against the spread of That, admitting variety the disease. The small pox is as yet un- has its charms, we know that real abated, and several deaths have also oc- beauty appears to greater advantage in curred in the interior; the cholera, rf a a plain dress than when bedizened with in many finery, and while we disapprobate ex violent type, has places and a few cases of yomito. travagance and waste, we would not, Madrid. Hay-rake- s, like the Quakers, recommend a uniform, Spain has joined England and Hol- but would have each one to choose the land in the expedition to exterminate style best adapted to her own taste and pirates in Oceiinica. person : at the same time we shall Hoes, Paris. avoid, and ignore as obsolete with us, It is reported, credibly, that the all extremes which are opposed to had another attack of rheumatism, good sense, or repulsive to modesty. Resolved. brought on by a sudden change in the That, inasmuch as clean-line- n is a characteristic of a Saint, and temperature of the weather, today. The Memorial Diplomatique publishes an imperative duty, we shall discard an account of a battle between the Ar- the dragging skirts, and, for decency's gentine troops and the insurgents in the sake, those disgustingly short ones, exprovinces of Entae Rios. Lopez Jordan tending no lower than the boot tops. cammanded the rebels. His cavalry We also regard "paniers" and whatever ALL KINDS OF made a brilliant charge and broke the approximates in appearance towards Argentine right wing, but the latter the "Grecian Bend," a burlespe on rallied and defeated the rebel infan- the natural beauty and dignity of the human female form, and will not distry. Worcester. grace our persons by wearing them. An explosion of nitroglycerine (oc- iYnd, also, as fast as it shall be expe curred killing Timothy Crown, dient, we shall adopt the wearing of an Irishman, aged 23, and injuring home made articles, and exercise our LN FACT, about thirty other persons, none united influence in rendering them Twelve houses were demolfashionable. ' is The ished and many badly shattered. The Mrs. Ella Y. Empy, Tres. shock "was felt, all over the city; bells Mrs. Emily Y. Clawsok, Mrs. Zina Y. Williams, were rung and crockery and funiture broken half a mile distant. The exploMrs. Maria Y. McDouoal, sive material had been smuggled into a Mrs. Caroline Y. Croxall, Miss Dora Younu, can, was addrensed North Adams and intended for the Hoosaic tunnel. The Miss Puebe Y'ouso, scene of the disaster has been visited by Counselors. over fifty thousand persons. The most astonishing feature is that but one life Missionaries Released. From the All Order addressed to D. H. PEEBY, was lost and a few seriously injured; the the and track man killed was walking on Millennial Star of June 7th we learn that Ogdeu City, will hT prompt the glycerine was in the last car of the the following Elders Lave permission to wcredcmol-isheAttention. freight train. Three cars : and heavy bars of iron were return home L. W. SLirtliff. II. C. Jacobs, J. S. thrown nearly a quarter of a mile. The shock was felt some twenty miles dis- Richards, Nephi Pratt, J. M. Ferrin, tant The damage is estimated at Winslow Farr, H. B. demons, J. G. II. Knowlden, L. Garrett, $150,000. ' . S. M. Price, Thomas Rogers, C. J. Mos-leConcord, N. II. J. Lavender, T. Richardson, W. Winston and Mitchell's tannery, at Northamton, has been burned; loss,$25,-00- Pidcock, K. G. Maeser, L. M. Grant Superintendent. 1 and Heber Young. partially insured. 0, copy lutions, adopted at a recent meeting of the Young Ladies Retrenchment Association, in Salt Lake City. We heartily commend the perusal of the "Resolutions," especially to our fair readers, not only to the young, but likewise to those of more mature years. They can all find profit and in struction by reading them carefully, and by giving the young ladies their in helping to carry hearty them out. We sincerely hope and we that those who have do not doubt initiative in this imthe boldly taken be firm in their dewill portant matter, termination to discard all the foolish fashions of the world to eschew "pan. iers," "Grecian Bends," etc, which have so much disfigured in appearance feminine beauty and loveliness; that they will make and adopt their own fashions, and henceforth let all their garmenis "be plain, and their beauty, the beauty of the work of their own hands." They will thus give a new impetus, and fresh encouragement to the wearing cf home manufactured articles of apparel. We expect to see the young gentlemen of this community following the noble example of their young and fair friends in "the city," by adopting firm resolutions to bring about the much needed reform in the fashions of dress of both male and female. Flowers, Removed. The Store of the 1st and 3rd Wards in this city is removed to one of the buildings formerly occupied by the Z. C. M. I. next door to Jenning's new buildings on Main St. Information Wanted. Below will be found a series of Reso AMEUICAX. Thiatbi. z. c. m. i. Itetroiiflnuout, etc. GROCERIES, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ETC. A Good Supply TOOLS on band. T We shall open an extensive Lumber Yard, in Ogdon, in a few days. Due notice will be given of locality. Parties in Salt Lake City can look out, as we shall open up there in onr line in a few weoks, and give every one a chance to build and improve at cheap rates. All communications to be addressed for the present to JOSHUA WILLIAMS CO, Webey Ration, TJ. F. B. B. U-l- y m OCDEN TANNERY. IF On good security we will alto give time, on HTMV.ST, fur large orders. of MECHANICS' YOU WOULD BE WELL FORTIFIED, LEATHER. TRT Come to mv T'nnory and aee if I wilt not sell you aa GOOD LKA'l IIKlt as the best, and a cheap as tho cheapest in the market HYDES aud DARK WANTED. JONATHAN DROWNING. ESTRAY. HATE IN MY POSSESSION THE FOLLOW-in- g described animal: One small Brown Horse, a years old, branded IS h on leu migu, - u. ...... in lace, hind feat white, which, if not claimed, will be sold by Auction on Monday, the 7th day or June next, at the Ertray Wm. N. FIFE, foiindkrr. , fg-- i Ojden Clt-v- June ISth, 18T0. I W-- 3 |