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Show jdcn gunciion. gfte ry WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, l.y the Uooix I'cuunMiNa Company. loUisb.'d FRANKLIN Editor. Editok. Ajscciatb D. RICLUF.DS, C. W. FENROSE, OGDEX, UTAH. Wednesday Morning1, June A 29,1870. Warm Time. The people in the East are having pretty warm time of it. Old Sol ihootg down burning rys upon the hot flag atouea, enl they reflect them upon the long rows of rock and brick buildings, which again repidiate them and they fall on the heads of ome unfortunate pedestrians, often tumbling them over erueless in the street. The thermotn-etc- r during the last few days has ranged from 90 to 102 in Chicago, and from 90 to 100 in Now York. Several casta of un stroke have occurred; some of them fatal We are having a share of the general warmth. The thertnometor stood at 92 in the shade in Ogden on Sunday and Monday. Telegrams from St. George in "our Dixie," report that the beat reached 112 in the ahado on Saturdny This bents last, and 1110 on Monday. the hottest weather in New York or in any of the En item States. But wo do not bear anything of sunstrokes in Utah at present. Our mountain breeies which eome down from the snow belt to give tu temporary relief, no doubt help to keep otf the disasters which are common at this time of t lie year in the East. But there is a preservative more efficacious than anything else; that is, temperance. The Mormons are, generally speaking, a temperate people, and thus avoid many diseases and fatalities to which other communities are subject. The extremo heat of summer produces a feeling of lnnguor and fnintness which many persona seek to removo by spirituous stimulants. Those produce a temt, and re proporary relief, but duce the former languor intensified. Recourse is had again to tho fiery liquor, the brain becomes beated, the of tho head distend and a splendid preparation is made for a re-ac- blood-vesse- ls sun-strok- o. Moderation is to be recommended in tho use of etc. When the toneue is parched, and tho whole system oppressed with beat, it semis ery natural, but is really very dangerous to fly to iced beverages for relief. It is far better to wait awhile and cool off a little before indulging in the delicious luxury. Tho sudden transition from cxcesiivo heat to extreme cold in the sloraajh, frequently drives the blood with too great force to important organs and congestion ensues, aided by the vortical rays of the burning sun. Keep tho pores open and clean by live temperately, proper ablutions, avoid tippling, be careful in the use of ice, don't worry, take things as coolly s possible and there is little danger of . r, This is a public grievance in which all classes of the people are interested, and wo call on our friends of every party and opinion, Jew, Gentile, Mormon or infidel, to use their influence towards removing these abuses. It is not every man who can afford to transact business exclusively by telegraph, yet that is the only safe and reliable public means of sending messages in the Territory. AVe have seen the time when some degree of reliance could be placed on the mails, but latterly they are a nuisance and a burlesque on business. We speak for the public. We have no private pique against any P. 0. official anywhere. We are not personally acquainted with the Salt Lake office men. From report, we believe the S. L. City postmaster to be a gentleman who desires to have everything under his supervision proper, y attended to; but it is evident there is somebody in bis office who wantsjpoking after, and the public expect the Postmaster to do the looking. Salt Luke is not the only office to blame. Bungling and blunders are just as common at Corinne, as all the people north w hoso mail matter parses through that office will testify, and the agents on the U. P. and C. P. railroads are just as bal. If there is not sufficient time between Ogden and Bonneville to get the proper sacks for JJox Elder, Cache and Uich counties ready to throw out on the arrival of the train, a little help should be provided. "Do you take the Junction?" "Oh, r.o,'' say many persons in the North, should certainly do so, but thero is no certainty about receiving newspapers; sometimes they come in time, sometimes they are a week or fortnight old, and sometimes they dou't como at all." Is not this a lovely stnte of things under a great and powerful government like the United States T Will Col. Wk'kiicr pay attention to the repented and just complaints of the people, or must we unite in an appeal direct to Washington, setting forth facts, figures and delinquencies! We wait, as patiently as we can, for an answer. The Colonel had better not send it by mail, however, or it may go to Jericho before we see it in Ogden, jyy The Best Accommodation for Travelers will be found at the Traveler's Rest, Ogden. Jonv ft Pool. 553?" Suit of Gentlemen Ready-mad- e to wanting a No. 1 Clothing should go TniRKiLL & Eakl's. First nnd Third Ward Drug Store for Ture Liquors. tfcaT Go to the President Young's Trip JVortli. sun-strok- flooring, finishing lumber and pickets, at $10. . Delivered at tho U. C. Depot in Salt Lake City at an advanco ou the above prices, of $2,60 per 1000 feet. J. Williams & Co., Weber Station, U. T. R. R. 44 Ad-dr- Buy your Liquors at the First and Third Ward Store. Org If you want flood Board and a comfortable Clean Bed, go to the Traveler's Res!, North-we, corner of Union Joiim R. Pool, Propr. Square, Ogden. st Ji5jrCiNi LrMKN wanting a tine quality Gent's Furnishing Osods should go to & Earl's. The Old Story. Again we have to record our complaint against the Post Offico officials of Salt Lake City. We have taken up the subject of mail irregularities time nnd time again, and have pointed out individual instances of negligence and carelessness; but Col. WickUer, whose duty it is to see that those evils are remedied, either takes no notico of tho public grievauocs, of has no inilucoco in his department of the publio business; for mail matters I . "get no better yery fast." A short time einci we directed attention to a particular caso of wilful negligence or uupardonable carelessness on the part or the Salt Lake P. 0. officials, and vre aro now uuder the necessity of j similar making another complaint of character. On Sunday last, Juno Sfith, tbe newspaper mail from Suit Lake City did not arrive in Og leu, and on Monday morning, when those who were disappointed on the previous day, expected surely to receive tbeir papers, behold, there was no mail at all from Salt Lakel The mail sack came along all right, but . HOTELS. WHITE RE-OPENE- Best of Accommodations Reasonable Charges. posi-bilit- - Fish-have- HOUSE & FARM HOUSE, D. and MAIN STREET UT. OGDEN, Board $8.00 per ffwl s First-Clas- BAHUEllUEK COHEN, Proprietor fiS" Free Bus to and from the Lw, W. 43-i- OGDEN HOUSE, MAI1ST T g-iEE- FAVORITE HOUSE, HATING rpiIIS recently renovated, and furnished tam..k with patent Spring lieds, the Proprietor feiT, fldeut in being able to give entire (i.f..... Dav Boarders, Families, and the Tr.vi;- niunity, at a reasonable price. The wl,?? plied from both the California and A Hack will run to and from the Tr.,.tlll!lll,l, - w cam . . .!me- 11 . . iiuiu live uj cuarge pitwwii);vii Atiacueu 10 me xiuuao is a 1IR Pi.. g SODA FOUNTAIN. JOHN MAU0.H. Ogden, Utah, May 26, 1870. FOR SALE. dear-boug- 52-- 1 ty JULY 5:2-- 3 NOTICE. , germ-a-tion- NOTICE! Jlillvillc District. IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAI 1 District was organiied Mav inn commencing at E. Edwards' Saw Mill tbma centre the of Blacksmith's up running Forkrhw in a South-easterl- y direction to the Eastern boon ary lino of Cache County, thence along ssid lim North to the centre main Fork of Logan rinr thence West following that stream to a point dai North of said mill, thence South to the phes if beginning. CHARLES W. HUL8E was duly elected U corder of Milville District. FREDERICK YEATES, Secretary. NOTICE P. BEEWERY BEST BEER rpiIE 1 manufactured and IN WE1IKR COfVTy for sale in qmntitwof from Five Gallons and upward 8t Landt'i Brenrr ' on Burch Creek, four miles south-eas- t cfOfdit Saloons and Families supplied. OnWti will jeceive prompt attention. 62-- 2 ESTRAY NOTICE. s School-hous- white-spotte- d A. LANDT, Proprietor. iW-t- f & BOESSEL PARPE Mam Strett, Ogden City, a-- st Watchmakers, Jewelers &Gnnsmltlu, Agents for American and Elgin Watches. Keep constantly on hand a large assortment fine Jewelry, Foreign Watches, Guns, Pistols, inl Ammunition of all kinds. Purchasers will do well to examine our Slots: before purchasing elsewhere. Repairing carefully done and all work warrutt t 71m COAL! COAL! 52-- 3 LlBiaTY, Rich County, Utah, June 20th, 1870. On Saturday morning we bid farewell to St. Cburles and our hospitable entertainers, who deserve the thanks of the entire company for their kindness nnd liberality, uiitl returned to Paris. The Bloomington folks were out with a demonstration as we passed through. They were taken a little by surprise when we were on our way to fct. Luarles. They did not expect us so early in the mornLumber ron rnt Million. All kinds ing and consequently were not preparof ordinary lumber, plank, scantling, ed for eur coming, but on Saturday they Joists, flooring, beams, rafters, shooting, wre out with "the early worm" and lined tho road with flogs and banners eto., delivered at the U. P. Depot in Og- and mottoes, clean, smiling and respectden for $5j per 1000 feet. First-clas- s ful. TnitiKiLL En Route foe "Bostinq." On Mon choir, though small, is the best iu the will necessities adapt themselves to theuncultivated at 7 o'clock the Boston Exof the settlers, loso their day morning Wells, spoke upon the redemptoned down to a cursion party arrived in Ogden on the become and manners tion of the centre stake of Zion in Jackaccommodating son County, Me. and tho preparation moderate, agreeable and return trip from 'Frisco. They only of behavior. way its for accomplishment; upon necessary as staid about half an hour and then resumed is The organization of Rich County tho accountability of men for their own follows: their journey towards the "hub." From y acts, the atonement of Christ, the ECCLESIASTICAL. we perceive that the of the salvation of all men, the Elder C. C. Rich of tho Quorum of the durknesa which would surely take the themselves hugely on the enjoyed they Twelve. place of light in all those who turn away President of the Pacific Coast. David P. Kimball, from the truth, and the tangibility of our Stake. holy religiou. Minstrels. The Overland Minstrels, Joseph C. Rich, Counsellor. Pres't. Young, said when the spirit of George Sirrine, James have arrived; they will perform at the Iiyh Council. revelation rested upon the people, it II. Hart, Harley Morey, William W. Theatre, Ogden, on Thursday evening. was outwardly manifested in their good John A. Hunt, Thomas Slight, Sterreft, led toworks and and them acts, dances, comicalities. An enterfeelings Alonzo Miner Wilcox, Solo- Songs, Bingham, tending to their own improvement. He mon full of variety. tainment Hale, Edward N. Austin, Lewis would make a little scripture for the C. EdlifsoB. F. people of this valley. "Let the sisters Ricks, Blaze away. Fireworks forthe "GloWilliam Bude, Presiding Bishop. be determined to have a woolen factory." 187a rious Fourth" at the San Francisco Fruit Appointed Juife 2Uh, If he could get the women in the mind, the men would ba sure to follow, lie Store, Union Square. See advt. St. Charles. wanted the sisters to look round and ask J. A. Hunt, Bloomington. Who own's the dark brown horse ,r tkeuuelves how they were going to ob- J. II. Hart, tain clothing for themselves and child- Joseph More, Creek ! See notice in this No. Salt from Lake Town. ren. He would advise the sale of stock Ira N'ebcker, of the Junction. Kimballville. now running ou the range, and the pur- Josiab Tuft, Ovid. chase of a factory which would cost C. F. Edlifson, Liberty. about $10,000 ; tho building they could E. N. Austin, Alonzo Bingham, Bennington. Ho would recomput up themselves. Montpelier. mend the importation of knitting ma- John Cozzens, civil. chines also, and the employment of the Jas. II. Hart, Probate Judge. time saved thereby in teaching the young John A. Hunt, and in mental improvement. People wuut-e- d Selectmen. Morris Phelps, which and wero things I). P. Kimball, j which was great folly. He William Allrcd, Clerk and Recorder. wished tfieni also to raise and export E. N. Austin. Sheriff. OF MARRIOTT'S GREENWOOD, of and and turn many hops potatoes (GEORGE two and a half miles north-weJoseph C. Rich' Surveyor. the latter into starch, and advised all dell for cash of will Ogden city, cheap, a good Jas. H. Hart, Supt. of Schools. who wanted to be miserable and make a PA KM of forty acres, with crop, house, orchard, MILITARY. little hell to leave farming and go and horses, wagon, cows and young stock. The principal military authorities of hunt for gold. In the afternoon the Sacrament was Rich County with whom I became ac For particulars apply to quainted, were administered. C. Colonel J. Rich, President Young read the words of G50RGE GREENWOOD, Mnyor Sol. Hale, Jesus, "If any man will do his (the N. E. Austin. Capt. m At the Farm. Father's) will, he shall know of the docFrom the escorts which they furnish trine, whether it is of God or whether I ed and the general appearance of the speak of myself;" and showed tho men, there is no doubt that the militia of existing for every man to lave the county is in good order and condithe light of God for himself, that he ! ! tion. FOURTH OP know whether was what might preached We are apt to associate in our minds was truth or not; that every act we performed was a temporal act, but we need with military affairs not only bright uni FIRE-WORK- S forms and shining weapons, but proudly ed tho inward grace to accompanj it. steeds, neighing, snorting prancing that tho Lord required us to enquire of, ALL DESCRIPTIONS, FOR SALE AT THE thundering war horses etc. OF San Frunciact Fruit Store, Junction street, and seek after him, and that in the spirit chargers, Now the chief military men of Rich north of Union Squire, Ogden. world everything was as natural is in County, do not pander to the popular the present state of existence. convention Elder Vi . Woodruff spoke upon the notion in this respect. The alities of ordinary society have no effect to in events this transpire great BROWN HORSE, BRANDED g M the increase of opposition wkich upon their military intellect. They soar A DARK on left thigh, followed my mare from Salt such common ideas, raddle of would correspond with the increase olthe above Creek. The owner cn get him lv paving for this animals a trifle largor than a rabbit, advertisement. The horse is now at North end of Saints, and the need of spiritual foot as which II. RYLANCE. belong to that order of quadru- Ogden valley. well as food for the body. known as being neither peds popularly T. Burton mado gome reElder R. jack-ass- , and yet a mixture of marks upon the fulfillment of the prcpli-ecie- s horse nor both. Their tastes agree, and yet they in the gathering of the Sants VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THK JUSTICE differ. They unite on the subject of BY of the I'euce, of North Fork Precinct, I will "with speed swiftly" and upon the ne nil at Pulilic Sale, on the 1st August next, at ten size, but divide on the matter of color. cessity of being well prepared with Weber county, one The Colonel rides a little very little aim., at Eden nnd ammunition to repel any attick three-veold Snanish yellow and specimen of mule's flesh, black as STEER, crop off both ears, no brands visible, if from Indians or others. is said to be, nnd just as wicked. noi previously ciaimeo nv me owner. Elder C. W. Penrose spoke' upon :he Satan JOHN FARRELL, Constable. The Major mounts a little very little who of those God he served like Eden, June 30, 1H70. folly of animal the but same of species bay devil nnd saw nothing but tho failiigs while tho Captain puts himself of their brethren, upon the evil tend;n-cie- s color, TO of corrupt literature, and the pro- across a third a little very little nniniule, gray as superannuated rat. The of home priety sustaining newspapers instead of the fureign trash which vas age of the first is placed at the latter end of the teens, whilo the last is re- Received being introduced into this Tcrritorr. After tho conclusion of t he liiteting, ported to be iu its infancy, nnd the .Sale middle one is pronounced of middle nge. President Young and the company took all are can as and hemp tough "get leave of the I'arinians, thiinkinr them Tiicy AT Till; OGDEN BRANCH OF for their kind treatment nnd good feel- HP and dint" with a fwiilness totally at size their variance with and appearance. I ings which heartily endorse, partic1 have been thus particular in describ ularly to Mr. Miner Wilcox and hilady ing these lively little military specimens who attended to my personal wants nnd of blooded stock because they have atearned my tratitudo an l went on the A good supply of tho tained much celebrity in Rich County, same evening to and the Bear Lakers would bo disapLIRFttTT, if no allusion were wade to WORLD, a small settlement 7 miles north-wis- t of pointed them. Paris, in a delightful little nook anong The grasshoppers lest I mijrlit bo CBCAMriOS, the hills, presided over by Elder I. N, guilty of invidious comparison, Austin. A neat little town with jlenty thought 1 do not mention them in the same of good farming and liny lanes, an EXCELSIOR, with the mules and crickparagraph AND abundance of water, l he straighteit and in not ets have an this put appearance prettiest fence poles that ever enclosed season in Rich MeCORM but the crops County, a lot, and splendid opportunities for landless and homeless city laborirs to look fine and thrifty, and foretell an CELEBRATED abundant harvest. We saw a great make a home and nn independence. in the boot as we passed deal wheat of Here we tarried for the night and slept the sleep of innocence. Is that a little through the fields, and some of it was out. The people feel greatly too heavy for thy susceptible n'rves. headed at the promising condition encouraged I should to like Junction? lehold my of their grain. They have never before tho most innocent babe which ever s'umbered in "the woods" or clswhere raised a full crop. Frost destroyed that reposed more sweetly than, that their wheat during the first two years of the settling of the country, and the Q. evening, in Liberty, did hoppers devastated their fields in the following seasons. They have worked rich county and lived through the worst diffalong the whole ValBear Lak of Occupies iculties newly settled districts, ley, which is about fifty miles in bngth and nowattending the climate is changing, provfrom North to South, and on average OGDEN idence smiles upon their industry and about eight miles wide from Eist to to are about of the fruit their reap West. Its altitude is 1,350 higher than they Success to the brave and hnrdy Cache Valley, or about 6,400 above the toils. who have turned this d sea level. St. Charles is the county workers valley into a cluster of smiling seat and a very pleasant seat it is, for ! Their adop- THE PRINCIPALS OF THE OGDEN HIGH which tho county officers oucht to be gardens and fertile fields take pleiisure in announcing to the ted home is Rich in beauty and resourever grateful. There are ten settle ces that their School apparatus and general as well as in name, and they are public facilities for intellectual development are not ments in the county, the largest of which rich in faith and good works. equalled in Utah, outside of Salt Lake Citv nnd is Paris, ami the population of the coun therefore Holicit the patronage of the inhabi they Peace be on thee, lovely valley of the tants oi n oner ana surrounding couuties. ty is about 2.000. Tho houses are chief beautiful lake Upon crysthy rippling ly or logs though there are a fwr very tal streams, thy green undulating hills good frame buildincu aud are the neat and the thick groves of thy grand old est trimmest and Btraiglitest looking log BRANCHES TAUGHT. mountains. Upon the stout hearts of houses l have seen anywhere. The Tuition per Term of Fourteen Weeks. and the of hosts childpeople, thy happy fences, of straight clean poles firmly set ren, who are (7.00 springing up within thy Preparatory Course in substantial posts, are the best of the 15.00 as numerous as blades of grass. commercial borders Advanced Classes (not Including the lan- kind in the Territory. There it a con I bid thee with farewell and shall 15.00 regret, tinuous line of fence thirteen miles in 10.00 recall thee in the freshness and glory of Phonography Latin length on the west side of the valley io.ou summer graces, while I travel amid thy from the North of Paris to The above charges payable In advance. stretching the dust of on cares the earthly rough St. Charles. Tho land is the South of and rocky road of life. Q. of good quality, adapted principally to cereals and roots. Small fruits flourish Among the advantages of the School may be EST GexTLEMEN wanting Summer enumerated a paper, edited by the student peririchly, and garden vegetables grow in to which all Will be required to contriabundance. Ireland is not to be men Suits should call and see Patterns at odically, also bute; iustitm ons will lie organised tioned in the same breath on the potato Thirkill & Earl's. among the literary students, having for their objects a theo eticnl and The of practical the training in Oratory, earth" question. "apples Declamation and Composition. turnout, as largo as your foot, and as An Ordinance Declaring the Debate, Students can enter tht classes at any time, their City Seal. mealy as flour. Pasturage is plentiful term will commence from the date of entry. and close to the settlements, and the range . K .n. .. lliMnl r : muiiiivTi, may oe proSec. 1. ' Be it ordained by the City cured at , a ...... tor stock out lie hills and the bottoms is coat Trout five to seven dollars per week. Council of Ogden City, that the seal ample and luxuriant. Timber, poles and firewood tire within easy distance of the heretofore provided and used by and PRINCIPALS. settlements, and are easily attainable if for said city, described as follows: one W. Rhrtox. W. T. B. Liwu. and inches in the diameter, is there anything that can be called easy e which of is a a on impression in getting wood from the mountains. stand in the with a rose on (Those who desire to settle this point in either side of centre, the with bees their own minds should yoke up Buck and Iright and go to the mountains and surrounding the hive, and an inscription M. BOW RING, FROM SALT LAKE CITY, to inform the Ladles of Oplen and The streams are around the outer edcre thereof nf '0rHin MRS. 'try it a whack.") U.T. is "'nity that she has opened her new M1LLINKRY Corporate Seal." hereby ESTABLISHMENT. numerous, clear, cold and well stocked City, with sh i a man at Bloomington who declared to have bron. and now .nil One Door South of the Tost Oillce, had bien irrigating ou Friday lust, pick- hereafter to be the Corporate Seal of And has on hnnd choice of ed up thirty large trout on his land, ugnen City. S U M Passed June 2Sth, A. D. 1870. To which she respectfully Invites their which had strayed into the water ditch attcutiou. LORIN FARR, Mayor. AIo. and lost themselves. The climate is very GENTLEMEN'S Taos. G. Odkll, City Recorder. pleasant in summer, but the winters are and cold, the of the long though rigor And SHOO FLY NECKTIES. IfeS Board by tho day or week, and frosts and storms has moderated, and Ladies' Own Materials made ap. Good N .B. the at Traveler's Rest, there is no doubt that as in tho history The Demurest V oriels for Dross Lodging, I. Instructions la the art gratis. Cutting on of other valleys in Utah, the elements Ogden. Johx R. Pool. f there was nothing in it except a solitary county. Pres't. paper for Huntsville. The President Rnd Elders attended the School of the Prophets in Paris, and afterwards returned to Bloomington where meetinji was Held at o p. m. in the schoolhousc, which was handsomely The intedecorated for the occasion. rior walla wero covered with cotton cloth and ornamented with a great number of mottoes and devices tastefully arranged. Elder B. Young Jr., addressed the congregation upon the value of the Book of Mormon and the book of Doctrine nnd Covenants, and the duty of all, particu larly the vising generation to become acquainted with the doctrines contained iu those books, nnd of obtaining a testl monyofthe truth from God for them selves. Elder Lorciuo Snow commended the hospitality and cordiality of feeling manifested by the peoplo of this valley and showed that tee circumstances of the people were improving, and that their intelligence and spiritual condition ought to improve correspondingly. Elder F. 1). Richards, said it was not tho man who ent the most that became the fattest, nor ho who read the most that became the wisest, but as food had to be digested to build up the body, so know! edge had to be stored up to feed the mind; and showed that as every living thing parted with waste matter, so the Church of Christ periodically threw off apostates as tout material injurious to the system. President Young advUed that in building either meet in houses or private dwellings, the window sashes bo msido to drop from the top so as to allow the escnpo of vitiated air; and counselled the people, according to the words or one of tumr mottoes, to put their " trust to in God. After meeting the company returned Fiats. On Sunday, the weather being warm and pleasant, the people gathered in from the different settlements and Paris was lively with teams and vehicles of all kinds, bringing the "merry Mormons" to meeting. The bowery was well filled at 10 a.m. The Paris and Bloomington choirs were on hand and sang sweetly the songs of Zion The Bloomington FARMERS. Just ICR'S Reapers and Mowers, WHICH WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. THE frost-boun- HIGH SCHOOL. 1 "-- ') 1 1. I COAL! - h CO. ARE NOW PREPARED rpOMNSON the best quajily of Coal, at and for 3. Go IH I. 49-- tf KUIlSflJVG- $4.00 per 10 Ton, on the Cars, at Echa. All orders aildrewd to ROBINSON" 4 Co., Coalville. Summit County, Utah, will meet with prompt attention. ' 3m ' FEMALE RELIEF ASSOCIATION, MAIN STREET, OGDEN. rPHE TO FEMALE RELIEF SOCIETY BSD call the attention of the Ladies to their X NEW STOCK OF SPUING GOODS, Consisting of Artificials, Feathers, Ribbons, HU, etc., etc. A fine assortment, for sale, cheap. 20-t- f LADIES! ATTENTION. KINDS vnTDCT - ri icq ir i iv. nv nu A IU Ulk'O ti '.T til. .... .lllUDl.tLHI on the East lids f i, at Mrs. PENROSE'S, Main Street, a littles South of Ogden House. Hats, Bonnets, Babies' Hoods, etc, msds order. Straw and Tuscan Goods cleaned and alters! tbe latest Fashions. GOOD WORK GUARANTEED. KiT 39-t- f CALL AM) SEE. JEWELRY AND WATCHES. UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM numerous fi ieuds and the public generally that lie has located himself on MAIN STREET. in Ogden, South of White House, and if new to repair all kinds of Clocks, Watfhes M Jewelry at the shortest notice, in a workmanlike manner and on terms to suit the times. Titbim nm.. nrdari tnlrin at liar for W II r Ir 47-- tf JAMES FRODSIIAM. THE TAILORS JOHN TAYLOR & BRO. Salt Having carried on business successfully in that Lake City for the last ten years, feel confident they can give satisfaction to the residents ol OgdMA choice collection of Clotlifs, CnHsiinere) Vewtinsf oto. Gents' Own Materials Made lp Block West of the Bank, Ogden City." Reapers, Mowers and Wagons. TO THE FARMERS OF UTAff. 49-l- y bee-hiv- bee-hiv- e, MILLINERY. - selcr-tin- MER GOODS, Straw TTftt53 ISAAC WB MOORE, OGDEN CITY, IS AGENT ' Territory of the &MowiS KirbyReaping combined. Machine The Machines, and a large assortment of WJ arc on exhibition at Nathaniel Leavitt's, Main-0:;den, Utah. AND EXAMINE THEM." Wagons furnished to order. MOORS45-2- ISAAC - "LATHER AND SHAYEM."n FORMERLY THOMAS, THOMAS House and well known H pluhed knight of the scissors and OF "J"" blade, n"?! opened business on Main street, a little of 6 " N. Leavitt s. He asks for the patronage frwads and of all who wan s clean shavs l im rnur. a kes easy chair, with a light band and |