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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT 4 testimony meetings were about the best meetings we hold, spoke on forming the habit of attending meeting, felt we could not be too thankful for the blessings we receive. Prest. Annie C Jensen reported Mantua society in usual good condition, were united, and the spirit of God was with them, had 348 bushels of wheat. Prest. Charlotte W. Boden reported Brigham City 2nd ward, was thankful to be one with the sisters in the blessings and privileges she enjoyed, reported all President Sarah J. in good condition. Wiide of Brigham City 4th ward reported having a gcod band of sisters who were active and willing to do whatever called upon to do. Sister Mary Wright was pleased to be able to get out, had enjoyed listening to the reports, thought the Relief society was doing a good work, felt well in the gospel and knew it was true, said we were to have charity and love for each other. A solo was rendered by Sister May Hoops. Counselor Emelia D. Madsen spoke of the early days and the association of Prest. Harriet A. Snow, and the loving kind words they received from the sisters in these days, spoke on celebrating the Prophet's birthday, spoke a few words on raffling, gave some directions to secretaries and the importance of keeping dates, spoke a few words on the stake board visiting around with the associations and how it was enjoyed, and of the blessings received through prayer and administration, gave many other good instructions-Sister Emma Vance said the Lord inspires the sisters to speak to us, and cause us to feel refreshed in our minds, and helps us to more fully appreciate our surroundings, spoke of the rearing and responsibility of children, and urged the sisters to do their duties in this regard. Stake Counselor Lucius A. Snow felt to call attention to a piece in the Improvement Era in regard to the Prophet Joseph Smith; related a circumstance in relation to his mother and her great faith, spoke of his mother's death, and how the evil had influence over him, and how through the influence of his sister he got rid of the evil which had possession of him; referred to fault finding, and urged all to help and strengthen each other. President S. P- Booth felt to thank the brethren and sisters for the good counsel given, felt the Spirit of God had been with us, and made other good closing remarks. After singing Doxology, prayer was offered, and conference adjourned for si received lately. The Board are working hard for the benefit of the Society. The teachings of the President at ConAfter reference were very important. of the from some presidents. Counports selor Ida Smoot Dusenberry addressed the meeting; she loved to meet the sisters of the Relief Society and look in their faces, it always gave her inspiration, can g life. We see traces of a unconsciously receive inspiration and a restful spirit; loved to look on the face of President Bathsheba W. Smith and to see the purity of spirit expressed in her features. Spoke of her travels, her visit to Rome and Italy, and her experience in Portland at the Fair interspersed with many pleasing reminiscences. "It is through doing for others that our characters are being built up, the more charity and love we can have the faster we are We are a charitable organizagrowing. tion, but it does not stop with the physical but the intellect must be built of motherhood and the importance of home training and the necessity of living in harmony. Life is made up of little things, and let us cherish love, charity and all the graces of the gospel." Singing, "How firm a Foundation-Two of the presidents reported. President Jas. H. Clarke: "Are we fully alive to our opportunities, have we the confidence we should have in the principles of the church; except we receive and enjoy the spirit of our organization, we cannot do much good. How good it would be if the sisters could open their hearts to the teachers and receive instruction suitable to their condition. If we had perfect confidence in each other the instruction would be of the right kind." Believed we were advancing; "if we had the entire love and confidence of each other what a wonderful effect it would have, and how much advancement we should make." Singing and Benediction. Adjourned until 2 o'clook. Afternoon Session: President Standring After the usual exercises, presiding. President Standring said it was necessary for us to come together and learn our duty and to bless each other. Hoped we would have a profitable time this afterhard-workin- up-Spok- e " up to the higher classes the boys grow scarcer. "Every mother has a desire that her children should grow up good Latter-da- y Saints. We have more mothers than fathers who take an interest in the advancement of the children. Children are the heritage of the Lord and are a glorious blessing. There is a great call for young men in the mission field; the Spirit of the Lord is operating on the minds of the people and they are inquiring for missionaries and information. The Church is growing and we are becoming Outsiders more of a light set on a hill. cannot refrain from saying: "The Mormons are a wonderful people." How many are trying to plant faith in the The harvest is hearts of the children. few. There is and are laborers the great a call for 600 missionaries; mothers, withhold not your sons nor your daughters: people who hear the stories against this people are led to wonder and investigate and they desire to know the truth. Take courage, sisters, and don't hinder your boy from taking a mission if he is young, and you will rejoice that he went." Sister Sina Chipman gave an address on Charity. President Abel J. Evans spoke of the grand invocation of President Joseph F. Smith at conference, when he blessed his brethren and sisters each and all and even his enemies, and asked the Lord to forgive them until the people were melted to tears, and he determined that as long as he lived, he would never harbor a feeling of animosity against any of his brethren. President Standring felt to bless the sisters, with their husbands, their families, their homes and all their possessions. Prayed for a blessing on all with salvation in the presence of God. Singing "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow." Benediction by Sister Mary A. Webb. Conference adjourned for three months. Emma Featherstone, Sec. CLEANING A SEWING MACHINE. To clean a sewing machine, says London Tid Bits, place it near the fire to get warm, that the congealed oil about it may melt, and then oil it thoroughly with parnoon. affin. Work it quickly for a few minutes, Reports were given of Manila, Alpine, then off all the paraffin and dirt, and Cedar Fort. Song. "There's work treat itwipe to a little more paraffin, wipe it for all,'" Sisters Evans and Grant. Next and after the application of a very was an address by Counselor Annie C. again, of little the lubricating oil it will Hindley, "The duties of parents to chil- be ready forordinary use, and its working will dren, and the duties of children to par- be an ample reward foreasy trouble inany ents." curred. months. Singing. "Praise to the man who comK. muned with Jehovah. Annie Littlewood, Save Your Money! Cor. Sec. pro tern. President Stephen L- Chipman said the And when you get a dollar, deposit it and the Bishops with Zion's Savings Bank & Trust Presidency appreciate ALPINE STAKE. of the Relief Society and the sisefforts the oldest and largest savings Company, The Relief Society Conference of the ters bank in Utah. be congratulated on their inmay Alpine Stake was held at American Fork, tegrity and faithfulness; he had been led Since the establishment of the bank we have opened more than 41,191 savOctober 20th, 1905, President Rebecca to reflect on the condition of the people-Founings accounts. Standring presiding. After the opening in the primary departments that' The laws of Utah permit married exercises President Standring made openof the schools the boys and girls seem women and also children who are minor, ing remarks. Thought we ought to be about equal in number, but as to open savings accounts in their own move you improved by the many teachings we have name, subject to their own order. Have - - d R. K. THOMAS DRY GOODS CO. 67, 69, 7i Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. ARE IN OUR NEW STORE, and solicit your patronage. We aim to give you as much as possible for vour money. TRY K US you such an account? If not, open one NOW We pay FOUR PER CENT INTEREST on any amount from ODe dollar to five thousand, and compute said interest WRITE for any information desired. Joseph F. Smith, Prest. George M. Cannon, Cashier. No. 1 East Temple Street, Semi-annuall- y. |