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Show WOMAN'S left a widow many years ago, she has struggled bravely, cheerfully and patiently to fulfill her duty to her children, her associates and her God. All who knew her can testify that she succeeded in her noble and high aims. Before her health failed she was an active, intelligent worker in the Relief Society, visiting the sick and afflicted in the capacity of a teacher, and performing every duty of that calling to the satisfaction of her associates. Her life has been a beautiful and exemplar one and we have joy and comfort in the knowledge that she is entitled to all the blessirgs promised to the faithful. Com. EXPONENT1. tion of a Relief Society teacher as a great Arthur Winter spoke for a short time on the good that the Relief He Society had done in the Chnrch. said he considered it second to none of the auxiliary organizations. Sister Georgina Fox Young of the Stake Relief Society spoke of the wisdom in reorganizing. We can gain much by doing charity work. Sisters Elizabeth Davis, Mary L. Solomon and Harriet M- - James each expressed a willingness to fill the positions RELIEF SOCIETY REPORTS. assigned them. Sister Lula Winn was RELIEF SOCIETY REORGANIZED. then chosen to act as Secretary, and exAgreeable to the request of Joseph E. pressed her willingness to act in the posiRobinson, President of the California tion. The above sisters were then set apart Mission, and Justus Swenson, President of the San Francisco Branch, a special meet- to their various positions under the hands ing for the reorganization of the Ladies' of Bishop Solomon, Counselor Arthur Relief Society of this city was called Winter and Elder John Kingdon. After November 8th, 1905, Sister Mary G. singing and benediction, meeting adHughes, the President, having tendered journed. Harriet James, Secretary. her resignation previously and same having been accepted. President Robinson presided and called MARICOPA STAKE. the meeting to order. He addressed the The Relief Society Conference of the sisters upon the subject of the Relief Society and its importance as an aid in Maricopa Stake was held Nov. 23rd, in the Mesa R. S, HaU, commencing at 2 the Church. Sister Elizabeth Rawlinson was unani- o'clock, with First Counselor Melissa Attendance of 36 mously chosen President of the Society, Hunsaker presiding. with Sisters Anna Stormfieldt and Eliza- officers and members and two brethren of beth Hooper as Counselors. Sister W, the Stake presidency. After opening remarks, Prest. Florence P. Wolfinger was unanimously sustained A. Dana reported the Mesa ward to be in as Secretary. sisgood condition. They have nearly finPresident Rawlinson addressed the ters asking their assistance and faith that ished the mothers' work program. Prest. they might have a Relief Society in very Sophronia Stewart said the attendance at deed. Sisters Stormfieldt, Hooper and the Alma ward was not as good as she would like. They have reading from the Wolfinger followed. Testimonies were borne by many Doctrine and Covenants and mothers' Hunsaker said present and a good spirit prevailed work lectures- Counselor and all visited been all wards had the throughout. Secredo Stake to were striving right, W. P. Wolfinger, Secretary. the Pine E. Fuller reported tary Anna ward in good condition both spiritually REORGANIZATION 22ND WARD, CITY. and temporally. They have the mothers' Coun- Parmelia Home A special meeting of the 22nd Ward work lecturesRelief Society was called June 14, 1904. had visited the Mesa and Lehi wards On since returning home, but Lehi held no Bishop Alfred Solomon presided. the stand were Bishop Alfred Solomon, meeting. Coun. Wm. J LeBaron said that faith Counselors John L. Nebeker and Arthur works is dead. without Fox also Counselor Helping others Winter, Georgina a love of the in heart human the awakens Relief of the Salt Lake Stake Young of labors of the results Lord. The of H. Davis good Society and Coun. Elizabeth when we felt are Relief the the 22nd Ward Relief Society. truly Society do comes we in the and are need, good Bishop Solomon stated the purpose of in us to back opportunithe meeting. He spoke of the good work blessings; many President Rachel Whipple had done. ties are lost by those who are not organShe had been faithful and true to the pos- ized in their wards for Relief Society ition she had held. He also spoke of the work. Other denominations are followfaithfulness of her Counselors. ing in onr footsteps. Let our example be President Rachel Whipple and Coun- worthy for them to follow, Coun- Isaac Dana said we will be judged selor Maria L. Nebeker were honorably released with the best wishes and love of by our works and the records we make all. Bishop Solomon said the duties of here. The riches of eternity are gained the Relief Society are great and urged by the faithful. Stake Missionary Sarah M. Pomeroy the sisters to visit the homes of those who He said said that those who do not take hold in are bowed down with sorrow. he hoped that, the sisters would be willing this work are the losers. She rejoiced in to accept and sustain those who would be the gospel and was glad to help the Vance placed before them for their accept- needy. Eliza Leavitt and Sarahsaid she Alice Richens bore ance. testimony. to felt it and never days, forgot meeting Sister Elizabeth H. Davis was then Barwork. this on to our be chosen to be President of the 22nd Ward duty carry Relief Society with Mary L. Solomon as bara Lang was glad to meet with the sisher first and Harriet Maria James as her ters again. Had greatly enjoyed her visit second Counselors. All were unanimous- with relatives in the East, and had obtained some genealogy and hoped to be ly sustained. Counselor John L. Nebeker spoke of able to do some work for relatives who his regret at'not seeing more of the sis- are Hunsaker made a few closing ters present. Said he regarded the posi- -- - - - dead-Counselo- r - remarks and thanked the brethren for meeting with us. Singing and benediction. adjourned. Anna E. Conference Fuller, Secy. Sunday, Nov- 2. At the General Conference of the Maricopa Stake R. S-- , President Mabel A. Hakes was honorably released on account of her removal to New Mexico, and Melissa Hunsaker was sustained as Stake Prest. of the Maricopa Relief Society, with Parmelia Home and Sophronia Stewart as her counselors. At the close of the meeting the sisters were set apart by Apostles F. M. Lyman and Rudger Clawson. A. E. F. - BOX ELDER STAKE. The conference of the Relief Society of the Box Elder stake convened in the Tabernacle, Brigham City, Tuesday. December 12, 1905, President Susannah P. Booth presiding. Present beside Relief society stake board. President Oleen N. Stohl and Brother Jos. Burt. Conference opened with singing, prayer and singing. Minutes of previous forenoon conference read and accepted. President S- P. Booth made opening remarks, said we were willing to do anything we could to make the meetings interesting, so we could have better attend- ance, bore her testimony, and spoke in regard to "Mother's work." Prest. Mary Fredahl represented the Elwood association in good running order, had built a granary and had between 140 and 150 bushels of wheat. Prest. Sarah Fredahl reported Bear River City society in good running order, were united and held good meetings. Counselor Mary Perry represented Perry association, said they had times of rejoicing when they met together; spoke of the "Mother's work," felt it was a grand work, and had done much good, bore a strong testimony to the goodness of God. Sister Miller represented Thatcher association, had an energetic band of sisters and were doing as well as they possibly could. Prest. Mary E Ward reported Willard society. The officers and teachers work in love and harmony together, attendance not as good as might be, held meetings regularly. Prest. Elizabeth Loveland reported Dewey ville association; reported a good time spent in visiting all through their ward with the people, gathered $31.60 from Sunday eggs, and bought wheat; were all united in the Relief society work. President Oleen N. Stohl was pleased to listen to the good reports given by the sisters, felt to say God bless our mothers, said a few words on the care of the poor, spoke of the times in which we live and the requirements made of us; spoke also on punctuality and habits, our religion is to us just what we make it; gave many more good and timely instructions, asked the blessing of God upon session adjourned with singing and prayer. Afternoon session opened with 2 p.m. the usual exercises. Minutes of previous afternoon conference read and approved. Roll called, 13 associations represented. Prest. Annie C. Johnson reported Brig-haCity 1st ward in usual condition, held meetings and mother's work regularly. Prest. Emma Lee reported Brigham City 3rd ward, felt the Relief society g m |