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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 3 encouragement given them. Felt to honor his parents whom he knew were of the true blood of Ephraim, for he many times in administering to them felt this to be true. Congratulated the Bishop on this his anniversary. Counselor Albert E. Poulton also felt to wish the Bishop many happy returns of the day. Spoke of his integrity, his endurance during Hs two terms of incarceration for the truth and for obeying the laws of God. Elder Thomas Winter spoke of the early days of Utah the trials and hardships the Saints underwent at that time. The Bishop sharing with his parents, brothers and sisters in the same all feel to honor our Bishop for his integrity to the gospel. The following programme was beautifully rendered. Recitation. Sister Sarah J. Watson, entitled "The Martyrdom of Joseph and Song entitled, "Many Happy Reof the Day," by Bro. James H. turns Poulton. Organist, Sister Louisa Giauque. Scotch recitation by Lillie Hunter, "Our Country Days." Quartette by Misses Mabel Poulton, Nettie Poulton, Florence Poulton and Louisa Giauque, Quartette by Brother Albert E. Poulton, Albert G. Langton, George Hickenlooper, James Fullmer, Raymond Cowborne; Entitled "My own dear Mountain Home." Song by Primary As sociation "Count your many Blessings." Song by Sister Annie Poulton "We're growing Old;" Comic Song by Brother James H. Poulton, entitled "When the gentle breezes blow." Song "Alice Where art Thou," by the Misses Poulton. Song by Mabel Poulton, "You'll remember me.', The Bishop in his closing remarks thanked his counselors and Relief Society, Mutual, Primary Officers, youDg ladies all who had so ably assisted in this entertainment to make it such a grand success. Felt proud of the brethren and si ters of the Sixth Ward. Thanked his Heavenly Father for all His blessings bestowed on him. Of himself he could have done but little. In looking at the Photo presented to him his heart was too full for many words, he did thank the Relief Society and all who aided in tbis. He would not feel satisfied until a similar photo of our late and honored Bishop Hickenlooper was also placed in this Hall. Invoked the blessing of the Lord on all the interests of Zion. Benediction was then pronounced by Elder Hugh C. Watson. Hy-rum- ." Sept. 1 6th, 1894, she was honorably released as she went to Murray, Salt Lake City, to stay with her daughters, and sent her resignation to the sisters of the Relief Society, but in the spring she returned to Pine Valley though she often come to stay with her daughters in Murray as Pine Valley is very cold in winter and trying to old people, but would return in the spring, as she was warmly attached to home where her aged husband still remains. Her heart was with the work of Relief Society, and she did all she could with her poor health when she was with us here. There were present at her bedside when she passed away Mrs. Mary Jane Miller and Mrs. Margaret Miller of Murray, and Mrs. Elizabeth Helm of Mill creek, and a'number of among them Bishop U. G. Miller of Murray. Mrs. Gardner was the mother of 12 children, 9 of whom survive her.she leaves 71 and one to child, the latter being Riva the one year-ol- d daughter of Walter Cluff of Provo. William Gardner who spent some years in Xew Zealand as a missionary, and James Gardner counselor to Bishop C. C." Chiistensen of Kanosh, are her sons; Reuben G. Miller, President of the Emery Stake and Bishop U. G Miller of Murray are her grandsons, and she has left many relatives and friends to mourn her departure, she was a very faithful Latter-daSaint and a faithful wife and mother. L, C; Gardner. grand-chil-re- grand-childre- n, n n, great-great-gra- y R. S. REPORTS. SALT LAKE STAKE. The first conference of the Relief Society of the new Salt Iike Stake of Zion was held in the 14th ward meeting-hous- e Sat. Sept. 2zj., 1904, the morning session commencing at 10:30 a m., the afternoon session at 2: p. m., Pres. Clarissa S. Williams presiding. There was a large attendance at each session and a most interesting program was carried out. Pres. Bathsheba W. Smith, Sec. Emmeline B. Wells, Sisters Alice Merrill Home, of the General Board of Relief Society, Pres. Edward T. Ashton, Sister Clara C. Cannon and other distinguished visitors were present. Reports were made by the several ard Presidents of the Stake who reported all the branches as being in excellent condition. All were working harmoniously and unitedly in their efforts in looking after and relieving the poor, needy and the sick. Pres. Edward T. Ashton spoke most encouragingly of the work being done by the He thought Sisters of the Relief Society. E. W. C. a most noble work and they were doing would surely be blessed in their labors. Asked Gcd's blessing upon all. Pres. Bathsheba W. Smith spoke of the DEATH OF A PIONEER. organization of the first Relief Society by the Prophet Joseph Smith with but 18 members, she being the only surviving Mrs. Jane McCune Gardner closes a well one of that number this being the Spent Life. Relief Society that was organized in Nau-voSaid it is a great thing to receive the Mrs. Jane McCune Gardner, a pioneer of 1847 died in Murray June 21st, 1904, at the home of her blessing of a poor, honest person to whom we have done some little kindness. The daughter, Mrs. Margaret Miller, of acute old age. The deceased was a native of Canada, where in bless us do for we all less will Lord those she was born July 24, 3823. She joined the Church we we fortunate and than will receive are, Saints in 1844, and of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y emigrated to Utah in 1847. arriving in Salt Lake ten fold for all we give to those who are in valley in October of that year, a few months atter need and for helping the sick. the Pioneers, being a member of Bishop Hunter's Sec. Emmeline B. Wells spoke of the company. She lived wit'i her husband Robert Gardner in great work the Relief Society is accomthis valley up to 1862, when she was called to plishing all over the world. She asked the settle in St. George. Washington Co., and later Sisters not to think that they are being moved to Pine Valley, where she has resided ever overworked. We may all feel like we have since, Sister Gardner joined the Relief Society in do to atthe 1874, at already, but we should resenough Pine Valley organization April ist, tended and did her part faithfully as a member pond to any call made of us by the Priestand as a worker, and was elected Second Counse She closed by repeating the quotahood. lor t: Sister D. M. Slade. Feb. 16th, 1886, which sun never sets on the Relief "The tion, fSce she filled satisfactorily to the sisters and with Society." ;cor to herself, o. Sister" Alice Merrill Home told of some of her experiences while abroad recently at tending the International Congress of Women held in Berlin. There were 25 different councils met there and were made up of inShe found the women telligent women. anxious to learn of Utah and her people. Pres. Clarissa S. Williams made a verbal report of the work in general that had been She accomplished since our organization. said a conference would be held in each ward of our Stake one Sunday evening of each year for the purpose of presenting the work that is being done by the Sisters of the Relief Society to the people of the different wards that the purpose of the work Asked that these may be better known. conferences be the best meetings of the Dates would be arranged so as to year. the Stake officers an opportunity to give The Bishopric visit each conference. would be consulted as to which dates would be best. Sisters Mary Kalz, Annie Brown and daughter and little Annie Walsh favored all present with beautiful singing. One pleasant feature of the conference was had at the close of the morning session when all participated in a lurjcheon which was served by a committee chosen from all the ward branches of the Relief Society. Another pleasing feature was the organi: zation of a Stake Relief Society choir with Sisters Emily Lewis as chorister, and Lelia Timpson as organist. Pres. Williams stated that we would hold , but two conferences each year the dates not yet being definitely decided upon. Martha P. Smith, Stake Secretary. LIBERTY STAKE. The quarterly conference of Liberty Stake convened Sept. 3, 1904, in the second ward meeting house, Salt Lake City, at 10 a. m. President Annie S. Musser presiding, and all the members of stake board being present also General President Bathsheba W. Smith and Counselor Annie T. Hyde. Meeting opened by singing "Redeemer of Israel etc." Prayer by Sister Frances M. Smith. Singing, "How Firm a Foundation etc." Roll called each ward responding. Minutes of previous conference, al-- the statistical and financial report read and approved. A verbal report was given ot all the wards in the stake, by the respective presidents, all were prospering and in the line of their duty. President Musser welcomed the sis'ers, and introduced President B. W. Smith who spoke on Temple work, and related many incidents in the early history of the church. Counselor Annie T. Hyde was pleased with the good reports given, urged the sisters to continue the lectures, and sustain the authorities by faith and prayers. Sister E. J. Stevenson spoke on the duties of teachers, we must be humble, piayer-fu- l and united, and strive to do right. Closed by singing "Praise to the Man etc.," after which prayer was offered by Sister Sarah Chamberlain. Afternoon session: Conference reconvened at 2 o'clock, President B. W. Smith, Counselor Annie T. Hyde and Secretary Emmeline B. Wells of the General Gfficers and S. J. Cannon, E. Webb, L. W. Kimball and E. J. Stevenson, being present. Singing, "Now let us Rejoice, etc." Prayer bySister Euzibith Webb, contin o |