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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. conversation and her personal impressions ot these famous men and women whom she had the opportunity of meeting at a social function. Mrs. King also gave some other incidents ot her journey that were very interesting. After the meeting adjourned, refreshments were daintily seived by the daughters of the hostess including delicious fruit A very pleasant from her own orchard. hour was passed in social conversation, and the ladies at parting were given bouquets of the beautiful flowers. Guests of honor present were Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and Sister Emma S. Woodruff. EDITORIAL NOTES. If the good sisters, and our patrons, and friends of the Woman's Exponent will have patience, and forbearance of our shortcomings, they shall very soon have the October number, containing the minutes of the Relief Society Conference and other interesting articles. Stakes visited by officers of the Relief Society, members of Board and others during the month of September are Sisters Mary A. C. Lambert and Hattie B. Marker Bear Lake, Counselor Annie Taylor Hyde and Sister Elizabeth J. Stevenson St. George and Parowan. Sisters Priscilla Smith and Clara L. Clawson Panguitch, also expected to visit Kanab but did not get time. It is expected San Juan, Star Valley, St John's, Snowflake, St. Joseph, Maricopa and Juarez will be visited during the year, this will complete the entire list of Conferences. VISIT IN ST. GEORGE STAKE. Sisters Ann C Woodbury and Emma Morris, of the St. George presidency of the Relief Soc.ety, and Mary G. Whitehead, of the Primary, with Brother Samuel Miles as driver, left St. George, Thursday, the 28th of July, and stopped overnight at Chadburns. 29th, went on to Pine Valley, held meeting at 2 p.m. with the Relief Socitty, were very pleased to have the Bishop and a nrmber of the brethren meet with us. At 4, p.m. we met with the Primary, a good spirit prevailed. The bishop blessed us with his presence, which vas very encouraging. We had a good rain that ntght, which was very gratifying, also a boon to the country, as the crops needed it badly. Went on to Pinto and met with the Primary at 10 a.m. next day. It was refreshing to meet with the bright children, who paid good attention. We took dinner with the Relief Society president, Sophia H. Forsyth, after which we had a meeting of the Society, and then went to Enterprise. President Lydia Winsor entertained us for the night. Sunday morning we met with the Sabbath school, then we held a Primary meeting. We took dinner with Sister Bar-loche- e Ann C. Woodbury. The tables were beautifully decorated with flowers and ferns, fruits, etc. After thanks being offered by Elder Arnold G. Giauque two hundred and fifty brethren partook of the supper. The President and young ladies of the Mutual in a very courteous manner presided over the tables. After supper there were exercises in the Assembly Hall up stairs. Singing, "Guide usO Thou Great Jehovah," led by Elder Thomas Green. Prayer by Elder Jos. E. Taylor. Brother Taylor in a few well chosen words congratulated the Bishop on having attained his sixtieth birthday. Spoke of his integrity to the Gospel, his kind charitable acts to the poor, his fortitude during his long sickness, his energy in attending to his duties as far as his strength permitted him Also ot the integrity of the Bishop's parents to the Gospel; their kind acts and charitable deeds to many who came to Utah in hard times, who were in need; he had a warm feeling for the Watson family. Prayed the Lord to ease him of his pain and prolong his life if it was His will. Also counseled his family to comfort and cheer him in his affliction. Counselor Alice Butterworth in a very pleasing manner in behalf of the Sixth Ward Relief Society, presented the Bishop with 9 beautiful life sized photograph of himself in a neat frame. Spoke of the integrity of the Bishop to the gospel, his kind couusel to the Relief Society. Wished him many happy returns of the day. Counselor Margaret Leatham spoke of her long acquaintance with the Bishop dating from her childhood days; she had experienced the hardships and privations incident to the early days of Utah with the Bishop and those who were here in these valleys at that time. These things had endeared us to each other. President Ellen R. Watson in behalf of tie Relief Society brethren and sisters of the ward who had so kindly and ably assisted in the eutertiinment thanked them. The Bishop must feel honored by the respect and love shown him by the Saints and friends. Felt to thank her Heavenly Father for His many blessings, knew He had sustained the Bishop who had suffered much pain in his long sickness congratulated him on this his anniversary. Sister E. W. Condie appreciated the kind council the Bishop had given her prayed the Lord to bless him, and ease him Wished him of his pain and suffering. of the returns day. many happy First Counselor, of the Stake Relief Society Lucy Smith Acomb, congratulated the Bishop on this, his annniversary. Also presented him with a beautiful birthday cake decorated with sixty small American flags. BISHOP'S BIRTHDAY PARTY. r. In the afternoon, after the sacrament was administered, the Bishop turned the meeting over to the sisters, and we had an enjoyable time. Bishop gave us muchen-couragen- t. Afterwards went on to Thomas Terry's ranch, where we were kindly entertained. August 1st we traveled on to Clover, there we met Brother Lyman Woods and family, they are all that live there. We held a meeting, with twenty-onpresent, had an and the enjoychildren, counting able time. Brother and Sister Woods are e in poor health, their farm is almost destroyed through the railroad draining their meadow land; but we rejoiced to meet with a people that were thirsting for righteousness. We spent the night there. The folmiles to lowing day traveled twenty-fivPanacea. President Sarah Lee gave us a hearty welcome; and held a meeting at 10 a.m. next day with Primary. We were invited to Brother John Lee's to dinner, and had a nice time with the sisters. In the afternoon we met with the Relief Society and had a lovely lot of sisters present. President Lee invited all the sisters to meet at her house at 7 o'elock p.m.. and had a nice sociable time ice cream and cake, with a select program. On the 4th we traveled to Bristol Wells, thirty-fiv- e miles; had to draw water from a well for the horses; we laid our quilts on the ground under a tree and had a good night's rest. In the morning we found a rattlesnake under our carriage; it did not hurt us, so we let it go. On the following day drove to the Lewis ranch, where we slept and rested well. Next diy went to Lund, and met there Brother Adolphus Whitehead, Sister Mary Whitehead's son, and Lis wife, who is Sister Morns' daughter, and I was welcomed at the home of my nephew, Brother George Gardner. On the 7th of August we met with the Sabbath school and bore our testimony to the truth of the Gospel, as it was fast day. In the afternoon, after sacrament, Bishop Orin Snow turned the meeting over to the sisters, and we had a good time and excellent spirit. On the 8th we went to Preston, held meeting at 10 a.m. with the Relief Society, and at 2 p.m. with the Primary; were entertained at Bishop Arnoldson's. The people all came out to our meetings; we feel it is a pleasure to meet with the Saints of God. Returned to Lund that night; the 9th we met at Eva Whitehead's with the prominent sisters, talked on the duties of the officers of the Relief Society in regard to storing grain and creating a fund for the benefit of the poor in Zioa. Aug. 10, started home. 13th reached E igle Valley, held an evening meeting, had a good turnout; there isn't many here that cre anything for thi Gospel. We reached Modena on the 14th, rested our horses and traveled about fifteen miles, and camped for the night; next morning drove to Holt's for breakfast. We arrived home all right, having traveled between four and five hundred miles, gone eighteen days, held thirteen meetings, and trust we have done some good in urging the peop'e to their duties. Ever praying for the welfare of Zion, I remain, Your sister in th-- Gospel. 29 September 5th, 1904, a very pleasing en tertainment and banquet was tendered the Bishop of the Sixth Ward, Salt Lake City, Bishop James C. Watson by the brethren, sisters, friends and guests. Among the invited guests were present Elder Jos. E. Taylor and wife. The' occasion being in honor of his sixtieth anniversary. The Relief Society Officers and Mutual and Primary Association were untiring in their efforts to make it a success, aided and associated by Counselors Alex Burt, Albert E. Boulton and Elder Arnold G. Giauque. President Y. L. M. I. association, Louisa Giauque felt honored in assisting on this occasion. Hoped the Bishop would have many happy anniversaries, felt to honor him and wish him many happy returns of the day. Counselor Alexander Burt spoke of the sterling qualities and integrity of the Bishop, his fortitude during his long sickness, his charitable acts to the poor. Paid high tribute to his parents who had passed on the other side. Elder James Leatham spoke of his long acquaintance with the Bishop, his kindness to the poor, none ever went from his home without being assisted and a kind word of |