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Show WOMAN'S 6o EXPONENT is good gift and blessing for humankind of minds in the the uppermost thought those who are laboring for the establishVe ment 'of righteousness and peace. e gnti-tudand in EMMELXE B. WELLS, Editor and Publisher. should lift our hearts praise for His all heaven in to our Father manitold Published monthly, in Salt Lake City, Utah blessings vouchsafed to His people Terms: one copy one year, $i oo; one copy six months-5in the past, and pray fervently for His cs No reduction made (or clubs. City papers delivcontinued mercy and care in the future, ered by mail, extra for postage one year, 2S cts. Es.ch square, ten lines ot nonpanel A ivertisirtg rates: whatever may be their lot It is the only per month, $3.00. A liberal 5 ,ace one time $2.50; hope to trust in Him who knoweth all our to regular advertisers. and who alone can Exponent office Room 509 Templeton, South temple weaknesses, our trials, Street: Business hours from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m., every help us in bettering our lives, and in keep- Woman s Exponent 0 nt day, except Sunday. Address all business communications tc Mrs. E. B. WELLS, Salt Lake City, Utah ; Entered at the Post matter. Office in Salt Lake City, I tah, as cond-class Salt Lake City. Utah, January, 1904 ONE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY. ELIZA R. KNOW. Thursday, Jan. 21, 1904, was the birthday of our beloved sister Eliza R. Snow, poetess of Zion who wiote the immortal hymn "0. My Father," that has been sung in many lands and translated into several languages. The day was lovingly commemorated at the home f Mrs Isabel M Whitney Sears, the invited guests were the General Board of the Relief Society and missionaries and some old friends of sister Eliza's. Sixty ladies were invited but the inclement weather kept some at home. The decorations were simple though artistic, and very appropriate. The General President of the Relief Society; Mrs. Bath-sheb- a W. Smith was present and gave some pleasing reminiscences of her long and intimate association with the gifted poetess; Sister Margaret P. Young who crossed the plains in the same wagon with Sister Eliza, in 1847, gave some touching incidents of their journey and their life afterwards in the famous Lion House. Mrs. Amelia F. Young also told of the love and friendship and intimacy of Sister EUza and herself in Mrs. the family of President Young. Amanda Kimball talked of Winter Quarters and of her Mother Sister Gheeu taking Sister Eliza out riding in Bishop Hunter's carriage. Other Sisters spoke of her in praise and commendation of her great work and Mrs. E. B. Wells spoke of her long acquaintance with her and appreciation of her teachings and read a poem written by Mrs. Emily H. Woodmansee which will be found in this issue of the paper. Dainty refreshments were served and the time enjoyably spent in conversation and remarks by Sisters who had been associated with her in the Society, and cl:sed the afternoon with singing, 0, My Father, and prayer by Mrs. Clarissa S. Williams. HAIL TO THE NEW YEAR. "Ttie wave is breaking on the shore The echo fading from the chime Aain the shadows moveth o'er e of time!" The dial-plat- What shall the new year bring to the Saints and to the world? Who can tell? none unless by the spirit of prophecy. That it may be laden with prosperity and every ing His commandments, that He has given to guide us that we may be able to withstand evil influences and the powers of If we do this, if we cling to darkness. him, in mighty faith; in daily prayer, in loving assurance of His watchfulness, then we shall not fail in obedience to the Spirit, the still small voice within by which we may discern between right and wrong. If we could always say as the poet Whittier wrote. "Amid the maddening maze of things, And toss'd by storm and flood: To one fixed trust my spirit clings I know that God is good." tidings we have heard to our friends, our ne'ghbors, our companions, and to the stranger also, whether within our gates or elsewhere. Great events are at hand, greater perhaps than any we have known heretofore, and they may require great courage, as well as zeal and wisdom. If our souls are fortified with fiith and are clothed upon with the armor of righteousness, then there need be no fear of failure. Steadfastness to the truths revealed Tor our guidance and maintaining our integrity before the Lord will give safety and eventually victory to the Saints of God. Meantime diligence in bearing testimony to those who know not the ways of the Lord, and to each other, will make us stiong to do the work required at our hands. Activity in spiritual matters as well as temporal is needful, ar.d eternal vigilance and fidelity. RELIGIOUS DEVOTION IN THE "In the home!" What sweet HOME. memories these words recall to those who have left their childhood home and established one of their own, and the dearest thoughts are We have the truth and that should make given to Mother, For she it was, who bore us content to go on our way rejoicing even all our childish pains and troubles and was though afflictions come, and trials encom- the recipient of all out joy and pleasure. pass round about. When one considers the To her wise counsels we owe much of the prosperity of Zion, how the Lore has delivsuccess of our lives. ered his people again and again, it gives The duties of a mother are without one hope and faith in the future and in- number. Not only does it devolve upon spires one to greater earnt stness in following her to properly clothe and feed the little out the injunctions of the Savior to love ones God has entrusted to her care, but one's neighbor, to try and pattern one's she h for their moral and menresponsible life after the golden rule, and draw near in tal development. spirit to the fountain of light and goodness. "The home is the basis of society." It has Life holds much that is pleasant to conbr.en said that the home is the dradle of the template and to enjoy, and what may be nation, and it is, most assuredly, the foundcoming towards us of good we may not ation stone upon which the thoughts and know, and perhaps the very things we have acts of mankind are built. How necessary hoped for and worked for may be nar. it is then, for us to have the Spirit of God At any rate Zion's interests are ours, and in our hearts and homes, and a Zion prospers, therefore, "all is well." In dwelling tver in our hearts ascending to the movement for higher education our peo- prayer heaven for aid and guidance. ple have indeed made rapid strides, and the What is prayer? The poet says good work is still going forward. In reference to woman's work in the organizations Prayer is the Soul's sincere desire, Uttered or unexpressed. among our peop very much has been acThe motion of a hidden fire, complished, in the way of progress, during That trembles in the breast. the last two or three years, in spiritual "Prayer is the simplest form of speech. That infant lips can try. and in intellectual growth as well as temPrayer, the sublimest strains that reach poral things. The women of our Church The majesty on high." are not behind in anything that will promote true culture and advancement, they The devotional exercises of the home, stand for the highest, and best in education, should be directed by the father, but if the father is absent, then it devolves upon the literary, scientific, moral and spiritual. Our women missionaries go out among mother to call her family around her, bethe people, encouraging and instructing and fore beginning the duties of the day, and blessing the sisters young and old, and all kneel in prayer. If we are earnest and sinwho will come to listen to their teachings. cere in our supplications, impressions are , made on the tender minds of uur little ones, They are never weary in their hearts are in the work of reform and which time can never eradicate. A faith is upliftment, and they carry with them, we instilled in their hearts, that wiil never die believe, the spirit of their mission, and go out. They may, in after years, turn aside forth in humility of heart upon their er- and do wrong, but this faith, or a spark of rands of love, trusting in God and seeking it at least is still slumbering in their hearts. to do His will. I do not believe in long dry family prayers, The daughters of Zion are being taught where there are little tots for they soon in all that will make them good wives, grow restless and uneasy, and would soon mothers, and home makers; to the writer it form a dislike for them, but make them seems no stone is left unturned, no maxim short and so that they can understand untaught, that will help our girls to fulfill them. In our daily petitions, we should their mission here upon the earth in the ask for those things, only, which we absowisest and most excellent way. lutely need and. leave all the rest to His We mothers must not fail in the efforts judgment and mercy. If we are continually we have made and are making for the enpraying, before our children for certain lightenment of those around us. we must things that God in His infinite wisdom does "let our light shine," and carry the glad not see fit to bestow, then we weaken their well-doing- |