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Show WOMAN'S IDYL. Sympathy's a holy feeling, Sent us from the realms above, Soothing sorrow by revealing love. Fragments of a heaven-bor- n Such a love as angels witness,' Such a love as angels feel; Possessing, by its holy fitness. Power, the wounds of grief to heal, When the heart is bowed in sorrow, When the spirit's bent with grief, When we feel that no tomorrow Has the power to bring relief, Then the sympathetic hand Sweetly pours the "oil and wine," And I ever understand Such to be a law divine. Human nature, unpolluted, Is a deep, pellucid stream; Full and flowing, undiluted By the world's deceptive dream. Full of rich and glorious beauties, Beauties that are half divine, Fitting us for holy duties, Through the dally round of time; Fitting us to gladden any Who may come within our sphere, Be they few, or be they many, There are ever some to cheer. All have gifts committed to them For the gocd of those around, And the good, transmitted through them, In the future will be found. Sympathy! thou heaven-borfeeling, Dwell forever in my heart; Teach me, by thine own revealing, How I may sweet peace impart. n When 1 meet a spirit bent Down by sorrow and despair, And I'll feel a sweet content To chase away the grief and rare. I shall bless myself in blessing Those who sorrow, those who mourn, For beneath love's sweet caressing I shall gather sweet return. My own shoulder will be lightened Of the load it has to bear, And my spirit will be brightened By the sympathy I share. Sympathy's a link that binds us In creation's mystic chain, And when'er its spirit finds us, God is near to heal the pain. God of love! oh, grant I ever To do good may have the will; Take thy spirit from me never, Then I'll be thy daughter still. Hannah T, King. SCRIPTURE WOMEN. BY HANNAH T, KING. Continued. These two most Naomi lovely and exemplary characters, can never be separated in time or in eternity. The history of Ruth ought to be read and studied by all young girls, and indeed even mature characters must be edified by the study of her purity and devotion. Naomi she having been was her mother-in-laleft a widow with two sons, Ruth being the wife of one ot them, but soon both the young men died, and their young widows then gave fond affection to the mother of their loved ones, she also loved them very much; but after a little while, Naomi feeling bereft and desolate, resolved to return to the land of Judah, and advised her to remain each in the daughters But they wept house of her husband. of parting with the bitterly at the thought mother of their beloved husbands, and felt they could not leave her, but she used all Ruth and in-la- EXPONENT. 59 her own sweet logic, full of beautiful principle, that at last, weeping bitterly, and kissing her affectionately, Orpah consented to do as she wished her, and she bade her farewell; but the love and devotion of Ruth would not allow her to listen to her words, but clinging to her she sobbed forth "Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following thee, for whither thou goest, I will go, and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God; where thou diest, there will I be buried; the Lord do so to me and more also, if aught but death part thee and me." Then Naomi could not resist her love, and devotion to herself; and permitted her to accompany her, and they went and dwelt in Bethlehem, in the house of Naomi. And Ruth was obedient to her counsel like a child, and they were received by a very rich man, and treated with kindness and consideration, he was a relative of Naomi's and in due time he took Ruth as his wife according to the law of their faith, and through that lineage, in after years, came the Savior of the world. Now we come to Hannah, a woman remarkably blest of the Lord, she was living in plural marriage and was beloved and esteemed by her husband, but she had no child, while the other wife had several; and "they went up out of the city yearly to worship, and to sacrifice unto the Lord of Hosts in Shiloh," and while there she vowed to the Lord, that if He would give her a son. she would dedicate him from his birth to His service all the days of his life, mined to destroy him. But in after times when David had passed through much trial and persecution, and become king, and was returning home in triumph, bringing with him the ark of the Lord, had offered sacrifices to the Lord in gratitude and in the joy of his heart "danced before the ark, Michal looked out of a window and despised him, and as he returned to bless his household, Michal came out to meet him," and spoke sneeringly and sarcastically to him, and David rebuked her in high-tone- d language, and it aopears she was never again his wife; there is a mystery about all this, that Scripture has not seen fit to elucidate, but it seems she was a d woman though a king's daughter, and was of appreciating her noble husband; jealousy was probably a powerful ingredient in her composition and character, but silence is probably the most charitable commentary, and where doubt exists all should have the benefit of it, that is English Law and it is a righteous one. The Queen of Sheba. Thirteen verses only, tell the history of her renowed visit to King Solomon, she came to see and hear his wisdom, his grandeur, and his greatness; she had been told of it in her own country but could not believe it, but she closes her exclamations of surprise and wonder by saying "The half was not told me! Happy are the men, happy are these thy servants who stand continually before thee and hear thy wisdom," and they exchanged very precious gifts, and she returned rejoicing to her own land. She was ant4, the Lord heard and granted her prayer; appreciative and was desirous of adding to and in due time Samuel was born, and he her own mind knowledge and wisdom. was reared in the Temple of the Lord, his How few possess this faculty, a small mind character is without spot or blemish, no never, the truly great are ever humble and other in the sacred Scriptures, (except the childlike, ever ready to learn. Savior) can be so spoken of; and she carried April i, 1878. him up to the Temple and said, "I have lent him to the Lord, as long as he liveth," and he worshiped the Lord there. RAYMOND REUNION. Abigail next appears, and though her history takes up only half a chapter, it is Stirling, Dec. 8, 1903. very full and expressive. Her husband was a churlish and penurious man, and a Woman s Exponent: drunkard, and rudely refused David, the Editor champion of the armies of Israel, supplies At 4 p. m. on Nov. 26, 1903, the sisters fot his starving soldiers, and David deterStake Relief Society held a of the mined to take by force of armies, that reunionTaylor On Town Hall. the in which he had in all courtesy solicited, and the stand were Raymond the Stake and Ward officers had been refused; Abigail being apprized of the Relief Society, Counselor Wm. of his intention, calls her servants and Stake of the Presidency, and Bishop orders them to collect a handsome and Knight and Elder Geo. H. of Anderson suitable present for the generalissimo, and Brimhall. OnRaymond of account sickness, Stake taking five of her maidens to accompany President Hannah M. Russell and her her, sets out for the Camp of Israel, and Counselor Elizabeth Hardy were not when she saw David she alighted from her Rozilla Grant of bowing present and First Counselor came in mule, making the eastern Russell President later, her face to the ground." Her language is presided. and in her usual manner however, happy womanly and beautiful, yet vigorous and made every one anxious to assist her in prophetic; and David was so charmed by making it a day long to be remembered by her modest eloquence, that he accepted her those fortunate As enough to be present. present for his needy soldiers and cancels the Stake conference was so near at hand, the order he had issued, and the preparation and the wards are so scattered the officers he had made to wrest by force from Nabal, thought it best to combine the two, so the that which he had churlishly refused, and quarterly were made. During the David candidly told Abigail that the Lord afternoon reports of songs, consisted the program had sent her to him to preveut him sned-dinof and the and serving recitations, the blood of her household, and bid speeches An "old time" lunch. delicious a party her go in peace to her house "see I have and farce entitled "Woman's Rights," hearkened to thy voice, and accepted thy completed what was voted a most enjoyable peace offering." time by all present, and all returned to It seems we ought not to pass over their homes with good wishes in their the daughter of King Saul whom he hearts for the Relief Society of this Stake. gave to David for a wife, and it appears she Gertrude W. Cannon, was true and faithful for a time, and even Stake Sec. R. S. at one time, by a stratagem, saved the life N. W. T., Canada. Stirling, Alberta, of David, when her mad father had deter g Mi-ch- al small-minde- utterly-incapabl- e |