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Show WOMAN'S interest them in it, but hoped to persevere liable when a task was assigned her, she honorably performed it, ga ,7e it her best efforts. From her pen flowed thoughts that were fathomed out of the well of eternal truth; and whether in prose or verse, bore the impress of a superior mind. Yet she was so unassuming! By the thoughtless she was not noticed, but to those not captivated by the shining, shallow sands of life, she was a kindred spirit, whom to know wTas to love, and to love was to revere. The first year of the new her release, and the year brought century of Jubilee. The shadows of the old year grow longer On the hillside the winter on her grave. winds sing her requiem. The year and herself have performed well their missions, and it is well they should rest from their labors. It will only be a little season for her then the trump of God will sound, and the dead in the Lord will rise and behold him, surrounded by countless concourses of Saints and angels. Then He will make up His jewels, and they will be like unto her, clothed in robes of righteousness and wearing the victor's crown. EXPONENT. I by persistent effort. Sister Stewart, of Milburn, said the- - had suffered from floods and drought, but felt to ao tne best they possibly could. Had 160 bushels of wheat and were making two quilts. Had no very poor people in their ward. Sister Hyde, of Salt Lake, brought greetings from Sister Smith. Said she sent them this message: "Give them my love, and tell them to get the Spirit of the Lord to be with them and to keep it." Was Said her pleased to hear the reports. father was one of those who ordained the officers of the first Relief Society. When she was ordained to her present position President Smith said he wished the Relief Society to advance in every good thing, but above all to keep the spirit of the work. Every pure woman in Zion should be enrolled in the Relief Society. The members of the Y. L- - M. I. A. and the Relief Society should mingle and visit one another more than they do. The older women will receive inspiration from the brightness and vivacity of youth, while the young women in turn will profit by the experience of their elders. Subjects might be taken up so that the meetings could be made instmctive and take the place of clubs and other organizations. One subject that is of great importrnce is that of training children We should seek for the Spirit of God to assist us in this great undertaking, that we may know the proper We should pray way to control them eveiv day for grace to look inward and purge ourselves of all evils. Sister Farnsworth felt this was the greatest work we could be engaged in. Was pleased to see so many brethren present. Spoke of the Woman's R. S. Building, what an advantage it would be in entertaining the gifted ladies of our land, and what a benefit to the officers and visitors from the different parts of Zion. Said we should seek for the spirit of the Lord to be our constant companion, lor it is impossible to raise a family properly without the aid of this. Sister Ericksen made a few closing remarks. Singing, "Do what is right." Benediction by President Matson. Afternoon session commencd at 2 p. m. Singing, "All is well." Prayer by President C N. Lund. Singing, "O, say what , Sister Candland was pleased to see so many present. Knew we would be blessed by coming togtther. Sister Farnswcrth spoke of an organization that bad been effected to commemorate the early settlers of this State. They call themselves the "Daughters of the Pioneers." Sister H5'de testified to the gift of healing manifested in behalf of her child. Said we should lay our burdens before the Lord and not burden one another with our troubles. President Lund had been very much edified and was thankful to the sisters for their wonderful testimonies. President W. M. Ericksen made a few closing remaiks. Singing, "Our God we Benediction by Christian raise to Thee." inConference adjourned Johansen. definitely. Carrie L. Ericksen, Sec. SOUTH SANPETE STAKE. Minutes of the Relief Society conference of the South Sanpete Stake of Zion, held in Gunnison, September 6, 1901, Presi- dent Alvira Cox presiding. Singing, "Earth with her ten thousand flowers." Only a little rest, where mountain breezes sigh; Only a little rest the years are passing by ; Prayer by Bishop Madsen. Singing, "O, say Watch and wait, ye loved ones, count well the passing what is truth." Minutes of the previous years. Hear again her counsels, heed not your falling tears. conference read and accepted. The various Stakes were reported by Know that the way of life is through the vale of Death, That lasting joy is found, through the last failing breath; each president respectively: Ephraim, Be as true and faithful, as all who enter there, (North and South Wards) Sterling, May-fielHer treasures ye are still, and will her glory share. Centerfield, Gunnison and Fayette. 'Tis not good bye forever bless the Gospel sound, President Alvira Cox said she felt very Life and immortality in that world abound. much gratified at having such favorable There the ransomed of all ages, joyous will meet, Redeemer their the and Reminded those present of their greet. Sing song Triumphant, reports. Stake dues. Felt that the Lord had great'Tis life beyond the river, on the shining shore, Love of Christ the giver, a fullness evermore. ly blessed us in answering to the various Then on the hillside rest 'mong the countless dead, calls that are made from time to time. Where breezes sigh in Summer, while stars gleam overhead. Sister Lydia D. Alder, Salt Lake City, D. Said she Alder. then addressed the conference. Lydia was much pleased in listening to the reports just given. The Relief Society has R. S. REPORTS. proven itself a valuable institution in this Church. It is a progressive organization NORTH SANPETE STAKE. Dwelt and a great benefit to humanity. Minutes of theRelief Society conference of on the importance of having a General the North Sanpete Stake which convened in The demands Relief Society building. the Mt. Pleasant meetinghouse. November made for this purpose perhaps are not fully understood by those living outside of Salt 23, 1901. with "We opened singing, Meeting The Relief Society Central Lake City. thank Thee. O God, for a prophet." Prayer building will reflect credit on the daughters Singing, "How firm a is truth." by Edward Cliff. of Zion. Spoke of the incorrect ideas foundation." President W. Erickson Sister Morrison, of Mt. Pleasant. South entertained in the world concerning the welcomed all to our conference. Roll call Ward, was well pleased with the attend- Latter-da- y Nevertheless the time Saints. showed forty-on- e ance. All the Mt. Pleasant sisters are will come when the Latter-davisiting officers and memSaints will bers. liberal and there is plenty in the treasury have to entertain the dignitaries of the The first report was given by Sister for all the needy if used wisely. The earth, hence the importance of having Ellen Tulgren, of Spring City. Said they meetings are quite well attended. suitable places for such purposes. Thote had a good set of sisters there and a gocd Candace Wilcox, of Mt. Pleasant North who contribute of their means when calls enrollment, but a comparatively small Ward, said they were trying to do their are made from time to time will receive a attendance at the meetings. Had visited duty as they understood it. They had reward in a time to come, the Lord will all the poor and aged sisters in the ward. many poor, but still had considerable in bless them abundantly. We must seek for Sister Hardy, of Moroni, took pleasure the treasury. the companionship of the Holy Spirit, that in reporting her ward. They had interestSister Jakeman said she was at one time we may be prepared to bear the trials of All seemed anxious and secretary of the Relief ing meetings. Society of this Stake life with fortitude. Spoke of the peaceful willing to bear their testimonies. They and felt quite at home here. Had taken a death of Aunt Zina. Felt that in her had energetic teachers. Expected to be sojourn from home and had the privilege departure she deeply sensed a personal loss. able to build a Relief Society hall this fall of explaining the Gospel to many, and She had received many encouraging words or in the spring. they seemed much interested, especially from the departed, and those who had Sister Tucker, of Fairviev, reported with the Relief Society work. Said her received like consolation would surely their ward as being prosperous. Would testimony was stronger than it had ever remember it forever. "Aunt Zina is not soon discontinue sending teachers around been before. dead, but has gone to a higher sphere. for the wrinter. Sister Allred thought to follow the advice May we go forth from this conference Sister Libbie Simonson, of Freedom, of our aged president, Sister to get with a determination to serve God faithfulSmith, said their organization was small, consistthe Spirit of the Lord and keep it. was the ly, that we, too, may secure an eternal ing of only nineteen members Owing to best thing we could do. If we do our salvation in the world to come. the limited number it was hard work to duty He will bless us. Conference was t,hen adjourned until 2 d, - y - |