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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 67 NEW YEAR TRIBUTES. "I've loved the Christ; and with that love have My Sister Nancy: This bright New Year's morn, Thy cherished memory I will adorn For at the time With sweet When earth life ceased for thee, and life sublime, In the fair spirit land before thee ope'd, I was not near thee, as we both had hoped; But far away; no token I bestowed, And all these weeks and months this debt have owed. sought To fashion life upon His solemn story. Trial and death, and woe and have wrought In my past life a gleam of Hispain great glory. "And now the sorest trial, the keenest test, Of all that He has hitherto sent me. Approaches with a gay and laughing jest, And even thou the danger cannot see. faithfully take up a part of this labor of relief. My counselors, Sister Annie T. Hyde and Sister Ida Smoot Dusenberry, join with me in sending greetings of love and good will and wishes for a prosperous and successful year. Peace be with you. "Dear friend, thou'st loved me in my low estate, And wept and prayed with me in bitter hours, Now further prove thy love, and pray and wait, Till God President of the Relief Society in all the ." In fragrant June of Nineteen hundred one Thy earthly record closed, thy work was done; Well hadst thou earned thy passport and release, And in thy new promotion rest and peace I owe thee much of tenderness and love; No gentler spirit in that home above, Among the just made perfect will be known, And Father understandeth well his own. ! His faithful, loving, true and loyal child, Who lived the pure religion undefined. How often is the spirit hampered here, Bathsheba world. withdraws the thorns from these His Salt Lake City, No. 122 North West Temple Street. flowers. ' You know my heart, you know my great desire While I may live on earth to serve the Lord. To rear the little ones so that they aspire FAMOUS OLD LIBETRY For nothing greater than His spoken word. "Ah, pray for me and ever as you pray Ask Him to give me gracefor everyhour. Let Him rebuke, chastise me day by day, Nor leave me to that other Evil Power. With hurtful things which hold, and interfere With best progression; but henceforth, for thee, I feel there is no clog, thy course is free; And truest peace and rest for thy rich mind, Must needs be usefulness of noblest kind- ! - My dear, sweet sister ! may thy labors be Such as permit thee oft to think of me, And as my mind goes out to thee, perforce, In spirit may we hold blest intercourse; Live o'er again bright hours of guileless youth; Reach forward, grasping new, enliv'ning truth , Praise God and bless Him for the gift of tho't; "Whatever we may do, or me or mine To speed the cause of Righteousness today With fame or wealth, oh let us do Thev're. Thine, Oh, Lord, If we misuse, then take them all away. ! And parting, breathe again, EVA. "Of all the gifts we may enjoy, there's one We most desire; the gift of Love And then So loving all Thou hast created give us ! lover of beauty and truth wast thou, Of children and sunshine, books a"nd flowers; And pleasant it is to consider, now, The restful smile on thy lip and brow, How passeth thy peaceful, heavenly hours. This New Year's morn, Nineteen hundred two, By thy mother's grave finds thine own made new. A And together ye work in that sacred place, Where only the pure and good may appear; The glory of love lighteth either face And how many will greet thee with glad embrace, For whom thou hast worked in the Temples here ! Grand was thy mission upon this earth. Enriched with gems of the highest worth. Power to help Thee save the souls of men !" GREETINGS TO RELIEF SOCIETY. Beloved Sisters: January 1, 1902. With the dawn of this New Year's day I send greetings to the noble band of Relief Society workers throughout the world. Let us go forth at this hour with renewed resolutions to take up the work of relief Thy father, brothers and sisters all, Have thy loving words and deeds rehearsed; and improvement with a strong purpose And He who marketh the sparrows' fall, and with even more faith and love and Hath kindly granted thy mother's call, That thou, ol her daughters, shouldst join her first. unity than we have ever enjoyed. Oh, visit us oft, in this world of strife. Let forgiveness and charity be our bond. life With visions or dre ams of thy new, bright Let love and cleanliness and order, rule Thy soul's companion remaining still, in every home that our children may not Calmly resigned to thy summons hence, desire to leave the fireside for idle pleasWaiteth to finish the Father's will-ures. oh, what joy will your beings thrill, In the resurrection's sweet recompense; And, dear sisters, seek to bind your When spirit and body again unite, In fullness of glory and love and light society with hoops of love and union. L. L. Greene Richards. Let not harsh words pass our lips, nor yet any envious nor unkind thought enter Read often First Corinthians, hearts. our ONE WOMAN'S PRAYER. thirteenth chapter, that we may seek more IXION. Be prayerthe spirit of charily. seek to and ful earnestly improve. She sat with downcast face and tearful eyes, Be not carried away with vain social And sighed as if her heart were very sore, Her friends beheld and with a look of deep sur- pleasures and the foolish fashions of the prise hour. Asked: "Whatever canst thou ask for more ? Make yourselves beautiful; be gentle and home and womanly. "See! thou hast husband, children, The Prophet Joseph addressing the friends, Health, peace and happiness without restraint, sisters at the first meeting (the organizaNot these alone He now another blessing sends tion of this society, March 17, 1842, Nau-voWealth, and honest fame without a taint." "This society of sisters 111.) said: the brethren to good works But still she sat with downcast, tearful eyes; might provoke And still she sighed; yet answered low and in looking to the wants of the poor, searchmeek: ing after objects of charity, and in admin"I do not fail, my friends, to realize, istering to their wants, and to assist by The worth of all the gifts of which you speak. strengthening the virtues of the commun"Yet am I troubled Sorrow have I known ity." When I heard these words from the And sickness o'er and o'er; while Death and I lips of the prophet, a little of the greatness With frequent greetings have familiar grown. of the work to be done by the Relief O. give me strength to bear, has been my cry. Society came before me, and I have never and peace, "And now, when ease, prosperity felt to shirk the duties devolving upon me for web their out my poor glittering Spread either as a member or an officer of this feet, association. I shrink and question if some magic fleece I feel that I have been blest in my labors this wonder out sweet forme not Hath wrought while ministering to the sick and unforWhat snares 'Prosperity, and ease, and peace tunate and have experienced much joy in Are hidden in thy brilliant velvet wings. Relief Society work, and I feel to promise Wealth, f amt and honor what weight of cares similar subtle blessings to those who lovingly and stings, Will linger in thy smiling, ! But, ! antly ! o, ! ! ! ! W. Smith. BELL. Philadelphia, Jan. 6. The old Liberty bell, accompanied by Major Ashbridge and an official escort of City Councilmen and city department heads, started on a journey to the Charleston exposition at 9 o'clock this As the special train left the morning. Pennsylvania station, a salute of twenty-on- e guns was fired at the League Island navy yard. The passage of the Liberty bell through Harrisburg today was not marked by any formal greeting on the part of the city officials and organizations. Union station, however, and other points of vantage from which the precious relic could be viewed, were crowded. A delegation of citizens from Carlisle and other points in the Cumberland valley met the train here to act as an escort through that rt. gion. This is the first time the bell has ever gone through Ihe historic valley, and preparations have been made in every town ?nd hamlet along the route to accord it a fitting reception. NOTES AND NEWS. On November 12 Mrs. Elizabeth Cadv Stanton celebrated her 80th birthday at her home in New York City. About $4000 has been raised for the Boer women and children's relief fund at a ; great meeting in Philadelphia, which was addressed by Rev. Mr. Van Broekhuizeny a Boer clergyman Mrs Martha Callanan has left $20,000 to the Booker Washington school at Tuoktgee, and $1,000 to Mrs. Sarah Whitney in trust for the Woman's Standard, the organ of the Iowa Woman's ...-.Suffrage Association. The Annual Convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association will be held February 12th to the 18th, and arrangements have been made for extension of time on railroad certificates for those in attendance at. that meeting to cover the Council meetings if desired. Hotel Fairfax (formerly known as Willard's) corner of 14th and F. Streets is offered for Council headquarters at most reasonable rates, namely: rooms, $1.50 and upwards. (This price is for rooms only.) A good and reasonable restaurant is in the hotel. Bulletin No. 4 will contain international news, and it is hoped an important communication from Mrs. Ellen A. Richardson Cabinet Head of the department of Art and Literature, together with hints regarding the triennial program. |