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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 184 :m a r M a v Wri ?h t Sewn , Mar th a R. Field, AlieeSeiicheril, Bessie Starr 1 ! :NQTKNDNEi- . 1 1 Jefcr, Boelot, Luini4 ()nni(on Chant, Alexandra J GrFpen her;,', S. M aelssorr G ruth, Foster,' lachel G; " ' ' 'Comrnittee on.JJasw of Organization; - iviiy to the' exclusion or the laiucu ueen The Queen has invito! the King,and of Italy to visit Windsor Casth? in June, and they, have aeKjepteu the invitation. uiuuv4i ashington? s'invfiktAi iiiuxuilty v religious principle ' L , Whoever can discerrr truth has received his com mission from a higher sou rce than the wives farmers' on If is said there are Lopg chiefest justice in the world who can discern Island" who make boys' trouseis for three cents. onlyJaw. -- He it is that delivers sentence. He There are .women in 'New York who toil six- j finds himself constitute'd judge of teen hours a day for sixteen cents. . , , . 1 HOME GYMNASTICS. . ' . a stooping :iit, and a flat chest in girls can be .cured iir a very shorf "Round shoulder.,' -- time by fifteen minute' exercise wgulj. and morning in the open air or in a well vent ikied room. The morning exercise had bcst Be taken Immediately aitir rising, before 'dressing for the day, a tight' clothing will iutefere with the free movements required. The first thing to be done 'n to staml ertrt, with the heels. itiAlwnd tlir wri h:ifdc. the chest, thrown .put, mid thef h and hanging loosely at Jthe side.; Then the lungs should be thoroughly filled with air and slowly 'exhausted, perhaps half a dozen tiuus. The amis should now be brought forward at lull length. in front, on a level with the shoulders, the palms of the hands-i- n ..con- . io-ftw- . .v A daughter of the late Waiie has become known as a traveller, .having, in- 1877-78- , gone two hundred miles farther, up the Kile than any. other lady tourist up to :'' ....... that date. Chief-Justic-e A city ticket composed of women for- - the council and a "womia-Ibr- . mayor was elected at Oskaloosa, Kan . .Monday, A pri 2nd , by sixty-si- x majority. ;The. new 'officials are representative women, and a reform admiaistratiqiJiis. looked for. Ex. 1 j EARLY IN MAY . j ! SHIPP THE Design to Issue the first number of The Salt Lake Sanitarian, l A monthly journal of MEDICINE AND SURGERY. pvEVOTKD-TO TflK PHEVENTION AND CURE OF J disease iind the .Promulgation lifurtb aud Life. It will contain ofrthe haws of 24 of .interest- pa'es "Emily Kuete, daughter of the Sultan of these and upon matter, Important subjects, reading ing Zanzibar, h isrwritten "Aleruoirs of an Arabian it will bo our a m lo Jieep fully abreast with the times.' Prince.-ts- " (DAppletou .xfe.Co.), giving an'life.-Afte)f Oriental ; harem itor3. r'Tho BBS. tact 'Keeping the arms extenIeIlHe hands her father's death a . new dynasty arose, Terms S2.00 a Year. Aoexjs Va'ted. should be forcibly thrown backwards until the and the Princesses had a hard time. The young See Prospectus for full particulars. , ..' backs of the hands touch behind the shoulder, -- memoirs of German a the married and writer while the palms come toge ther before the chest--- ; us in escaped with him to Eu rope, and there has Encouj Jgement from those who will sustain'1 Let this motion" begone-throuwith; rapidly we ' and would 'solicited", our her earnestly undertaking, story." lu the next move hold the written be pleased to liear from you. We will spnre no effort to some thirty-timeseive you first class Journal In every part icular. Mrs. Alice Scatcherd, one of the three Eng-lis- h arms straight above the head with the palms mis. SHIPP, i Address 69 3.. First East Street, Salt Lake City. the to International of the hands forward; now; bendiug the hips, Couucirof delegates ivv. '"h myy'i JVomen , has . gone .to.. California.with ffl Hill - tllC miuo u n ii m ii and will remain in this country till about straight, all the time, until the hngers touch the toes; then return the .hands"to their original the first of June. Mrs. Ormiston Chant is to position above the head."' Vthis motion should deliver a series of lectures for the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Ashton Dilke has given her interesting be performed very slowly twenty or thirty times. At first it will be almost impossible to lecture on .''Women in English Politics", in touch the floor with . the fingertips without several cities, including New. York and Boston, bending the knees, but in course of time it will and will sail for England in a few days. Ex. bepejtlbrfned readily. In the third inbve-mt-u- t 'Miss Agnata Frances Ramsay, the English the girl should, hold her hands close to her sides with the thumbs still forward. Bring girl who took the foremost rank in the Classical Tripos at Cambridge last, year, is makiug a the arms uj) irom the sides, thumbs still then return them to their first position. new "translation of "Herodotus." She comes SALT LAKE CITY. classical a of her race, Sir qf scholars, "must be elbows. father, bent the not If at The arms James Ramsay, having taken a double first at persisted in, this movement will straighten out Dr. George G. Ramsay, Oxford,, her uncle, - , , UIVV'"Q ii in the chair oi proressor- ot Jbatin occupying who will these vigorously practice Any girl her great-unclGlasgow University,-anThe being ninvpiiipnts twice a da v for fifteen minutes will the author of ''Roman Ramsay's Antiquities' presently have a lull chest, straight shoulders, hx. adand sound lungs, unles hercase is so far vanced, as to be incurable. Of course these The news of the sudden death, from heart effects on same the have will exercises same disease, of Mr. Matthew Arnold, which oc as a rule men as men but of frames well; the curred at Liverpool, Sunday, April 15, was --t , r - do not need them in auytning iiKe me same received with feelings ofgenuine regret everyhis does who The man women. as duty where throughout the English speaking world. degree in this world is Compelled to take a degree of Though it cannot be said he enjoyed anything exercise unknown to the other ex. Every like popularity, his authority as a man of letd ters was generally, though perhaps unwillingly, lady is ambitious to be the possessor ot ' muscles and a full chest; and where, recognized. At the tin5e of his death he was sc Co., ; jdjzjvxjD she to tries of she is not possessed them, dupe the subject of some very severe criticism by hers are into the public by believing they me American - press, which oitterly. resented timners. cas, water & steam means of pads, or else she. resorts to quacks the tone - of his article on Civilization' in the Agent for RUMS EY'S celebrated LI FT and FO U- - E who advertise nostrums for the development of United States in the current "Lumber, of the the figure. Take the biceps muscle of the Nineteenth Century. Mr.Arnold was only in PUMPS, Pumps Itepaired on short notice. Ordersruao the country promptly responded to. arm, for instanceone of the most noticeable his sixty-sixtyear when he was so suddenly " Address. ' DAVID 1AHE3; Box 303. SALT LAXS CIT7. features of a .woman, in full dress. A few stricken down. Foreign Ex. minutes', exercise" each day for-- a year.will in crease thlgirthof this muscle two inches to; enough to make all the dinerence between a MISCELLANEOUS. thin, arm and a plump one. And the same amount of' exercise given to the chest will inThere are iio song-- comparable to the songs of crease it from, four to six inches. In addition Will bo found the latest styles and pxoductions Zion, no orations equal to those of the prophets, to the beauty given to the figure by the fullv and no politics like, those which the Scriptures chest, the increase ot lung power viil serve to teach. Milton. LACES, RUCHES, EMBRODERIES, vitalise every organ in the body, and will its and FANS, GLOVES, PARASOLS, clear a eye, good blood, bring with it never could see that Ananias told such "I RIBBONS, COLLARS, TIES, attendant, a fair complexion, a springy step, lies that he should be struck for dead them." unfor And an elegant assortmenf of enjoyment high spirits, and a capacity "And who are you?" "I'm a realestate agent." known before. An addition of three inches "Ah ! that explains it." in the girth of the chest means an addition of s of the R'asori and experience both teach u iri Special department for Ladies' MLsaes' and Infifty inches of surface in the fant's Shoes. lungs. Selected, supp6se that personal moralty can be main- 112, 114, 116, 118 East Temple Street. -- r smPP,--"---------Ed- -- gh . her-hus-.ban- d, -- E.K. THOMAS , ABLE -- iqr-war- ElPORIUM d; " - - v, , -- r-- - d e Leading Retail Oash Hotise " ' 1 1 .THOMAi well-rounde- tames fitters h , Special j the Ladies. AT TEAS DEL'S IDlRir air-cell- - G-OOD- S; -- |