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Show WOMAN 'ST EXPONENT. DEDICATED DEAR SISTEKS; have faith. . . . ; ' Do we as parents teach proper" principle?At home do we net 'proper exam-- . phs," not only fpr our own, "but also for tnir ;" : :. heigh bor's chi re n ?" Emilia D. Madseu and Sister Harding vefe ' ' the next npeakers. : J H. A Snow: "I ; have been greatly edified; we need spiritual food as well as : Elder. Stake", .Greeting Box City and r" SOCIETY OKPMGHAM TO .THE RELIEF 1 1 ' which you betong, oPvvhich y?ju may feel TheirVjtutibn'to It is y.roud a grand al uid; .. ' ' ;.. .- ,.'""; ; ' The philanthropic feeling which is felt in every heart, in every prut, It's noble impulse throhbing at each beat Of youc,Jind 3nd generous natures, as your labors, you ' .' .. pursue, - u ; .. . - ...1.'...-Prest.- , - bodily;' .Singing, "We thank' Thee, O God, for prophet."' Benediction by Patriarch Box. : " . -L. ' and noble one, which should be proclaimed , 183 ; . "a Emilia D. Madsen, Cor. Secv To benefit and bless the poor is constantly your view; But in this labor you ca'njeel that blessings are in store For all who labor faithfully to aid and bless the poor, For to such the Gospel, it is preached, and promises are ' given, . comforted with all be shall blessings sent from That they heaven. You are the guardian angels, then, of such as need your Vice I'resident at Largey Corresponding Secre-tary- 7 Recording ; Secretary and Treasurerr Lvach President of an" atTxiliary society shall b.e ex. oMcto . Vi ce Pres i dent oi t h e N a t i o na -- Council, and each President of a National Vice Cbnncil shall be President of the r jrl 1 . cx-oflici- '. International -- -- . make a mittee; of which sven meinbcrs for to the control and. provide," general quorum, " CONSTITUTION .' . -- C nuicil. The five general officer's, with the Vice Presidents, glial L constitute an Executive Com- International- OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL COUNCILS. o - 'l . ' ' - ' - ::J' IV.; .' - , society of women, the is satfsfactory to the wlDsiVfwork .nature of ADOPTED BY THE DELEGATES MARCH oO. ExecutiveConnnittKvilher as to its undoubted-- ' ly National character or, national jTahb, may "' " Mindful of .the bighlduties entrusted " to'its .become .f" aidf- ., auxiliary to this Council' hy its own committee has earnest care, yaur and be nor afraid not slack be slothful, ye vote and by the payment of a sum amounting 10 don't itself to the problem of a National and Inter in love of labors time'bf f' o i' h f t need, vi'iirlv fir mcnilipr ltitn tlif your To, ptoseeute Womeu as the to national of Council first, will will be And you rewarded, oh, yes, you indeed, of treasury. in addition to a practicability, of "forming two such great orFor the Saviof he proclaimed it, and it as on record e dollars. ... . included the twenty-fivganizations, in which should-b- e "He that giyeth to the poor only lendeth to the Lord." organized working forces of the world's ART I GEE IV. OF INTEENATIONA.L. So aid and bless- - them diy by day, and do it with a wilt, : theirsecondly,--as-to.-womanhood, andr Vet do not object Any National Council may become auxilTary-tand method. But with a kind "God bless you," wherever you relieve, the Internafloual Council bv its; own vote As a result of our deliberations, we respectThe worthy poor will pray for you for whatever they, and by the payment of oue hundred dollars receive; fully report: First. We are trougly in favor of such a every .four years. This sum shall he 'paid inlo There may, be some that's wayward, but still they need the treasury of the International Council not federation National and " International beyouf aid, than three months prior to its Don't pass them by unheeded, yet don't you be afraid lieving that it will incalculably jncreasa the1' later ; r To laborwith them kindly, and lead them .byjhe hand world's sum total of womanly couragejefliciencV', Of kindness, and they will take a different stand,. , and esjmt de corps; that it wilt wideit our ARTICLE V- - v And serve the Lord-ifuture, that they with. you may. horizon, correct the tendency to an exaggerated share 1 um a trTfTnTTrn r?nn t r tin n Mrrrhnn f Tine rpTpiioTTo he Llessings and the guts o! ,jOd, to be attained through- -' with and put the wisdom and biennial meetings. The Committee of Arrangethat prayer. expert experience of eaeh at the service of. ments shall be composeil of the Executive The Prophet Joseph had in view the duties of your field Committee and one dejegate chosen by each all. ' Of labor, as it should be given to those who thus would' . We suggest that the form of auxiliary society as its representatives. Secondly. shield organization be the simplest" possible, following The hungry and the .naked, who for your help migh ARTICLE V. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL. the general plan at the present Council, and to " this end we offer, a form of constitution, ''.The International Council shall hold quadWho thus had been unfortunate, and yet were not .to an and National to to a rennial meetings. The Committee of Arrangeequally adapted, blame; International Council of women: . v ments shall be . composed .of the Executive Oomtnittee and one delegate trom each JNational That may require your sympathy before they reach the ': PREAMBLIC' lTuiliaricjLiny -- oi-n- . " : . quadren-nialmee'ting- i. ' n -- ."" . .. " -- 1 rr-- A'i 1 of-othe- rs, ' ' - , -- -- . . : ' . . ... " - h ' ; goal, So consecrate your efforts to your duties day. by day. That you may receive a blessing, your kind friend will ever We, women of the United States (Great Britain, France, or whatever country), (for the International "All Nations, , it would read), sincerely believing that the best gooff of our i pray. ;Bjo S. SmitB, whom we have not seen for out lately. .received a delegation oj deputy marshals, hence felt at liberty to visit us once more said: "This organisation was effected by Joseph Smith, Ijjan bear testimony to this truth. Woman's 'work is unceasing in ""PioVnps! whn-narin hpfrpr than trip faithful wife or mother? A kind word from her is of more worth than all the medicine in the world.'! Spoke of his mother how she had brought up her sons in virtue" and purity. ''IfisTrue the Relief Society is for the good of the poor, but a3 our President said, 'The sisters will be a great power,' and they are; there is not a man that cannot be influenced by his mother or wife. How necessary, then, that the sisters are humble, prayerful, and fitting themselves continually to fulfil their mission. say to my with on sisters, go your good work; be not afraid to administer to your, sick children,"your husbands and to each other. Let us keep our ons and daughters as pure as possible, that they may grow up virtuous. What is it that has destroyed nations? It is when virtue i3 defiled- Wie would be more powerful if we were less people and all pure.". ; ro. h. A. Box appreciated and encouraged me labors ot the Kelief Society. Saidr'lhere are ofteu opportunities to do a great amount of do-ngood, let them pass by. Those who have embraced the Gospel in their, native land, forsaken their former religion for the true el, and come here, do you think they will Joi uke this Gospel? It is our young people ve need more to work witfi, that they may nomes aiiu uauuu win uiavauctiu .uyxjur own greater unity of thought, sympathy and purpose, and that an organized movement of women will best conserve the highest good of the family-anState, do hereby band ourselves together in a. confederation of workers com- of ignor mitted to' the overthrow ance and injustice, and to the application of the Golden Rule to society, custom, and law. That we may more successfully prosecute the work, we adopt the following: some time d , n ; to-da- ot T r y .'...- ARTICLE of-alHh- rm I. . This federation shall, be called the Woman's National Council of (or InterCouncil of Women). national Name. - - . " ARTICLE II. General Policy. This Council 13 organized in the interest of no propaganda, and has no power over, it? auxiliaries beyond that of sug gestion and sympathy; therefore, no society voting to become auxiliary to this Council shall, by that act, render itself liable to be intertered with in respect to its complete organic-unityindependence, or methids of work, and no 'society thus voting shall be by that act committed to any priuciple or method of any other society or to any utterance or act of the Council itself beyond compliance with the terms of this Constitution. , : - ARTICLE . ' i .Officer's. ' Council. ;-- III. ; y ; - The officers shall be a President, : '.;-'- :; . This Constitution may be altered or amended by a majority vote of the Council at auy biennial jneeting (or for International Council-quadre- nnial meeting), printed notice thereof been to each member of the Execusent having tive Committee at least three months prior to such meeting. , The committee recommend: S v rt i r ' rfA rirsi. mai ine general oincers or me ia-tionCouncil .be instructed, to issue an address .at once to the women o'Lthe United States setting forth the objects of Jliis new organization, .and that the general oflicersof lhe International Council issue a similar address to the women of the world. - L 'i A- A fc 3C " I X A al association secure, if possible, a letter of approval of the organization, signed by repre- "sentative women of all countries, urging the of all women, irrespective of race or creed, to be used in connection with-the official address. Third. National ; ' , Tiiat the ereneral officer"! of both and-Internation- Councils al structed' to enact by-law- be in- for their guidance, s which shall be valid until the first regular meeting of each Council shall be held: Proshall be passed which is vided, That no not in exact accord with the Constitution. Fourth. That a clause be inserted into either the Constitution or by laws providing that no person shall occupy the office of Presiy dent two consecutive terms, ,.v by-la- w Frances E. Willard, Chairman. Victoria Richardson, Ada C. Bowhs, M. " " . ARTICLE vi. v . ,. N |