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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 152 NOTES AND NEWS. The Queen has ordered a painting of the "Capture of Cety wayo." Mrs. Leopold de Rothschild has a new necklace, which, although it is only a single row of huspearls, is valued at $100,000. One of her band's bridal gifts was a pleasant little sum of &2500 for distribution among the Jewish chari- ties at Vienna. In the United States Senate last week the statue of the late Senator Col lamer, of Vermont, was presented to the United States, to be placed in the national statuary hall set apart for two statues of representative men from each State. A new painting by Titian has been discovered in the Austrian Chateau d' Ambras, where d it hung unnoticed for many years. It is a portrait of the wife of the emporer Charles V. There are said to be full proofs of the authenticity of the work, which has been life-size- taken to Vienna. A new work by Guida, entitled, "A Village Commune," is now in- active preparation. It consists of a, passionate protest against the application to regenerated Italy of the Code Napoleon and a picture of the kind of oppression to which, according to the author, the peasants are now subjected. Messrs. Chatto and Windus will be the printers. Younfj and received certificates, showing their qualifications and ability to act as midwives.StodAnother class, consisting of Mrs. M. A. dard, of Grantsville, Mrs. S. L. Goss, of Salt Lake City, Mrs, A. Woolman, of Spanish Fork, and Mrs. E.. Pap worth, of Hooperville, finished their course of study last Wednesday, and were blessed and set apart by President Jos. F. Smith assisted by President A. O. Smoot, and in the evening passed a , very creditable examination before Dr. S. B. Young and Dr. Ellen B. Ferguson, each receiving her certificate of competency to act in this special branch of medicine. Having been duly qualified, as above stated, these sisters are we believe fully worthy of the confidence of the people among whom they are to practice their vocation. WM. C. HEBERHART, Druggist and Pharmacist, 44 EAST TEMPLE STREET, Two little boys were playing a short time since, when one said to the other, "You aint got a Nell," meaning a gentle nag he sometimes leads to water. "But we've got a Bess," said the other child. "You aint got a pa, though." The little fellow waited a moment, then said, in a low, hushed voice, KNo, I aint got a pa, but I've got three fathers." "Who are they, then?" "Well, there's Frank, that's one (meaning his eldest brother), and my father who died and lives in heaven, that s two, and my Heavenly Father, that makes Q. Classes in Midwifery. Of the medica students taught by Dr. Ilomania B. Pratt during last summer in her classes in midwifery, Mrs. Elizabeth Nuttall, of Kanab, Mrs. Jeannette De La Mere, of Tooele City, and Mr. Sinah P. Bishop, of Salt Lake City, were blessed and set apart by i'res. W. Woodruff and Counselor D. li. Wells, and all passed a satisfactory examination before Dr. J. M. Benedict and Dr. S. B. CTw $30. BOOKS, $12. DR. ELLIS R. SHIPP. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Kisb0P niter's old residence, between 2. CM L and the National Bahk. RbpidenCx 11th Ward, 7th East Street, between South and 1st South Streets, west side of street. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children as SDociaU ltles. T II LADIES Of Salt Lake City and vicinity will find the LARGEST and "BEST SELECTED STOCK of SHOES BOOTS, & SLIPPERS, Children's the HPxxxo Shoes, art Solicited. &r Your Order? West. ZDTTZLnTIFOZRID. a In first class Drugr rlstablishrnent AjI guaranteed to be pure and fresh, and will be sold at the most reasonable prices, ijtjecial attention griveu to Physician's Prescriptions and Family Recipes. F. AUERBACH & BRO. -- HAVE 1 . TO REMOVED Mil! NEW STORE, 124 Nos. i 126 CALL AND EXAMINE PP1 tW Fall aud Winter Goods. DAYID JAMES, STEAM FITTER. TINNER, CAS, WATER & 12?" Agent for EUMSEYS celebrated LIFT and FORCE PUMPS. Pumps Repaired on short notice. Orders from the country promptly responded to. XST Address, David Jam, Bat 306, Sail Lake City. tor 25. o. zvx. x. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, HEAVY wife ITEMS. TERMS, G-E- O. Toilet Articles, i A BhouldieS obe found in Medicines and economy has been awarded by the council of University College, London, to Miss Ada Heatherbigg, LL- - A, St. Andrews, and moral science scholar 1877 (Cambridge higher local examination). This is the first time that the Hume scholarship in political economy has been carried off by a lady. three." SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, DRUGS, and a completeChemicals, line of goods usually kept The Joseph Hume scholarship in political are now living in Washington and entertaining Mrs. Bonaparte a granda great deal. daughter of Daniel Webster is a clever and charming woman. She dresses magnificently, and often wears beautiful jewels, a large share of which descended to her from the late Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte. Mrs. Erastus S. Gaylord is a Cleveland ( O.) year. At lady of note, now in her eighty-firs- t few a her grandson's wedding days ago General Garfield was receiving with family friends. When Mrs. Gaylord made her adieu to the President elect "she naul: "My leave taking to 1 you is pax tibi, but suppose many would say instead, 'Remember me when thou coraest into " thy kingdom.' ROUMWNIA II PRATT WILL BEGIN In Midwifery, in her office, up Building, March 1st, 1881. Students names In timefor books to be pi ocured. DR. Also, full and desirable lines, best brands DEALER IN - Colonel Jerome Bonaparte and his CLASS IN MIDWIFERY. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, & SHKLE. HARDWARE, GLASS & QUEENSWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Etc. SALT LAKE CITY. Special Departments for Gent's Clothing and Carpets, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Dry Goods, Shawls and Domestics, Groceries, Hardware and Stoves. Is made from a Simple Tropical Leaf of Rare value, and Is a POSITIVE Kennedy for all the diseases that cause pains In the lower part of the body for Torpid Liver Headache Jaundice -- Dizziness, Oruvel, Malaria, and all difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver, and Urinary Organs. For Female DlaeaMea, It has no equal It restores the organs that make the blood ,and hence is the best Itlood Pnrlfier. e. It is the only known remedy that cures Krlght' 1)1-ea- For Din betes, use Unrner' Sale Dlabete For Sale by Druggists and Dealers at $1,28 per Care, bottle, Largest bottle in the market- - Try it. II. 11. WAIIXEK fc CO., Ilochentar, If.T. OFFICE-- Up I.ESIDENCE-S- ix 3- Xj-A.H.G-3- Of Home PALACE OF FASHION, No, 17 EAST TEMPLE ST. Desires the Ladies of Salt Lake and those the City , to call at ber Show Hooms and see her New visiting Stock of MILLI-EKY. The latest and most stylish modes of Hats and Bonnets, In Straw, Felt and Velvet Abo. a nice selection in towers, Feathers, Plushes, Velvet and Ribbons in the latest shade and Ktrti. Country Dealers, please CalL Ladies' Ilalr ork in all its branches. Good Work Guaranteed t for Sale by PKOVO WOOLEN MILLS, C. Old also HOME MADE Cotton Batting, Brown Tarns, White Yarns, Colored Yarns, Blankets, Flannels, Shawls, Llnseys, Wool Ratting, Brooms, Washboards, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Ca&slmers, Tweeds, H. DINWOODEY, locks East of Poet Office, South side street. rSfSpecial study has been given to Obstetrics, Diseases of Women, and DISEASES of the EYE and EAltT STOCK JOHN Hade Trunk t'onatltntlon Balldlnfft in Old CormUtuOdn Budding. Of TEAPIDEI,. CUTLEK, Agent for the and Surgeon. Stain, 13 P- - 13 Jeans, ROMANIA B. PRATT, . rlxy-i.oiju- DRIED FRUITS OF ALL CLASSES WANTED. WHOLESALE AWD RETAIL, DEAIXR IH FUENITTJRE, SPBIIE BEOS, WtBE MATTRESSES FEATHEHS Ml FIB N 15 Cents! 15 o Cents!! 75, 77, & 79, First South Street, "SALT LAKE CITY. UlRj. BIBLE ALMANAC -- DENTIST. QPECIAL For tho Year of our Lord, X 1 J 3II. HE QMAX, PublibheU by . City, Utah Territorv. JjkfUU the Book jB. TDTJ3FEKDtt'E, A- ATTENTION PAH) Preserving: tbe O toFlllmgand faaA. Tooth 0refuDT Vohwal v Ul 11 TlHTH lnSeftM Vlllr i. tr. VllTT Oft. t IOC , A V U M . - - m Ul?&4SX& Salt Lake Store. SentbyMaH Pottpa f Work Guaranteed.TintmjCES i OFFICE: Most Approved Mantw. to uit the Timet and CI-kk- JkJJ'- KAIN STO OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE. m BOX. Oil. F |