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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. the Quarters," though she certainly did very We congratulate Miss Ada on her ffellinall her debut before a Salt Lake audience, ghe has proven she has talent and ability for the profession she has chosen; by patient application and persistent study she may rise to the supreme height of excellence in the art of reading, which is a most happy attainment. success in ONE WOMAN'S THOUGHTS ON THE "Wherefore,, by their fruits ye shall know them." Matt., vii, 6. These words of our Savior, given to his disciples when he was upon the earth, by which they for might know men? are' just as good be latter-dato as Saints guided by, the they were for the former day Saints eighteen hundred years ago. Judging by this rule the actions of the "Liberal Party," their fruits are very apparent as persecutors of the Saints. What other motive could Gov. Murray have had, in giving the certificate of election to Mr. Campbell, and v then fleeing the country? His guilty conscience needed no accusing (if he has any conscience it must be very small); if he had heaped such an indignity upon any other people, he well knew what the result would be. The words of the proverb are very significant in this case, for The wicked fleeth when no man pursueth." Saints are not the people to take The Latter-da- y the law in their own hands to redress their wrongs, but leave all things in the hands of a said, "Vengeance is mine just God, Who has The Latter-da- y Saints can and I will repay." as to it come, wait for that time surely will will Zion in tremble, come, when "the sinners and fearfulness will surprise the hypocrite." Then the Lord ''will laugh at their calamity and mock when their fear cometh." But to return to the subject. Who is A. G. Campbell? How long has he leen in the counobtry? How much correct information lias he tained about the people called ''Mormons'whom he is so anxious to represent in Congress? Not much, I think, by the company he keeps. The first L heard of .him was his jumping a mining claim, and losing the case in Courts The next I .., hear, he is trying to usurp the place of Delegate Cannon. And to dishonesty he adds falsehood and misrepresentation, giving as an excuse for his failure in securing the election numerically, the "women elected Mr. Cannon." Now, this is untrue. Mr. Cannon was not dependent on the women for his election, although many women did give him their votes, and would have teen proud (if Mr. Campbell's assertion were true) of the privilege of sending an honorableof gentleman to represent them in the Congress the nation. But how is it with poor Mr. Campbell? T am sure he is to be pitied, if out of so large a number of votes as 1,357, to 18,578, that he should be entirely forgotten by the ladies! It is not a very good position to ba out of favor witha the women. Surely some one will write him letter of condolence, to quiet his nerves, alter such a signal defeat, and that by women. He must have felt very much relieved after giving exof pression to his feelings, accusing the women ! same the story given Always doing the evil is anything if there men by unprincipled is no wrong "the women did it." asBut there of as those wrong. The votes of women good citimen, and they are as good and honorable zens as men are. The Mormon women are not the oppressed, n women they are represented to be and intellid by their enemies, but act for themand can think gent women who to give expresselves, and have as much liberty women of as sion to their thoughts and feelings I know, for one, any other community. And contest Delegate that the "Liberal Party" may Cannon's seat in Congress for years to come, as are passed, so long they have in the years that as the Lord wishes him to remain in the halls of the nation, they will fall in their attempts to remove him. If the time comes that the nation is not worthy of having an Apostle in their to be remidst, then the Lord will sutler himshould moved, and not till then. And whydone? they Why, seek to remove him? What has he has more say his righteous opponents, "He his wives wives than one!" Well, if he has, faithhis in have the most implicit confidence VVashin. fulness to them; they can trust him if need ington, or in any other place, for years, would ho be, and feel perfectly satisfied, knowing y, y . down-trodde- high-minde- -- eturn to them as true to his marriage covenants as when he left them. Tf all the fathers, husbands and. sons of monogamic families committed no greates crime, nor did anything more to disgrace themselves than Mr. Cannon has in marrying, methjnks the Milleuuium would soon be ushered in, and "every man in everyplace would meet a brother and a friend.'! But alas! for fallen humanity, that time is notyet. Now, I think it would be much more sensible for Mr. Cannon's righteous opponents, if they would petition Congress to pass a law for the suppression of houses ofprostitution aud which are so degrading to woraaukindantl an open disgrace to the nation. Yet they are fostered and supported by men in high social circles, who lift up their hands in holy horror that the Mormons marry women and make them honorable wives, and judging by tlwyic-tion- s of men, they would say to Mr. Cannon, have as many women as you please, but don't well marry them; then we can be hale fellows Conto met, and you will be a fit representative gress. The women are now making a great noise about polygamy. It seems to me that the women of the nation would be engaged in a much better cause if they would get up petitions to Congress for the suppression of real evils in their midst, and use all their influence to elevate their sex from the degradation that men have placed them in. "By their fruits ye shall know them." there is no warfare greater than to keep the garden of the mind free from those weeds which the tempter is always on hand and ready to sow, and if iermitted to grow will baffle the mind of its possessor, and destroy his or her usefulness in the world. But you will ask who knows all this? QUESTIONS. FAREWELL SURPRISE. ill-fam- SUBJECT. to-da- 140 M. e, I. H. the Governor of Idaho is so much alarmed for the safety of this govern- ueiorer, mo as we learn irom nis speeen ment, . T I .1 f Le slature of tnat Territory.' ne seem i think that our practices are so vne anu so mum haranfpr. that we should be stricken from civilized society, lest we contaminate the people and cause the uestrucuon oi me wnuic human race, i ne reason wny no huumon one because he has only weighed the subject side of the question. Now, let me ask, does he to the fear that the systems built up according crumwill world of men the of the best abilities set ble away? Because the God of heaven will down up a kingdom that will never be thrownFor this And why? to another or given reason: our Heavenly Father is wiser than man. -perfect in His designs are broader and moreachieve the every sense of the word, and will said in not Is it children. his greatest good for naall the blood one of made holv writ, that he must te tions of the earth? Accordingly, there and each every bosom, a germ of the Deity in will enable which, if cultivated and developed, his designs and us to see; and understand fast a child how concerning us. Notice three first years of Earns from observation the is kept pure. But its life, and later if the germ seeds of envy after the tempter begins to sow the hatred, malice and revenge, then begins PArrinn mo if I ask whv . tw- I T" ple. WButrGod sent His Son Jesus to teach us a diflesson of .Jove,, which is an ferent lesson-t- he the of the Deity, for God is love Butseeds tempter and the will ophite spirit is from the weeds, which bitter he sows destroy the germ, If choke and u;j Savior of the world to given uLon Imvpthe hi neighbor as himself? wh? no ? Is it not Lecause the parents are "fllh the children, or otherwise the force to Lxamnle until it seems impossiblecan thinlTnything else? , Who?is there t at vf 5 rw"if germ iJSTca permitted to grow bitter weedshave been Sid roduceil fruits, to that degree that they b mxA i a world as th eXWounid6we not V'Snd the hu-- y outof of rather welcome the kingdom I will tell vou. They are those who have repented of all their sins and leen baptized for the remission of them, which is the teaching of our great Lawgiver, Jesus Christ. Then they receive the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, to take lead of their minds and enlighten them upon all things pertaining to this life. My earnest desire for the Governor of Idaho is and shall le that he may learn to love his neighbor as himself, and deal justly with all, remembering that the measure he may mete out will in return be meted to will be requisite. him again. Is any one fit to govern who cannot govern himself? King Solomon's words are, "lie who rul-et- h his own spirit is greater than he that taketh a city." He of course is a general, especially if he can love those who hate him and pray for those who despitefully use and persecute him. Such are the laws given to us to fit and qualify us for the kingdom of God, and cannot he accomplished without the assistance of the Holy Spirit, which we need daily, and ihat we may possess it is the earnest prayer of Your friend, M. .E. Kimball. 1$81. Salt Lake City, Feb. 18, Self-governme- -- a quiet and took at the resiplace pleasant surprise party of Farmer's dence of the late Jacob Peart, Ward, held as a farewell parting of the family, On the 16th day of February, 1881, their exjeeted removal into the counby the sisters of try. This partv wasof arranged this ward, thus f bowing the Relief Society their kind feelings for the sisters who are about to leave them. The party was a very appropriate one on such an occasion. The ladies were greatly surprised, but pleasantly received the guests in alia happy and jolly party. Expressions of love and good at the feelings for one another were manifested set in was order, meeting. A substantial dinner the surprised and surprise! enjoyed themselves a few hours eJaised in greatlv. After dinner, friendlyj okes and con vernation making the time disagreeable to all. After wh ich the parties their persed to their respective homes, leaving ow ing to kind feelings and blessings with the family, who in return wish to thank aud bless the sisters of Farmer's Ward. Emma Woodruff. BIRTHDAY PARTY. in Feb. 9, the sisters of the Relief Society Paor commemoration in Pavson, held a party able managetriarch lly ruin Smith, under the Counselors aud ment of Pres. Jane B.Simons half At es Douglas and Mary Mors. husbands, pant astheir si p. in., the sisters, with sembled in the City Hall. After singing, prayer bmg-mwas otlered up by Counselor Davida ttanl. for U Prophet ' "We thank fhee, God, delivered by was then An interesting speech to the mauy inciElder I. M. Coombs, referring Dancing by dents in the life of Hyru-i- Smith. recitation by H. a followed Then the company. 1 rof. J. of Prof. Hamill), reading, ilTownsend, and a song by intermission lor a short time was taken. J ustite viands prepared by way of a w song by John Quigly. picnic, after which aresumed. Speeches uy Danciri ' was then who S. Tanner and Counselor D. San , y U rtadue names of the eight witnessesand Henry of the Book of Mormon, acquainted with the Songs Uien flowed by prphet andPatirch.Hancock and S. Reece, George briefly tendered Thanks PWane Simons for their presence, and to allto the evening's entertamthat feLe WU also Th rTe A-u- g, i donethe theau-thatJcit- rnis Ihad Suted canted tV it strange that the Governor a i.wno peace, when w,ch, a kingdom should fear and tremuie n x riJy with JCtsurrectiou Day, u then Buug 1-- y composeu v U.e iuBuyj getfy. 'm. been placed A bikwzb rtatuc of Uante den hcolcs, 1 in the Kfjuara of th Hue |