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Show ) HERALDlLSE5LIst ins 12A SUNDAY ' ' 1962 Thousands of 'Y' Frosh Due In Provo This Week ', v 4 " f 4 if? Y IT V The Brigham Young University fcampus' will spring to life again Wednesday when thousands . of jfreshmen begin their orientation jperiod prior to registering for the Worship together this week Dr. ACTING DIRECTOR Jack B. Trunnell, named acting director of the BYU Student Health Center. " Dr. 'Trunnell f Heads BYU Health Center peW school quarters. " An introduction to the colleges will be followed in and and transportation centers has the departments evening by meetings of deans ibeen put into operation to help the and department heads with internewcomers get to their campus Baha'is Will Note World Peace Day . ested students. destinations, On Thursday the students will The students will; be welcomed divided into six sections for be to BYU by President Ernest L. seven orientation phases, includWilkinson in a general meeting Wednesday, jSept. 19, at 8 a.m. ing faculty advisement, meeting in the George Albert Smith Field-hous- studenlbody officers, paying fees, This will be followed by touring campus, and taking tests. A general meeting Thursday housing orientation. Students livtoreswill their go night in the Fieldhouse will feaing; on campus stuture Dr. Reed H. Bradford, acting j idence halls and in Fieldthe dean of The College of Humanities dents will be briefed and Social Sciences, who willta-dres- s house. the students on "Who Lights President Wilkinson and adminAs the students leave Y?" the istrative officials will honor the will see the Fieldhouse the parents of new students at 10 a.m. block "Y" on thethey mountain above in the Joseph Smith Auditorium Interthe with a short program and recep- campus being lighted by unit. service a collegiate Knights, tion. will be The completed evening Tours to acquaint parents Avith as students of the 33 meet bishops conducted th6 university will be on campus. LDS wards every hour of the day except durOn Friday the newcomers will ing the president's reception. They will begin at 8:15 a.m., forming complete their orientation sections in ;the lobby of the Smoot Admini- and attend a "Get Acquainted Dance" on the tennis courts south stration Building, of the Fieldhouse. Dr. BoydiK. Packer, Assistant Transfer students and freshmen to I the . Council of the Twelve of. j j e. World Peace Day, an annual event observed in over 257 counMr. Farley tries throughout the world, marks the striving of peoples to put into practice the principles which will bring mankind of diverse nation4 i al, racial and religious back- ! grounds together in one human family, thus laying the foundation for peaceful solutions of interna- - Mr. Jordan - j off-camp- us ''!.!: i i The only public observance to be held in Pro vo this year will be Dr. Jack. B. Trunnell has been sponsored by the Baha'is and will speaker, Richard appointed acting director of the have as guest whose topic is "Giant Student Health Center at Brigham Denman, World Towards Peace." The Young University, it was an- Step to invited is participate in nounced Saturday by President public at the Baha'i observance this Ernest L. Wilkinson, 1391 Cherry Lane today He succeeds Dr. Richard A. Center, 3 p.m. at Nimer who has resigned to give full time to his private practice. Dr. Nimer has headed the Student . Mr. Gilbert ; i Mr. Thomas; 'fy Mr. Litster Mr. Menlove ; Wlldnson Announces First Semester Registration at 'Y Registration for the first semester at Brigham Young University was announced Saturday by President Ernest L. Wilkinson. Freshmen and sttidents entering BYU for the first rtime will register Sept. 22 in the George Al- Missionary Farewells, Homecomings LEHI Mrs. Gary, (Bonnie) as president of serve will Cooper the Lehi Junior High School PTA for the next, two years. Serving bert Smith Fieldhouse. Freshwith her will be Mrs. Kenneth men . who attended summer (Fern) Whimpey, first vice presi- KENNETH W. CROOKSTON school for the first time also will Ferrin J. Gurney, dent; Principal Son of Mr. and register Sept. 22. second vice president; Mrs. La-MD.J Mrs. All former and repeating BYU (Madge) Hutchings, secreC r o o ks t onj freshmen, sophomores, juniors, tary, and Mrs. Byron (Selma) American Fork.; seniors, fifth year professional offiMemmoft, treasurer. Other Farewell it est i- - arid graduate students will regcers include Mrs. Ernest (Paulmonial vill be;, ister Sept. 24 and 25. ine) Cedarstrom, program chairheld this evening All incoming students must re ' man; Mrs. Keith (Ann) Bushman, at 7 in. port to the northeast door of the membership and spiritual eduAmerican Fork! fieldhouse at their assigned times 1 Second - IS e v f cation; Mrs. John (Erma) Zanni, to 'begin the registration process. adult education; Mrs. A. S. (Donentn ward ujs "There is no reason to come na) Chruma, magazine; Mrs. Elinnjfcr Hum J He wilE Chapel. 15 minutes ahead of Rex (Diane) Losee, publicity and Mr. Crooks ton serve iin the earlier than Wilofle's assigned time," emphahistorian; Mrs. Ned (Joyce) Scottish Mission. He enters the Wilkinsonj "as no President and sized Mr. Mrs. son, rodm mothers; Mission Home Sept. 17 and plans Mrs. Hal Holmstead, hospitality; to depart.1 from Salt Lake Sept. 24 Dave (Elaine) Jones, juvenile protection and safety;, Mrs. Grant BRENT FARLEY Son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley T (Rose) Smith, health; Mrs. New Glenn Clyde ell fBeth) Turner Jr., civil de- - Farley, 0rem. Farewell testimo : nial today at 5 p.m. in the Orem ense. Fourth Ward Chapel, 575 IS. 1400 IThe spiritual foundation of true The PTA W. Australian Mission. Enters Mis! AMERICAN FORK peace and trotheirhood will be set j j of the Forbest Elementary School sion Honje Sept. 24. foirth at Chjristiati Science church s fully organized and in readi LAWRENCE F. JORDAN JR. services today in a lessori-sermo- n ness for the school year. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence entitled "Substance." Heading the organization as of F. Jordan, Orem. Farewell testii iFeaturedjin the Bible selections ficers this year are: Mrs. Ronald monial 6:30 in the at t$is evening will be a j number of passages Smith, president; Mrs. Merrill Orem 17th Ward, 1100 North 40f ' from Book jof James. Hymas, first vice president; East. South-Wes- tj British Mission! Principal Melvin Beckstrand, Enters the Mission Home Oct. 8L tA citatiop will be read from vice president; Mrs. Lee second "$cience and Health with Key to Scott Kenneth j j Departs Oct. 16. the Allridge, secretary-treasure- r. Scriptulres" by Mary Baker ' PAUL Ei GILBERT j Etidy. Department chairmen are: Mrs. Son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Glen Joel Pendleton, program; Mrs. i John Belmont, membership; Mrs. Clark, Provo. Farewell testtaionial 4:30 at MARVIN ALLAN in WAYNE the Oak'Hill p.m. Jack Coddington, health; Mrs. today Fu-s- t 1600 Ward North Chapel, Son of 'Sjlr. and Mrs. Leonard Doyle Smith, safety; Mrs. Joseph East. Mission Netherlands Merk-leL. L. Mrs. M. Allan, Bapleton. Welcome home Martin, project; room mothers representa PAUL MICHAEL THOMAS today at 4j30 p.m. in theMaple-to- n Son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Second Ward ChapelT Served tive; Mrs. Paul Miller, hospitalSPR1NGVHXE and Thomas,! Provo. Farewell testinw-nia- l hi the California Mission. Roy K. Bird, ity; Mrs.. Guy Ivins, by-la14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. legislation; Mrs. Kay Walton, this evening at 7 in the Prov LYNN GENE ASH Bird, received his Eagle Scout publicity. Seventh jWard Chapel, 200 South !Son of Mrs. Donna Ash, Pleasaward at a re Mrs. Leland Gray, historian; 100 East. West Central States Misj-sio- ant Grove. Welcome home this evecent Hobble Mrs. Dean Packard, cultural arts; Enters the Mission! Home ning at 7 in' the Pleasant Grove Creek District Mrs. Robert Hume, publications Sept. 24. j Second Ward Chapel, Served in court of honor at and magazine; Mrs. Virgil LARRY E. LITSTER j the Gf eat Lakes Mission. the Springville Rieske. citizenship (American Son of Mr. and Mrs. LuDean WESLEY B. HOOVER . , ism); Mrs. Francis Murdock, pre- Litster, Springville. Farewell test JSon of Mr. and Mrs. Bliss HoovCommunity J Church. school; Mrs. Rodney Turner, monial this evening at 7 j in thfe Springville. Welcome home "J . Roy is a soph character education and spirit- Springville 10th Ward. Enters the er, this evening at 6:45 in the Springomore at Spring uality; Mrs'. Boyd Adams, adult Mission Home 17. j Sept. ville Ninth Ward Chapel. Served ville High education. in the South Australian Mission. DONALD GEORGE MENLOVE s vv YVONNE BLAYLOCK Son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleon senior patrol ESTABLISH AIR SERVICE testimo Farewell Provo. servMenlove, Direct air Daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gorleader of Troop ROME (UPI) Roy ' M. Blaylock, Orem. Welcome the in Park nial 5:15 at don In Rome and 70 p.m. the Springville Eighth LDS ice between today 4 Dakar, 800! 100 this evening at 6 in the Orem West home Ward established will be Nortfcj, Chapel, soon, ward. Senegal, MisWard Chapel, 400 East 400 Second States Central Provo. North sources said government today. North. Served in. the. Southern sion. Mission! the Enters a ; SPRINGVILLE Two Spring The two governments signed Mission. States I1 17, accord aviation Sept. Friday. ville scouts have received their civil from their badges Eagle grand father, W. W. Clyde, long-tim- e president of the Utah National Parks Council. The. new Eagles, are Glenn C. Cook, 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl ar the -- . . . Christian Science Services Listed j . I j ! Scouts Gain Eagle Rank Brock-ban- k SPANISH FORK School will hold its annual flower show Wednesday, from 1 to 8 p.m. at the school. , All students are invited to participate and each child will choose and arrange his own ntry. The show is, under the direction of the PTA, and the public is invited to see this colorful arrangement of fall flowers in the school's spac--' ious auditorium. Judges will be Mrs. Vera Williams, Mrs.! Meryle Christensen and Mrs. Eleanor Matley. Adult Education Wee Proddirited Utah County will join the rest of the state in a' special observance of Adult Education Week Sept. 16 through 22, with the week officially proclaimed as such by Governor George D. Clyde. Adult Education Week is being sponsored in f the state by the Jf i ws n. non-cred- classes are available for the fall term with another 50 being, readied to start in January. At - Brigham Young University, evening school registration will be held from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. on Set. 24 and 25' for the beginning of fall semester with 189 classes being offered in more than 40 lof the departments of the university. Mrs. nene Webb, supervisor of BYU evening., school, speaks confidently of the "great-jeyear in ou history because jof . the. great changes that are going on in our world and the need for adults continually to adjust, to catch up, or keep up! with ' -- H events." Robert H. Teichert, chairman, 40 Council j consists of representa- tives of the formal education organizations in the county. All groups interested and engaged in adult education activities are invited to join the group.' Registration for fall term classes will be held during Adult AMERICAN FORK Following Education Week in each of the a summer recess the stake lead-- : three public school districts and ership meetings for Relief at the Central Uah Vocational workers of Alpine Stake will School. be resumed beginning Thursday, According to Donald Manson, Sept. 20, at 9:30 a.m. director of adult education at the The meetings are to be held vocational school, registration is in the newly remodeled stake being held there pept. 17 and tabernacle, according to classes will begin pet. 1. of Edna S. Walker, Stella Oaks and Glen Gardner, stake Relief Society president. adult education directors in Provo All departments will be held. and Nebo school districts, respectThere will be a nursery for the ively,! both announced Sept. 19 children in the basement. as registration dates both for the adult high schools And for tlasses. They said that will be the first to register for other classes may be organized at classes and will complete this on almost any time, either credit or or for college credit in Saturday. A Program Bureau aswith 'one; of the unicooperation will out the busy sembly ""I'-.- round W versities at any time the need day. and demand are gi"eat enough Upper classmen will register for any particular-subjectIn Alpnie District, Director El- Sept. 24 and 25 and class instruction will begin Sept. 25. len W. Brown states that a con . j Relief Society Meets to Resume !So-cie- st ty .! , j of the BYU Campus Adult Education Center, stated that "adult education is the greatest need in our country now because we .can joot wait for youth to finish their to .cope with our education ' ' needs." Dr. Marden Broadbent, director of the Utah State University center in Provo has expressed a willingness to organize any class j non-cred- ' . itj to fit the needs of any group it 'I . at any time and continually stresses the use of county agents and home demonstration agents to meet the educational needs of the people. There are seven counties named Orange and one each named Cherry, Peach and Citrus in the United States. . I one will be admitted ahead of his turn." New students must have admission slips to gain entrance to the fieldhouse. Returning students will be admitted on their old ac- 'Geneva U' Ready With Courses Offering Self - Improvement For Steelworkers tivity cards. Registration will be conducted A at a steel according to rthe following sched- mill? ulerThat's what's happening at U.S. Saturday, Sept. 22 Steel's Geneva Works with emAll Freshmen and New Students ployees signing up for a new series A.M. 8, La to Lub; 8:15, Lub s of self - developmentj to McF; 8:30, McF to Moor; 8:45, courses ranging from technical sut Moor to Nord; 9, Nord to Pear; to world affairs. jects 9:15, Pear to Puc; 9:30, Puc to Nicknamed "Geneva U" by the Robe; 9:45, Robe to Seg; 10, Seg employee-studentthe program of-to Sni; 10:15, Sni to Sum; 10:30, fers a wide curriculum of study Sum to Tol; 10:45, Tol to Ware; classes broad areas of .... back-to-school-ru- sh ? after-hour- s, j Ware to Will; 11:15, Will to technical covering steelmakihg "know-hoZz. d subjects like P.M. 1; Aaa to Beice; 1:15, plus and fitness. Stuspeech physical Bece to Burr; 1:30, Burr to Chd; dents a nominal only pay registra1:45, Cho to Cram; 2, Cram to tion fee. Cz; 2:15, Cz to Ede; 2:30, Ede to A special tuition-fre- e course-calleForg; 2:45, Forg to Gon 3f iGon to Iron and "Introduction to Hann; 3:15, Hann to Holg; 3:30, Processes" will give Holg to Jam; 3:45, Jam to Jor; Steelmaking interested employees better back4, Jor to Ky; 4:15, Latecomers Aa ground and understanding of steel to Zz. industry) terminology and latest 24 Monday, Sept. production techniques. This! nonAll Returning Students will be offered for . La to Lub; 8:15, Lub technical clas A.M. to the all employees on firslf time to McF; 8:45, McF to Moor; 9, to Nord to Moor Pear; Nord; 9:15, 9:45, Pear to Puc; 10, Puc to Robe; 10:15, Robe to Seg; 10:45, Seg to Sni; 11, Sni to Sum; 11:15, Sum to Tol. P.M. 1, Tol to Ware; 1:15, Ware to Will; 1:45, Will to Zz; 2, Aaa to Bece; 3:30, Latecomers La to Bece. 11, w' non-relate- i Enjoy Tuesday, After-Ho- ur Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday mornings to accommodate those working various shift schedules. Set up by Geneya's training dipfo-gravision, the gives employees the opportunity to pursue additional advanced technical study and Other educational interests at convenient times which do not-- conflict with their varied work schedules. The first series of clashes is scheduled to begin Monday afternoon. Course offerings at "Geneva U" this fall include: Applied Mathematics Workshop, Effective Business Writing, Steel Plant Design-Bl- ast Furnaces,! Standard Cost Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, Effective Speaking, U.S. Involvement in World Affairs, Memory. Training, Mental Hygiene, HumanV Relations in Effective Effective Leadership, Reading, Businessmen's Physical Fitness and the introductory course in steelmaking. "Many of the technical classes will be taught by experts at the plant,! while others - will feature instructors from local universities. non-technic- m al 'Duty to God' Award Presented 3 ' bee Harmon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rorick Harmon, has received his "Duty to God" award from the Provo 15th LDS Ward. D e e is 'an Eagle Scout and is active in Ex-plorer work. He is a priest in the 17, uMirti .yT: 8 ..... Dee 15th Ward. j the extra pleasure and convenience of Sept". 25 All Returning Students 1 y, tinuous registration is going, on now both' for the adult high school it and for classes. Mrs. Brown stated that approximately Greater Salt Lake "Adult Education Council and by the Utah County .Adult 'Education Council. Thei Utah County Adult Education non-cred- PTAs Ready For New School Year - ! tional problems. Health Center since 1959. Dr .Trunnell Is now professor f development biology a'nd director of Nutritional Research, an institute which was set up in July, 1961. Dr. Trunnell came to BYU In 1958 as dean of the College of Family Laving. Before joining the BYU faculty, he was associate professor of medicine at University of Texas Postgraduate School of Medicine, chairman of the school's research committee and head of the sec-- : tion on experimental medicine at University of Texas M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute. An authority on nuclear medicine, endocrinology,, and psychosomatic medicine, Dr. Trunnell has written scores of technical papers for scientific publications. the LDS Church, will address a devotional hour at 1:30 p.m. followed by free time for, the students to get settled in their living A shuttle service between campus -- ' year. Fall Flower Show. Set Wednesday by Brockbanlc School A.M. 8, Bece to Bos; 8:15, Bos to Burr; 8:45, Burr to Cho; 9, Cho to Cram; 9:15, Cram to Cz; 9:45, Cz to Daa; 10, Daa to Ede; 10:30, Ede to Forg; 11, Forg to Gon. P.M. 1, Gon to Hann; 1:15, Hann to Holg; 1:30, Holg to Jam; 2, Jarn to Jor"; 2:15, Jor to Ky; 2:30, Latecomers Aa to Zz.; 1 y ' kw ! flit x 1 NX ' - ' y .' s.f.fs.:-.- ' V 1 I "Oun Senqice to the Living Vernon. and B. Clyde son of Dr. and Mrs. O. Cook, "Lofd, TKoli hast beenf our 'dwelling place In all generations. Before the mountains vSere brought Or ever. Thou hadst formed the earth and the Gammell, 14, Blake H. Gammell. Glenn, senior patrol leader for troop 65, is in the eighth grade. Clyde, assistant patrol leader for troop 68, is a ninth grade student at Springville Junior High. LEHI 5 Two Lehi scouts have received their Eagle rank. They are Craig Scott Dorton, 13 son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Craig Dorton, and Kenneth Peck, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Peck. Craig is an eighth grade student at the Lehi Junior High School and Kenneth is in the ninth grade at Lehi High. A world, i PHOTOS j Bible TIMELESS IN THE LIFE OF THE SPIRIT Life is a transient thing. It comes akd gic es.j But the spirit k timeless, eternaL The heartening1 inspiration c f diis truth, we endeavor to express in every funeral which we conduct. i A GENEALOGY Our Chapel of n a IVl M 4 '. M m monies m FR ortuari v 85 East 300 South, Provoj' I. i 519 No. Main, Spanish Fork LARSON STUDIO 23 N. 1st East, 3 they do! Thousands of miles from home, a Gl's doing guard duty to keep you safe and cozy on your front porch. But the waiting and watching of this cold war is a tough tempo for active youth. And that's where the USO steps in. Because the USO is his reassurance that the folks back home care where he is what he's doing. The USO brings Gl's a spiritual lift . . . the homey touch they need so much. The USO brings laughter and relaxation to Gl's the world over. But more money is needed to reach all these Americans in uniform. Your money is needed. So no Gl will ever have to wonder-ev- en ; for a minute .. . "Does anybody know Fm here?" Support the USO through United Colorfqi atttnnm is a defightfol time of die year to travel. The peak summer vacation crowds have come and gone. The readily availpace is unhurried. Accommodations are morethousand-and-one able on trains, m hotels, restaurants and the entertainment attractions throughout this great land of rates. ours. In fact, many resort areas offer reduced Wherever! you go east or west you'll appreciate how "ofF-seaso- n" truly rewarding travel can be when you relax to your heart's content aboard one of the popular Union Pacific Domeliners 1 ' or Streamliners. j,. For information or reservations, see your nearby Union Pacific Railroad ticket agen He's there to serve you ! FR Fund or your Community Chest. USO I. J 68 r 798-676- 3 Published at a public fnr!c Advertising Nuwspapr Auociai'ton. bxaiiiy Jn cooperation with Th Council end 43 7 z ' Made the Way, You Want Them 1 3-36- And TKou are God." PsalmsThe He's acting as if our lives depended on it Advrtiiing r thm Servng the expanding West for nearly a Century ! |