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Show rrn , r V ' " . i econitfM. Walter . uidtr tti act of i March " . - SHs) 'ni JunlTLreef w r manager. ' Dt -- ar - f- ' REALESTATE 7 TRAIiSACHONS v i 'i a sm i Uy Wi ' m -- r j r r ' a sss s. v - l . n-- m h a . iill cs. TCT"Ha TJ-fT- T 'I iU It " WOWONVtW Warranty Deeds Chrtinal&wensoa: &sii&oaIHo .Oacar SwenaOn. aectioa i, towa- sh p 8 south, range aaaT.rfn Gwen. Huff. adm. la Mark Huff, section 17, - tAwasbip south. . .CSOt) tang 1 east . , . . . i . George Bwensoa to Henry Frier, diitottwt! olely to Iv M in t A r W't l MM i ??X-- r II r - W rot him -- .' oM yso-iAs- a. S4. tcrnawpriloulK f- section. range 2 east ;i ; coat of pony akin 1 not xtrvi it doesnt have to be 4ry- gaat, 4- PaysoM? ielty, -b- dlMCtlV devoted the oublkjaUon of newpaper " r a . - THB TBCT H QUICK . ..-- .aaassk. - - CTf- - Uowdr.folk! A folffrt-ldof IleU r to te forced U p!s.y behind slow foursome throofh Jl eieralty. ". ft U'l Gee ee iay her new Tur .1 National Advertising Representatives Saa Fraheleca 19orr;,44th Moat. W Suit; North MlcmtrM Ave: NTW Tork office. Mo,or Bldt Cne ndY: Mkb, fc. Room -. - i7h intv. 50 itenU the month:, 12.73 tot aix montha, in dv∾ c in .dvarceT Zy mul. ia IBTwBty. tS0l ouWorWi County, n1 mwuer: K. W G Godell, 'ffiinagtns editor; J. A. Owm. adTertlri.tor i- :.rr.. .k. iiii t m - OUT OUKWAY 43 .mS'lSSr oYelO -t.ti.' -- t 1 The pony akin can be combed. publio eerTlce, C L, Johnson to Alice Ryan Jones lot 2, block 105, plat A. Provo. .H F. E. Carroll to McFarland Lumber and Hardware Co., section 13, 24 township 8 south, range 1 ; east .r. . . ; .... . .,.$10 Heal InvftstmentXcvla rProvo Realty Co., block 44, plat B . .... . .$1 Provo . . . ... I Fred Ludlow to Charles block SO, plat A, Spanish Fuik..$i ' .r - orj - tudei-physlc- c -- Ji p I I 4 Mafeklng. They be helped much. f - - j ffnj south, itt J gone jLJe8ejdjyaJmpjw,cW THEOBSERVERj leaving Spff 1 Psj:.-- ... - r. ZZ--- i -- V''I-k m , The Ilomance of Oldlldfti t . n . . 4ctoJmm8alJeM!JtJgi J B. - the-reli- f , &-- I - CHteand " l0 Ml 01 . - . If-th- tlme-tsrja- nV idSgfejBi-cann- bV creaming blixzard - ar.. lami n 1 l;r iht - de- ot, JfrdJ.FweT- to Snyder, .Provo Atfrelia block-lOSpIa- ; . .. ;.r;.. . C... Snyder 4cHAfred Mnnerollet.j;ad of trenches, - stern, Fet paricemen In Camden. N. - X". in , ' gnmiy and whose pockets had been turned have to exercise several hours every j1 girdle lived; checks glued to inside out. haggard men day, on special machines, ' unUU Pml kIjji e and Not a. man of th?m was knownlltL. breech, and ate "the hegted-rtflJ Hit .ixd-iJM-lefaneUa ;6f " sleep. to any memner ot tne peieagureo fpJMU booted and bandoUered, with their garrison. Yet every man and worn "The Tin Bubble." an .: T loaded rifles read? for gripping. V an in the town clt that they were dirigible, Is being bullt'for the navy d one and seven friends, poorer by ae Orosse Point Mich. One" ninatoiejIuH di; Away far in the and more hope. "Who were those troopiance loomed through thejiaae out" " ' opera changes reels. ": Boer ers? smother bulkeddjmly the ,. In all of his long life, L. c. comThe following day helio tJcnown as Game Tree tortBoynton, of .Brownwood, TexJ, haa here that the main attack of l unication was established with I never been treated by a doctor. It rt.he enemy was constantly Jaunsliedin' lliuBgr,, whose column had never left Ixsmbatal, 40 miles away- He .from. Here, where, clouds of g had no demonstratiori. And none fantry kept up a I, of his column were missing. The etrife. One day, for the thousandth southern column had (lot been or tad, was itntawurd came thai xae m tg Yet. in some myBtei'ious wayrntfl the relief was 1n a'ghC m?MTTTXTl7' There was a commotio:) "isi&la in phantom column had sprung the' enemy laggcrs thaTltiembled j fiom jomewhere' and attempted tft ..( tX naa ,.n ant hill Whan flrine" force its way into mareKing. " - O . . I U Uf V. out" beyond Game . Tree jseemqd to been repulsed and faded away into TiS the mysterious veldt from which It. confirm the report; there had como, but had left tangible!: , out In force, guns were liin-- f tlettce that it had " fcered up and galloped out north ' Many were the conjectures that ""and "west. loiveTl GetteTalVSny-man'- s veTg5Trerettrnr tsxpianattoir - Somr attention and give Plummer, said that- it was an outlaw band d of soldiers who had cut to be waiting jifhawfl-eo&ctured for It the opportunity to swoop themselves away from their col "'" down upon' the harrassed tortoise umns, and. whose hand was agalnsti -- jsprawling upon her sand hills. came all, possibly brought back to a degree; of patriotism by the suffering But the rainy Carkness ' "down' "upon the "clatter of artilWy they Knew the IStue town was en xnd"the shining dawttreptEup anAidariag., Another .that aome officer, look r brought the cruel nows that there -i:2iadbeeano attempt at relief. That ing for fame, had formed an inade--1 im and attemptedTlJ oeolumnyas inof sight. Ana yei hquate'riyiiigeotumn fntoMJie besieged town. the sloppy that night back rumbled a Red' Cross wagAn, Ana again, otner stories more or litht ' T7bi lngrngsevTen "eBngeihtlesaataetieruthe-at- i -- aeemed to ive the ' , that there had been no attempt at tipn, the unknown dead were 9 relief. 'brought in. their Identity was never Free-fr6m(MIu- nv They were 'cloquent'noughrevef l-li the'r, Ipeechloasneav those seven another month after, the incident rnessengers. . Seven. Jdead UooperiV4f oje isho was"ieveC 'UUtb&erl Story Monday.) " ' " J whose boots and coats were missing V al J Hi IhximaaliMlMISSrClMtSy, section- 38, township 4 seuUi, ranse 1 east ....', ..... .im - erata avau ,$1 -- . Clark tn Hoard of JCdu Alpine School district, Lehi. ...... $7001 block 40. plat-A- -4- WHllam-W, i cation, pretended to be friendly. Varus Alma Bogga, of Shrewsbury, Enr ' thought him aa ally. land, likes vinegar. She haa taken the would legions He "surprise a pint and a half every day foil when they wereanpreparedl 29 years. t "iOfieanT3raahT-went-ou- Two Britons tried to settle- ti secretly organising what chieftains -he could under his banner. argument as to whether a .winA . Segestes, father of the fair drinker could drink more than-- 1 Thusnelda. hearing of Arminius water drinker, in 1814. The watt: iov for hta dafljgtorbadehanKA.i drinker didhTknowThe had vbUitl But - despite bis precauuons, until two daya later. Thusnelda. who sympathized with the romantic spirit of her over. thought that thne.op1e; were e eloped 'with" Arminius and --was pletely subduecU wed. Heavy rains were setting In. Tina Baffled and enraged at the suc- - sky was clouded. The legions M Arminius before the Roman gov-emor of, planning treason against the state. Arminius delayed no longer. He loved his bride. ' He would not permit bara3i.,h tern Jfrom him. He would fiKhf. Varus was " Al 1 1 I I He over-confide- of Weser and Ems, who had beef by Armlnlui li rebel. Arminius placed his faithful lot, lowers along the route the Roman must take. Here he awaited tlf secretly instructed cutcomeof the bold pffia. (To Be Continued) rIf II 1 I I, H ! Jl llaiut - conserve his voice tor the; bir games1 y speaking in whispers, or to aV wlnp Ma irnr T corda by yelUng at toe top of his lungs. 77 ": . -- cue whether to jhrapnel and o$ !fH": UV Sfrv grounded . n In-Ne- w "- m Fowers, section 88, township souWraBga a east , fr. v, Aurello peanut brittle, taffy arid chocolate caramels. --Guarantied not, an HtirK. Extra fancy set with reJ Infowed bicuspids for chewing on VHdesT 'lIsCutts.'" Cast-IroS. molars ran by hydraulic pressure for break ing wainuta, tare.flne.. S n y ra a n in but if you live to have a good thetn-veatin- g chaigirof which is the only 'sensible time forces. Jim existence most of t.he modern maBy knew also ' 1 - They j chinery becomes nothing more or rainy that the had less .than a dratted nuisance a a o n-tecta for for4, Cerise-tinte- d it makes a lot of notae and You can go from New York to them brought wear. two days causes a lot of heart failure and mal now in evening Francisco Sao, tot they Jever a seriously doubt,,. Jfnyona Is hi v ere 4 and mv York aa-AT::a?SXgtgta1r soon beable and you'll pretty It. with burned tons will three In a is one in weighing time t saved world the pie around Varus considered his wofd"TawJn apple - knew, couple to the place fly By ED SCRIPPS They be .exhibited. wasted just as easily In another CHAPTER XIX Germany. He did hot understand too, that the of weeks, A threo-t.owhile nearly every motorist and the.net result isn't so hot pie would make Just was Arminius who rose to the passionate disdain that was si It rations acanty iSoning two the right sinacU for asmaU gujon heights of a hero. It was he who lently brewing in the hearts of his can- - can take yon 106 miler-- hv ofjourge food were getting a picnic ; J . dared oppose the almlghty power4ubjecta taatt3czsitbfiufrhj!W ver"davrJ 7r:rp SO miles an hour waste our to overnor'a Indlf--1 time or ttome wnicu uppieaaeu nn except pecpts day these thing Twt they werejeonscionjiof. f cow .No likes wonder someone a un-vou can talk to and theirs grasauIt trymen. ' thlngainafduaiiltW.thouinBey f1ir:Swidw-r-thidoesn't have to eat It when it't all , Back in he traditions of their checked were the reigns of auIt there wann'tr a. telephone rate of 186,(HK; ' ilong way people only affected with majeonaiue. tcovered we If doubt what think the Germans were high in thority upon unprincipled avarice t'aey'd they knew columns r ff. Wa 0 ' to talk to someone in Sweden wanted to tell us was Important and ambition.- 1iJ what Waa happening while Jlafjj-- : and ra make m6At U6t 6 tender ana brow "rested the fate of the Nordic 7 But la the midst of the affair have anything to talk about enough to write her ate and patient waited klng seems improbable Ariminius lost bis' heart to Thus- and so 'e should be spared fho l.vi , .v. Dnui, fv.uu,i race. out. History has tow w now - heajt ,1 Ir Armlnlua did not dara nrmose In ISlSftLjdAVghtojr f Segestes, who lI trouble of gulping, into a mouth Vented, . Now look for a automalle amei piece an they would be -- spared eftlctth leglona-- the exertion of extractor to remove the fragrance He would have been crushed. The gold of Roffle, a we near urns mcy making Anil helne- - too Old ana ..Jiwir jB. I th' dumb newspaper man iindprn"'! from umburger cheese! thai thw anecxt ifn -'"'"""T Arminius, - patric tho hfe was, rorfMion of maneuvers and atrat- j too wise to disdain the past ? aU about the world was of never have fought the le- what It mora would work them made than equal egem brain otd Inga of others, the keen, it man to enable "bara and of Rome if it had not been number to of double their" anything of gions recalled t mind--th Utegy 4- barians."-- . LOCAL SPORTS more between the "Ain't-he- ... for his love of a maid. It seemed TBCbhewall Jackson collected what a defeat r I task to " hopeless security ioe ..jwun almot-" jn opuieniVarus,' flying "columnr'erici-'5!(tr- wo of the tuMd?" stages " " a severe nervous governor,' Yoik'iin two days installed himself Rome. Suffering between in them threw but in a life devoted to doing we'd be quite , happy taking a breakdown, Jlorarei m hi, new hedquartera, QulnUliua But Arminius bided his time. He . woose. fast airplanes month over it and looking at all Yontnnu - as lltle dm possible creattoon Blaemfonteln, daihed football enthusiast, and express motor cars and the Interesting things diversion,, log the- necessary is confined to his us to way tclephoncB appear to quick back rA mighty . wave polled, more to devtcea to 111 is I borne, we If be and the Malt,L ever rflcrWy get around the go ahd protect the Free"Stata capital, world well take a year to do It work out of us . ! physicians, declar.'' MX I I the paralyxea tsotumns moved again. of excessive wor- and were ag'in 'eta and really learn 'something Klmberly waa relieved, .and Cfonje AND, LISTEN r It's a curious Yoiutg Biota, ' - captured at Faaraeourg, who is cheer leader l e end of llfe.J3 merely to thing that-wh- ile of Nop hi high most precious uossession man- Wbrld Motor Car Leads Marshall v '"yanjadji1 sot for eating knew Iib that 41 G, Hanses to-J- lOtrT.'Wock-T- a; plat A. Prove Jl Zion Savlnga. Bank and Trust Co to Payaoa. city, section 17. town-hip aouth, range 1 east (quit Bung-starte- r, ... jj J. etUaV EVening .h Wilson. tbtoek goplat A,. Iehl Levi Long etux "The prosecutor's speech," says a hews story, "Was by a burst 'of applause frori: the courtroom crowd. The judge sterrily suppressed Vell. we suppose applause is cut of place in a dignified BY. courtroonv, but probably it doesn't do much harm. A pretty good case could be made out for the idea of allowing, trials -- Frank la be settled by acclimation f the crowL If a.maa is to be Scout and Hunter tried by a jury of his peers," what does' it matter whether . .Sponsored by Dr. Joseph G, . 5kV' they number 12 or 1200? famous dentist and pant t hps in tnH iarr. LnaL weaimy ue- tiwMjor. a new fad has just cap- f thjyiin-try- . lmc'"ti"i iee- - and Its fendants would pack the courtroom witkaaid claque. Every rn red Athe After montha-- of teeth store for every of set be lasslwould to rose bis feet there time the defendant's attorneyattendant hardships, a deadly pqrpogt 'A complete aetjaf molars nd mental, hadjet- - tumultous cheerinir. own above, tteaaing intm Wll llea sown on wt - It would be a. lot of furubut to right probably, justice t" f to Stanley loek J plat Pi Payaoa.. Joha Milton Adamson to Hilton block 87. put A, cob, loU S.--4, Pleasant Grove- - . ....... . . . .$3300 Lpuise Ball, to Moroni SabiyTtot Applause in Courtroom Hmt-(uma- j SQTWO :': -" " S. D, 'ShTi. nun. ' ' - Sr4y. I! sNj , 11U Mid Suitoaoramg tsry AftcnwtXV iPcept d feuftdtaW C ftode rCp's.deni;1irrhe-Heral- T"ae -- i ..... n ;i.r.itail.rIA,ratnla. atm-tP:wi., UUh EJnUrr4i -- fOVQW tXHTS UND AT . 'dust-cloude- Millie . ; " r.--- ft If tJlL 1 1 ' J tie' - ' ? --"i V "1 3rTr- -- -fr-, ' . 'Lf JMt J - r- jft III w i ' Ifl ly "! II I I AJII 11 ,Artf It1 ft II J iiT WItI Xill S JTirX Jr ' I -- f tS ' " I Ml 1 f'" ' ' ' never-ceasin- ye Amjiiaii iuui tiuiiiciur litsa mm - fl- 1 - ' WP- - - I TvV ' 1 XX I XT- - " ' . - ,' .i L 1 been-there- - a - iyivJ-yjy"--- -- -- ' - twH-tordas- 1 a. Cpnkte with : M ml ' i- U- NO tiqns In pnee -- JQNLY: T; lh ri Kj! w,' u' t " 5.' . By easy terms: . :6n" imprdyed Rejtl Estate in Provo IPEAYt REA INtJRANCE '321 . 4 - - I(MB mm-mst STATE- - AND 'AGENCY: '" M " . -- - " fa., .. " lfiaI ., 1 I'll H . West Center St" ; . r- sr g a , , - - 0 X ll'" a C Zji w a J : imp mum m in n lJX q - - lvi - " " . . " i w javwa wj , set 1 j vVAVWt- . r ; v. I, i : u Houdaille and Loveioy hydraulic ' - "shockbsorbers. Biiur - . : piiiliHil 1 . Centralized- - Chassis lubrication and many7other-- ' advanced features, found only in cars lnis is tne . time , to buy nere is vl . goldenopportunity to. own a Nashy priced higher than the "400" prices , 400"im;thFI-Ipirionmdtor,- . . JACICSON MOTOR: CAR CO. 0 "DEPEND IB1LITY" N. University ; reducriooc: p J 150 i . make yoiir selection at oncez r 'UtPcigs To See Fcqy 1 whichraneujj. to $300. duced figures. Xo be certain vou " V 'j" - ' . m vTiJl 316 Vest CSter St Phoiic25 reduc- - sT o v you ar e offered the Only a limited number of these finer - Ask for Free Demonstration "Live Where You Live While You Live -- i:See u a - :greatestnotprjcarJ historyrr newNash M400s" at Tubes The Best Dynamic Speaker. -- today s . - " Phone 953 PROVO, UTAH |