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Show -- . Second Sectiotf S - 'Toy rA'" ; rj-..-- 5 ! Ell PROV 0,U-- I 1 AH COUNT V,- -V I Wl. 1 T It-- , - 11 Second f:ct:cn ri V A' YrrArU G U STZ? UN r A-T- 7 5,1 9 29?-- PAYSOH SOCIETMOTES Mrs. Laban Harding entertained PLEASANT GROVE SOCIEH and, via yisit t pela, rs. tn honor of her slater, Mrs.? Eva Page Wanlass of Logan. The guests were served at six small tables, card being placed for Mrs. A. H- Bird .jwiMtssAleenilrdof-Springvule- , Mr. A. C Page,' Mra. A Curtis, Mrs, 'John Reid, Mrs. T. C Jeppson, Mrs. Lea It Tsylor, Curtis, Mrs, Asa Mra, Heber Hancock, Mrs. Sid Coray, Mrs. Sid- . Colorado, Dr. and Mrs. Frank Wheelwright Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Erlandson and children, and Dorothy Douglass f Salt Lake, left Thursday on a . . trip t Fish Lake. , married 'Wednesday , in the Salt Lake temple, - Mr. and Mra. Harding were present for the ceremony. The bridal couple left the same day on a, motor trip to . Yellowstone park' and after their return they will reside la Salt Lake. The bridegroom is a graduate from. the Utah Agricultural college and is now in the .employ of tne tsneii Oil Coin Salt Lake. a. -diversioa PROGRAMS STATfOS KSXr :mm Th 9 ME 1 ersians, - d. tenm i COAT , a 4Iaveya foom f I a .!.. iuvc n rz L! I mis ion E. .... Joyou free of charge? .D. T. VLCo. hav freeoal for you. Come in now - bafore ft is too late.-- Auga st 31st Company are eivin e a soecial ODDortunitv f a nmfe thrnurh. more week. They authorize D. T. It Co. to give one ton of The4Eate-Heifro- la out tho country for One lump coal with each HealrdlaurchasefrT coal is just like receivings much money. ton of coat n. Junior-Size Heatrola :. . . foryour free . You will be delighted Medium Sizes: ' K : .1 Ji is to t i riBTif r- v, Uses less coal than ordin ' mniinrr - - I":'1 , ary elates moist, warm air to every part of your rooms. ' 7 size is specially m ir a v 1 puut ior meaium-sizehomes. It ri eats 3 and 4 rooms, Beautiful in ap. pearance. ;Very economical and keeps the whole-hou- se cozy and warm. I all am m - mt II I '.. D. T. R. Co. Easy Payment -- feredysff in thFpuf--chas- e of a Heatrola. $5.00 and then convenient rpayments on th? balance- down . . illHI illilliiii'ili '1 11 "isAi "jr.,:r r lift k V1 1 al Phone today for a Demon- stration in "your pwn home. . apbligations. . iThrOne-PrTc- e Dixoh-Taylor-Rasse- "I --' -- Col ll r Nmo ' Housed Busy Fnrnltnre ' Siores - ; - . " 11 IT' - ir rl mi " FfJ r i - . op-kee- p. -- nrst cose - r -.- - No better examples of slinpte ftslenco'uld be founi thin the Ford electrical, ignition, lubrication,, cooling.. ru$ foetyysfemsaketlie fuel systeoVCasoline flows by s" A - T Ifromtheto"medistnS'uloVcV ONE-PRIC- E HOUSE- chassis of the new Ford ight Delivery Car has been 'carefully planned to give excellent service at t lowest cost. Come in and see it. and let us dlkusi your delivery problems with you. - Andercon Eorcl DixonayiorRasselt rNine Busy Furniture Stores HomeZFurnishersCehtfallSSo 241 UtalL 1: f . iThe entire yf THE yityJrom the ttixk to the cariburctor immediately, ia front and below The fuel line The ignition system, is equally simple and direct Con-- . nection is made fromthedistributor to the s by hort bronze springs. :The'6nTyligh-tensio- a cable is spark-plug- ; r Where There is More Than One Price Someone Pays Too Much -- i- 5 ' Z 1; new LightDelitefy Car, simplicity of design- ,meani reliablfl$semce and marked economy; Becaas panr are simple: they can be made uxrasuallv durahia! without excessive weight. They are unlikely to get out pajustment.. ihis means low cost of It also . meAiJow osroi"maau& ic iuuuitis ui jini unions t jcsiaie uea troIa wasthe first it is the original . the gen nine. There is only one Heatrola i:1 1 Estate builds The special feature which circulates the warm -uuu iiic xuuius is ua ten inn. wv win na triart urnace- w-- U k iic to demonstrates the wonderful new-di9 r economical IdeliveHeV ... . . day m; dayout , ,,Jt,; ; saves her & time, health and money far xia ' more than, the purchase, cost. . S yr: IsTheOrigihal1 - out one. Ask any Royal - er. She will tell you tliat in 11 1 for-quick- The large size Heatrola heats 3 to 6 rooms, depending on their size. It circulates moist, ul air all thru the house at litt!ei;ostr"CompleleIy" covered in beautiful mahogany enamel Solves for thia'winter Sonie your heatiiig-probte- ms . it , : ur ;:sr thing new-se- Pntral t trt iica nnp. Par ticulars furnisted gladly, own- - w light dtlivtrj My 1 14950 Imiv a you 'pajfl afford to be witHV T LARGE HEATROLA Easy --PaymentsPlanis-of a r, r" rV . ' - ..a tMA-Pic- ip - mmm rTHe RovBi'Distributed Pavmcnts Plan maVes it as easy to; -- fc . 114 children. This 1 jFJy ju i .and . fr ; Told : 50 ELECTRIC CLEANERr TtT loria Heatrolg i Cir-- i heating-stov- e. -- - ; Mrs, -- jm many j w was" j May-McBe- '4-:- An Interesting social of Ihs week the outing at Geneva given by the Firt ward Mutual officers in honor of the Mutual girls. Forty- two members, enjoyed the bathing, Pleasant ys -- Tom-McHug- hr rvT - r- - Come in today and arrange n. . . to mak -- - - William Freemsn EiesdTyrZoiaAuocICTdaho, their- - homevr : niar EL-:'- " and Mrs. Mr. -- frahp-NBG--S- alt ( -- er So-a-to-ne 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alonso Hansen left Sunday for their home In Ephraim after a. visit with Mrs. Hansen's mother, Mr. Ines plpin. ,Ruth-Jeiftraon.- Mm H - - Elisabeth ' and Bill . are touring Yellowstone park, Mrs. Melvin McDanlel of Salt Lake, formerly Sallalr was the meeting place for this city Is iheothejLfif-Aj&aby- fi - couples Wednesday Mcon noy Dorn saiuraay. airs; and evening where-suppDanlel is at the home of her par-ent-s, were enjoyed:1 ' Messrs.-an- d. dancing Mes Mr. and Mrs. James C. Peter dames D. A. Robinson, Jack Rob' ; son.' inson of Provo, H. C Robertson. Clifton Clark, Lloyd Gray; Clarence Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cordner of Hilton Basil .Walker, Dewey RobProvo and Mrs. Eliza Banks were inson of Pleasant Grove. dinner-gues4f Mr. and MrL Karl ts '. .. Banks on Sunday. "Miss Elisabeth Greens gave a very successful dancing revue In ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd left Olpln Heber Friday evening. Her mother, TliurMayJtoiLJtheir.homft.in.ArUana MfS!Will7 Greene- - and berraister, -after- spending the Summer with Wllma,accompanied her to Heber. Mr, Olpin's motherMrs. Alvera ' Vniex. tim leadershia :'of H. 8. the First ward M.i L A. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Tugai In com boys enjoyed, a lively time at pany with Mr. and Mis; Arthur Geneva Wednesday evening. , Francom of, Fayson are enjoying a trip through Yellowstone-par- k. Mrs. Ethel West Is visiting In Salt Laka" with Relatives and Mrs. . Genevieve . El!sworth,hej friends, jtV-'1'-- -i s - v daughter Nada and her son, Cyrus, retuFned--t- e - On; Thursday- - Messrs. and Mcs for dames H. C. Robertson, , William Wednesday after ylsitine-heTa' a few days with friends and rela pPeterson and Owen Thorntoa-wer- e rtives. .. .. guests at a birthday dinner given by Mr. and Mrs, Ivor Peterson of . Miss May Olpln returned to Salt Lehl, . t - ... Lake Tuesday evening. She has been visiting here with her mother, Mist June Van Was-onnspent Mrs. ines uipin. Tln Hefcer. : the week Joseplt-QulgleyHM- hTi - FugsJ.---- by-th- Three-four-Tim- oiiantat-the-Street-hom-t- n. cert. A gold medal was presented e tar the guest of honor boy as a token of appreciation. ' " SAm-fTh- e -- - entFtained--fo- r Mr, Mof fitt at the Beck home Wednesday evening after the band con- al chll-dre- and the Beck A.. Grove-and'ho- ., Spec-lal-gue- sts enter-- talned oa Monday for her daughter. Bulb.' -- fifteenth, birthday snnlver. ssry.; Those who enjoyed the party were the. Misses- Grace Llm, Louise Christiansen, Lorena Niel-soGwyn West, Edna Fugal, Edna Christiansen, Phyllis Hilton, Francis Hilton.- - Margaret. Christenaen, Jean Richlns, Leah Fugal nad Avis The members of the Wsmptha Mra William Coles and daughter club gave a farewell social. .for. Mar of Salt Lake are guests at ths Mrs. Robert Marrott ..Wednesday John West home. ;': . : afternoon. tlrt? xifroaHiryoarToal I ' cow1 given vi lump Hror-ai- on i;ir WlllM'irm, " 3 unc cyutma Larsen and Orval Larsen enter tained the First ward Sunday school officers and teachers at' ths George. Larsen home In compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Moffit Progressive games furnished ths entertainment and refreshments were served at the close of the party lo Bishop and" Mrs. Cr A. Gamettr Mr." and Mr Mrsrtow1sTDipliirMrrand-.Miss Ross Larsen, Harper, George Laurence Cin, Marold Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Van Wagoner, Rulon Hone, the Misses Maurine andHelen Gamett, MauHne and Gertrude Gourley,, Vera Hone, Hilda Osearson, Edna Nelson, Thelma Wright, Donna Olpln and jha "rrr guests' of honor." .. u: 1 :'J .. SUM) AT. AUGUST tS ' a.m., Informal progrant; 10:30 a.nv, NBC Royal Filipino orchestra; 11- - s.nW Russian Balalaika 1U30 a JiwJBCi314 World Friendly trio; 13 noon, NBC Hour"; 1 p.rn International Bible Students association, "Watch Tower" program; 1:30 p.rastudio program; 2 p.ra, L. D. S. services from "the tabernacle; 8:30 p.m., NBC popular orchestra; 4 p.m, Mutual hour; 6 pm. Earl Kass, baritone; 5:15 p.m., NBC and-hoste- r a. Junior high school. n Monday vwng Miss Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Erlandson entertained at a luncheon last week in honor, of Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel "Radio-Gudli"- ; s of New York City, and :15 p.m., NBC At- Mrs, J. H. Clark of Philadelphia. Kent hour; 6:45 p.m. NBC wati Covers, were placed for Miss Kath- "Biblical DramCrtdS.p.jB-:NBMr. and" Mrs. " Vfj Fred "Tanner.ViSti udebaker Champions, Jean Gojd- iya Duuglass, Mis Anna Page, Miss Kelda Tanner and sterling kette and, Mrs. Stanley Wilson. Mrs. Paul Da orcijssjra.irtp.m vis, the honored guests and thefhost tanner spent last weeK on motor Standard instrumental quartet, f sa. The centerpiece was" trip to Bfyce, Zion anTGrahd soloist .8:15 p'jn, Amos 'n pinK and orchid asters and toll pink Andyr ;8:30 p.m. Harmony Night 'WiUPft At "MUMP' Hawksj --p.m., L. D. S. services. Mrs. Abbie Bird of Mapleton has from ,the studiQfr;. 10 p.m., CriterE. Cloward and Mrs. Will been visiting at the home of her ion male "quartet s.nd Melody Instru-mentMrs. Amos entertained the ladles of the daughter, Mrs. L. A. HilL silent. trloi 11:45 Justamere last Friday at a lunchTo honor thejilrthday anniverBEGULAB DAILY SCHEDULE eon, followed with progressive rook, sary of their mother, Mrs. James at the home of Mrs. Cloward. 6:30 am., Reveille; 6:32 a.m settiwere Misfr May McBeth, Webb, members of her family ar-- ng-up exercises; i23 aaa, 'Songs Mrs. Meredith Amos and Mrs. R. A. rangea a ceughtful entertainment of Romance"; 7 ,a.m., repetltte of which was held Thursday evening settlnr-u- p exerelses; 7:30 a.m "Mo- Porter, f Favors .wer awarded-t- o Mrs Will McClellan and Mrs. R. at Memorial park.. A banauet was ments .wtth-lh- sMalody Masters; "tleWedlaTTo'cIock followed with a 7:45. a.m, "Start the day right"; 8 ""WTMcMuuTE: social evening, -- Those participat Morning Watch"; fft, "a.in. Mrs. Leojiard Huff was hostess ing were Mr. and Mrs. Webb. Mr. "Studies Jn 915 to the ladies of the Utopia, club and Mrs. John Betts, Mr. and Mrs. a.m., a program of novelty- - and and Mrs. S. J. comedy nuTnheTsriSKJnciH., tnoiF at a ploaeant social afternoon last Show. Mr mil Mn ' mat program; 10 a m hoaeaecn Friday rr-- d 7:Mrs. f: !TQu!5fiwTa nomics progrsm,. directed by Mlsf Brigham City, Mr. and Mrs. J. p. Lulu Boyes; 10:30 a.m, "Smiles"; iJtke, Mrg.-M- ; .m.T evening from Californiarwhere ijuigiey of SaltMiss Little Crook, Lee": 11:30 a.m.. silent: 12noon.J with garet Crook, Tthe ihar:apent"thBBummeT - melange? 12:10 Montana; fmid-day- " p.murelatives at Los Angeles and Berke-- MrsMaggie - Zuefelt-o- f r. and Mrs, .Dave Butler of weather forecast, agricultural ecofey.. Springlake, Mr. and Mrs. Ray nomics;' 1.20 tub, livestock re oi rrovo, r. and Mrs. &. U view; ll:a0 nm, KSL's program WayneMlldrsdJBety. andjoe cent Sheffield, Mr, and Mrs. Linden synepslsh 12:40 p.m., pewseastingf Bralow tW children of - Mr. and Crooki Joseph Crook and their 3:30 p.m., Big Brother and the Mrs. Joseph Barlow Of LoS Angeles, ' . are spending several weens nere families. ' with their aunt, Mrs. Will McClel-Miss Grace Folland entertained laHi MONDAY, AUGUST M Tuesday evening at the home of 10.30 a.m broadcast by Salt her slater, Mrs. E. H. Street on electrical transcrtptfon; I'tS'nCst- Leone and. Billy Powett- ariAnf tVlB Tract in South Main street, 5n honor of Mr. lent; 2 p.m., "Jdzzical Jubilee", .3 Tab. Ls;ke tabernaele Payson, guest at the homes of Mrs. and Mra,..fitowatt C. Williams--o- f , The ether I ohoif.and organ; 4 p.m., "Ye Olde Washington, D. guests Included Miss Virla Birrell fTowne cryer . 8 p.m NBC Edison I Mr. -- and Mrs. Louis' Bates and- of Salt Lake, Miss Edna aU of program Teattrrtng favorttB" songs daughter Miriam returned home- Provo, Miss Anna Page," Glen of famous people 6:30 p.m.t NBO last week from California where Cowan, Brentenal Curtis- and Earl "Family Party"; 7:30 p.m., NBC Mr. Bates attended summer school, Huber. A coon chicken dinner was "Hunting the Headlines around the taking up special work In prepara- served followed with a dancing World," with Floyd Gibbons; 8 p.m, P. Meivin Peterson, baritone; 8:15 tion for his new position as Junior partyt Edgewater. itch srhonl And eramm&r erade p.m., Amos 'n' Andy: 8:30 p.m.. 'Mrs. Stanley. Wilson 'golf supervisor in L. Mitchell spent Tuesday and continues his series of professional, v trict golf lessons; In Provo with Mrs. 8:45 p.m., Hawaiian duo; Wednesday p.m. Glenn Simmons. - i"The Jewel Box"; 9:30 p.m., variety and .children weM program, ifeattiringiTx sndUanjo" Miss Virla Birrell of fin U T.lr Wuo, popular harmony team;. .10 Sunday for an anniversary dinner been-thTnf cumtt Miaa given in their honor by Mrs. A.- B. has p.m. NBC "The voice of Fire- t Kodthin one"; 10:30 pjm., NBC Piantaweek. tion Echoes; 11:10 p.m., NBC tHr, and Mrs. Hyrum Loutensock Slumber hour; 12 midnitep silent. June Borg of Salt Lake has spent ana xnree ennaren, 01 uoa Angeies, Th Tjerhman hrnthrg nf Falls are here for a two weeks' visit the past week here vlsitinc tpIh- with their mother, Mrs. Margaret tlves. She lala euest at the home City, Neb., hayie never, read a news- cf her aunt, Mrs. Kathryn Betta, , papery used ajLiejephone, or been ; Loutensock. mpre than five., miles from the Orabella Huber and ' Mildred farm where, they were born. One Mr. and Mrs. Ray Monson spent . Pace were down from Salt Lake is 72, the other 73. the week end at Mt. Pleasant. Shirley Mdnson returned home after a for the week end, I iwdrweeksHrisit with relatives. The first modern torpedd was Mm. Ruth L'ollett of Venir fluti used successfully by the; Russian Mr. and Mrs. Otto Erlandson and-- l fornia, has been visiting with rela navy in sinking a Turkish warship (Henry --Erlandson left on Thursday tive h .rayee at BattuomTln" January, 1878. for Palisades, Colorado, in company Mrs. Stanley Wilson entertained Provo, Mrs. Walter with others from the Utah County Strong of Saltl Fruit Growers'- 1- association. The the Friday Lake Mrs- - D. L. Mitchell of Los went on an excursion special evening. Dinner was served before Angeles. Miss Anna Page, Miss party and their purpose: was to investl the game and the following guests Kathrya- - Douglass, Mrs,- Jimes fTOiusjva j were.presenT gaheetho4ftjiarjeatiiuajid. marketing fruit in that, section. members: Mrs. Glemi Simmons, Rhea Wilson. Prizes for high score Mr. and Mrs.. John Persson accom- Mrs. Stanley Dixon, Mrs. Kenneth were awarded to Miss panied the party on the excursion Bailey and Mrs, Orlin Feay of and Mrs. Barnett -D. and-Mr- been And children spent the week end with relatiyes in Ogden, Charles Harding, son of Mr, and ney Co ray, Mrs. CE. Clowar,d, Jr Mrs. La ban Harding, .and Miss Mrs. Melvion Wilson, Mrs.. Dave Bigler. Mrs. Clara Page, Mrs. Em- Aleen Bird, daughter of Mr. and ms,-. Wilson, Mrs, Earl Page, Mrs. Mrs. A H. Bird of Sprlngville were " "Mary"Johnson, Mrs.-I- t. W. McMulhn, Misa-AhnPage, Miss Fern Page and the guest of honor. Progressive rook was for the afternoon. R. E. Mof fitt have Hra. Ethel Drysdale was hogtM the motif for severaLenter? to .the following-dinne- r guests on talnMents this wek prior to &tit Sundays Mrs. Atkinson "of Salt departure for Mantl where Mr. Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shetion Moffit will teach musio m the and son Fletcher, of Lehl. ' Mr. lilt Parka. ' WEST CENTEH ST. , t- -; ( 1 |