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Show DAILY HERALD MAY 31, 1S34 H.tlONDAY,County, Itth ' lh'j llypcrihic llzzih Bcc:n't CgypMIoIds 26 For Trial Hyg I en 8 In Plot Charg 3' Personal Health Service Soap and Water mother was too busy to totiee all four of us kids. Unquestionably Miss Berner. who merited saint hood, meant well. She really believed the bunk the dentists of that era taught and some are still ter whether lt Is one's own or." teaching, namely, that "a clean -. tooth never decays." ina denture the This slogan has ' enabled the stalled! by toothbrush, and dentifrice huck dentist Accord- sters to ply a fabulous trade in ing to some; e dam--agglorified soap and pretty brushes, reports of but apparently no one in Amer-ic-e claims the N; has clean teeth, for everyone rnurt r e o p- more or less tooth decay no has nize this as the how often or how thor 1 matter value minimum oughly he or she brushes or of a tooth. Dr. B ady As many readers know, I have what bran dot cleaner ne uses. What? Why. ves. I clean my no more use foretooth brushes'or I do it j by teeth occasionally i dentifrices than have (or had In a mouthful of soapy water 1950) the inhabitants of Tristan taking and swishing it around teeth ana da Cunha, who have (or had) the ' gums, repeatedly, and .finally finest teeth in the world. . As everyone who is not d rinse with water. Fer this I preknows or should know fer plain toilet soap. And I'll line we North Americans are the my teeth up alongside of the any one of my age who toothbrushlngest people in -- the teeth of his teeth regularly, and world and have the worst teeth in brushes the world," with the possible ex acknowledge I am wrong about ception of the people of the Brit care of the teeth if my mouth is not as clean as the other fellow. ish Isles. Up to a year ago I still had 23 Some, now, Doctor (D.D.S. or functionally efficient teeth, 14 of D3I.D., that Is) isn't It high time 'em originals,.dirty, if that's your for you dentists to teach people idea of unbrushed teeth, but! the truth, namely that two things sound, 8 restorations" (bridge, are essential to save the teeth, crown, Inlay and root canal fill- (1) eood nutrition and (2) regu ing) and 7 productions by my lar" inspection by thetlentist and dentist. A few months ago the whatever cleaning, polishing or last , remaining wisdom tooth, treatment the teeth may require? which had a d inlay, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS two in when I bit on a splot Arthritis My Eye metallic fragment and had to be v have any literature on If you extracted. one with rhuematlc foods what a was I on Chanel Wen boy not eat Street In Canandalgua-- , Miss Ber-he- r, arthritis should or should teacher in Chapel Street you may send it , . (G. I. A.) Answers Yours of even date School, lived at our house and she saw to it that I brushed my teeth; received and contents duly noted. washed behind my ears etc. when In reply to same we beg to say Signed letters, not more than one page or 109 words long, pertaining to personal health and hygiene, not to dfsease,' 4iarnosis or treat-Iment, will be answered by )Dr. Brady If a stamped self- - j Taken from the files JL vl addressed envelope b enBy WILLIA3I BRADY, M. D. As many readers know, I appTalse every functionally efficient tooth as worta rot less man $1,000. No mat- 1 -- Evcn.S.Inn, Gain By HAIUIAN W. NICHOLS - them, and none has fainted, so far. butt of the gun that provides the United Press Staff Correspondent The only mark left on the victim ammunition," ta measured in WASHINGTON (UP) Little kids is something that looks like a fast jections. The other trigger when (and big ones, too) soon may shed brush across the flesh that might squeezed shoots the serum through their fear of the needle. The Army Medical Service grad- have been made by the rubber end the sMa without hurt via Nor puncture. CAIRO, Egypt (UP) -- Egypt uate school here is experimenting of a pencU. ; The new gun is also remarkable The new Injection method, has oday tommitteed 2S persons for with a new, hypodermic "needle that doesn't even "sting. It adminisf in that it can shoot injections into been in the works since 1945. Ac trial by a military courTon charges ters via a jet gun appar the arms or or hind, parts of of conspiring to- overthrow the gov atus -shots. to doctors In the military that sends a high pressure as many as legs 100 persons without cording is based on the observaservice it ernment by "methods similar to stream of medicine through the even The gadget won't tion that fine jets of oil from leaky those used by Lenin, Stalin and skin with no pain.work, of course, for intravenous hydraulic lines can penetrate the Like A Fast Brush Russia." injections those, that must go into skin and leave almost: no mark. The 26, including two women, Soldiers nave nad it tried on a .vein, cut, most oi we suou And no given to soldiers and civilians need Kids arc pain, either. four lawyers, two doctors and gov gonna love that ernment officials, were indicted 18 army officers now on trial on only to get under the skin and the "Jet gun" is a wmz at taac . for allegedly forming a secret mutiny cnarges. ' When pygmies of the French Kids Wia Be Happy deleague to propogate class hatred The indictment charged the Cameroon, west Africa, bag an and distribute leaflets attacking fendants attacked the Nasser re- It looks like a Luger pistol with one medico elephant, they move their village pulls the regime of Premier Gamal gime as a "military clique -- subser- two. triggers. The to the carcass fort easy access to loaded. is the and trieeer magazine vient to Imperialism' and plotted Abdel Nasser. to food. the bottle W' a is attached There to were holders. with eliminate sot connected property They air-pressu- re. Regular Prico . end aiid cp' These mattresses have been soiled in handling and moTizj, but carry the full guarantee, . - .OVERMAN'S - re-loadi-ng. ... .... P . .... . ,up to $64.50 . . ; . .. COTTON BIATTRESSES.,;..;..;..$I.95 n I 3 up NQTB NEW ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMEEIt 111 NO. UNIVERSITY PEONE Herald Want Ads For Results -- simple-minde- SEE THESE TERRIFIC VALUES IN OUR. . V SUPER BASEMENT! saddle-shape- Once; News Now History mm 7 closed. Address such corre- spondence to Dr. WilliamBrady, eo The Dally Oeraid, Provo. UUh. 25 Years 'Ago MAY 30., 1923 r HSlilJI MODM - BAT.1D00 STYLED 11 17" x 1714-Tdi Hassock goes modernl Jn in wrought iron effecH thick cushion of vinylt in V metallic tweed pattern. 1 i Rber tipped black metal legs. Popular colors. self-address- ed as T' - Passage of a high tariff bill arthritis my eye; Send stamped,! met with an unfavorable reaction envelope and ask! from foreign nations. There were in writing for pamphlet CALrumors of reprisals against the CIUM AND RHEUMATIZ. f United States v .) . Walter Sounds Ridiculous namedsecretary-treas-ure- r . Certainly sounds ridiculous. of the Intermountain Rexall but my sisteritinsists you prescribe club . , . Dr. Franklin S. Harris,1 facial exercises that improve president of the Brigham Young hearing . , . (P. A. H.) University, prepared to leave for Answer the pamphlet Siberia and the Near East as he HEAD NOISESInAND DEAFNESS! a commission to. survey accepted which send stamped, self- , , if, ... U J (for mc yruuiiseu lanQ' xor the addressed envelope) I tell how to "children of Israel.", . . . n make a face and hear better.; Day traffic accidents ex- But I warn you, if any one sur-- j acted a toll of 100 deaths . . . the exercises; you doing Ray Keecb, daring driver, won prisesmay not be able to convince! the Indianapolis speedway race, you him or her you haven't really " averaging 97 miles an hour. He gone nuts. won a $20,000 cash prize. Billy Spence. Los Angeles, was killed a crash on one of the turns . . the Labor Party won an election victory in England. J. RamSocialist-Labsay MacDonald'a . i Hed-quistw- - wmmm .br qualityxY I the Provo Herald. .. mm:. CHECKED FOR THREAD COUNT! 7 tm : -- . tec-oratio- ' or .i . single party although lacking : majority in the Parliament. - . MAT 9f 1tLt The Fifth Army battled its .t . . . ; xense lines dwow Home . i . The nation mourned its soldier dead m solemn Memorial Day serv- ices throughout the land More than 3,000 American heavy 1 09 uomuers anaa ugmers strucK in two great armadas from Britain ami iiaiy ai x nazi aircrau tories, airdromes, and rail centers . . . Approximately 60.000 A. - I 2Vix6' Saiiforizedt v - treatment forfc your windows, porch or patio Paint them your own room colors too! But check your windows widths and buy today! Cool CHECKED FOR STRENGTH! . workers were involved in labor the bureau of labor statistics revealed that less than two per cent of the strikes' in the last half of 1943 were4n compliance with the Smith-C- o e law . . . nnally ' On the historic Civil War battlebloodground marking one iest battles of the Civil War. the anti-strik- e governors - of North and South joined hands In expressions of national unity against foreign - aggression . . . Federal service fcademy in the Fall of 1955 today were invited by Senator Arthur V. Watkins! (R., Utah) to apply for permission to take a "written Civil Service Examination to be given July 12. Deadline for applications is -June 9, 1954. . The examination. Senator Wat- kins said, will be limited toi young men in good physical condition who will he between the ages of 17 and 21, Inclusive, on exJuly 1, 1955. The amination will include questions on vocabulary and reading, ability to figures, and algebra. Examinations will be given In major UtabXcities a.hd at the post offices throughout the! larger United States. Results of the! tests are utilized by the Utah! Senator as a guide in- selecting candidates for appointment toj the U. S. military, naval, and air, force academies for four years government paid, education. -- . . -- 4x6' bigger, deeper than ordinary pillows. Air breathing foam rubber offers cool comfort for the warmest nights. 80 sq. muslin cover, with zipper, y - 1 -- 3-h- 3 x 6 18 x 26" which makes It Young Utahns who desire fo for adanission into a compete7 of-th- ' V Tests Set For Applicants for a Service Academy 10 Years Ago ; St:.. X8 FULL SIZE CHECKED FOR WEIGHT! . . 10x6' r-Jf', Make srimmer sleeping more comfort able make housework lighter with Nation Wide muslin fitted sheets... not a cent more then flat sheets! You simply slip them over your mattress, sewn-i- ... wwm,hm wewi.ei iweeewiff -- L n mitred corners keep them taut and smooth! They don't slide, bunch, pull 4 S . ...-7- out never shrink out of fit because they're Sanforized! Continually tested ! -by Pcnney's laboratory! CHECKED FOR SHRINKAGE)! y a 7TV i; s bflt :AIbsorbeiit PENNEY QUALITY IS YOUR GREATEST SAVINGI - .siamoini RAYON 3S .v.x-.- tt-- sri I ail K2 f0 IS.. hi i Hi Here's 10 discount 1 i. 1 2 v a . 11 iryou i ji can say: ;;4;;y r9r ?'i'7:tl V f T e$f 3 tit th put 12 9 RADIANT SUJVUVIER Yoa get thk 10 Claizn-Fidiaoount on your entire auto imurmgi premium if yoa an now inatmd with th SUN GOLD, LIGHTNING PINK, PINK LILAC, BLUE STAR,WHrTE, RADIANT ROSE, FOREST GREEN, GREENSPRAY M If yoa are not now insured with 42x81 additional discount contact your neigb- borhood Farmen Insurance Group agent and learn bow you can jet this 10 saving. 82 EAST 3rd UFI-A- SOUTH-PRO- VO SATIN STRIPE FLOUNCE Farmer'i -- nd your afe driving entitle yoa to thai AUTO, TBUCX, FIR I, fa) Co) c LL YOUS IMSUBANC MIXDS PHONE 355 Flatter every feature of your room with these pastel panels of rayon marquisette. A mist of color to compliment your taste. Hemmed and headed. Washable. Rose, pink, light green, maize and white. COLORS PANEL Oh, se elegant are these ex- quisite styled deep flounce panels. Full ruffle at top and 42" X 81" trimming all sides and seams. iTory satin stripe on iTory f marquisette. r xtra showers mean more towels! A refresh ing swim means an extra towel! The kids eoming from the playground mean more washups . . and, of course, more" towels! Lucky youright now when yon need them Penney's has a wonderful special offer on deep, absorbent Cannon towels everything from washcloths to the bath size at tremendous savings! Penney Associates! the people who serve yon behind the counter) thought this was a wow of an offer! They pick the bargains you save on Associates Days! i ID 22-X4-4" gATH TOWEL 16x16" FACE TOWEL .33 12x12" Wash Cloth .14 |