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Show '"Nk 8 Sen. Bennett Reports By Sen. Wallace F. Bennett public bousing. Sen. BuraetMay-ban- k (D., S.C.), ranking Democrat on the committee, previously had sponsored an amendment calling for reactivation of the 1949 public housing provisions authorizing 200,000 units per year which was a sizeable increase three . For straight days I've been helping "mark up" the housing bill in the Senate Banking and Currency WASHINGTON -- Committee. One of the knottiest problems .we've faced has been that of IS Pleasant View News THAT SO! . illi ii administration requests. When the Supreme Court ruling Mil was handed on down early in the week, Sen. i Maybank as a southerner said II he'd try to amend the bill on the floor in order to knock out all i , non-segregati- on II r I KbZTlII Wl' II v 1 I, public housing. We' have no public housing asi such in Utah, of course, but it is interesting to see Jhow circum - it s . B 1 1 f I l DAILY- - HERALD Idaho Denies Senator Charge BY DICK TUHNER i-i- Ilk kill rv. ru i , ; i I ' W lorotests of P'a slick whitewash. Francis P. Carr and Assistant-De- By HERBERT FOSTER United .Press Staff Correspondent from Sen. Stuart Symington Secretary H. Strove Henset, WASHINGTON (UP) S en .Mo), another subcommittee mem- - as principals and witnesses in the i said ber. Henry C. Dworshak dispute. in today Democratic cries of "white-- ! ; The . Idaho Republican, who - is The battle is being waged on wash' in the Army, - McCarthy taking Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy's the Army'a charges that McCarseat on the subcommittee for the thy, Carr and" Counsel Roy Mv II hearings are "all bunk." ilM Dworshak' s successful motion to duration of the hearings, said no Cohn used threats and pressure to droD two of the six nrinciDals from member of the Eisenhower admin- - get favored treatment for Pvt. G. the case now before the- Senate istration prompted his m o t i o n , David SchineLfonner unpaid sub-Investigating Subcommittee drew which eliminated McCarthy aide committee consultant; and McCar ill 1 (R-Id- i J ' TTk T -- a) H'KI - Maple ton News can . alter sometimes quite suddenly and dramatically' a lawmaker's viewpoint. thy's to Address at Columbia 'U' , Relief Society H ot tta counter-charge- s that t h t Army held Schlne "hostage" in an effort to halt McCarthy's investigation of alleged Communist activity at Ft. Monmouth, NJ. : Sen. Karl E. Mundt (R-SD- ), temporary subcommittee chair man, told reporters today Carr definitely will testify. He said Mc By MRS ZORA D. HALES will probably take the subPresident Carthy MAPLETON A luncheon was WASHINGTON (UP) committee witness chair later thli strengthened and .liberalized the held recently for 'members of the Eisenhower was expected to urge week, after completion of Cohn'a Summer FHA program. We hope to close PLEASANT VIEW Relief Society as . their closing the free world to unite in the fight testimony, now in a holiday week , the Primary will begin WednesdayA the loopholes that . , made v social. President Gladys Parry against Communism In a major end recess. scandals possible but we don' at 10:30 a.m. at the. church. ' Menden-hall in Senate was in charge. When the hearings resume Tues foreign policy speech tonight' BURNS special program of lessonsand want to- hurt a program that k'4 By EUGENE and New York outlining his program day morning for the 24th day the arrahced one a "has been the will be activities good; basically given by Ranger Naturalist Phyllis Mendenhall acted as mas- for "peace land freedom." special suoconumnee uounsei nay (despite the abuses the previous ' IN MY BOOK, the undisputed teachers during the summer. JMusical num at of Mr. Eisenhowers ter ceremonies; H. Jenkins will resume his cross address, A- Cahyon Home Shower will administration allowed, to creep a were pre ceremonies marking the 200th an examination of Cohn. Following .' p a m and bers readings fighting champs "in their weight be held in. Wednesday, June 9. at the sented. iWork meetings will be niversary "of. Columbia University Cohn and McCarthy, Mundt said,-othe- r divisions among our New World Stake House at 8 p.m. We've authorized the Veterans Provo East held this summer on the second of which he formerly was. presi land mammals are: witnesses probably will into attend" and Administration to extend direct invited is f Mrs. Everyone at will be carried on nationwide clude Schine, Carr each of month, Tuesdav dent, shrew; height and Maj. Ga. Flyweight: anything that can be used loans to veterans in areas where Melba Perry, Provo, will; lem radio and television networks at Klr&e B, Lawtoa fcomsisnoer ghoulder, 1 inch, ;weigbt 125 bring In ' it is difficult or Impossible ior ' ' in the Girls' Canyon Home onstrate rag-do- ll malting 1 on 9:30 p. mlEDT. Ft. Monmouth. pound.include to This or Provo them from loans banks may Canyon. get 8. The White House said thePresi r ' June S Mundt and Dworshak SJniay ac Featherweight: weasel; height any sort of l such l institutions. The pill also Mrs. Mary Whiting Is visiting dent will . discuss "the steps our cused the three Democratic rub-at .shoulder, 3 inches, weight, as balls of all descriptions, art other would permit vets to" purchase I 'j' T.M. Kg. u. s.rt. OK. with her daughter and son-igovernment and. the free world committee members of trying to ia pound. ' materials, such as crayons, colors Lanham Act housing with a down 1S4 by MEA Swici, Iw. have Mrs. Of. and taken and will take in an at split the Republican Party into Heber Mr. Olsen, law, Middleweight: wolverine;! and paper, dishtowels, dish oayment of 5 instead of 10 tol win! peace and freedom. Calif. tempt Concord, Eisenhower and McCarthy estops. height at shoulder 15 inches, cloths, towels, and any old but We've had some Lanham Act "Just to prove he's not in the pay ol special interests, the The President's address follows They particularly out was hos Johnson Mrs. Phyllis have mer weight, 30:poundsrj lunch off that singled usable furniture you I Senate senator it always borrowing money a housing In Wendover, Tooele and COP leader by warning to of the the that in their tess Symington charges Primary recently Heavyweight: 'grizzly bear; no use for. Money, will be ac- at Verdeland Park near Layton. William F.. Khowland that .South- - Democrats are egging on a row a at business and teachers ficers height at shoulder.. '54 inches, cepted In lieu of a gift. A special In all FHA or VA. guaranteed east Asia will be lost to the Com between the President and McCarmeeting and social. Helen Camp munists program has been planned- for mortgage transactions, the weight, 1,200 pounds. if Vsome of our allies" thy over McCarthy'! secret inforwere Guests the lesson. bell gave The grizzly, largest meat-eatin- g the eveninsr and refreshments will builder or seller must give the wait much longer to join the united mants. and Ernest Binks of animal on earth, whose 'family! be served. Seven stakes nave purchaser a certificate that con front of against the Democratic said the Dworshak Pri aggression Harris Stake Kathryn as Includes the bis brown and the been invited to the shower of the house conforms Sen. struction Mike Mamsfield senators Irene are President Board. mary "trying to. exploit and use the with and specifications used May 31, 1954 giant Alaska bears, is without they are the stakes that said,: meanwhile, that the adminis- exaggerate every possible point plans there announced that Freeman doubt the most powerful beast in Girls Home in the summer. by the FHA and VA in making ROVO . will be- - no Primary meeting on tration has opened a campaign "to which might cause dissension Is America and the most dangerous. The Relief Society held their the ' guarantee. Witness To Murder, people", for the Republican Party," and they Acaaemy May 31, but that the regular educate the American The on The the has Tuesday. committee asked intervention ffi Indochina, and are trying to create "a breach closing party with Barbara Stanwyck. 7 at held be will June meeting; Sen. Guy M. Gillette Social Science lesson v. as given Bureau of the Budget to study said between the administration and r 3:30 p.m. Paramount Walk, Elephant was Schow. he Lois "afraid" the . President Beth the feasibility of President was Republicans on the subcommittee by and consolidating Mr. son of Rulon A Johnson, LAS VEGAS (UP) Actor Kirk if " '.fcX, V, Lindstrom gave a special "'Thank HHFA and the VA in the matter with Elizabeth Taylor, k k tol ask! sesat going this Congress Mrs. been Lewis has Johnson, getting into the constitutional publision You" to all Relief Society mem- of loan processing. There has Uinta Wild One, with Marlon Dduglas and beautiful Paris!"to for to with deal the by authority U. S. the of separation of powers. from issue Navy; discharged Anne cist fly Buydens 'planned Indochiria situation. But he did not bers. A Tribute to the Visiting been some duplication of staff Brando, and Charge Of The Lanc to is He four obvious" tht after years.1 serving their following Hollywood today '. Teachers was given' by Aurelia effort, but on the other hand ers.he! Democrats are "trying to needle novsr making his home in San indicate .what clisurprise" wedding which Day A trio composed of Jean there are"" different regulations The Naked maxed Pioneer Motor-V- u the Republicans into tprecipitatinf an international romance. Diego, where he has employment. thought would be requested. and Richie Clawson, Sharon the We and can't of with Mrs. governing Eleanor, an agencies. Parker, Felch, May Jungle, daughter fight between Eisenhower Voniel Merrell sang two numbers. properly evaluate such a proposed No Holds Barred. Douglas, 37,' and Miss Buydens,' the Johnsons of Salmon, Ida., is climbing onto a mowing machine. andopen McCarthy. film publicist, were Colvin gave especial tribute consolidation but the. Bureau can. . Mr. and Mrs. Perrv Jackson k 9 Ruth with her parents. to Mrs. Ivy Perry for" her 30 Under the bill you can' get a Riverside Roller Rink Skating married by a justice of the peace visiting sonJ have received word a that Mr. and Mrs. R. Banks J. UNDER COVER spent evening except Tuesday in a suite at the Swank Hotel Sa a few years of Relief Societx teaching loan for a new trailer, insured every was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert MARINELAND, Fla. (UP) in friends visiting and days Sundays. hara Saturday night after eloping Idaho. . Solos were sung by little Ronnie up to 75 L. Britton, of Ukiah.v Calif. Mrs. Personnel in the research laboraand repayable in six k from Hollywood. PLEASANT GROVE Clark accompanied by his sister, years. ; Britten is the former Almeda tory of Marine Studios here noGrove Ride Clear of Diablo!, . The prominent newlyweds disJackson We've strengthened the crim This king bf bears, who can reach Betty. ticed that the bottle holding their . Will make their home Vest Mountain News closed Murphy. Relief Society will be held only inal code so that the slick ad with Audie they 12 feet standing on his hind legs, in is Jackson Enid California drinking- - water had turned a : ' in Hills a mansion $70,000 LEHI summer the Beverly unless a 'month k of threecare once the children vertiser can't any longer get fears nothing that walks, during taking bright green. They "threw a typewith fcy Sioux recently Douglas. next purchased Royal with or of Uprising, the and Mrs. man for Britton Mr. her another Tuesday, be meeting writer cover over the bottle to grizzly, it away withtmisleading and shady The marriage climaxed an interJune 15, at 10 a.m. It will be in advertising using the initials Jeff Chandler. sister. She will spend several keep off the sun. It stopped the When they meet, they growl. national courtship which began weeks there .before returning growth of algae which was giving Despite his enormous bulk, he the form of a stake work and FHA,. PHA, NHA or other letters AMERICAN FORK met in last when will year a and aukwards Italy they On business the bottle4ts peculiar color. home. wnn Is surprisingly Cameo Closed. day agile. omciai government con acting in the Coral It Should Happen To while Douglas was Miss atraiehtaWay he can travel SO work on quilts. It. win be held in notations. movie, "Ulysses." Buydens By MRS. ELVERA BISHOP miles ah hour. When angry, one the amusement hall bf the ward limits Improvements You!, with Judy HoUlday. film. was the MOUNTAIN for WEST Mr. and doing luck affair. publicity a will and be can front n his pot Drive-Iwith swift blow Back To paw Starlite We'ye limited home moderniza broth crack the back of an elk jor There. will be no Mutual Tues tion loans to basic and essential God's Country, with Rock Hudson,' Both have been married before. Mrs. Gerald Finchtotook his to re er, David Finch, Logan moose and when called upon, he day evening on account of the mprovements which should cor and. Below. The Sahara. Carnival. sume his Cartoon and studies Utah at State caster, carcass in can carry, the whole regional dance festival at the rect many of the abuses uncover PAYSON ' SPANISH FORK Agricultural College. David will B Y U Stadium his powerful jaw.' the night oi ed In our preliminary scandal in Huish 17. with William Stalag And Ma -Kettle At graduate, in June. Arch Pa In the Gold Rush days of Cali- June 1. vestigation Holden. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bishop are Home, with Marjory Main. fornia, grizzlies were often pitted A special dance practice is We've designated the HHFA as OREM SPBINGVILLE of a baby daughter, Con parents Someand bisons. bulls k called for Monday evening for all the agency to handle public against ' Rivoli Scera How To Marry A Rhapsody, with Eliza nie, . born recently in the Utah the bear was not interested ward members who are partici agency loans for community facil times ' with Marilyn Monroe. beth Taylor. Valley Hospital. Grandparents are and could not be goaded into pating in the regional dance; fes ities and have set up a $50,000,000 Drive-i-n Geneva. The Closed Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Nelson and Mr. Park Living An aroused grizzly, tival. All girls are to be at revolving fund in the Treasury fighting. Here II. Cinemotor and Block From Kiot and Mrs. J. DJBishop, of Pay son. in Art ceil Desert, City the would to bull's break however, at 6 p.m. and all others implement the program. This Timpanogos Cinemotor From To practice with William Reed Rindlisbacher recently in Holden, Eternity, i kn neck with one flick of its giant at 6:30 p.m. in the amusement is the setup under which Moab Here to with Cartoon and Carnival. Burt Lan he as was his hand Eternity, enjured right and other Utah., areas could ge hall. paw. (In one encounter, an raged longhorn bull managed to The Special Interest class held sewers and other facilities to and then a closing party under the direc-- 4 take care of sudden population gore the bear collapsed and died of his own tion of Leah Gleason who led the booms. V This is just a sample of the wounds.) in some novelty games. group A story is told how a grizzly in Rov IIul . has been chosen as changes and recommendations his natural habitat tackled and class president with Frances we've made. Some may. of killed not one bison bull but four, Hunn as vice president. William course be added or altered on one after the other. The first Vaughn will continue as secre- the floor, but they point up the three were "dispatched with a tary. Refreshments were served widespread features of the bill, single "stroke each but the fourth by class leader, Voniel Merrell, which touches so many people. managed to wound the bear assisted by Wanda Daley. During Utah has a most respectable pernonetheless it was the bear that the summer only two times centage of home owners or pros'walked away from the battle. during the month will 'the Special pective owners; so I'm sure that As for the king of bears fighting Interest group meet with the interest in is high housing the king of beasts (the lion) it Mutual. This will be on the first throughout the state., Is said that a fight between these and third Tuesdays. The first two was staged in California and Tuesday will . be .an open night ARLENE DAHL TO WED that the bear won, but idetails with general activity lor the en ARGENTINE ACTOR of that encounter are notVavail- - tire Mutual and the third Tuesday HOLLYWOOD' (UP) Film star . - '"-- will be a special program night . .. able. Arlene Dahl and Argentine actor Powerful as this brute may be, for the .class. Fernando Lamas have announced a more aggressive fighter, is the Mr. and Mrs. Rex Schow have 1L will ."sometime soon" they marry " .wolverine which stands only 15 returned from a week end spen and i Califoroutside of "probably Inches. This fearless bowlegged in Colorado where they enjoyed nia." mounof in the eye fighter spits fishing. .. J tain lion or grizzly. With a snarl Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Maughan of of rage, he drives mountain lions Calif, with their two and coyotes and even bears from Gardenia, children are visiting at the Bellair f- -l I Too Hot? Tu?n on the Packard-Be- ll their own kill not only one bear LaMar Ercanbrack home.k . ' "I I andWCch the temperaturetlrop ! Within min or one mountain lion at a time, ' I ' but two or three. utes you're in the "comfort-zone- " enjoying "j As a rapacious killer, none is, take into consideration these "I I Bellair cpol clean, fresh air. Packard-Be- ll more bloodthirsty than the ;things: Jtge, time of the year days brings you comfort during those too-h- ot , weasel, standing only 3 Indies is it the matins? season? Are they "jI at. the' shoulder and weighing only with young?; The inclination to and nights. Ybu'U feel better, look better j 6 to 12 ounces, will not hesitate fight are they In full rage? And 1 I v;. The Accent .. tnd you'll live better! do attack a creature 30 times its are tney in prime condition?: own size, fearing neitner man nor (These conditions weighed, I feel On Loveliness . beast. In (act,., when I once In-- 1 the grizzly, wolverine, weasel and FISHER SMITH terrupted a weasel's stalk ot a shrew cannot be defeated in their JEWELRY CO. and divisions. mouse, he turned on me "282 N. Univ. I must? confess, I took tcj myj (Copyright 1954, by Eugene ' Ph. 2944 heSis: I,. . iBurns.) mis oiooaimrsiy assassin nas a liist for killingkilling ten times as he. needs to as many-animalhim hot with blood. For supply his profession of murder, he has superlative equipment: long sharp canines, a long supple body, and Your Old Washer steel-lik- e muscles. His strength is great enough to overcome ani..May. B Enough mals several times hjs. own size For Down Payment A V yet he is! so slender that he can .. follow a meadofw mouse into its " Closes FHA Loopholes - Probe InArmy-McGarih- y (D-!fen- se it . I yi r I Vhitevash 1 1 . ' iW. - ' ; stances Primary For to Open Wednesday Undisputed Champs Of U. S. Wilds . over . V . CARNIVAL lousing Bill to Strengthen FHA; Maybanlc Switches Views Suddenly " t I want to assure my-- friends In Utah that the housing bill as we've drafted it to date has Holfjfs Prorgrdm -- - I I j - came-materia- -- n- ' . : - I Kirk Douglas Weds French Film Publicist the-bishopr- . (D-Mon- t.) u. (D-Iow- a) ' authorities i- - -- . , . k - " " David Finch To Get Degree " to n , r Mil-lionnai- re, DOQF0 to-de- ath . , . r the 1954 MAYTAG AUTOMATIC H . A d"2 Q COOtGRS J f v - "I ... s mW tmihrnnr I burrow. ! . As for the flyweight champ, When you send Them to TheTROY that is without a doubt the" shrew. less than a Weighing piece, this fellow is one of the world's fiercest fighter. This insatiable little assassin who eats his own weight within eight hours, will take! on anything that is smaller than a weasel over ten times his; own weight and size. And emerge victorious. . But inkJudging the fighting qualities of two contestants in the same weight division, onr must 25-ce- nt Just stuff your pieces into a pillow slip and send them to The TROY . , T- - For Example: Sheets 4 Slips 2 Ironed Delivered -- - All for Only Tablecloths T 10 Towels 1 rk'.-.pyr-BETTE- 111 Alt . m m m mm 8 Bath Towels LZ St frottcfion 1 , 2. Nationwide 3. 24-ho- eloims rm I ' .Jriililiilr, ITurtlilTh Adiusts water for small, medium of clothes. Just set your full water thrifty Maytaf for exactly the "water level you need. Automatically ad justs to all water pressure. lds Low, easy termt ' 1 counil ' -- IAUNDB.V- - 375 WEST CENTER . . PROVO, UTAH IVAPORAT1VI , ; 11 W COOLERS as low as m U. ? See a complete demonstration today! and ydiif old washer may cover down payment 32 E. 1st NORTH PH. 2378 rvic HEAL & AUSTIN . 24N;ist W. Ph. 4 , I - " UTAH APPLIANCE CO. Phone 164 4m Personal PACKARD-BEL- L j Washed - 4 : hard-to-d- o Automatic for both wash and rinse I --Uses only amount of water needed. No waitiri for tub to fill. Just set the indicator for the sise load to bo washed. 1 Utah Appliance Co. k 32 E. 1 st North Phon. 2378 - TAYLOR'S APPLI. DEPT. 250 W. CENTER - Taylor s Appl lance DepiFREE PARKING 250 W. Center Free Parking i |