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Show MONDAY, MAY 31, .1S34 UUh County, Utih . Knowivas 'Cedor' d Century Ago1 DAILY HERALD ' . Utah Count v Once E fended Eostio Gohtinenral Divide, Yellowing Rec i Utah County, known a century ago as, "Cedar" county, once extended eastward to the continental divide in central Colorado, yellowing records in the office of County Clerk Warren Kirk show. The file of records Is being studied by the genealogical classes of SpringviUe Seventh and Fourth Wards and the . genealogical committee of the Provo Fifth Ward. Sheriff Theron S. Hall is genealogical teacher in the Seventh Ward. In the old territorial days, Utah County included Utah Valley but on the east, there was no clear boundary, and,lhe county, at least in theory, extended eastward clear to the continental divide in Colorado. , In 1856, the sprawling county of ."Cedar" was superimposed upon Utah . County, but in 1862 Utah was chopped off at the east mountains with the creation of Wasatch. County. County records go back to minutes inscribed in fine. Spenserian handwriting on April ,19, 1852, when "selectmen" Domi-nicCarter, Alfred Bell and James McLelan toolc office. .The county's first tax was a of one per general tax of one-ha- lf cent for general county purposes and one fourth of one per cent for roads. The hand written pro bate records of 1859, noting a transfer of property by a Daniel Thomas of Cedar. The county's first will was 102-year-o- ld ... ( ' V . .,.. -- . :' " I "-'-- : - tin . "... ; - ' L " xm ; ' .. 'if v. : ..." . ' '."': ... .;. . '.. !.,'. ... ,, "j. y: - ' rmei--- ' Is' .. . :f . ... ,t us C' y-.r-"m H'lW ' - - r.. V. jJsi f t In 1860, with a simple notation that the "defendant expressed ; records of Utah County are THEY DATE BACK TO DAYS OF 'CEDAR CO S. Hall. Ancient county to Sheriff Theron Warren Clerk Kirk, left displayed by Utah County who resides in Spring-vili- er LDS Ward classes. The sheriff studied are genealogical records by being ' as was n 'Cedar' County. is a ward genealogical teacher. The county UNTY-Century-o- Sm li hp . ? , probated June 25, 1888. Its first divorce was recorded , sh k- ld F v liglvinit!' mpys BpiTiiidl MuBnasS mmimmwmi ,t himself as willing"" and the court believes that since the ."couple can't live together in peace," the Up ond Down SpringviUe , marriage should be dissolved, .The first marriage recorded was that of John and Susie E. Bunnell, both 19. Each spouse-to-b- e had to take ; a written oath of being "single GUV-Writ- er and unmarried," bui the recording of the full name and identifying address or place and date of SPRINGVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Mra and Mrs. Marvin Warner By KARL BANKS birth was omitted. W. B. Gogarty and . daughter, and three children of Salt Lake Writer for Greater Utah Valley One marriage was contracted Delia and Mrs. Cleonda Miner City were weekend visitors ;at the This 'week mar ks the commence by a bridegroom identified only arrived home Friday morning home of her parents, Mr. and ment exercises of Utah Valley's as "S. Thomas." v 1 1 from a three week's vacation trip Mrs. Arthur Thorpe. 1 1 J t i v f 11 high schools. Approximately 1000' 1 I at The county's first school dis- in the east.-Whe- n called they will receive diplomas tricts totaled 16, "instead of the Senator Wallace Bennett's office Visitors at the home of Mr specifying that- - they have com present three, and Included early in Washington. XC. they met and Mrs. Charles Franks over pleted course-o- f study prescriband ed in the day names of settlements, such and visited with Mrs. Ray Colton, the weekend wereI her son Utah's free schools. v public as "Mountainville, by the! Upper whose husband was a former lamily.. Mr. and Mrs. Clerin From here on out, the kids will Dry Creek settlement," (Alpine;) Seminary teacher in SpringviUe. Zumwalt ' and' two sons of St be on their own educationally. Lott Settlement, on the borders They visited church historical George. The decision these young folks of Utah OLake, and , Peteetneet spots, Niagara Falls, New York will of necessity make in1 the next of Spring short while is Survey (Pay son.) City, went through President The; Bel Canto chorus perhaps the . most Eisenhower's home at Abilene, ville sang in the Salt Lake Taber important one in their entire lives Kan., and saw former President naclei Saturday night, as part of to get married, to go to work, to Truman's home at Independence, the music festival, rney sang attend a vocational school, or to go combined with the Melodians of on to college. Missouri. Orem, under the direction of Dr. The perplexity which plagues and later with many of them is well illustrated in Mr. and Mrs. Farlin Wood Franklin Madsen, led the entire group by Spencer a remark made by one of them came down from Kaysville on Cornwall. to this reporter the other day. Said LINDON The final "shots" to Wednesday with their two sons. . he, "I've worked twelve years for I foland Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Parson be given to Lindon youngsters at He returned to his work the school diploma, and now my high the polio immunization clinic will while Betty and the family! spent a few days in Rex- I don't know whether I want it or be administered Tuesday at 9 lowing; day, home Sun not. I wish I could come back Idaho, ' returning burg, a.m. in the Ce'ntral .Elementary children are staying a week as day. They were looking for a here Tto school again next year." School in Pleasant Grove. guests of his parents, Mr. and place to locate in preparation for All children who have received Mrs. Solon A. Wood; . moving to that city to make their their other two shots will take his home, as Mr. Parson has accept final shot. The .school bus will ed a position in the Ricks College run its regular route to pick them 4-E- tts there as head of the art department. His work will start with the up that morning. The children who normally walk to school will BUILD VOU8 FUTUBE M UTAH VALVEY of their summer school. beginning .be picked up at the Lmdon EleSanderson entertainmentary School and taken direct Club! Mrs.Neva LINDON The Iv to Pleasant Grove at 9 a.m. the Gloria Mere club Wednesed, Certain Utah research agencies All rnnm mntWc uh: harp of Lindon met at the home of day night at her home. Luncheon have come, on A the lesson Johnson. up with a handful was served first, "followed - by of cooperated .during the last two Sally should be, help- that statistics," immunizations are asked to be duties of the club officers was games and visiting. A special ful to Johnson. Connie these troubled younsters and present for these final shots so presented by was Mrs. Theora Nelson to their that they can be administered as The girls finished cutting out guest bedeviledparents. Ac club members present insew- and tOv recent findings, some did and dusters their as cording employ possible. rapidly cluded, Mrs. Wilda Rigby, Mrs. ing on them. The leader LaNeve Maurine Mortensen, Mrs. Wanda ment opportunities for high school are at an all time low, McCanless illustrated the proper Mrs. Leona Wilson, Mrs. graduates but for school or college V methods for activities and judg- Peay. trade Velma Graves, Mrs. ' Noma have never been graduates, things ing of the various projects. Light Thorpe, Mrs. Jean Smith, Mrs. so refreshments were served. The Theda Child and good. Mrs.. Helen Utah next meeting will be at the home Valley's high school, grad 1 uates are most fortunate in living of Nola Gillman, June 2rat 2:00 Mason. -ILLUSTRATED: notified are within a stone's one unless the of of throw girls .' p.m. t ' P ' of home at Visitors Mr. the riAK America's great universities, and LINDON The Lindon Ward oi, a aiiiereni ume. ThP Fvr f nn3 v; Now " and Mrs. Floyd Graves last week- one of the stat's vocational ; DRESSER Fourth Quorum of . Elders is The leader's little girls Joan end TRIPLE leading ;v. were her parents, Mr. and schools. No boy or could go girl sponsoring a public program to 'and Judy were guests. Mrs. Arnold Dallin, her brother, wrong by attending either one. raise missionary funds. Roger Dallin and sister, Mrs. Lee For example, Mary Jane could live 4-be held Thursday at-- 8 p.m. ,in;e H with her two children, with Mom and-D-ad, Johnson VIUU commute to the Lindon Ward fRcreation: JCI550I :! of all River City; also a the BYU at small cost, and come Bear .; Hall. ; !n sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. out in four years with a teacher's VTbere wiU be an excellent; KeCe I VCS Dough ten of .Ogden. and a certificate. Lucky . . At present a These! and 'film. act salary magician and wife, Mr. and Mrs. scales, Mary Jane brother LUXURIOUS IN SATiy HAND-RUBBE- D MAHOGANY could begin a wiU be followed by cake sale, jCrQDDOOKS two Dennis Dallin and children at come is to and invited for nine months $3,200 teaching Everyone r of Midvale. Several of them work with the prospect of boosting .II..--help this worthwhile; project to a . LINDON The Scissor i, Club came to attend ra party same Tickets! birthday to successful conclusion. the within 15 years. $5,000 BAR BED; DOUBLE DRESSER ; three-year-oof the at ld home Lindon met 1;. for the Graves V This all doesn't sound bad, and op I I are available from the ntiorumiof TWIN NIGHT STANDS All 4 Pieces members or may be purchased atLorna Gillman, the club leader. daughter, DeAnn, at which 18 portunities are just as1 good in Massive, modern styling you'll love heavy planked ' the door. The girls received" the, fillers for iother little guts were present. other professional or industrial 'r t fields. It all boils down to the oft-' risnd-rubbebooks and made theid Mr anH their nnH d ,nhn cwncftT, ; tops exquisite, finish ; brushed! metal"' GUN CUT quoted . axiom that, "Training children of Roosevelt and Mr. and doesn t cost, it pays JArKSOV tirh ftTPifhom- - scarfs ready to sew and fringe.,, i ; ' ; ; center drawer Keith rBordall and baby as Wright ran 15 blocks to a hos-- Barbara Johnson gave. the lesson-MrsGreater Utah Valley Inc., ex- fittings f guides an exciting valpe, that Huntington spent ienas congratulations to ail of r pita and told attendants he had and the leader served light re- daughter been fhot in the head by a holdup freshments, to the fouowmg Memorial Day week end here these fine young people, and to LSlightly Higher man he had resisted. He was slrls: Sharon Jensen. Kathleen with their mother, Mrs.. Zelma their parents and teachers. -U means ! of and for bedroom years pleasure beauty your With Triple treated for a head cut made when Bullocks Sharon Higginson and'Beardall. thir present accomplishments, the robber hit him wih nis .pistol. Barbara Johnson. The next meet- the youngsters still need advice and I Dresser The gun went off as the blowjing will be at the home of Sharon Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wright counsel in perhaps greater meawas struck ,and Wright thought Higginson, Thursday, June 3 at and family were in Delta Sunday sure than ,ai any time-.;i- n their ' . . he had been shot. to observe Memorial Day. r lives. We cannot afford to desert 2vp m. R CHOOSE THESE OTHER them now. v once-know- Training Doesn't Cost, It Pays, Travelers Return from Visit To H istoric Points of East hi Says . -- n 11 rv u , Final Shots For Lindon .'.Students Slated Tuesday ' 11 ru ru -- - - m -- Club Has Sewing Session 4-- H Elders Quorum At Lindon Sets Benefit Thursday A. A. 1 T i ' ru tj It-wi- r;ccnr illlh -- rM rlllerS pnr i " . 4-- H - . - 4--H' y . ! . 1.1 KS LJ i , De-SQi-te ? e . . COMBINATIONS Landlord Cooperation Asked in Return v j: Of T' Library Books ' IS -.... 'W ', 'It Jtr- t ' V if i ' A DOOKCASE Each year after students leave Provo for the stfmmer, Brighaml Young University library, books! that have not been returned are found by.landlords in vacated, t; vrjU tjl .. PANEL BED 1 off-cam- the .1 11? SA book.- H' -if The library: will gladly call for any BYU library book. Landlords are asked please to phone 2460, JAM extension 331, and books will be picked up. ,2Ajr' AN EASY DESSERT in M n m m hi a nil 1aniiiii mm m ' '' .wi,.-.--- CANYON RETREAT FROM VALLEY HE At This is the summer home of Walter B. Devey. The log cabin in Tibbie Fork of American Fork Canyon nestles at the foot of magnificent mountains, which are snow-covermuch of the summer. It is one of a number of summer homes recently ed constructed in American Fork Canyon. About 30" homes have been completed with a half dozen more to be built in Tibbie Fork, two miles north' of the North Fork junction in American Fork canyon, uiomer new summer nome area at biiver jf iai m. isortn roric nas sites for 154 homes, " , . of which 17 are already built. . " Cake crumbs can be i useful. For instance:- - combine one cup of cake crumbs with V cup chopped almonds, pecans or peanuts. Spread on a cookie sheet and toast for 10 minutes in l a moderate oven. Roll' scoops of ice cream in the crumbs, and serve with fudge sauce. : una 229.95 "7 254.95 Chest Available 90.00 . With Double Dresser and Night Stand Also Available in Twin Beds pus A special plea by BYU library: WW HEADBOARD . . housing. officials has been made-t- o land lords to. call the BYU library;and notify them of books not returned by students in their rush to re-- ; turn home for summer vacation, All books are easily identified by a yellow strip along the back, of W With Double Dresser and Nig ht Stand OPEN TILL j CONVENIENT "flP.M. -- EVERY FRIDAY CREDlf DELIVERY CLOSED MONDAYS EVERYWHERE AT 6 P.M. SUGAR 1050 E. HOUSE 21st South 1134 NORTH 5th WEST (On Main Highwdy No. 91 Just South of Provo River) MURRAY 48th South and State v sir i. J |