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Show . Man Nutty Contribution Makes Lot of Cents Sticks to Job 77-Year-- OId Seattle' r. BUFFALO. N Y f TTP J- - seth Harris of suburban Tnna. (Dick) Ancharstrand is 77 years wanda handed a Red Cross.workV . 111 At oldf but he figures he has a few er ms aonauon wim wsras: tnese Wash, (up)-- o. . Ml PROVO. UTAH COUNTY.! UTAH, FRIDAY, MAY! 28, 1954 '"--- France Decides to Use Velvet Glove I nstead of the Iron Fist I n Morocco By CHARLES M. MCCANN United Press Staff Correspondent France has decided to use the velvet glove Instead of the Iron fist in Morocco. For the first time since 1947, a civilian has been named resident protecgeneral of the revolt-tor- n torate on the northwest corner of -Africa. Francis Lacoste, Plump, balding a career diplomat, will try under what Paris calls a "new face" policy of reform to win the Moroccan nationalists over to cooperation instead of terrorism. Lacoste succeeds Gen. Augustin who Guillaume, an. was given an explosive bon voyage present Tuesday in the form of a bomb. The bomb did not come anywhere near hitting him but killed two persons and wounded . f ; iron-fist-ma- n, - Incas' Quinoa Has Variety of Uses forces. Since the war he has served in the embassy in Washington, has been a delegate to the United Nations and was an official In the residence general In Morocco for a time. When he was named to his new post last week, he was at the Geneva conference. Conqueror Of Mt. Everest Seriously III . . s, - , Honor the Dead by Helping the Living These disabled veterans are shown making fioppies for sale to the public. It's one way they' can help provide for the welfare and rehabilitation of families of needy veterans veterans, who like in themselves, have been disabled while fighting for their country. Poppy sales will be conducted Prove Saturday by two groups, the VFW Auxiliary and the American Legion Auxiliary. v Mayor Aura C: Hatch has urged in a proclamation that all Provoans support the sale. Santaquin News Deadly Jellyfish In Aussie Waters ; giving" To Acid Stomach . ng Tunc A collapsed and died within a few SYDNEY. Australia (HID are parents of a son born May 24. ;, jellyfish found in northern Aus minutes. tralian waters is considered the Mr. and Mrs. O. Holt are parents deadliest animal in the world by "The Cubamedusa is deadlier of a daughter born May 18 at the r raxiA jucpieui, marine zoologist than the most poisonous snake," Payson Hospital Mrs. Holt is the ; ,v. here. McNeill says, "and has caused former Patsy Greenhalgh. McNeill believes the floating death in less than three minutes." By MRS. ESTELLA PETERSON tentacled jellyfish, which stune "More than 12 people have been SANTAQUIN Mr. and Mrs; J. and killed eight-year-oClarke killed; by Cubamedusa stings in B. Hoskins ofSanta Cuba-meduBarbara, Calif., burrow at Darwin, was a northern Australian waters. It is Visited this at week the home of jellyfish, also known as common only in tropical waters, a sea wasp. On Automobile Insurance off the Mrs.'Hoskin's sister and hrother-in-lajut it has appeared AUTO-FIClarke was standing In shallow Queensland Coast. LIFE Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holla-daState Farm Insurance Co. water whenthe Creature drifted "The Cubamedusa is about the The visitors are en route to ize of a man's hand, with ten- Kentucky, where they will visit against hinrand wrapped its RULON W. MYERS, Agent streamers about him. The icles between two and Jour feet with Mr. Hoskin's family. 946 West Center Ph. 893W child ran screaming to the beach. ong." Mr. and Mrs. Kathle Tischner I., ; . Calif ornians Visit At Sisters Home WASHINGTON (UP) A sa Incas NEW DELHI, India (UP); --Sir ancient cred of the plant 40. Is serving ; a multipurpose life Edmund Hillary who conquered Violence Increases Mount Everest as a coronation . these days: The nationalist movement has Quinoa, a weed-lik- e for Queen Elizabeth H plant found present been getting increasingly persist- high in was reported even today to be suffermay ent, and increasingly violent, for pincn-m- t ing from pneumonia at a camp tor spinicn. feet up in the Himalayas. years. In its early stages it makes 22,500 Terrorists have tried to assassinNews brought down from the ate both French and Moroccan dig fine salad greens. Its seeds may Himalayas by runner said Hillary nitaries. They have attacked be eaten raw, boiled or roasted suffered an attack of pneumonia French officials and officers, or' ground into flour. The dried on May 19 in the upper Barun blasted cafes and other public stems are first rate fuel. Quinoa Valley, apparently following an and. medicine earlier accident in which he broke places with bombs, and machine seeds go into beer also make fine a rib. They making. guns. French residents general have poultry and livestock feed. The runner who own The plant 1st hardy, easy to the news collected brought , deposed one sultan of Morocco, and penicillin ' banished thousands of nationalists cultivate and resistant to pests other medicine for Hillary and to remote places in southern and disease a boon to any gTow-er- ,. set off on the long journey back :: 'i Morocco and sentenced others to to camp.: prison. Newspapers have been Food manufacturers in the banned. The Istiqlal (Independ United States have been conductence) Party has been outlawed ing experiments with the plant. EXPERT Repression has done no good. according to the National Geo; ' Neither have the minor reforms so graphic Society. But experiments Curtain, Drape and far carried out in raising the plant in Europe and Furniture Cleaning. -the United States have proved Reforms Job First Ruf s and Carpets cleaned j Lacoste's . first job will be to fruitless. on location. put into effect a series of reforms It requires a climate of intense DELUXE CLEANERS worked out several months . ago heat by day and frosts at night 449 W. Center Phone 2121 but held up. to Insure complete ripening. , the,.-Ande- - - Morocco, 151.000 square miles in served in the French embassies to area and with a population of China and Yugoslavia. He served about 10,000,000, Is a protectorate tor the armed forces at the. start and one of the associated states of the war and after the fall of France fought In the resistance of? the new French Union. Tt in Important to the United States, which has a number of big atomic bomber bases mere. Lacoste, who has been given the difficult assignment' of bringing ordei; to Morocco with a velvet glove; policy, is 48. Eel entered the diplomatic serv ice after his graduation from the French School of Political science. Before World War II, Lacoste more years to live despite those "This marte a nutty way to whp think he should quit tempting make" a contribution, but I eet .' fate": "n: t.y a kick out of doing unusual Ancharstrand is a window- - things." washer. And he doesn't ply his The donation was a of waltrade on the sidewalk either. He nut shells in which thebag nut nHti to , f'close likes it up high , been replaced by coins. ',1 jhad heaven." AnrharsfTflnrTa malnr loh ' !s keeping windows of the Seattle Hotel clean. The hotel has been ais nome lor tne past 4u years. He started his hazardous occupation when he was 15 years old and he's washed windows in all the major cities of the United States. II with Ancharstrand Tilans! to pontlmip dy ' fasl-actlhis vocation as long as he can cumo out of a window and buckle the safety belt. .. . Getting up high worries me a Don't let acid indilittle bit these davs V he .AHmtttfwt gestion get the best "but as long as I can Work, I will! of you. Don't suffer x i aon iiKe to sit arouna. ld sa S-A-- V-E needlessly with heartburn and. gassy pressure or 2 Turns fQr relief whenever distress pains. Eat 1 top-spe-ed occurs. Turns cannot overalkalize. Can't cause acid rebound. Requira no water,. no mixing, no waiting. Get a handy roll of Turns to carry in pocket or purse today! j w, RE y. long-wisp- y - V lO TUMS FOK THI TUMMY -- . " shop tonight J 'til 9 . p:m. ! : 7 ' 4r Yp - If you like beautiful rooms. n YOU'LL LOVE . ewelry. .Handbags. . Gloves. .Flowers It Enables You To Roll Lovely Designs on Your Super Kem-Ton- o walls 'hites and lights . . Like magic . . . you yourself can add the beauty, of shimmering designs to freshly painted Super Kern-Ton- e walls. Just roll them on, with a special new roller and new sensational Applikay. It's easy, fast . . . no mess, no spatter . . . it's every bit as washable as Super Kem-TonAnd . . . less than a quart of Applikay is enough to do the average room, . and accessories to: enhance your summer d charm in many fashion-rigways . . . Max handbags, and flayer gloves, Resnick styled-rigForsum naturaHooking flowers will enhance your favorite ensemble. AlUhe beautiful summer colors, cloth! or" .straw handbags, and nylon or double- woven --cottbti g oves. Choose from Our Complete U bubble-weig- ht bubble-spiritp- ht , ht e. 1 7 i N" i naium J I - ; Selection. QT. frttr,1?3J 1 'I'..' Ml". V- Ti- - ii j Fascinating Designs Costume Jewelry , With them you can achieve many different effects! Roll the one you choose on one of more times. Roll one over another to 'create La design of your own. You have unlimited possibiliiies to express yourself in combina' v tions of designs, f ;' '. Summer G oves a silken lustre that shimmers and. changes with - the direction of light and angle of view. Use one or more Applikay colors with any pattern or combination of patterns you may choose . . . they all ' harmonize with 2 Kern-Ton- colors. e 00 . from 'iirf Iridescent Colors Super . Handbags : All with I ; ir-.- Natural-lookin- g from" .;.!. Flowers. from . ; See our Applikay Design Selector for 67 new, ideas in decorating . . . then youli seo the new loveliness Applikay can bring to your walls. ' SEE DEMONSTRATION IET US RECOMMEND A M am Mi GOOD' PAINTING CONTRACTOR n Iff am mm mm nrr muiiii tat iFCdi OPEN IN WINDOW A CHARGE ACCOUNT 7 - - rnune DU I v WE DELIVER . I ' Accessories Counter FREE First Floor PARKING ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE POST OFFICE t. .XvA X |