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Show ' . : v . . V .. ' i ' - - , -- " . v , , i ! I . TELEPHONE 495 FOR A Herald Advertising Sports, Editorial, ; Circulation Society Phone: 432 Winner ifttrnocnsj tltfi " Frost Warning Tonight UTAH GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN ON UTAH VISIT 'Sim : In Carrier Blaze at 97 s ytatii- DouC vas "spotty" as the mercury re- -' rtedly dropped below 30 in some areas and hovered above reeling in others. The official Weather Bureau station at the Provo Airport re corded a minimum of 33 degrees. Local Frost Predicted For tonight, the Weather Bu reau forecast a low of 30 to 40 slipped into the valley in spite of "except 45 in the extreme souththe Weather Bureau's assuring west" in Utah. The Bureau also minimum. forecast of a "local frost" in north extent of predicted the The damaee. . . .. . an t central l J portions of the state. nuiwu vw"w. of the county From many time, was not general. Rather, It came reports parts this morning of Utah County farmers and gardeners today surveyed "spotty" frost damaze from last night's low temperatures and awaited apprehensively for tonight's cold blast as the Weather Bureau sounded a frost warning. From several parts of the coun ty came reports of damage from last nieht's "sneaker" frost which ee 4. frost-damag- Utah County Posse Hunts Two Escapees ed peas, sweet flowers, etc. tomato cherries, plants, melons, However, many other localities seemingly were not affected. The frost was described as a "dry" one, with little moisture in the area. It hit hardest in areas where there was no wind. W. R. Eddingtan, manager of the Eddington Canning Company at Springville, said it is to early to accurately assess the damage, but preliminary observations in dicated thexpea crop , in the Springville "area may suffer a 25 per cent loss. Thexpeas are now in bloom or early pod.staees. Considerable tomato damage also was reported. Corn apparently Br JOAN GEYER some 100 police, deputies, prison guaras two horse posses and an airplane fanned out over Alpine foothills today, after, burglary of an Alpine home led officers to believe two escaped Utah State prison con victs were in the area. The convicts, Delmar Jack Early reports indicated Mealer, 22, convicted robber, and escaped. to sweet cherries arid otiena-( damage Henry PerKins, 43, morals were reportedly nippecr er, escaped Tuesday evening from pears state in some localities. Sour cherries the seemed not to be damaged. two fences surrounding the prison Damage Appraisal Slated compound to freedom. Wesley Jense, manager ! of the state-wid- e search for the Pleasant Grove Canning Com- Utah south into swung fugitives nanv. said it may be two or three County at midnight Thursday, days before an accurate appraisal when Mr. and Mrs.. Dan L. Green- of frost damage can ne maae in land reported that their home at that area. "Our field men are Highland had been burgled, and making studies now but at this and three point we can't say what damage food, bedding, coats ; knives stolen. done. It was believed that the escap hasOnebeen Provo housewife, Mrs. A ees had ransacked the house to Will Jones, reported her garden obtain provisions fbr hiding out (Continued on Page Two) in the- - mountains. Sheriff Theron S. Hall said today. Ironically, the pair missed guns In the house, which, they searched A posse comprising u disaster.-- .'.''.'' As more victims succumbed to burns and injuries at Newport Naval Hospital, a four-ma- n Naval Board of Inquiry prepared to open public hearings tomorrow into the tragedy. .No decision on what caused the disaster is 1 expected for at least three weeksi Soon after Wednesday's trage dy, Capt. William F. Raborn Jr., commander of the Bennington, said he believed the death toll would be about 100. Six more deaths of the critical ly wounded last night and today brought the toll to 97. Names of two of the men were withheld. Chief Radio Electrician Ray mond. C. Demers, Norfolk, Va., died 'early today of injuries, suffered; when the ship was ripped by an explosion at sea off Rhode Island Wednesday. Later, Jesse H. Ramey, EM2, Chillicothe, Ohio, died. Two other crew members died last night. They were listed as Lt. (JG) Paul S. Tondo of New Britain, Conn., and Chief Pay Clerk Stanley Capistrow, Burlington, Vt. Both had been burned critically in thfr-fir- e that followed the ex- Red Vainrguard drives Nearer Key Outpost By LOUIS GUILBERT -.A rJ v. z t v v v:.--' v:n--i:- :.'- - MM ....u mum .... , kitr ' : ' : 'v.. . , . u u u Presidential Secrecy Directive Defended , . WASHINGTON (UP) The authorized' document would not White; House took issue today with be in the national interest. McSen. Joseph" R. McCarthy's decla Carthy said it was1 brought to ." United Press Staff Correspondent AdHANOI, Indochina (UP) Communist two of vance elements divisions, attempting to crack the southern defenses of the Red River Delta, today drove their "creeping network" of trenches to within 750 feet of the key outpost of Yen Phu. Loss, of Yen Phu would open the way for Red attacks on the Phu Ly and Nam Dinh and on Hanoi itself. The French HigkCommand said ' the Reds attacking fen Phu have plosion. within force .to main their pushed Thirty-seve- n of the 201 injured 500 vardx of the main defenses of in the blast remained in .critical the little rice market town,"bnly condition. Rear Adm. Lamon 1 AP milae CAiitVl of Warm! iPugh, Navy surgeon general, said The' advance elements have someof the 39 may --be hospital closed half that distance, the com- ized as -- long as a year, if they mand said, by employing the bur- live. rowing methods they used to cap A Board of In ture the northern Indochina fort quiry, special Nayy pokedithroughjhegutted in ress ot Dien Bien Phu. terior- - of the huge ship for 4he French military sources said second day. in an effort deter there will be no last ditch stand mine what caused the Navyssec in the ruins of Yen Phu compar- ond worst peacetime disaster. Called out from Provo were of Dien Bien Phu by Gen. Chris William F. Raborn, and other sur tian de Castries and his isolated vivors of the explosion will" give Chrlstenson, Deputies Koss Kay, forces. their versions of what happened Victor Smith, Merrill Smith ana sources the these said, Instead, aboard the carrier when the board Chief Boyd Durr ant, Provo Police garrison probably will be pulled begins public hearings in the inMax M. Snow, Assistant Chief back for a determined defense of quiry tomorrow. Fred Adamson, Sgt. Fred LoveFrench The gov PARIS Phu (UP) Ly, only seven miles to the Adm. Robert B. Carney, chief less and Paul Anderson. ernment decided today to call up north. of Naval operations, made a perPlane Joins Search five months The French command already sonal Provo Police Officer Kenneth thousands r of draftees divisions inspection of the wreckage of has "several" rand pulling last night. He described the ex Forshee joined the search aboard early so can begun destroying be sent to Indochina out of isolated garrison posts and plosion as freakish." the Jtah State Bonanza, which regulars to fi2ht. all available tanks and landed at Provo airport this mornwas taken as ine assembling . to form a mobile reserve artillery ing. piloted by State Aeronauti- Theof action designed to of striking power to meet a major cal Commissioner Harlon W. Be- first theseveral steps of "Red Communist offensive in the delta threat curb growing ment. Red area, to the vital forces Vietminh Horse posses were furnished by expected about June 15. the and Indochina of Delta River of a and group The French have some 2000 Alpine volunteers of Hanoi. Salt Lake County horsemen, rid Tonkin capital acted small scattered over Inoutposts The cabinet swiftly to put dochina.- The " French command lng over the mountains from into recommendations of blown Draper. Ibfe afternoon shift of the Frencheffect Chief of Staff Gen. Paul said a number of these were Utah State Prison was called out North up and abandoned today and that RALEIGH, N.C., (UP) to aid in the search, as well as Ely. are and tomor Democrats Carolina choose destroyed being they of these was for a speedy . from Salt Lake call-u-One peace officers rate of four or row a nominee for the U.S. Senate p ' of new draftees, to release abandoned inat a move to concen in a campaign that swiftly turned County. five the daily The Greenlands. who live in. the well trained regulars for the de trate French striking power. to the race issue following the Bunker residence, at Highland, fense of Indochina. call-uSupreme Court's decision outlawp a. ordered near Alpine, told Sheriff Had that The Cabinet V ing segregation in the public ,the second half ofan the 1954 PROVOAN COMMANDS they had left home about 8:30 of schools. class of conscripts, CRUISER DIVISION p.m. Thursday to attend a ball olds. On the eve of the primary, which game, and returned about 11:45 These The YOKOSUKA, (UP) tantamount to an election, state is Japan will replace U.S. p-- m. Bremerton has cruiser forces became excited heavy in now stationed political French regulars House Ransacked in the Far East for its over an advertisement and thou arrived North Africa, Germany, France, . They found their house ransack- and other colonial territories ' who third tour of duty in these waters sands of distributed pamphlets ed, and two men s coats, all the will be formed into new divisions since the Korean War began, the linking former Gov. W. Kerr Scott, bedding from their beds, two and assigned as a "general re Navy announced today, one of seven candidates for the ruas. three knives- and several serve" for the threatening larger The Bremerton, commanded by Senate seat, with Negro, interests. cans of food missing. scale . Red offensive in the Red Capt. R. F. Martin of Airville, Scott forces, centering their cam Foot .and handprints in ashes River Delta. Pa., will serve as flagship for paign against incumbent Sen. Alton near the home led officers to be Formation of the new divisions Rear Adm. Roland N. Smoot, Pro- A. Lennon, denounced the material lieve the men had crawled on was recommended by the Nation vo, Utah, commander of Cruiser as a "falsehood. . .and dirty polihands and feet as they approach al Defense Council. tics designed to hurt Scott." Division One. ed the house. point-of-the-Mounta- in tj QUONSET POINT, R.I. (UP) The death list in the aircraft car rier Bennington explosion and fire climbed rapidly today toward the 100 mark Jwhich its skipper had feet as the probable toll of the ' PRICE FIVE CENTS WtaSte H More Victims Succumb To Burns, Bringing Toll Closer to 100 1 FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1954 UTAH. Death loll : By UNITED PRESS Gov. G. Mennen Williams of Michigan arrived in Salt. Lake City today with a "general optimism" that the' Democratic party will recapture a majority in Congress at the November general elections. Williams, on'a speaking tour of several western states, was to speak at the annual Jefferson-Jackson day dinner , here tonight. Now in the middle of his second . term, the Michigan chief executive said he found a "general feeling" am8ng in-dustrial workers and farmers that' the Republican administration has allowed them "to go through the wringer without doing as much as is could." Observations in Iowa and his home state of Michigan showed that farmers were "disillusioned" by drops in price supports, he said. COUNTY, Utt '- ' PROVO, 72; tonight 22 with locil frost. Highest temperature recorded la Provo area Thursday was 59; lowest point Friday morning S3. L X.'r- :' -' "" " Allstate tires 6.00x16, 2 for and tout old tires. SEARS, (adv.) I YEAR, NO. 260 SIXTY-EIGHT- H FAIR . i that federal employes him by a young Army Intelli should feed him information re gence officer. gardless of presidential secrecy- - The other time was when Presi orders. t dent Eisenhower personally orWhite- - House jPress Secretary government witnesses at James Hagerty issued a statement dered not to testify about the hearings on the subject in the name of Atty. level confer administration high Gen. Herbert . Brownell Jr.,' with 21 at which tht ence on Jan. the approval of. President EisenArmy - McCarthy feud was dis r hower, k- -' The statement was directed at cussed. McCarthy's remark at yesterday's hearing that two million federal employes have a dutyj to give himtray information they may have about graft, cor ruption, Communists, and treason. Reads Statement i Hagerty read to reporters the ration Army-McCart- ' .i t " " .1-- ' i V . ' ' X- Alaskan Hikers Search Mountain For Injured f.lan of j vr ft lwv;i A :v (V hy ! following statement; "The obligations and duties the executive, judicial and legisla tive branches, of our government 7 ANCHORAGE, Alaska (UP) Teams of crack mountain climb are defined by the Constitution. "The! executive branch of the ers, battling drifts of new snow. government has the sole and fun inched up North America's highdamental responsibility under the K ... :?:,:.: Constitution for the enforcement of est peak today searching for a i v: tgf our laws and presidential orders mountaineer left in a tent six days ' a broken hip. : . . ; IV5.: They include those, to protect the ago with ; Sn four-ma- n A team radioed planes security of our nation which were overheadVlate flying yesterday carefully drawn for this purpose level of Those responsibilities cannot be nearing the,C8000-foo-t more still than a Mt individual who McKinley, usurped by any ' half mile below the spot where to seek set himself above j the may IjJS laws of our land or,to override George Argus layalmost helpless orders of the President of the in.Jbelowfreezing temperatures. United States to federal employes The team reported it hoped to of the executive branch of the reach him in the nexteight hours. is MCCARTHY ACCUSES Senator John McClellan (D., ,Ark.) A second four-ma- n shown during a heated' discussion with witness Roy Conn over government." team was at , 6000-fovs. the President off set an of which Cohn McCarthy document he Army. said level, but reported investigation Asked whether McCarthy micht "tough going and very little progCohn refuses to give the document to the subcommittee in open session before consulting with Senator McCarthy. McClellan ac- be prosecuted for Teceiving classi ress." cused McCarthy of obtaining classified information; "through fied j information covered by the Argus' was one of a four-ma- n : criminal means." presidential secrecy order, Hager- - University of Alaska climbing parly uecunea 10 comment. which conquered the 20,300-fo1 i At one point yesterday McCarthy ty mountain by a new route May 15, said "I want to comnliment the but. met with disaster' on the way individuals who have .placed their dowiu ; oatns to defend the countrv Morton Wood' and Leslie Vie-rec-k, a gainst enemies , L and certainly two members of the! party. Communists are enemies, above stumbled I downfrom the mounand beyond any presidential di tain Tuesday and told the' story. rective." He assured such in . WASHINGTON (UP) -- Senate mittee consultant who is now an formants that he would never giye them jaway.; investigators today served a Army private. At another he added: on Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy "I would like to notify those for files on all cases on which G. WASHINGTON (UP) Roy M: n federal employes that ' David Schine worked. Cohn testified today he thought, Js their duty to give us feel l it McCarthy showed the subpena and still thinks, G. David Schine to newsmen as he arrived for the should have oeen giyen a direct any information which they have about graft, corruption, Communafternoon session of the Army commission. ism, treason, and there is no hearings, He said it Cohn,- - chief counsel for Sen. loyalty to a superior officer would be ."clarified" shortly. Joseph R. McCarthy's investiga can tower above and be- sr WASHINGTON The subpena,! signed in green ink ting Subcommittee, was put oh the which their (UP) Diploloyalty to their coun- - matic sources predicted today that by hearing Chairman Karl E. defensive about young Schine's yond Mundt called on McCarthy valuer to the group .under, prompt action will be taken against Secrets Involved to "deliver forthwith" . to special Guatemala if the S.S. Wyoming is in his second day! of Executive department secrets found carrying arms forihe Red-- , counsel Ray H. Jenkins all sub- testimony. have twice been involved in the tinged Central American nation. committee files pertaining to the Schine, son of a iveaithy New hearings. Voice of America; the Overseas York They "said the action probably net first time was, when Mc family and formerly an uni Information Service, the Govern would be called for by Guateto the consultant McCarthy Carthy introduced a' ment Printing Office; Communists paid mala's was 3. Novl jittery neighbors. Such a dcafted subcommittee, document to be a 1951 and subversives in the Army, "and He is - expected to receive request is a private. Cohn and Mc letter frompurporting FBI Director J. Edgar all other files.;' U.S hearty backing. , Carthy are accused by the Army Hoover to Army Intelligence. Despite the sweeping nature of of using "improper means" to over Alarm the. shipment of try Hoover said if was not authentic the subpena, McCarthy said Mundt to to arms Schine Guatemala a. for get commission, developed rey although it did contain verbatim had assured him the . when the United States distreatment cently and, later, preferential investigators did not want "I thought he was entitled to a excerpts from a confidential FBI closed that 1,900 tons of weapons memorandum. Brownell told the the complete files of the past Mc commission and I still do," Cohn committee publication of the "un had been sent from behind the Carthy investigations, but only the said. Iron Curtain to Guatemala. There portions representing work done by Reber, who was icalled home have . been persistent rumors that Schine, a former unpaid subcom from1 his European command to be more arms shipments are on their the first witness. wheri the hearings way to the leftist coffee country and these reports are being careopened on April 22, had testified checked. that during 10 years as liaison man fully ' between the Army' and Congress Customs authorities are now inhe never was put under such presspecting the cargo of the French' sure as in the Schine case. line ship S.S, Wyoming at the enWest trance ;to the Panama Canal on Cohn said Reber's testimony that LOS ANGELES (UP) ern Air Lines has announced on Cohn the him called plans suspicion .the- - vessel is carrying telephone wjsw YORK (UP) A govern ' champagne and filet weapons bound for. Guatemala. ment investigating board an- "practically every day" was a for three mignon" ' flights beginning June 1 Reports from Balboa .in the Ca' ' nounced today there is no doubt "gross exaggeration." r7r-t-- -" , r s' . " .. v. Franof the Other highlights as to the loyalty of Dr. Ralph J. day's between Los Angelest San nal Zone say a shipment of Browncisco. Portland and Seattle-Ta-coradevelopments: Bunche. ing automatic1 rifles has been found . 1. The White House directly and Bunche's clearance was an on the Wyoming consigned to El TIT Hfnmn'n Vino TAnl4nnniaiT hounced by Pierce J. Gerety. openly took issue with Sen. Mc jbe Salvador. A spokesman for the El said two i will chairman of the board in an un- Carthy's statement yesterday that Landes 1 .J . I uu ..ii-- t uoiiauuiou embassy said the usual press . conference summoned federal employes should "give him suuuiuuuuu aiiu uue iiiu uiuuuuu weapons were not for, his govern at the headquarters of the U.S information regardless of presiden- He said the trips will represent ment. the first Pacific Coast service in mission to the United Nations. It tial secrecy orders. Ambassador Guiller-came after two days of hearings 2. McCarthy! assured the inves- - which passengers are served moNicaraguan Sevilla-Sacas- a has said his govmeals. with champagne (Contlnued on Page Two) for the Negro diplomat who is ernment is studying the possibiliprincipal directqr of the U.N. ties of caiyng for a meeting of Trusteeship Department. The American foreign ministers. Such board heard Bunche until 1 a.m. a meeting-woul-d consider whether 1 today. to hemispheric security a threat Bunche, who won the Nobel exists and, if so, what action peace prize for his peace making should be taken to meet the threat. efforts in the Palestine war, was called before the board on TuesUNITED PRESS ing their own and several made day. The following night he was The By marked gains during late trading uranium stock buypenny President Eisenhower s guest at a and off yesterday leveled today a "White House dinner for Emperor ing spree Business in the uranium penny few issues dropped, in price as inHaile Selassie of Ethiopia.; field has been So good during stock Bunche before the vestors began taking profits. ; week; a! half dozen new the past was there still boom The and board yesterday at 10 a.m., for office were formed and . were ices off brokerage jammed brokerage y session. his second will were open their doors next week. But a using many buyers " Gerety refused to give any de a bit good v And new: stock companies con time the first of for caution WASHINGTON (UP Western tails concerning the proceedings of tinued to flourishj Firms with such Union and the AFL Commercial this week. the hearing. shares traded yesterday names as Uranium ?Services, For Telegraphers Union reached agree The International Loyalty Board Total off confrom Wednesday's rec- tune, Santa Fe and Jolly, Jack were ment yesterday on a two-yeis one of two set up last year under dropped ' 133" underwritten. was there but being ord some 7,000,000 tract for . increasing wages presidential directives. Its task is still a lot of high Some brokers Changes Name activity. 35,000 employes. to investigate all American emOne King Urani contract is effective June 1. international did as much business yesterday as um, ployes in the! d its" to The name had changed earlier yesterday De- - they : It to U.s. the which provides for a 20 per cent wage organizations avoid confusion with-to Catch Up Try 1800 within two years for increase ...? Of Ameri the almost flongs. A offices served company called. Uranium t King. n cans employed by the U.N., tne noticefew brokerage to lock would have they t them board now has cleared all but accomplished by putting for ' "VrJTle their doors Friday, Saturday, Sun on a week with 48 hours about 160. i j said. : day and Monday to' catch up with pay. r , o All In all It has been themost a growing backlog of business. Those employes previously put Two of the early leaders in the eventful week ia the memory of will receive uranium boom Federal and Lis veteran brokers in Salt LakcCity. on a increases week cents an of five wage of bon dropped in price yesterday. Lymann Crommer. president ' 1. more or June hour beginning Federal was trading at 12 cents-do- wn Crommer Brokerage Co. said there By UNITED PRESS vice Union Western L. Wilcox, from a high of .22 cents earli was no sign of a letup in the bzom. ''J. National League . ' " contract the described a i d, president, er in the week and Lisbon, which "Yesterday," Crommer 21 . f . Cincinnati settlement amountlevel market ' "the asatopackage had 00 $3.00 reached Chicaeo slipped Monday of Selassie Haile Ethiopia OFF TO SEE SIGHTS Escorted by President Eisenhower, Emperor an hour wage a was still boom a the ed but off I bit to ing and $2.12. Fowler and Seminick; Davis leaves the White House, where he was overnight guest, to begin sightseeing tour of the capital, -: increase. hold there."ere OHer however, issues, Garagiola. Mount Vernon and Arlington; Between them (background) is Mrs. JSisenhower. - v-;- ; sS , . y - . V .. " v J v fc. - it-w- . French Call Up Draftees Early For Indochina - Race Issue Injected Into N. C. Election . ot : ot hy Subpenaed For F i les nvol vi rig Sch i he I ' ; " j ub-pe- Watches Guatemala U. S. i na two-millio- Army-McCart- hy Arms Import j " - (R-SD- ),! on cross-examinati- j Army-McCart- . hy , ge , zo-ye- ar draftees . - ? Apparently, the burglars, fearful to raise an alarm by turning on lights, searched by the light of matches, and so missea guns, which were in the house. Prowl cars patroled roads lead ing out of Alpine and a concen-(Continued on Page Two) Carrier Under Wraps On Return From Bomb Tests The escort .carrier Bairoko arrived here today from the Pacific hydrogen bomb tests but the Navy kept its "se cret" label on everything concerning her recent operations. Reports were heard, both here and in Washington, that the Ban oko received a mild dusting with radioactive particles released by a blast. The reports said that since then the ship had been completely washed down and that there were no cases of illness from the dusting. No sign of damage could be seen as the carrier en tered San Diego Bay. After the baby flattop was tied to the quay wall at the San Diego Naval Air Station, relatives of those aboard were allowed to visit the ship. Newsmen and photograk phers were not. Lt. Cmdr. Leo Pierson, public information officer for the Air Forces of the Pacific Fleet, said he had received directives from Washington that all questions re garding Bairoko's role in' the Pa cific tests should be referred to the Atomic Energy .Co m m is s 1 o n through the Navy in jWashington. ": He said the AEC had ordered the news ban. SAN DIEGO (UP) . H-bo- -- -- I Army-McCarth- i ; i WAL To Feature Champagne- Filet On Coast Flight No Doubt About - Bundle's Loyalty : - .. ' ( a. , ! " a.:....... U,,,, " 3 Penny Uranium Stock Buying Sp ree Levels Off Slightly Western Union, Telegraphers In Agreement . returned all-da- i:1 ar j new-compa- ny, 40-od- a , similar rTr5,rrvr-- r. Today's Baseball 40-ho- ur ; 40-ho- ur . over-the-coun- ter 10-ce- " i nt as |