OCR Text |
Show . tIT'AIiVmrCDATrJA!?ABri"1926. 'EVENING pagz ..... 2T98 F..W. Grey 10000 2827 Welts L. BHuhaU lWiO 2S7 Tbonuit M. Holt . T80O0 IOuO ICH-Dehne- r 2K92 1. L, Olsow 1200 7350 2831 Badli Tesblt: I II 85000 2943. Percy Geddard . 10000 KOTICE t 2949 A, J. Olsoa 50000 lyadbei kirimg eittf MilBng Cem 2000 A. J. Olson .......25000 'JTVU H M. 1000 ff C&mmtegs 2i68 Ralph A, Badger '? Notice' heief 5vesi there 10.00 1.00 T8 00 .... 7WrrnBhherd ran. FOR SALE A ' gixtd 45., Pbooe SW. IDE RAIXMrst ) 1M7-J- . ; Modern basement apt Phono T25-- FOB B.EXT Bght, and cheerfuL Pboat It 6 810-- 9 : JX)tt BAIJ6 - JtoM mM,, or 4S0-B-- 2 toacto. $1& CU 15 Ti.-i-sj- Zsv- i Good N. Mb & FOB BENT Modern furnlabed apt ground floor, CaU downstairs. ' 180 E. 6th B. 9 - tf FOB BENT Modern furnished 560 1st W. Phone lT3.-r-- 28 a FOB, k-i-- a 1-- ktli N. wTJ1t. 1 its. rto- -:- - - ' KK1X s-- 1 .65 t PHOND 77 . jEer, First ' class Work' guaranteed. 42 N. 4th W. CARSWASHSD. SALB or trade Dodge tour-log car. Good condition, .,$100. HATB TOUB CAB washed nd aty Auto Top k PhtnSng Co. polished by ths XeUunds Motor -" t r-tf company. f1-" Phoiie PUJMBINO . to look Ilk - Wrq pti WW Owtaf It . -- TRASH. i ii r . 1 1 resort, world-famou- s U-1- David IV Howells and WlllardJT. LOOT WltHWDT-Cannon, who have acquired ownerof th Salt Lake, Garfield- "C XXJST1-- !! ' brown , pocketbook ship Western railroad and the ' Sakair wiui over 4 cash ana miaii Beach Companies and have authorigold. wrist watch. Return zed the expenditure of more than 110. Phone to 519 E. 2nd &j $$350,000 in rebuilding the historic ward. pavilion for opening on Snturday, . UISCELLANEODB. May 29," 1U38. .' 1 RAY - 'COOPY' SKIRTS ; per hodr.' Proro Anto' Radiator ' 425 W, Center - St Co. P.O.ttoX 2k8 ' - Se eat la dies and solsees ehoe tsblee. . Taylor Bros. tf Table board 8 blocks from B7Y. ' ' tW 'FHinnil 1047-- J HIS BUSINESS JdahoJam Norlander were OAKLAND. Cat, Jaii. 27 itjfiited. News) Baving lives and .property : J r ; - "bAtf.Jwrr.r'" v,: w.f .. iurad ........ pn (s.0) .p ..' 50000 60 001 3281 J. , ..... .... .. uieIIeval; Malcolm Waite serves k glvej' as an additional .instriu-tlovillain on both oceaslims; Ann Pen - khf riremad then asked. If a man niugton, fumous Follies dances, is a , 1 UJ. rced his entrant into a hmh" seneming vlliaiuess tn tne Span-- . USIs he the right to defend his life, itf acDomfflt trjf-Tom'brticenes eli dually at stake. The court did faithful heuchinan In bothSu answer the (juestiott pnd sent modern and Jtypnish storieg. tlx- jury back to the jury room, say-ithat be would take the question How often does a develnder. advisement and wou'd give op Into a Ju information thp nece-"- "n rJ.-Farr- afcHRVA-tBfwr- later if J joop - root pay 2748' St'Ol.td ".iTA .1008 Ahdreef ;fpedjhan wtfi T63W B. Ieriei .M. 23000 6000 aiOtti. J; Greodall 21 25 Years - NOTICB OF POSTPONEMENT. ..Notice is hereby given that at I a meeting of the board of directors jif. the. Syndicate Mining ft Milling comiMtny held on the 26th day1 of January, 1920, the sale date of the delinquent stocks, delinquent cm 10 mnt of assesMi! ar iiHmlx-- r 23, was postponed until SaturJ elirnary 27," 1926, at 4 o'clock p. iu., at the office of the comiany,ii.room. 9 ' ." V" ' Nr , ..,- - rm I e HOME-TOW- - lltl L- - trr.: , Jt NEEDA II eZ23rJfl PORTLAND, ore.; Jan. 27 (Unit News)-Crl- es of a family cat Kodak. are credited with savinavthe lives flttptae oa sllghtty Med Hedovlet Drug 8toee and Kodak of a mother 'and seven children dur . thm. ing a " jUULirirrr T""T" ' The bbize was in the home of 8am j USED PIANOS. fire-.her- BagleytThe MiBOi, ffi1o Brotu ..Ci PHYSICIAN ers cat's" disturbance! of the family.- - FlMfl The-Evenln- ft SURGEON. Herald bTl Classified Ads Are DOfflce - ,G e t.t e r s. angv iag. Business'- ' tBMTIHli Prow ommercisfe Dfflcerf her 1T2,' ' ,."" k&rft ivHi3MH-- k ' ; . m& iTi m. KIWI W csidencs-- v phene rrT-frL' . ' ' - -- '' : -' -- t ' ::- - 7 4 " " r7'f:rVv---t? ' v. " : . Trrr.f,-- v : 7 '1. 7-- :- 7'"' :v.7: T"lllt: "r1, By TAYLOR . ed armised-mcntb- i we F-- l : ' 'i V t 8tQPAKii.-- I -- . A V.. Rouudy office building, 48 North University Ave; Prom, I'tah. P. E. HOl'TSi. --fiwrcts ry. r Publication dutes: Jan, 2S, Feb. When nictard Ford Jr.. was t years old. his rather was sent to pttson for . 26, 1926. the Wheatland. Calif., riot murders, Mow, 11 years later,, the Harry WiWains has been ihayor et VermlUon, p.. for It ywtrs. and 4 Is PATRONIZE . THE" MERCHANTS tit with his father in Marysvtlle, "Blackie."' paroled, to twing Martins on his thirteenth conaecu-U- WHO ADVERTISE IN TOUR where term.-Heotried a second time. ' For it freed he's very hay, PAPER THEY'RE but cltlsene say his activity in th TUB TOWN'S BEST BOOSTERS. the twe plan to start life anew, the father ea farmer and Richard Jr.. at riyor's oflloe proves hs'4 Only Jdk- " ... -- , yl 14-2- 7 'Blackie's" Boy first-degre- to with the cosls of adrvnising ' and expense of sale. X 10ff I P. E JlOUTZt. . ,1 K.OWT riecrelarKi.,. Vblication 'dates r.lin,r 28. 2500 6.0011028.5'' ;i eslredV first-degre- e "30,""i92(r p. ni . t " they- - so ctniuHiu uie 'uo.iig argument Wednesday.- morniug, the court sik forms f "Verdicts-ft- r ach of the defendants. TJie verdicts were as follows: Utility of murder; punishable by death ; e guilty oS murder, by life imprisonment ; guilty e second-degreof murder; .guilty of j voluntary mansiaugnter; gumy or involuntary manslaughter; t not guilty. - Saturday January ' IflA at: the; hour of 4 o'clock , press January 81, 1926. For additions or change caU telephone number 100 before that date. ; - gfUn-- r - ' .lbOOi compan- goat-getter- ? rf a lUnWTSijoO tt"i'nrfHflr " for Provo wiU go to y-directory n - ,; 3621 'Alma 3024 t DIRECTORY READY. '"The spring issue of the Mountain States Telephone A Telegraph : ... tm. yr 1' j.J t '' ";.' PertlBS-v,,.10iJ0- hoe. MUM'N POP. 'tHt Wl. SAVE EIGHT TJi, LIFE SAVING t&MKiarkisMaiiil'Axld - . BOARD AND BOOM ir':7' Z IlNOORLANDERS THE LICKY HORSESHOK ..... Eighteen hotuad readers dailv Ju.t think, you can inserl want H to i the Herald etosstHed CAT'SCRIES har-ttl- Jlji l.-- et Chll. column for one eutlri! demonstrated. SHOES. . ets. Ca. 'j ads pay! -- i Ct.lL - JJX) i. - Telephone 108 C95an4 You can't beftt our.prlccs to; used parts.; : Everything sold or -- : money .6acTt- - gaarantee.JJttnk Auto Wreckage, Phone 68. r Prdvor ' ar ttiK.'Ardy son ' of ility? ceat9 The"goopy" skirt, wltlr straight and reach the pecle j)HcKaiiatnree oresjijrrontjjsji over S,0i5 0f new season. for the modcl wpular ' tuUtefii Among other models winning wo' about the thfej ytw men's approval is a long knitted coat with flared skirt A new nov-it- y coilar and cuff trim known as oslta used with the . knitted gar- - f HERALD LI nents.la coming iuto .vogue-- Bright colors continue to domin " " ate in men's sweaters, the style show L JyS -- : 11.50 Tom Mix and his Inseparable com17.00 panion' Tony, In their latmt etprn 11.50 producrion,"The Lucky Hot'sexkotv" 26.73 will begin a two d iy engaRcmLiit 27.00 at the Columbia thester. -Friday 1.00 OtlCATEUA foor-fnotc- d The Kcttni.'gly mi Mike and Fred , 1 00 -- 12-wo- rd - -- 10.00' C Foet o - . 8l$Cbas. a -- ' chii cnHiDRHssra ncbsebt dren'taken care of anytime. Reas t ixatea. Phone 734-- a.. ii nltod LOS ANGELES, Jan.: 27 News) Red and green lu BltJHEfiT prices paid for wrecked shades are the joutstandlng colors foi tor spring, with rose playing a close "caraWe charge lowest price Co second, according o G. Zuckermon, xOtA parts. Call Ahlander Mfg. and exhibitor at the manufacturer P 182. Phone Associated Apparel Manufaturers' . a'sHociatiua (Sinventionr' e Chimney tweeplng. Batet 823. 1.00 1.00 1000: 1.00 1000 1.00 1 H. Cook 2000, 2.00 $XX COO 8282 J. H. Cook 2000 lW Dattd Broadbent 200 1000 1.00 laHG.y.'Bmil? ... - 60Q0 4.0D1 8283 J. II. Cook 1965 BA.'" Money V.',..HW0 ItW 7!90 AlfonS leus 10000 10.00 8053 Delia neneejt 5.00 3204 Jo,L. Olson r... 5000 'WO J064 muki 6000 6.00 f.. 0000 $00 MOIL, P, Amtoft . .00 8308 Ben MjO 39200 39.30 206oEmur Hibwb- bow bod 35D8 Ronald Green- - ' 50DQ ; 50&t 5000 5.00 2mE.'A.SIaher.-'i.-- ; halch .: iQUOO 6.00 33l2 AMo Oreenhalgb 2112 Alma & Waneff 1000 1.00 50 8335 David M. Olson . "8500" : 3000 1126 John- - U Sww 8.00 3316Darld M. Olson . 1000 100 -- 1000 sh70W.H.'llnenc 1000 100 8317 DrvM 7 1.00 2270 F."KwJd iotwr 10 3318 David M. OIsop . , 1000 1.00 171 F; Betnelde 12009 lt00 S310t)avld M. Olwn . 1000 .1.00 COitd . $00 3320 David M. Olson : 1000 1.00 227fSrepHl,'!li(elsonA 2281 Arthur Telsnr -- .' IfGOO) 15 O0 3321 Pnvid M. OIsoh 1.00 1000 2284 F. V Kvemuh SOW i, 8.00 332$ David ILVOtooAL. 1000 1.00 vm , too 8323 David M. Olstml. 1000 i.oc 2st7w,itchii4 1.00 3324 David M JOison 7 KKW 1M 3&3 Wi H..t:tllld J.tiV. 10MU 1000 , 1,00 3343 Robert A. Stelter 5000 2.00 J339W. 11 Child MOO 1000 1 0013349 Pearl L. Niclson 3M0W.1I 10( 234Retti-BtOBbee- t, lS3t IS 84 33TlCaniont Feit, 1.20000 20.0t 28 3374 Chns. Foster 2357 ft. t,. 8pnrri4;v. . . 10000 10.01 v eootr 00 3375 Chne. Foster .152850 152.80 j. m: prtft .. 25O0O 25.0' U27$ee. A.'BitlhKk . SttTft 8411 837L.-- . Buch 344i Mike PMriti V 'SOtt 6.01 1 30 3377 W, . terkcaV.i , 5(KXJ M52J. f.lA4ems'',( e(iJ0 '400 1381 Anne H. Hinckley 2500 2JW S.O0: 3382 Jos. B.' Hinckley 2500 2453 J. M.vAdame VI.. 8W0 2A 2454 DA. Brosdbent . . : KXtf ".. 3.00 3383 Aas lK Hinckley 1000 10 8481 QoeA. Bnllock' '23000 '25.00 3384 Anna 11. Hincktey ' 4000 '4.0 230' Ana 4n accordance with law an W AVOW UU JlMfn re 2407 W, D. 1600 An order of 'the board of direct 01 made On "die 8th day of Decembe ?847 Ohtega Inresfmcnt idotl 1026,- so .many shares of each par 2OST.,0 Tbobipsoe t" 8008' -- 1.00 f'?steek- s may- - be necessary- - wtr1.00 be sold: et nubile auction, at th JOOfTi O.!flomprt8 2v 100O tlvPelrtc i.irt 3000 3.00 office: of j the s compa ny, room 4 nr BiHmd Of dee BnllHng.j-I,- i 2dl8peotge,fia)e - nt WANT ADS F-- 8 1000 1000 i -- RED AND GREEN BEAD THE reason--abe-Phon- ' .... W.H. Bay, President t V.; Fred Bayk Offiee 78 N. Cnirasity Are. 7 , ..I.... CoiBto!is - M. l)Q F-2- Wlji c6opttn, tradera' used straU furnipiano in exchange for new ture or new; musical instrument Bates Furniture Store. i tmenttnn INVESTMENT 'CO. laHnrswem lee us a , - Hara your radiator repaired. Sjedal rates nntil March 'lst, $1.50 1 Keel EkUte 1 , Badgr iaa ArtAuV; feaeajsooiijsci 1385 W. u. ChlMi?.::? 800 . iitf w..n.iid,;. Cf!rl)tf-i'- .l (XBTAINS i ItKALKSTAm- - 11 . 1J40;8U H.'M. Cummlugs 1.00 8170 H. if. Cummlngs Pn, ?i,y;f looq W).'iJtj tK Ante Top and General . Black " . f smithing. ; So. 88 2nd Phone 32 VPfwrt Baltair, on Great Salt, Lake, razed by fire April 32, 1925, was ASHXS an traah baoled, reaaoa ahU. ? Phono 198-- I Bedger tOM . lltKip 24.001 32t0 Warren Shepherd 17000 WB3H. M. SriX. i! 1UUO l.W, 3218 Warren Shepherd 11500 hi2 B,A Goi;pi,-- ioqo . J)0 3214 Ben H, UuRocV r20733 1109 Bilpli 1; palger 1000 3218 WannShepherd 27000 Weils LrBrimhattJ lO00 nog &y&frs2L&i ttmii-r- t 1322 Arurlsott;UC' L 4 2228 Wells L. Brmihalt 1 1000 132J Ar&uTj Sfeeojibft0iAfiO 3229 WU LrBriwhaU 1000 Upbolsterteg ami 8eat Cwwrins; Announcement of the decision to restore v the ; 1 ., itjjjjvuux in 91 J ti Vjr.200000 200.00 $1M Arthur Kelson 7.710000 "lO.OO J,1.00JUBHrier C, Jet 1,1.. 20500 20.50 Br. S2887 8288 .Wj8207 Wm:T.-Tw- . twetnW-1078 llAi' 8moot AUTO TAINtlNttrf .. ALTO TOP, auto rors ant! ' ' PhoM wai IV - C. v J. JenWne s.V 18I54B. W.'Dlxbn BE REBUILT cit r'- . '., ilOOO ' RhlMl; 1050. . CooaoUoatod 18J We Boal Batato Company. lk a i.(iSlH. O. JIieSH. WW 1021':fWn8; St v oa term wd flont ... peni;:.'. tf SALTAIRTO UIAN. pwprty BtJ Snnirdn-- - Kehl 1 ' each Wednesday, W .f WANTED-Bj- r gtrry finatti Va" FrrBnn4 Alfons ( Factory and Of fice &STBACTg,'deas, hoUry pubUt UUh Coanty Abstract Co. 84 M. Joir. Are. fee s about your titles and 8nhday.tf?" M0NB1 1 m 102t Sheet Metal Wecta . ' M M 3231 Wells L. BrimhaU 1.00 1000 . tJJF 4t JUt J 1UDUUKP I 1" lOvUUlCltlj .. Vrii IlHHm's cwm 3232 Wells LTBrimhall "1000 yl 00 10:SO VohH M'lyad cmplinrc Fnr lie, which American in western from the 32X3 Wells L., BrimhaU wss out' has been standlug guard over the" 10OQ ,1.00 The npsday evening. Jury -Hllm-love- rs 1 v n e iuvii 10 Grove utreet crossing of the Key io6d:.i.bo 3234 Wells L. Brlmbnll 1000 1.00' eleven and -W 474 Center eciJig-To- ny arid Itto martcr. -. ', .BtmbWvti' 1000 vjt.00l3235 Wejte L. BrimhaU he Jt. Mrs.' syatpm: w II lines. 1.00 1000 to I48j therasiiirt Jury Phono 109 vy Ptovtt Utah too Parker was born In Indiana in Wells L. BrimhaU 1000 1.001 The dre im pirtion of the product- room, at 6 :15 Wednesdjty' aftermon ;50t 106 Mrs;- - AtiBofiw 1500 Mrs; 100 3245 ClyfWes Mace ' . . . 8000 800 ion:' provide a nmst sUrrisig and and E. W. Glen, the foreman, stated 1850. He came to California with IlonnMi: ' contrnst to the ordinary to the cd'irt that severaI"Tof." the his parents when a' smal boy. ."He 1W1 Ui Bohner jT 3261 Wells L. BrimhaU 1.00 effectlv? 1000 " PLUMBINCI s Tom , , 1618 Arthur,. Nelson, , i i 8000 ' i.bo 3252 Wells' U Br!nhall 1000 1.00 run of western pictures. memorg of the jury desired the. recalls panning gold near 'Some of .nd In air the gay acuuremfnls definition of the words sy. iox f258L. A. Jensen 1620 Si. C'Dstlee' i,t WW 6000 5,00 "perpetrate" the big bonanza claims In the gold 1000 nd "n wtwtnn 5000 500 of the dashing lover of Siwln, with 3206 j. A.. Clark' iTOSAlWns'pjhisjudeo O. R rush period. Employed on the first nttmaA built ii Callforrila, between 9200 0.20 the rest of The company attired w- - Bauiu "ordered that the bafUffa 70Aifn JnclJ F. Otis ""'' ' ' ": 1.00 cordinjily. 1000 8263 Dr.: J. V. Jarrett tna tuoAirontr liens: tulll ,v jtitf to fhd jery ro)iu ami) Socrametito and Folsom, be has PLUMBING CO. Beautiful Blllle Dove Is the bero- - hno era in court again at 0:30 been in taU service since.' 1758 Grins" Dbugnir.. 4 2000 ; 2 8S74 T, B- - Coleman , . 5000 500 Phone 41W N,JU. i7&7& A. Talliee 00! 8280 J. H. Cook--.KXkal 5000 5.00 Ine- of 'the story, Iifitii modern anil at -- wi-'vh time the ; definition- - was City. 10 year old boy, either permanent or temporary t tSEU rUKNlTLBB. " - " M CalKaerald office. 8AB0AINB la nsed furnirars I I." "II" 'H ranges, Tajior Bros Co. ASfTBD-rW- O akatera at Glen- W 8:B7 John C 8088 Juhn Hweiisen StBft John Hwenson 8041 B. W. Ulxota vi.. 8042 p. W. Di jon .1.. w, a Tl2-- Sfi3 r,y ,W '10 AlfoBf'4444oi ; l Plumbing, HatifiJ ; 3036 John C. Swensen ;. ABSTRACTS. OF TTTLM. CoPhon A it ft .. AWO T5swe-AN- TtWO 703 FerdlnasA 1JS171 . ltnmmingsfiOOO 713 Welie Jl-- BsimhaB rift 5000 .100 51 12 If. M. Cnmmlngs 784 Alfone Ptllx H. AI. Cnmmlngs 6000 , 10 ; 3J00 .795 Alfons Pens; UVv .lono" ' i.etf.srrefr. b. white 10000 : X 10000 ) SiSlMSftleU Tagel fl 708 AlfonFewJ "AVm 4.0D 3l82 B. 0, Abbey i . V , . 10000 ivi Arrons rvns T 798 44J 3185 Aluw Hansen 2000Q ; ATTOBXETS-AT'-LI- UU .':' $ebW 638 A. ,101 M-l-- Lawyarst-ca- IP AT ? AuW?S . 8158 H. AV Thomas . . 12000 W.' 11 Chase Hatch 60000 60.00 ?:Xi;S164 Chsse Hatch .4 .. .38020 88.02 AO, 318$ Mrs. Birdie Bar- AOO OA Oetj 4000 -- 4JJQ QDi -- 8 Peaee, "Gnto:r 8nlldlnfc Watt III - A a Swensen .00 3128 Ralph A. 8129 Ralph A. T .i,5 eernce.--:.- IDE J. toOB At; Buileck. 603 340EdTirnr :821 0, U nllJb,iaqM AXEBS WKUD1M WOBKi .Welding, trie Welding end Catting. "".We'i, weld anything made f . metsl j ,.JJtf 7 John m T fOXTB RDQ OLXAKZD -- Ji tt?foWTfloriaf Ralph S22".V,A, Shepherd" lies); PEOVO FOUNDRY A MACHINE CO. f F-1- t.00. 81 v: 1 J ., E'H.JHrtahaU mqjbhaL.'W.-McAQs- 4 am y, viwii ;2ftlB. . 1002-J-. Mllkie flWo'telVi t-00 . 10jB?J.;-'i.O- ; a) 8rd W- .- Phone 100, !;. 8 S030 StOSGeo. A. Bullock .147. ! . J-- 81 J. . f-- ; OulejSKtt General fonndry and nechlae work- .- Emetrteal and acetylene r- :- welding. . No; 4 John ; urn WptxVwtBiI St fsfc i rOCNDBX FOB BENT Bedrooms, beard if de--CSEDCAJCa aired, ahw housekeeping apt. 320 4 J Phone 943-a&TJC for Miib.Tw ton NaKk B. Isct twelve month. Phone tntck. new TOG, I . Eiareo. w . t . FOB BENT OB 8ALE Two mod.: 8 i trick homes, four rooms and ern. & E. part of town. L. J. El- F-WILIi iacrlfl 192$ Ford roadster, ked. Phone 705. fjiHy equipped with, balloon tires, gtotometer; Kaxon horn, many oth- K)B"BENT"Bneailocattoh,' ; suitable for small business. Heat i er eeerierl-852-leM-thJUthree .mohthi ago. Bame as ; new. furnished. Centrally located, rent Inquire at Her. Uakft m an offer. IL K. Jolley 105 very reasonable. ? . Phone 1002 J. offiee. aid ,. W. 8rd (L tns Hoar BENT-Furnlsh- or t ELECTBONIC ItEDlCINB',-Phen- e 287,. 848 K.:tJnlr,:AVei apartment - with beat 230 8. 1st E. Phone r:.--.tt B0IE3 : aOSSW. BrimhaB. 3027 Wm. U Clark . . . 3088 Wm. D. Clark ;; 8038 John C Swtnaon ' toTtdfelSeol ft FOB BEXT-Furn- . '"pt,. terms J-reasonable. ; W K. 2nd W. 161-- 3 - VU. D. IX 3t modern luri-- . ."ft"' TTV TV" VSih,4 J ;; .in Syndhsrte SHnmg Cei Ceit.'lCe.iNeme. i Shares. imt ,844 JebhW 1.50 PBh Ce. Mtaax Cirt.1tft sWe.v.?; Shares. Amt' ;: CSTtCPAtEA r-- i FOR Tr W-- t - 151-- B JKMtotoi to plambinf. Vi kla to to." Podter as4 Hw Metor pIWBMisg, IbMt Betklirofk, apt 45 "Wf I M ' nwatsJ Prime rib. Steak, cfee,.t..,40 Pork Chops ot Teal Chon tshed single 'apt Heat and hot Xbi water. Garage. 142 B. Srd N. Phone Mif torn Ml nrtOMAAd BBSTFifc Mack sjorth ef V3 2W0.W.8,Ierkee.i.i 2098 W. I BrimhaH 2994 W. L. BrimhaU Brimhairl 8th29W W 'de- - ment number. 23, levied bm (he day of DecftibeE,;192S, 'the several ' 2909 WrTkBrtnths3t;' mounts' epposUe the names f SO00W. U BrimhaU 8002 W, L. Brtmhall rte' respective stockholders as Bretkftsl spectala,. coffee. , YftSe Begalar 41nera..,u85e aal 40c Small ateat coffee:.. BO bkrcle. SUn' ALB rOB, alnjate Registered1053-J. SMIL'S CAFE M ri ts::l 11 that Is, YNotEattt Tbonuta. FOB BEJCT S room apt Btrlctly 6th W. modem, 368 E. 4th N. r Phone 85.00 puslnr. are delinquent. e the following wribed sWka set eccounfof mi CA1X or sure, 25c 19 gala rrVU i J. 9 - or r DIRECTORY ; Hoodet cUu tbiot. r Pbon kltcben BUSINESS: Price tXR RENT 5 room modern aonae, 0 clone in. Inquire 841 K. 2nd & v T-l Phono. 818-- mm -- ..;' . ' -- 7- H,f4-'f'-i.-.i- - , ?WA t ' |