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Show tags: FOUR THE EVENING HEk AJJO, THURSDAY, 5M .w "PF3 Dcubls-Trestms- SFORTING EVEWTS .... - poultice, ."drawing jut" the oreneti and pain. ":iood for the cold of all the famfly. The uimmil howl for thkt-for the ' baskctbaill gnuics Is no m11 over central J'tah.' and the Athletic council of I5r1fclitun Young university, with an expensive athletic program tHi bund and an exhausted .budget have to nit, and turn bank lle ili'llttfs thai art t To TIiiiv Into "the coffer of the body. That's what some people might pull ii strained situation; . -- The Y k.v niiuisliim that wn good , enough for Brigliiirii Young "In quite adequate for Hrtgjbain Yoiiiik university. Thefluor iwur 'Wis' "'"ii mi to uiinluiuiu. requirements for ' basketball court and the seating capacity Is .terribly inmlwiiinte In tiutlaty the crowds jwho would like to see the Ougnrs in net'. Tile ew lileaelieft-wepurchased lust year in order that USED YEARLY .' . s. '. - f Hit-- - ' - ' i .a r - 'I? ' my a few iuore 'people niigbt be acco.in- Quxluted, but the juui still continues. Koiue hid gou the rounds of putting a rdoulJe hck with , glass floor in order i Imt the spec tator might look dowuXupon the struggling men below; ofbera sugn t-vi- i acwl-cuiy- - Jiy far the sanest of the group, gests tlwt the Y twedn a new k Imdly us mi old aay;-Siriil- e : fm- - ir f when smoke you nffYyuanh''jfiMx -- aw- slu-den- nt lUZieilUIQHJMS , T DENFRIDAY.SATURDAY . - ? f (iAfilfc IN tUUbAK-rAKfilt- K DONf if-- i Ml, I - GREAT INTEREST CEffTERED ON nt dose a child for a You may upset the little one's digtlon7 Bet- -' ter use what thousands of (mothers )iave learned to de pend upon. Simply rub Vicks VapoRub over the child's itiroat and chest at bedtime afcd get tne benefit or its twofold action: .!) Direct to the inflamed air pa. iagea by its medicated vapors, re watd by tbe body neat, and .1) Direct throughjthc tlrih like an ANAHY 28, 1926. sugu lrh ftiVt. In tieeiU a mother in law5. H new gymnasium is tbe frying need! of the und of the vltM of l'rovo ritrlit now. CTlitL stuies Friday imL SuLiirduj fnmi nights" ari4 attractiii; U lauii orthrs for wats have rmue in" from InilieHtiiiK that lu- spite of the cold weathir, there nouio who will eouie tir see the ('oiignrs and tl)i-- ; Fnfuiers liili In the first, iu l'rovo this season. : HefMirts-frothe north re tr the effeet, that The wiley roaeh of the Farmers Is hojieful of landiiiR omf.,thfr tw.Kmfi.- - Tht Y are delilited to think a con fession of oiie piriiie 18 tijnde They fear, however; since mly one gaiiie Is conceded, that the Varmeiw In their hearts, iijay ha-their eyes set on Isith of them. . condiThe rougarg are tion this week end so far 4 one is uhie to learn. - There have been no cansualties 1nat have'heen irted. The Imttle is going to be jjim uf Those who that the small floor, will Ik1, in favor, of the certainly dn not fully, understand the Y. style of basketball. BrkfhMiii i'miug university teams known for their have always l.nswiiijr altility and for their sinvd the fluor. the better they A. rt icon-te- 4 1 -- - W.-7 - isW - . m - c In-go- od WHEN a fellow's happy as a spring ropin, hes just got to show it. Face r-- r :bl(I5ipZlikeasaIehouseJ tii'o-Kiii- -- all around you. at those jimmy-piper- s You can't tell whether they've just got a raise, or whether they've been men-tionin a rich uncle's will. But here's the secret: They've discov- eretf Prince Albert! Just you tuck a neat wad of P. A. into he muzzle of that Cou-cnr- JP ouf , -: J-. ed ls-e- thf hotcake flnurf hat the, West takes to its heart and Jtejtgmch3Papjack has, , tjlinaYMJtdtjnake hot cakes "every time ! fnr-- a ittrssimrs w trntst havt room to get goiiitr in. The. tall Ag.- the Y will fghk.ah.4Jiii.ijttaUJiuiir.4if more. liont'ney"s nu-ii- , Sing long 'i :..,,rlz:: ,.. liiTskets.' wrli find pitching easy even in tTie uiicTiITeTrr file Y floor on ae a match. Man, alive. Here's tobacco as IS tobacco. Mellow. Mild. A win grrtetBa the. flour" aJwityr; clean, fresh and dry. on their own large '.court, they pitch in every draw." ., v. .... ,'.. ,l.,,JJ,.,...i,l.L,;, Oualitv tobacco and no mistake. Youll say so the instant P. A.'s wonder- ful smoke percolates into your system. Get togethernow you and your j itUH!UKiltsJnhBrjii::eauitM Strange to say, nioit of the est In thee parts on Koinney and Worthington. , corner and tell the man you want a tidy red tin of P. A. Then you're set for real smoke-spor- t. Inter- Wor- - other tobacco ts no a. a RECITATION - v - i DISCUSSED Y ! heartfelt thanks to those who ex- - vo Second ward for the generous tended their sympathy as reflected use of that chapel, to the speakers, in many kind words und acts during -- the choir, for the beautiful floral the hour of sad bereavement In the offerings, and to those who furnish ed ears on this occasion. For all death of Mr. GoouimTnttfiTerTr Emily Crancr. They are especially of these expressions of sympathy grateful to the bishopric of the Pro- - they are, indeed-- .grateful . SOCIALIZED center. TriayergVaTai-dTniiselandTmny nor Dixon and Bwenson will be guard score as heavily as usual. But if so, ed by Wade and 8aundergra"Bd Snow, Provo'a other scorer, will be Nielson and Hawley will Bate the loose to" increase the pints of the same rites performed forhenv by Bulldog quintCollins and Howard". The Whole Phillips, ProVfl's rangy center Is contest i one' that attracts the sick, and niay1 not he in thefray. uriosity of the fans. Wade has If not, Farthinghaiii will jump cenbeen called the greatest guard the ter and then guard, wliile Bown state of Colorado has ver seen in will play the floor. in- - " These men are as good as can high school outfit. It will be run his be found in the state and are and see to him terestlng to give the Nephl team the ning mate Saunders, working over twffftghfr'tif heia,iin-a- a fffurtiia, Sweuaon and Dlxttr?-ft--i- Hl equally' as interesting 'to see Collins break the jinx that baa always fol over, Jiawiej lowed the, Provo team in games with and Howard working . the Nephl squad. and Kellsen. The game is unquestionably the Tickets- can he purchased at the most interesting that will be play- Hedonist Drug No. 1. ed in the state, this year from the Thelgame will begin at 8 o'clo-point of view of the critics who like sharp. to make comparisons. - . . . vTiartleiiT"iire mmfi likeitl X-S'-:ViN.- : thingtou'a honifc i iju..central TJtahl be the star in thin game aa hcjulll where he has many friends and sup be on his own floor and shooting at"a basket he.is familiar with.Botnneysacoring;-jibili- ty porters. has made him popwlar. . These two HooTer, Provo's stellar forward, 1 P. A. d $eU ftryhtn in iMr 4 tm mnmi Imt, found tut humtdort doti.mnd pound trfsut-gln- u with ifnf-mnitttn- tt lop. Anil with bite twtyi mi frtk trtry hit of wmk by iht trine Albtrl pnttu. always noted er! In the handy round carton with the replaceable lid "Alberi standi jar Better Breakfasts No other tobacco is like Prince Albert, Cool and sweet and fragrant. Not a nip scorch in a barrel of it. --The Prince Albert process cuts out bite and barch. and develops a tobacco flavor that has solace and satisfaction written all over it. " The socialized recitation was discussed in the methodspf teaching of the Leadership school by Prof. L. John Nuttall on Wednesday hu)rningTTheTrofes8or gav three tyiies f thia kind of recitatlou : first, the teacher asking questions, and the pupils answering; second. the pupils askingLftnoV-the-teach- er answering; third,' students asking each other questions and answering. Professor Nuttall cautioned .bis teacher hearers that in. conducting the teach Prescription! the socialized Tecitatlon not Says known have er must something Jn-- 1 liefors "TO prespntrotherwl8e'he-i- ir -O not teaching.He also called atten tlon to the danger1 of the Tecitatlon regenerating into an airing of per Mr. James H. Allen,, of 20 Forbes sonal opinions instead of giving in St., Rochester, N. X suffered for formation. , yearg. with rheumatism. Many times The professor suggested the fol him disease left this terrible helplowing atep8of procedure, for the less and unable o work. socialised recitation i , He finally. decided, after years of 1. Preliminary review or stateyears the Nephl 'ceaseless study, that no one can lie ment leading to problem for solu f - For the past-twbnsketlttll qumr naa invn novo iree irora rneuaiaiism iiuiu, me . tion. ; bitterest rival. The result of cnmulntloit of impurities, commonly 2. An analysis of tbe problem In Ithls rivalry will be condensed into called url(i acid deposits, were ills-- which the teacherjnust always lead. anu one of the hardest longni names ol soiveo in me joinrs aim mus-ie3. Questions to bring from, tbe the school year when the Neplii five expelled from, the body. . class what they know. The teacher trek to the Bulldog's- - lair tomorrow With thjs Idea In mind he should not be too anxious to solve ' . suited physicians, made experiments "' problem first Last Tuesday the Nephl team de- - and finally: compounded a prescrip 4. General contribution . fo matested the Eureka quint by" the tioa that quickly and completely terial from all meniberspf the on the Nephl floor."liaulsliel every sign and aymirtom score Of The southern boys simply awamped of theumatlsm from his systems 5. Teacher summarizes. He should the mining town fJvesJn some of ihtu He fm-l- . gavftllhig : odiscovery, gtve a restatement In .concrete flashiest passing andoor worVjihlch he tailed Allenrhu,-tpthers terms. ever sen on the Nephl court Provo who took It, with Vhat might lie 6. Children restate summary in defeated, the Tintic 'team by the called marvelous succe'ss. "After their own terms. f s tn : Eureka's urging he decided; ,t0' let soreof At the close of Professor These scores predict a hard battle. . sufferers everywhere know almut audience rediscussion,. thq Provo high haa not lost a game his discovery through the newa-thito tbe training school where He has therefore instruct paired season, while the Nephi teaiikiwpers. the aociur recitation was exempli, -Z has lost one g me.. that to Spanish ed Provo druggists and druggists fled. - "BEARCAT has IheoutStaridinsr ad vantage over other motor fuels in that it is produced by an entirely- - N E W METHOD PROVO QUINT whlcCquire4-severaLyearst- perfect o MEETS NEPHI The result is a pure, petroleum product, iinmixed, unblended and free from "dope" of any kind. His lHasLPowerf ul fluence ver Rheumatism INHARDTILT While it has an extremely high volatility it also has What no ordinary high test gas has that is a "body" which gives you a whale of a lot of sustained power as well as instant starting. -- r- . Accept no substitute. Bearcat" is sold only at Pine ihree Service Stations in Provo fhere the sign is displayed. i-i'- Ml eon-nig- 45-1- 2 : y . 67-1- 3 floor.-yeara-o- Nut-tail'- Nciv M ore for yourm bney and the best Peppermint - V-- -. Chewing Sweet for any money s -- L-- MOTOR H, ; v" , t't - - '' - - - "" v - Fork. The Forkera held the Bulldog everywhere to dispeuce Allenrhu quint Jo a very low aeorefor three with the .understanding that Jf his quarters, when the "Green" go .prescription, does not banish every loose antt.ran a large score upW sign and ayhiptont of the disease hf " (v Vwiil gladly tetura your ( money wlth- the SpaijisOjFork team. ' " "- - Adt. Bullock at guard Is expected "to out commen- t- c cAkjj? or' thanks W,' B. Goodman and family oJ this "city desire to express' their Jl e ...-.- look for VRIGLEYS P.K.Handv KiAI'IfcfiYI .. on yom Dealers Counter: |