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Show .THE EVENING HERALD, MONDAY; OCTOBER 26, 1923. 15 rssuuxisuuiiuyutuiiuiiiiuiuifuziti g We're In Business lerve Yoff f.J J Promptly FuH-Sir- Gnra-Dipp- e I (Written fur the United FROM PICKETING ? TUBES . ACCESSORIES v - BRIMHALL BROTHERS -- TIRE g 223"VEST MERCHANTS Linen la again In evid'nce where- ever smart women- - gather at nearby resorts. "Within a week, we Aave Keen dozens of dresses of thia fabric. One of lipstick 'red waa trimmed in Another of huge, pearl buttons. deep reddish brown. At Deauville, France, they are wearing jumper of vividly colored linen with wide skirt. The color of the juniper matched' by hat, paraor?fid hand-bag.- - ' . i rilOXE CENTER 8T. 260 &tXUIMIIIIIHUEinMIIIHIII3lllIININIl So many women are burdened wltif too ranch flesh attha-srea- r shoulder blades and, for this reason we suggest a hew cape-bac- k model frock from Paris, which will add grace .t?the appea'raWe' bf the wo man, of such a build. The frock is made- on slender Hne'atid Is belt- less.' 'At each reAr MVouluVr eeam a piece of material shaped exactly like of a circle Is tacked with the point at the shoulder. These .pieces are then,- - tacked straight down, the rear sides ot the back to a point just blow tne normal waistline. The oflter straight edge or tne material is tacked down the center of the long sleeve. This gives a cape effect at the rear which does not cover the entire back 'adding bulk. - Similar circular pieces set in the front of the skirt to give the effect of - Yes .Somewhere ' From the day you're born on through life this one thing, "Somewhere somebody wants your photo-- ' .. graphic portrait! to want present the' best one you're Naturally you of. justly proud It may be Dad. Mother, the Editor, .a friend, Sister or Brother. - . Come now I Be ready when the call comes. For you, too, want and should have a' fine portrait signed the Larson Studio. Larson 340010 "Our Photographs Please" Columbia Theater Building Loose (Joj to Salt Lake-Deawill leave Soon for Bait Lake where X 1 den, severe, colicky paina and he will make bis borne and will associated with- the' law firm of ... cramps in stomach and bowels be Dixon-Elli- s uid Adamwm. deadly nausea and weakening For children and diarrhoea, use grown-up- s , Returns to California Mr.s J. H. Worlsey will leave Saturday for DIARRHOEA Hollywood, CuHfornia after tumid COLIC i REMEDY Take it with you when yon travel. lug the summer, with her daughter Mm. R. II. Thomas. Keep it alwayt in your borne. 1NTEVER BE WITHOUT IT l l for it immediately eases rod n CHAMBERLAIN'S and etterWay n and a 10) etterWay j LETTER WAY was a good way when it was the only way. But the art of letter .writing has been lost in the rush of modern ' business life, ' TJHE KmJ i The telephone way a better way, a more personal wayhas taken its place; " .More and more. Long Distance is doing the work of the postman and the social and business letters of other decades are being replaced by the social and business telephone calls of today. . The modern business man calls up his family wnen he is out of town, makes hotel reservations in the next city, insures appointments with; his . . - an4 1roro in touch wttn nis oustness m r -- n at home Distance. ; It the better way the best way to meet To the needs of communica-.- . - - - demand for more tele' phones, new plants must be builtat costs much greater than the average of our present -- plant. his we1 must obtain capital, which must be paid adequate returns. Telephone- - rates are based entirely on the steeds of conducting the telephone business i3 tion in business. ' To meet the constant all by Long I One of the advan: tages of Long Distance ; Ectyiceis J;he,sjaLion-trstation calL It means calling a number or fin address without specifying a particular, person. It saves time and money: ( wages for H ning expenses, depre ciat t o n and surplus to protect the service and the investment. just-enoug- Calls; n are Quicker and Cost less. -v Bell System -- mi Oat Potfvf Out Sttem UrW Snvfc ib rlountain D NOT SO LONG AGO. Betty Branson, the charming Stat of "Peter Pan" and Rieardo Cortei are featured tu the principal roles of Ibe Paramount picture,' "Not 80 Long Ago," which will be shown at the Columbia theater tonight and . Tuesday. , Betty Is a Touianile miss In crino line skirts and black curls In this y Sidney 01- production, directed cott, who made "Little Old New Tork. Cortes has the' role of an 1850 Beau Brummel. " Laurahce Wheat, heading the supporting cast, ioveg Betty but his affection is not returned so he tells Betty's father about the secret love affair she is havelng with the son of the rich BallardH. Dad is very bitter. He has no faith In the id!e rich lHcautt once upon a time he was fleeced of a lot of money. And be certainly needs a lot- of It right now; In a few days lh horseless enrringe he is working on will be taken away if he can't meet his ' debts. Then comes a race that will draw laughs and gasps. Wheat In an old crack suit, races the' horseless down Fifth avenue. Betty, having quarreled with Corte and loot her job, has promised to marry wheat if he wins the contest. A great crowd la on hand. First a false start. At the starting signal the carriage refuses to move. Then with a sputter and a gasp, it's off. Near the finish, it it's going to win when the boiler explodes with a band. ' The money-lende- r throws his "I O II" away in disgust and- - Cortes res cues it from the glitter, returns it to Betty's father and puts himself "In right" with the glrL . :' . - WEDNESDAY TUESDAY ' - Hats OKMVLGEE, Old., Cmt., 26. , Valon miners of the Henry etta and UcAlester areas ar under injunction rest ralning them OLTMPIA, WW; OcC26.(rP) from piietlng the coal mines, per- Several fires were burning today work In Washington s forests, according suading or cajoling ers and prohibited from visiting the to latest reporta from troubled !... homes of such Workers without spe localitiea. ' t cial invitation, . ir:-Jndge R. L. Williams, federaU court, on Issuing the injunction lite. Friday afternoon, declared restraint DENVER, Colo. Oct p) and warned In Immediate effect "Big" Munn, huge Nebraska that any violation will find punish- Wayne wrestler threw Joe "Toots" Mondt ment "swift and severe." of Colorado In two straight falls Munn obtained The, injunction," granted without hre last Friday. eJlr8tfaIlfUiAcrofcBaBd-hal- t argument, was to be signed- - today It was issued on the plea of opera- Nelson in 35 minutes and the aeecmd with the same hold in seven minutes. tors but attorneys for the union ' Intention of appealing Rising with the ; crowd, to cheer Munn as he threw "Mondt" Dr. tlie order. Under the Injunction; union pick- George E. Richmond 60 year old dropped dead of a ets are barred, but an observation Denver physician - - , committee consisting of three wo- heart attack. Is allowed to go men and Returns to Pro vo Mrs. W.-- R. near the mines and determine what Butler and Miss Elisabeth Butler work is being" done. have returned from California where they spent sometime visiting with friends. , , Washington Forjests Ragirtg in Flames (IP) ' V Styles You'll. Admire You Prefer Materials Sensational Values A . V non-unio- n nr.... Over boots' Mndt 2.(l Nebo Stake Clerk Dies in Idaho (Special to the Herald.) PATSON, Oct., 26. Word was received this week from Emniett, of Idaho, . telling Wf ffie'fleath Thomas Lerwlll a fet'mer'resldent of Payson. '.Mr. Lerwill was prominent in civic and church Activities before leaving and at the time of his de: iwrture was Nebo stake clerk'. Ills wife was Mi 88 Emma Page, the daughter1 of the late Johnathan S. Don S. Page, Arza C. l'age, Jr. Page nnd MrmiiiTMrs; Leban Hard- ing went to Idaho for the funeral. ill Dliicui towtri Serrt 'c Bmtr States Telephone & Telegraph & vetS; satins, metallics and combina-- , tios. 5Tost of these styles were just received the latest Paris, New York as invjt-- , ad Chicago models Priced ' ingly as they can be. -- I SUFFERING Children's Snappy New Hats Made up of Velvet and Felt. Many new SALESGOOD '.; i- -- Qulcklv Limbers Up Creaky Knee Joints Just rub pn the great' application called if you want to know what real joint comfort is. . It's for Btiff, inflamed, swollen or Johns, whether caused by rheumatism "or not. A few seconds', rubbing and it. soak's right In through skin and flesh right down to the ligaments and tendons of the joints. It oils up and limliers up the joints, subdues the inflammation and reduces the swelling. Joint-Ettse Is the one great remedy for Jolrit-lliits- e Gum-Dippe- . paiiit-torture- d "Gum-dippin- g all Joint troubles.and-Hveruggisare dispensing It. daily There are all wanted shades in the lot. .., Fresh Cut Fl 6 wers " Arrive daily from the best greenhouses in the state. - ' 1 Holland x Bulbs .Plant now for spring blcoms COMING! pio-ces- results .are greater strength, mina and flexibility." " , . , SICKLY, PEEVISH CHILDREN Children suffering from Intestinal worms are cross, restless andm-- ; healthy. There are other symptoms, however, as dark rings under the eyes, bad breath and takes no Interest in play, It is almost certainty that - worms are eating away- - Its The surest remedy-- for vitality. worms Is White's Cream- Vermifuge. It it positive, destruction . to rth worms but harmless to the child. Price 35c. Sold by Jledquist Drug -:JCo. , . Adv. "THE GLORIOUS GIRL" which impregnateTKand Insulates every strand of corj in"tle tire with rubber, in addition to coating the coTds as is generally done. The" . ft $1.80 MOSE LEWIS styles. TAKESOWNLIFE FIRESTONE All "sales records for Firestbne tires in this community have been shattered during the first eight months of l!)25,,it was announced today by FnosBrimhall of Brimhall Brothers Co., Firestone dealers in Provo. if, "Back of Firestone tires are 25 years of snccessftil tire bulildlng exiierience, In which time the Firestone company' has made eome of the most Important and successful contributions to the' tire construction and motor car nsefulness," ald Mr. BrlmhalL : "Chief" among these are1 an exclusive proci'ss . ami the deveYopnieht of the 'fnll-Io- ' ballooii tire. isan extra - $2.95 to $5.95 MM LOS ANGELES, Oct., 26. (UP) After, placing a suicide note In the hands of a crctesliig flagman, Jumes Sansone, 30, one legged cripple; hurled himself under the wheels of a speeding freight train today and was killed. "I am suffering from heart burn" the note said. "I am going to kill myself. I ant praying that God will forgive my sins. Ainen,'r Papers In the dead man's pockets stated that he lived at 648 West Grand avenue, Chicago. I- ; , LADIES' FLORAL? 77 North University Avenue.. Phone 4CG A Gloriously Staged JMusical Comedy sta- X. t8 Biggest Selling Joint Remedy in the World m IUII Phone a tube for cents. C Always . remember, when Joint-Eas- e ets in joint agony gets out ' quick. . CO . seems-asUhoug- h An exceptional "assortment veK one-ma- n car-ralg- e' 20 ' vniin cdai IUU I UUI1L v Phone wpi UNI LI 40 I New Today 3. EAUiiofr-joy- f $2.50. Phone Hotel oronly Ernest Williams, ' Roberts. WAITED Family, or ; 754 N. washings. SMOOT LUMBER COMPANY studehfs. 1st E. N-- 2 LOST Jersey heifer, solid. First ward pasture tag. Phone 3-- J. A Reward; ' 0-2- 8 Our egg mash brings results. Rocky Mt. Cereal Co. Phone 813-J- . , FOR SALE Sir room cottage, mod ern, chicken-house- , cfes. Corner 1 Terms reasonable, small down payment. 350 E. 5th S. lot,-3x1- N-- 2 FOR RENT 5 room modern home furnished or unfurnished. 74 N. 4th A- ' East .. N-- LOST Packet vest imcket size Ko " "duk pictures and negative, lost near Hvdijuist No. I. I'iease return to Spraker, Nelson Apts., :or phone Backache Is a Warning! WANTED-rGi- rl work. Phone 203-- fdr. geBernl houseRe 258 N. 2nd Provo Folks are LeamlngJIow to East. wages for capital, run- - Station-toStatio- currenty. ong-fourt- h S 9 ' again -- dy Preae-- 1 TIRES Another large! purchase remarkable sale. : - Efficiently ., KuW From Bank ELGIN, I1L, Oct, 2ft. fP- -; Four Uindits, armed with sawed off hot guns held up the West aud secured $30,000 In guM, ailvtr and E-ENJOlHED Bedda Deyt Taluf About NEW YORK, Ikt, 28. It 1 predicted that jpvens ud red, the pop-"4 -triar evening shades of the pant three yean, w ill again rule during the coming season, tirees are lighter and softer than the vivid tones of other seasons of times shading Beds run from into--. bluish 'tints. car let to sofe.roae shade. Iwludim stock of Firestone T n(1 Balloons. an TVery your satisfy affords opportunity bus pneumatic, yet , tire. need with the best tires mw made; We-arp. ni. every day, tonie in. open from 3 a. ro. to bit $20,000 1 -p- Fashion Notes Courteously Our Armed Bandits Get COALMINES Miladj'sl Are yon miserable with an aching bark? Do you get tip lame and stiff: drag through the day feeling tired. weak und depressed? Then you help your kidneys. Backache is often the first sign of failing kidneys. Urinary troubles quickly follow. Neglected, there's danger of gravel, dropsy or fatal Bright's dispose. Don't wait for serious. kidney sickness!.' Use Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys-- , before It Is too lute. This Provo resident tells an experience : II. T. Taylor, carpenter, 378 St:, EM says: "1 had a lame ncss and Weakness in my back and often Kharp pnins ..across my kidneys. , My kidneys acted too freely .und were highly coloml in passage. I used, a box of imami Tills audhey corrected the ; weakness, 60c, at all dealers. . Dont , Price simply ask Tof a kidueys remedy-- get Doan's Pills the same that Mr. ' Co., Taylor had. '' ..Mlrs., Buffalo, N. Y. , hs Eoster-Milbur- h I ()27 FOB SALE hens. 210 A S." few nice 6th; W. jPlOKUU&S!0i7Z'J.Z II If'lialP i .IKalim.'l Mni ulll Mil II I IMMl I lUUUIIl H C? .1 lCJ in H laying 7 RENT Punished bedroom modern, close in, 246 X. 2nd E. KOR JBiSlilill. d FOR SALE Jersey calf, best stock n Provo. 293 N. 9th W.- - 1 0-- FOR SALE White Rotary sewing ' machine in good condition. , 4441 . : N. 1st W. l N-- III SALESMEN WANTED Make $75 to $100 weekly. An old estab lished company seeks a callable deal er for the county of Utah. - W'e man-ufocture 100 useful everyday neceg- - IB sities extracts,-- . Spices, .niediclneit, eto On market 25 years. ' Fsed by millions. EaRy to build permanent hlg paying jisinessNa experlwic practicaity no capital nelel. Write today fot JuH particulars. G. C. ueberllng Comianyt Dept 170(5, Bloomlngton, Illinois, Ill 1 J 1 WAITED TO BCT Btanchions. " rhouc CS1-- f sed cow 0-2- , I Ms- - -- WJ. A? c-Bf- ..ir . y hi fiiSf?r a Wrr'Trn . tm. -- zjzsr' . . -- - - . Its II-. 1 a |