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Show I AG3 r TWO THE EVENING HERALD, MONDAY, OCTOBEE 5, "1925. " -- I NEWS FEATURES TIMELY EDITORIALS WASHINGTON NEWS PRESS-COMM- ENT mm"mmmammTmZ. dUy ta M2Jf ., V ft leaned wrj tdltkw .......... ... - MISI'SEOJ-Dlscrlailna- te OFTEX in the-nsof discover" and "inTent- .- We discover soiue-tniug wnii-- prevlonaly existed. We invent a thing for the first time. Columbus discovered America. Edison invented the phonograph.. OFTEN PISMKOXOUitCED Accent last iiynahle. OFTEN M1SPUOXOEXCED 8YNOXTM8 Sin, crime, effense. guilt, deIlnkueiK7, Iniquity, rice. e De-ul- s nTX if VJ If It hI " Solve Dispute If - a devise MCHA Ki plane,- vokT UR,, - -- 1 - in got 08. near as that" ' SPLENDID FEEUNO -- V WANT ADS r AFable,. cried his majesty in high wrath me, is the result of tight ' . joints. ' Continued satisfaction with low fuel cost through long years of. service, Ask a Monarch . - Dixon-Taylor-Russe- THE Provo Co. ll , ONE-PRIC- HOUSE" Nephi E Sprinville If yon don't think some old sidewalk crusher is just standstill while yon make it gargle? watch him when a pretty flapper goes by. i He (looking at her liag of "I see, you., have... a new He Should Bet A Missouri editor la in hiding brassie." Khe (blushing) "Where does it since be published ' the following , . show?" tribute, to a local society woman: "She has always had mangy There only, one place in this friends. countryvchore you can find that's CJowr'are-goinipt- irf or IwtbMnsr Que lay down with her taU acrosf '.. Some call it Heart's Desire, the track and an Orem train came ' ' And some call it Home, along and cut'it'eff.; And some call it Port O Dreams, When far away they roam. Health Note. . "Gargling with antiseptics," says a medlcflt expert, "will kill the In ."If s the little things that count," fluenza bacillus." Perhaps, but how j commented the burglar, as he passed do you make one of those bacilli by the silverware and poured the , Payson contents of the Jewel box into pocket hi'r An optimist's Ideal Idea of death. is to be able to live long enough af--' ter death to sell his junk as an- ' tlques. In these days of plentiful' cds-- 1 metlcs almost any Rose may Mush , ... unseen. j , . rr . d COMING! ! "THE GLORIOUS GIRL,, - A Gloriously. Staged Musical Lomeajr -.-,1 .- - ' h V- - , it ., : 1'"'k U I 'jJ - - Eighteen thousand readers daily. Just think, ybu can Insert want ad In a tht Herald classified column for one entire week for the small stugr of sixty cents and reach the people of over 3,100 homes. Call 05 and tell them about the thing jen . have for sale or hare anti-aircra- ft 12-wo- rd e y TOM SIMS SAYS ' Indepen-tlfucean- half-sie- READ THE " conse-luentl- MCTUlrf . oift-ne- d ; IHE PARAMOUNT - "You couldn't hit it," tie aviators ever perfwted for effective wireless ' control of alrplane, the way Will illtiist. U' ftrta test of ma"uy of aviaAnd as Admiral Sims says, there's tion's now disputed pousibilitles In no way of settling this argumeut ' war. without' letting guiy- uers shoot real ballets at live avia W hen Admiral William S. SimR. tors, killing them If possible. testifying before President Cool- - In wartime it could be tried on idire air inquiry board, remarked enemy airmen, which would be all ; th(tt"war conditions cannot be Imi right, but in peace-tim- e It won't In peace-timtated satisfactorily do. A wlrelessly controlled plane, ntrplnna exiier(nieuts, which would just fill the bill. lead to wryag conclusions," however, lie put his finger on the real cause of ariny and navy men to agree on the dependability of planes, and planes alone, as weaMost of us are mad at Ihe world pons of national defense. :t they aren't enough first To land and seat flghers, In dis- prizes for all of na to have one. concerning agreement Jn ieace-tlm- e ills tobacco warehouse collapsed the potentialities of some new piece of war machinery, the simple expe- in Danville, Va, the tobacco not dient of trying it on a. target .always lieing iftrongf enough to hold it up. Is available. It's conclusive, too. "Women wear smart clothes. Fall In tlie air it's different. A Dependable Ovca golf-stkk- dlscoorajred feeling caused by a torpid Bver and constipated bowels can be gotten rid of with surprising BfomPtnesa by using Heroine. Too feel its benefi cial effect with the first dose as Its purifying and regulating effect Is thorough and complete. It not enly drives oat bile and impurities bnt It Imparts a splendid feeling of exhilaration, strength, vim. And buoy ancy of spirits. 'Price 60c. Sold by Hedonist Drug Co. Adt. , - P. STEWART. WASniNfiTON--- '. opposed nay to a battleship, can. do all lti friends claim for It nobody disputes pro vided it can pet near enough to the ship to drop Its bombs where they will do the moat good. ; -"But ," a dd jthe"8prf aeevra riors. "we'd shoot down theplane if it That a Wireless Controll of Airplane Will By fIIAIU.ES XKA Scrviee Writer r "PRo poHos rt iKed. Such joints are not affected by many years. of hard use.. wide-awak- '.TW tlred, Yo o YOU ''No putty is Michigan bos solved the problem of how to lie She has happy thongh married. married Charles' Happy. Now She'll always be Happy. A - unbreak able' malleable iron and heavy fiteel plates riveted securely together. f . f , . A young lady In ! in a truly practical way.- Take two stuudents equal in ability and orthodox schol. astic training and the "good mixer" is more likely, to succeed an dget mere joy out of living that the one who is not. MONARCH ranges are T he king was playing tennis. lie missed the ball "Somebody kick those days. not SOLONO AdO At the Columbia Tonight and Tuesday -- The Real Test C la Alts Tear . and. sixteen courtiers were killed in the rush, for 'twas no mean of fense to disobey his highness in H Wi0 Host XUnges Are TlShtyfhtnVew There sever was aa article placed the market that soajeone elc conMnt make it wrse and seH it for less. on v. . more-tryi- ng Mood , portion aip educational sign. - The ' Indiafk of Ecuador have a way of shrinking1 skulls to of their natural site. Couldn't we detour English lecturers to South America? cross-examine- d. . arajnoreaad r Save Fuel!; Aa optimist, ojjiucs Alius Baker, is a tnun who hi happy when he"s BriseraUle and a pessimist is one who Is miserable when he's haijiy. one-thir- d " indicates that the schools of America to train ihe youth, of the country - head-hunler- g : 1 Monarch Malleable Ranges Te 1 . George Washington university at Washingtqn, D. C, has added a unique course to its curriculum. It hqpes to teach ' the student how to become a "good mixer." That may sound a bit orthodox, but really it is a healthy II A Man s life. BTiTJT Tae a. word School tablets.. three times and It Is youra Let ns . Aspirin tablets.' Increase onr vocabulary by master , Stone tablets. ing one word each day., Today's word: IMMINENCE, the state of The woman who doesn't U'gin to 1m use uniwnaing dawwr or evlL rouge until she is 40 years old minence t)fv battle wa in tBe very la making up for lost time. ' air.". - " "Good Mixers" T T The OFFICE J uuu ' " t -- trsntigroiwioak d. 0 fc ft " CAT" WORDS i .......r.............aty av ByW.L, Gordon hard-earne- .., , DAILY LESSONS ' ' yltf ENGLISH ' THE BEGGAR niiing tiwpt Saturday, and Sunday mornings rural ornll On a busy city corner sat an old blind beggar man," and wj morning except Monday, I placed a d in his little quarter runty can; then' Published U the Herald bonding. aO South lint Wwl treat a glow of conscious virtue) lighted up my careworn form, Ptoto. Utah. and my head was proudly lifted, and my heart was good Entered aa second elaaa matter at tba poatofflee la Pot UtaS. and warm. For the quarter I had uses; it would buy some fresh cigars, it would purchase noonday luncheon, pay my JdL Horalbrook Km. .ia..P1rlsfcst Xditm passage on threats; but I gave it to the beggar and all d. Goitnsr Bitsnuisoa day my- heart was light, and I thought recording-angelBusiness Office. Teleuhona .....i... ....... ........ ....... .vw.v..10T would of that transaction write. When I read the evenine Editorial Booms. Telephone paper I could feel my face grow pale, for that beggar was Member Cn'ted Press Neva Strrtce and N. B. A. Serviee. arrested, and was in the city jaiLIt was said he faked his Only dstlf newspaper in UUh south of Bait Lake City) largest etrn blindness, he had money salted down, he could buy, nor Ufan ootside Bait Lata uity ana maw tua. Uon of any newspaper miss the rubles all the poets in the town. Then I felt a wave of anger surge through my embattled frame, and I TEKMS OF BL'B&CKIPTION. . swore-Inever fall for any other beggar's game. "Never- n..m-txilvered by carrier, ser month .. ta-Delivered by carrier, per year, U advance....... moce, Delivered bjrlfirCiairee8Bty7 Wye". ln"adTaai..;...i'...43.W a mendicant may fatten, with my coin,' his greasy poke. Delivered by mail la United States, outside Utah county, per rear, Aid no more I'll walk the pavement while bors Go to ride, that an arrant phony blind man may have cake Should Congress and oysters fried." But while grumbling I remembered re 7 Mellon' will porsonalljr-befohouse the go Secretary how quarterMthrown away, made me swell with mn. ways and means committee, to argue his plan of tax reduction. sciousthat virtue thrfcueh the lone houfs of a dav. Thpn f This is good os far as it goes. But would it not be infinitely better if the secretary, cancelled all thosrfpledges, I expunged them in a trice: and Instead of going before a committee of congress,, could go I said, '"1 hat now,hite feeding, it was cheap at any price before congress itself, where all the rest of us could know Little boots Tt if iflat beggar. has the assets of John D.J when he deigned to take my quarter, Burely he uplifted what he was doing, too 7 TtofnrV :fh committee, he is a witness, to mve informa- Before congress, he. would h4 tion and be Outbursts of Everet True - - By Condo f a leader, to advocate his plans and meet his opponents and " ' critics face to face. ANt THGM, MR.Tf?US, WfW DO YOU ' If he could not meet the real objections of his oppon- - THtMK "THAT FLCoCa) WH6N X ents. he would stand discredited before' the country. On the ; MYttPPo oby)T of their other 'hand, the demagogic and specious part l jections could not long survive the test of facts to which his presence would subject them. This is the only important country in the world in which the chief fiscal official of the nation, with a definite piece of legislation to present to the legislative body, would not f have the opportunity to make his presentation in the body ' itself, publicly. Sstabttsaed -- .. awB WALT ut MASON An Independent Newspaper, wteklr teSMt . i i RIPPLING THE EVENING HERALD ... ISM - hat art smart. Takes a smart man when the lihone .rings you think yoiir1. to make enough money to buy one. son has been jailed for speeding. 'In " looking Into this airplane nslng-coa- l as trouble in Washington it strikes us la Germany, they are who wants for asnl)stit'ute But, jet thejUttoked down instead of up. amibstitute for jet', We 'want ne Trouble with l)eing a rich man Is for coal. HERALD ADS PAYt WANT - ; Candidates for. election for the offices of Mayor, for two-yer term: for Commissioner, for term, and for Auditor of Provo, Utah, at the municipal election to be held Tuesday, November 3, 1925. - ; BY WILLIAMS OUT OUR WAY I "'it 4'? - I f " . ar four-yea- - '- (Place a cross in the square preceding the names of the persons you favor as candidates for the respective positions.) : -'- "71 OFFICIAL MUNICIPAL BALLOT Candidates for election for the office of Mayor, for two-yefour-yeand for term, term; for Commissioner, - J Auditor. ' Term FOR MAYOR i I ar - - : - ar - Two-Ye- Q HANSEN, 0. K. ED" VA ar WAGENENrALMA: (Vote for One) FOR 11 Term ear v BILLINGS, GEORGE P. ' .' v ? "wheii the air is Uim with atnofo Take a peep Into almost any business conference today. Tfou'B find heated arguments. Much ; smoking. Tented nem. But something else today youll find men, eat- i -- FOR AUDITOR ing Life Savers between smokes, They take jquickly to this wholesome habit. One man notices another and soon all have discovered this new way of getting more pleasure out of : smoking. ' FARRER, RUTH P. I SMITH, MARY " FARRER : - (Vote for One) NVW MOtrAEJRS'.GET OFFICIAL BALLOT " Attest; """ - v . '. . : Where men smoke steadily JACOBSEN, J. ELMER ' (Vote for One) n ! COMMISSIONER-Four-Y- I - - , GRAV ... . . t - . ' etf stsawwesTssvy More and more smokers are doiag the same thing. We .wondered If you knew this about Life Savers, those little candy mints with, the hole; how they freshen your mouth. between smokes, soothe yow nerves and make tne next smoke taste so much better. It's a fact: Ufa Savers easily double your smoke enjoyment. Their wonderful aromatic flavors freshes your mouth like a good drink of water when you're really thirsty and steady your nerves for work crv play. Once you try them this way between smokes. youH always have a package handy. Six flavors are displayed at all good stores so you may help yourself: n, and Viro-leFive centa a , package.iJe Savers, Inc., Port CAesfer, V. Y, IVp-o-mi- Cl-o-- Eat a few LiftSavcrt d la Wint-e-gree- Cirai-o-mo- t, i irn i Tiiti si .? "r si AM |