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Show TIIE EVENING HERALD, TRIDAY, OCTOBE,23, 1&25. Springville News r legion kill iu f at the borne f Mrs. AVm. Wain- - the fi'Vi- ribX, - Tittft-fta- j 39. Otts-be- f " Mr. Lbauvli tliilda entertained test Friday. Mrs. Leo Ludlow and children of Los Ahgele and MM. Walter Wfcetler. Mr a. Hardy Jiff nett and Jlra. VU1 Child. at facilities Moneraai - . ' 0dvourco!ninand,xvhcii,ycuii:ei. 0Mt iiK Sedan of fine quality at theidwestpHce; . , ' a time when the, ferentials, springs, gear iei" axle buyer seeking great gray Iron castings and drop forging. AIIT-BUILTCA- est value for his dollar was justified Thus we eliminate extra profits and in considering a eif of second-grad- e overhead that iff other manufac- quality, which was reasonably satis turers (except Ford) must pay to factory from tht standpoint of trans-portation alone. But with the advent of Stude-"- of taker's manufacturing policy, cars of the finest quality, such as the Standard Six Sedan illustrated bfclow, are now only slightly higher la price than those of second grade. This small difference in price is practically nothing in comparison to the vast difference in materials and workmanship plus increased pride of ownership and the extra service jhat a Studebaker gives. Under this system we .build in our own plants all bodies, engines, clutches, steering gears, dif One-Prof- it One-Prof- it . And because we have facilities fo? manufacturing all vital parts oa this One-Prof- it basis, we are able to de-sign, engineer and build every Stude- baker car as a complete harmonious the Studeunit Being Unit-Buil- t, baker functions as a 'unit with all the advantages of unit over assem-B- . 1685 . , full-aiz- result is years longer scores of thousands of miles of ex cess transportation greater riding comfort minimum repair costs- and- ,- finally,- - higher resale value. Xhe J Or,: under Studebaker's fair and Jiberal Uudget payment Plan, this Sedan may be purchased Aut of. monthly income, with an initial payment of only ri, 'I ,7. t" kas.isi, . a.-- u "; . twenty-third-an- ... .... COCOA Loose Cocoa 2 lbs. Loose Cocoanut - r a " , t f 40c S'13 10 c 15c 20c Miss Marcart't Fox anent the week-enwith ber aunt, Mrs. Joseph 8. Jarvls of Provo. MACARONI Loose. Macaroni d lb. , ,,,, IC I Pkgs. American "25c Beauty, 3 f or . VEGETABLES - 1 flf Head Lettuce, I UU each . ".f.. Cauliflower 25c 3 lbs. Celery f Oc each Hubbard Squash 2c lb. Mr. and Mrs. .0. L. Dallin spent Saturday in Salt Lake visiting with relatives. . ....... Mr, and Mra. Ernest E. Knudsen attended a special dinner given ut tbs B. . U. last Friday evening, In honor of the official. delegates wA? were at tbe of the university. .............. as silent in nlavlne laidire. .'.' eentenuliil held at the B frlday. D. P..BrIhton, Prlxes were woh by Mrs, S. C. Whlttaker, Mrs. M. W. Bird and Mrs. John Men-enhal- i . Mrs. Melvln Done Is visiting in Eureka with her sister, Mrs. B. 0. Goodman. Levi, Ronald and A. L. Thorpe spent Tuesday In Salt Lake City on business. ; s 218 W. Center, Provo OK Phone 261' ft i FIRES TO GO ',! "VHfcAEOsgRMBf' V ' ; Mrs. D. W. Bird spent the week end In Midvaje, ' 'I.. UIIEEDED ' - '.Telephone Operators Forbld- - oen to Answer Question - -- , Pjl Harry Hanford of Echo visited with his folks tbe past week. - . ZJL rp ;s K IiL-- At the present time tbe company fivjug fre service In sounding Ke alarni and then calling each 'number of the fire department and .Ijfe editor of the town paier, as ordigu to Mr.QuiUIaa' When a Rhie pnnit)er of people run to the lionp at the time of the fire and akea the receiver the whole ywi'in Is paralysed, he said. This takes It ImiHisBihle to get with the niemlmrs of the j ' Stem -- s.J4 cfel :: ' onijuniy'a policy of refusing tif lp'iuiiiat- for the ' 'ood of the public In general. i the ' , mm ' Salt Kippered - Salmon ib. Tag Waters each . JIO '. 4C " . olgers 5 lb. can 65 c fff) Tft Cod 3 loaves MILK Canned milk 5c any kind . . . HiH Cherry l)airy fresh milk, qt. . . Cherry Hill Dairy-Pt. Cream ... k 10c 4 ft. lUC ...30 c mr-- - JdC JBanquet 15c CASH AND CARRY MARKET 464 West Center , Butter, lb 60 c Timpariogos Butter; lb Wasatcji Butter, lb. NUT BUTTER Nucoa 60 c ... lb. . We are open until i;3Q o'clock Saturday , ' ' pft. .TtOUC ,Trrr. Hindmarsh . ann HORSERADISH MTouse n ft UC Horseradish BUTTER Cherry Hill Butter 25 c ........ Fish Bricks BREAD Bread . . ..$liUU Coffee " n jj. r . 55c 30c , Wilso Ib. . . - iiiiiiiir?tmtitti SAVE MONEY.RTTY JfA m Pnn SAMUEL KQPP ta ww. ne8t '"' " Fhoae """""ir" lt "in 44ft ri m ,i. SPECIALS ALL DAY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 Strictly Fresh Pullet Eggs, 2 dozen 65 10 lbs. Potat6es 7 lbs. Sweet Potatoes 10 lb. can Honey !UpT;Can? ?ilk' limit.witI other1 purchase ? 55? Creamery butter ; 15S S ?insz Snaps' extra sPeda1' ; r Primrose Tea. 2 pkgs. Skinned Boneless Haddie, lb. V ' acS. , fiXl shTShrimps, just in, lb : '""Srt :""''rlt ...... .... Keg Salt Herring,, per keg IOC bar Wool V'-5Soap, while they Sunbnte Cleanser, limit 3 cans Silver Gloss Starch, 2 pkgs '. Matches, limit with other purchases," 7 boxes'! W klV 25? " 20c pkg. Bishop Cocoa, 2 pkgs.. 20c sliced Pineapple, limit 2 cans . a Buy can Mab and get one free-o- nly NO COUPONS ON SATURDAYS Z 19$ ' FLOUR 3; n Specials for Saturday and Monday, October 23 andlJS A bit right down and read them over carefully ia"k7' . . grand idea. :3 7 IV "V VW'X VI Riddle Miss Florence Childs s Spetfdiiig the week vlsltjug in Logan. . Fixtures Miss Preil Packard 8h3 Miss Margaret fratson of Salt Lake were 8prngville Visitors last week. iMrs. Steven Bait Lake b.et is One 48 lflr. sack Globe Red Mark , S2 20 Two 48 lb. sacks Globe Red Mark ,'.'.'$4 35 One 48 lb. sack Sperry's Drifted Snow . . . . . S2 4 . Two 48 lb. sacks Sperry's Drifted Snow . One 48 lb. sack Sperry's Blossom "' 1 Two 48 lb. sacks Sperry's Blossom V'' ' '$4 '2.? One 48 lb. sack Sperry's Sego Lilly . . ... $1 ox ; Two 48 lb. sacks Sperry's Sego Lilly s SO One 48 lb. sack Tip Top ""' Two 48 lb. sacks Tip Top . ' " Dne 48 lb. sack High Patent Two 481b. sacks High Patent. . . 34-3- 6 HAWS-GOODMA- - - -- iMrs. Harry Reynolds entertained the Saturday Afternoon card tj.ul) at j a uinner at tue xiarrison hotel mtr nrday aftenion, After the luncheon, "Tthe guests retired te' the home of Out bostess" where tbe. afternoon ; ' " ' pnone 3' Buy .for Cash and Save the Difference, A SPLENDID FEELING N Cltf this week Mrs. Frank Memory and three children (ft Svrlu t!a'nybn are visiting with' her parents, Mr and Mrs. M. F. Miner. , . Wasatch Produce Co: :" ' South 4th West :. at .ll'S: si7n r Free Delivery ; visiting In "ItiV? v2 ? '..'.-li- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan ChUds were tbe dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Pblrley Be ef Prffro n Important bnsd-i.icarried on tver the telephone' hho pnt to n stand still. ( Ho was assured that the city of-- : li .u.Ls were In accord with the pres. pruetlees nf. the company and' jhot in their opinion the telephone 25 lb. bag zuc .... D. A. naymond of Suimyslde has bean iVialtiog w4tk Mi sister, Mrs. p. Brloton. . , ,. - lnto'cnnr-iiinU'iitlo- Sugar ' 3 - John S. Boyer and daughter Mary Spent tbe first .pact of Ute week in , ... . Itiehfleld. ' e GENUINE Mrs. Nicholas Bird and daughters iMiUa Ray and Shirley Jean have returned to their .home In Salt Lake; after spending tbe last tea days with Mr. and Mrs. & 11. Boyer. .; umcerning .tyres)n ; Tbe Springville cly councU and nay w RHltedly approves the policy f the tdepbone comiany in refun-- ' jt.g to answer calls for Information Vmrulng the location of fires. the fire alarm is given. This ssuranee was given Geo. C. Qnil- n manaRtr of the M. 8. 8. & T. W. for Utah eountij.-by-thrity 'athers at a meeting Tuesday even- - ib 10 lb. bag FISH Smoked Salmon,' k Pacified, for the Time Being, at Least : uUIRIESOF : Miss Mytle Cbilds is visiting wltb Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Storrs Of Salt her sister, Miss Bertbena Childs 'of Lake and Mrs. A. . Olsen of AmerSalt Lake City. ican Fork were the guests Sunday of Mrs. Lavlna Bird. Louts Cbilds left last week to at tend school at tbe "U." . Miss Josephine Petersan and Miss Elaine Bird motored to Mantl WedBrown B. of Soldier Sum Mrs. nesday ana spent tbe day visitlne mit is visiting wltb ber mother and with Mr. and Mrs. C O. Whiting. with friends in Spanish Fork. 'Go. Of ry..:..;.T;:...i2c lb f Mrs. Ernest Lee has returned from a three weks visit Jo CaliforI Mr. and Mrs. George Alt and Mrs. nia. . 0. G. Edmhn all ef Salt Lake Were Robert Dudley of Mammoth snent at visitors tbe borne of Mr. And Mrs. Monday visiting with relatives and Nelson Beal, . ; , , friends here. Naylor Auto Mutton Roast following members were present : Mrs. John Mendenball, Mrs. Wal- .IaC. last Mi. Mrs Xephl Gledhlll entertained Octoler 10 for ber son Burt, It be ing his birthday anniversary, decor ttion were carried out In Hallowe'en style the guests were' dressed In tlallowe'en costumes, the pastime of tbe evening was a real gypsy for tune teller. Mrs. Gledhlll was as sisted by Miss Tbelina Burt In serv lng the refreslutients, twenty eight guests were present. IOC 7.20c ... lb, Prime Rib Roast I - Dates y ib. mTnttrc5Rt FRUITS- The lace Mace, Mrs. A. G. Johnson, Mrs. G. E. Hussell, Mrs. S. C. Whlttaker, Mrs. E. E. EnudMon, Mrs. Glenn Prlntripal Ernest E. Knudsen was Nell, Mrs. G. L. Barron, Mrs. 8. M. the "official delegate of tbe Spring Deal and Mrs. D. A Smith. Special ville high school to attend the eml guests were Mrs. M. AV. Bird and f " SPECULS for 1 25c ........... Ulna Ada Harrison of Salt Lake with ber Hty spi-n- t the week-enparents, Mr. and Mrs O. W. Tbe W.OK and P, P. E. clubs combined in a social last Monday evening at the home of Miss Joe Stanford. Many games were played and a luncheon served. ' The even ing was enjoyed by every one.,1 Miss Helea MeKenzle, Miss Pearl Gore and Miss Bessie Sutherland were Initiated. Into tbe W. O. E.( club. SATURDAY MORNING' l;f,plitu i teachers tf th district and . Alt high Bchool are aaked to attend tlte teaebfra' Institute that 1h to be held in Suit Lake City on tbe twenty second, twenty urth, nieetlnKS will be held in tbe taber nacle and assembly ball,' special meetings will be bold In tbe Ilolel Utah and other places nbout tbe One-Prof- - --- ze ... Delivered for Cash in Provo , 7C-Hone- - Sedan (WOOL TRIMMED) woekv wtiel upon the curb and nott now the doors stiu open and closer- how the motor still- runs smoothly. Sit on the firm? heavy fenders; Try the tteering gear. ; See Low easily It bandies the full-siballoon ttres.- Test the comfort of the deep, wide seats. . Run the engine the most power ful in any car of its size and weight, Recording to the ratings of the N. A. U. C and the Society of Automotive This is Studebaker' Engineers. lowest priced Sedan. Make comparisons then realize why no ear at a comparable price has more1 than S)uptrfidal resemblance. j Come In and let its demonstrate " it this sturdy car. -- Iife-f1,To- ne ger Mrs. George Crandall will enter- cross-memb- M n tifttnmmnsntmrmmnmnttfftKKa HONEY x fl 1 gallon can ; CC Honey ". 60 lb. can tJC , , ,; . ; ; . yui I w JC Quart Bottle .HJb Honey OC Pint Bottles " fcuu Honey Va gallon 85c bottles . . tain the 8. T. clnb at her borne this gasoline gauge, coincidental lock to Ignition and steering gear, automatic , windhleld cleaner, aib receiver, rear vision mirror, stop light, dome light, safety lighting control on steering e balloon tire. wheel, and This Sedan has many superiorities hidden as well at obvious. Body pillars are of fihe northern white ash," of hard maple. Dr.mium for th best ateela. Slam the door and the aound say W bled construction. .Mrs. II. Hi JJxlde fit Denver, who haa been rlaitlng' with, her aunt Mra. 8eUma Kelm-- baa .returned to ber home. :., y R fine Studebaker ,'StandaiJ ' THE Scdaa flluitrated below & oph61itered in genuine wool doth. 3 .'" Carpets are ' wooL Windows real blate glaia. Four wide doors. clock, Equlpmeoiincludes an outside parts and body makers j and what we save goes to the buyer! Studebaker cars, Studebaker Standard Six l 3 . m automobile "THERE l;V-j-, Mr. and Mrs. U. O. Tafkard bad as tbeir gontts Bumlay, Mr. and Mra. I). BwsttttU rckard and daughter ratriiia and amall sou, Riuwell A, alto lliiM JBeek-- Almond, all of 1' Salt Uke Vltf " . in1 d h ever placed on a Sedan by Studebaker . -- eyes 'xind a; treat Job a Xowii and iliriB felrtlella EnjiMiJd vert married iu Mr. & Salt Lake teaijde and Mra, A. W, tlenliigLua aad the Jim. Mary I Wbeeler witwtmt-narriatn eweiinjny. i for ilier'- t.dai j lkit ltctoii'leait tlie taste i dimu-- r That tired,, balf-slcldiscouraged feeling caustd bv a tnrnifi jwnstlpn ted bowels can be gotten rid .. .1 of with ytUHipilHWi llj using Ilerbine; You feel its' beneff- -' eial effect with the first dose ns its purlfyln .and recnlnHnff .thorough and complete. Jt not onl.-(drive- s out bile and impurities Diir it imparts ,a qdondld feeding of e .bllaratlon. Ftrengtb. vim, and bnoy-lnc- y of spirits. Trice 00c. Sold bf Uledqnlst Drug Co. Adv I COMPANY 66 W Center. If you don't think dur Lay Mash Produces the eggs let us refer you to some of our many satisfied custome- Phone 303 WASATCH Exclusive Agents rs.-' :- - PRODUCE CO. .J "nnu-lBuTiT- 1 . offt J 1 |