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Show v ; TEE EVENING ILESALD, FFJDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1225. . 1 FEATURES HEWS- ;JC V,; An Independent Newspaper r ilwtW a daily la IKS; Established aa a weekly U ISM; venltg txcrpt Saturday, sod Bondmy morning; rural salting dittos ery morning except Monday. Published ta tha Herald buildlai, eO South first Vest iOMC, Provo, Utah.; Entered ai second data matter at tit poajofflee la FfOfVtaV ti TT TOilELYJDlTORIALS g vam ; : - v Jg . , . ., ;...! n r:.Ti u., ij 1t j Im . tefo. k? ti pdt Jf AJ arou,hiT wkby I thina AmWoMi. Jjffif'f-f'f- fr from wmihi, ' . X v m iBUraat la ' ' . 1 3 f I . . , long-dra- 1 -i- Bgfr-eplayrMrsyai them.-Whe- rever r- -7 ; - . lfeH Jtifc ' ' t ', , TTS: mp : tsoLsu yjL i 1 Shoulders that droop and feetthat draJr;,, vim are mea and Women who" seera health and keep f ou tof w - w vm. they can't seem to make the gTade.- they do not realize that it is which is sapping their energy. Then is a sura relief from this disease It is Kellogg's ' . Per-ha- ps consti--pati- on - . - ALL-BRA- Kellogg'a goes completely through the system without changing its fiber. : It sweeps the intestine clean, purifies it. absorbs and carries moisture through it, urges it to act exactly as nature intended ; Unlflaljit-fonnin- g pills and drugs, it is never necessary to increase the amount of Kellogg which yom i first find effective. Let Kellogg s regain your ALL-BRA- N Be Sure lor only ALL-BRA- bripgt sure ,J ; chance because they're afraid he's also their last - IItrnta : .V "'. J 3 ! Jatlakene'ipapeia MroakeJieroes,": said CoranjaHderof Rogers, on his arrival at San Francisco, after, the return rTV t himself and companions "from the dcad.,? :; ; Huroc3, in fact, must first make themselve?. There has to be real achievement to advertise. But the. advertising krt.psftpntial. to attract public attention." For a,' hero is oili who has 'done Bomething noteworthy which has'" also f' interested the public, v ; f ti You can make a curiosity out of a mon by pure adver advertising some-hv- tising. ; Ypu. can make more out of him by candidates underPress aorents for political TVi made bv rifnrIfl' are bprofia ort arrurllv t.A t iliUiU witu Mix " ' j r" Iho papers." . . A11 - And there is no greater responsiDinty on me press i America. In the case of Rogers they did a good ana wortny be. "Let job. But, as their heroes are, so will the people me make a nation's heroes, and I do not care who preaches ; its sermons." . 2Q &2K -- ANT? P STAV PACK. ) " III , Tftsj - : pected': . ... ' - DAILY LESSONS ENGLISH . By W. L. Gordon Jletal Into Gold ;t Ms Not Favored x .IN - By CHAltLESs- STEWAKT. ritw.' NEA Service . ;: not n f Those" who wish to escape matri mony should not play with matches. . tific sleuthing. Raffles, as portrayed by House Peters, la an astundlng In dividual, baffling to everyone but himself,. He la a sportive sort of person, playing a separate game as calmly as If were pitch and toss. As the practical joker, Raffles is auccessf ol la keeping at bay the greatest criminal analysts of England- and the , - - - 7 teultt, ,f IU 4 19 04 it 15522 '' " 4 Happiness is often only a matter PREVENTS IXFECTION of imagination, but E. 8, Meservy says unhappiness is usually the real The greatest Miscovery in flea, ' thing. healing Is the mftrvelou Bormnnpe a Drenarntton that nmna Ia. ttnuM ' perlty" ia In tbe eating. ; and powder form; if is a comhlna- - k Also the proof of a "wave of pros- tlon treatment tHat not enly pufit fles the wound of germs that causa " lufection but it heals the flesh with . extraordinary speed, . Bad wounds 7 cut which take weeks to heat with the ordinary jlnlments menja ' qnlckly under the powerful Inflfc nee of this wonderful reAeay.'PrS (liquid) 80c, 60c, and $1.2a Kinder 30c and 60c. Sold by Hediii$,.Jt Drug Co. Adt. The Evening: Herald Classified Ads Are Business - Getters. Sn'lA u mi oa the other band, an Ingenuous the bath-turacy melodrama with amazing and startling situations' that, will keep We never hear any- more about one literally glued to his" ..seat hat pin and hair pla factories in House peters plays the role with creasing their capital stock. deftness and la supported by Miss DuponCwho plays the leading feminine role, an actress of charming personality. The love Interest which .Raffles'- and develops ;. between '. 'k'h continent Gwendolyn Amersteth is of touchRaffles is a gentlemanly crook. ing' sentimentality that is usually Vet H is not a crook play.- - It is associated with screen stories. J" ALL-BRA- N "Them's my sediments," said the Provo man as he looked down Into - MISUSED WORDS OFTEN WASI.IINOTOS Whlle'l would Dou't any "we shall misa yoq badfan( tMTiflc temimrary ?ninion, ly." fiuy "very much." twiMiry nfrk'inls generally ash MISPRONOUNCED OFTEN tby t tbe UfscnviTj of a fhoap lmMh- "Into DthsTt. Tronounce the "n" aa in lui'tal of ramnnnthiK'.tinHp ij pwtl would not for very long con "dukeNnot aa In "rule." tinue to cripple the cnrrciicy systi'iu OFTEN'SUSSI'ELLED Meszao-- , of a; country like the t 'nitcd tStatps. Inc. Several sclwitlnts claim actually SYNONYMS XHole, opening, t imve produced synthetic gold, cavatlon, thoutrh at a cost greater than the aperture, dent, cave, --6yiilbe4lc prodwt'x -- mftrkpt-yaUw .. J puncture, pcrforat Vhpthcr or not these claims are WORD STUDY Use a wttrdl well faundi'd, most wtlcntific men tnree times ana u yours.-- ' uei uh of today admit their possJUIUty and Increase our roeabulary by master-tttafc the pror-esnili;hlt .conceivably one word each day. Today'e lie eriiic as to rob cheapened gold of J word: MENDICANT; reduced to ltg niouetary utility. beggary. "It Is our purpose to up Thhs worries the treasury folk lift the mendicant glass." very little, even stretching credulity so far aa to concede such a situa tion. The experts don't believe some other metal, like platinum, would be substituted for gold that misht. be produced ortlficully, too. Hartering goods would be ex- - From Files af Daily Enquirer t Ireuwdy Inconvenient; AMim of -- , Cuckes... "LltUeeglrl, why are jou so In terested In these birds?" 'WeU, I iwsf learned there ain't n4 Santa Cla'ua, and I'm out here to investigate this stork: proposi . tion." . .. - transmitting Base - t (Scratching bis head). I've idea. Other; Thar, not what I call e A movement has been started in them, New Jersey to preserve wild life. Daucers exercise iust about A. O. jFobnsoa thhiks that la one movement started In the right place. every thing except discretion. ! 1 i "The early Wrd catches the worm,: go they say.And Bert Whin- pie was just thinking how much nicer it would be for me little worm if he wasnt crawling around at m h an early hour. . Op Thfl Moruing After ' The IViuuur leeUoa .Nelghbor-Jft'elL . Mr Van Wag- enen, did yoa do. aswell in the election yesterday as you expected Alma Van Wagenen Oh, yea. Yea. I did as well as I expected.but the other fellows did better- - than I ex- .1 .t The original ALL. BRAN .ready.toeal N wu - ffet fctellnirvVAl TOU all-bra-n Leadinv- knula ', restauranta serve it-- ALL-BRA- N V. guarantee to bring permanent relief f Tour mtejer rehimi rk n.L.u .:- -. Eat yoUr t)0 tablespoonfule with milk or cream, aprudtle it over other cereals, cook' it with hot cereals, put it fa soups "nd try it in the recipe given opt every pjspkag&i' ' . We-ha- filing fit fat mbootthingiiibleapoonfttla daily chronic case. htany &UThtro wrwa mui ciut mcu. a eatea reffularlv. it la uvj "7, . a ;.t.: ' t , v'j f " -- n; 1! " J, " T , w , - - ft , ' r ' t UAIUJ WOKK. A negro confectioner In Silt Lake I marvel when my neghbor, Dave Doodadris in view; displays this sign, according to ' he's doomed to heavy labor that racks the bone and thew. George Barria: Trice your teeth, Each day I see him travel, serene and unafraid, to shovel freeae your lips' .and give your sand and gravel where concerete walks are, laid. He toils tongue a ideigbride." ,,,.- for hour together without a pause for rest; his hands are Mr. Coolldse la the first president r..PmbBahaf tought at leather, and bulerini? 1a his chest. Sometimes he Vb. B. Bomlbrook to gala universal popularity by a s.' wheels a barrow and ; avutof it's runway aiong high dangerous j .Olty N. Gunaar Baeauaoa narrow, if he should tall he d uie. And wben ine Hgnii T5' nothing and doing ka, Aff-r ...................v. .Ajt are "bumiing, and evening kettles boil, I see this man re tutorial Rooms. Telephone The moat tragic moment la wo turning, quite jaunty, from his toil He whistles as he man's ta L. Thomas. Barrtca. A. IL K. and Barrlea Kewa Preaa United Member teeters upon his homeward way, saluting Mikes and Peters la whenlife,ahaaccording realicea that danctuf eve advances And with as the t he dons. larreat aottta'-oLaka gay. badinage quite Salt Clty makes her tired, Only daliy newapaparU Ctaa parfaiu vau his Sunday clothes, and goes to yag dances, or to ! makes ber fat and eating eulatioo of any newspaper in Uan ouuiae Bau listening to a r the movie shows. I, too, have wrought and striven through- - j man's sweet nothings makea her 'Ot out the long, long day ; muc,h labor I have given to writ- - yawn. , ut1.4 K Mnlu fiiTraLnrth - '! nra......... ................. . ...... Jitarinadta t.,i.ered Itf Bvered bf mall lnlLaliiijLnty, per year, In adranca. inches deep, and while I'm there reclining I often fall Cities Are Wut Meq Make Vbea levered by mail is Cnited Butea, oatalda OUh county, per year, asleep. My task is not requiring an effort worth a cent, Cities are what men nmke the eitte may be; I'm too . yet I am always tiring, and making my lament. .: Guilt is National Whether out on the denofiite desert, too the to to to totter Sarah out with worn tired show,, Z : Most of the nasty printed matterin the United States Of set by the aurging sea. ply the swatter, or make the ouija go. Most idlers are comes out of NewYork, complaip;'the board.of temperance :t ? i' rr' about how much they do while working men complaining The they cleave to the breast el and moral Ksi the Methodist church. ihew.. and tendon the the are straining Of ourset So does most of the virtuous printed matter. .mountains,' York in New rivers broad fitJestle literature -by more js'published edifying Probably Outbursts of Everet True By Condo Cities are what men make them, than anywhere else, ana comes nearer to navmg a monopoly Oa the land this is given by God nf neriodical publication than of any other commodity. . ' '"' i 4t wUl turn out Ani the printing presj has TO CO 3AC So take up yohr task as yon find it V;h or nuritv with eaual 'irimersonality. Nor grumble at what you have 31 SHOP NO "Guilt Of course somebody doea have responsibility. i not;. r'.,"..v; ' as VVoodrow Wilson eald. Be one. pf the men to make greater, mops r Sompbndv h rreat many somebodys in New York The place where you cast In your salable smut and more is out that safely openly found lot has than it used to be and the market is therefore supplied. Guilt ' nrimarilv on the purveyor of 6uch goods. If the ocean should tbreaten to But it is also whelm yon- ,(in tVie'huvprK.: These thin irs are not sold in New York Build a dyke that wiU laugh at Vnct nf them are sold elsewhere. If rural police are less it's might; viinlant than they once were against obscence literature if Cities are what men make them, 19 more , vn5 imuwuu. oi gum rural populations Duy W ho are willing to labor and A-of frankness, .which is a virtue. The ' .t We are. in an ;" .. '. fight They .iptrpnerate aberrations of frankness are its need repression not only at the source, but all over the coun The hardest job In the world, ac been tnrougn tnat in me moving pieiurra ve cording to Charles Duke, la trying try. ; to play a jail record on a phono- t ; It is now the turn of the printed page. , ; ' ".... ;.' ' Ttpr-.hn- " II: I I f WASHINGTON NEWS j RIPPLING THE EVENING HERALD 1 I MlI The era of human brotherhood never seems so far away, thinks F. W. Hansen, as just after- your bank er has turned down your request for ' ' a loan. - - girls - marry Some-- QUT OUR WAY- - their first BY WILLIAMS s 30 YEARS tokens rcpre.'uting lhb8rVrmed " is one suggestion. But' by far a majority of the treasury imhij. think.the lwt plan v!ild be to place a kind of mort-- Hue on the n'Htlon's jiatural eourte anu naso pniKT mouey issues on that, which, would give them an eten truer value than Issues based OS 8 gold resen e. rti TOM SIMS SAYS t Ilshater j will take the .nicotine a womaiis' fingers XJeU'il ASWtO SvAOVfe.V HMAHiSS VAMCE., -? AGO ' October 23, 1895. William Logan, SJ7, and Emma Carter, 20, .both of Provo, were granted a marriage license here today, t - : ... ! ;ip ;GAD FiKlQ rf IviTfi 1 WEvAfSREUHS.) I ADMW5,' A FEIUH I TAUdU 16 VOO UKZ'faKC.; AMD HIM WBS AM Vji mi AMO VOO AOKWRE, Uika ? UNWELL Of3 v. lf--. 1 Wircoer?ik.ir Zb :. :77: i, Waterproof moleskin shell, leather sleeves, knit collar and xuffs. ; ;f7 7.k-- s Woo1 -- '.i They sell regularly for $8.98 V Saturday Oiily .: AT. to Gleudale, Kane county. Hundredsare taking advantage of our weekly bar-gams. Come in and get your share; John Starr of Payson, died las night from blood poisoning. Most of us vwrry so much about leaves a ni's and five children. the cost of living we forget what It is worth. "RAFFLES." He A little argument need not tart f.iemK As long as neither side Loe, mystery and melodrama wins it may. result in a friendly tie are the ingredients from which House - Peters' current Starring veMost relatives are distant rela hicle, 'Raffles," .the' Xulversal- tives when you are broke. Jewel feature at the Columbia theater tonight Is made. There is the vMmfcrop. of hard Adapted frouj the fa monii Amav iUer prediotlona put out by thrtse teur Cracksman stories created by to whoiii all winters are hard. Ernest- W. IIornung and Eugene W, Presbyj tlie character of Raffles it w so easy to find fault, yet has been heralded by millions of en 3 one keeps on loklng for it readers as tefy lust word in scien $5o00 GOING Memorial servicea were held at the Brigham Young academy for Miss Julia Hopkins, a student, who had liedU The atudents inarched in a body to the depot from Where the body of the dead, student was sent PMOYO 2Z' 'fir f ,f ra ;0r Guarantee: Goods Exchanged or Jjloney Refunded 304 West Center .. ' ' Prove ...... ':;, ir J ihJLtl LZ , II T. |