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Show PAGE THREI THE EVENING HERALP, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 29, 1925. - ..' j Society v Co. Wood-Clifto- n The Lhi lleureuk 'AmU dtto. FmK-dub of tb Iklsh school will aieet the home If Mias Elwiwr I MiM WhittHtMMrt this fvenlog. Etta Parry and UIm Rotrn Cod willbe asiistlnf hostesae tt v, T at the stores Mttw n 23rd .1 To Nsom! GlMwh of tbe Flrat ward M. L A. entertained at party Tneaday wnln Lunch waa aerred at the home of the following : Mias Isia Johnaon, Miaa Reah Taylor, Mias Ora Open-ahaMisa Florence Itoblnsoa and Gamea were Mas Clella Decker. ulayed at each borne for which prisea were awarded to Mlaa Ora Openehaw, Miaa Leoora Foota, Mis Isla Jobnaon, Mlaa Amy Cummlngs, Misi Jesaie Johnaoa and Mlaa Beta Taylor. About thirty fuesta : . tie affair. Anniversary Sale pro-i;reii- , 1 is biutt in two models, jacketed and unjacketeckSee the near- The ARCOLA Merchants listed below are making a special effort this month to demon strata ARCOLA to every owner of a small home, store, office or de tached building. " ARCOLA has been grfcatlv reduced in price. This is the time to make your investment in radiator warmth. A small down payment, easy payments. . Sav& Fuel :. : 11 U warnii the an Amo- ican Radiator in each room. Yet ARCOLA burns no more - ssx '''' fG I I -- . in wX-- i i-w- wwi ' z S7ft, U . J 7 V " i . Ij Farm Cottages vV s ; Tr rTf7-T- . Values to $16.75, Flat Crepes ,..: v'' to Presses . i ir Flannels Sport Silks Crepe detCJiirw In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Booth who leave soon to make their home in American Fork, Mr. and Mrs. A. li. Booth will entertain im mediate relatives at their home this evening. - 7' li tsissnss?! S ' ' i 1 ts fxZV&i I . Thursday Ifternoon at 8 o'clock In the First ward amusement hall the primary officers" and teachers will entertain the primary children. Good music has been secured and all are. promised a good time. Admission will be ten cents and re freshments will be on sale. ' Aa invitation Is extended to alL "small Offices v" GaS Filling Stations Lunch ROOmS Garages - B' v7T w Small Homes r SEX WMmM i mm nMMm s . it. . Mrs. Edith T. Booth will entertain closing exercises for her kinder- garden class at her home Saturday afternoon. A program will he given and refreshments will be served warmins: - . ' - ARCOLA is .V,,- f ' . at f i1 li twenty-five- J " V?iS?? ARCOLA'S single fire whole hOTse A Ask him for an mate' for, your home. Let him tell you about the Easy Payment Plan. ARCOLA esti- Ig ImMmm and the installation is made; the balance in very beinS-WtSH- -- week-today. ARCOLA-Merchant-t- his Thursday Friday friends of 8. 8. Holm pleasantly surprised him at his home Monday evening, the occasion birthday anniTeraary. A delightful evening waa spent with games and music after which a delicious luncheon waa served to A number of ARCOLA est- Special for Variety of Styles and Canton Vrepe SatmCanton Elder Franklin II. Harris was given a welcome home party in the A, humorous reading by Mrs.- Jones night, Elder Harris has Just returned from a three year mission in New Zealand. A program was furnished by mem It bcrs of the ward and friends. consisted of a selection by the Sixth ward quartet, ; f Welcome Home" speech by BishopY John McAdams; a short talk by Bishop Joseph Nel son; an address of appreciation by Elder Franklin Harris; ukelele duet by Miss' Estella Jones, Mias Best. Of the five watches played last Frl and a clever and original playlet was-alspresented by members of , the M. I. A. ... T After the program, dancing was enoyed, the music being furnished by the Provo high school orchestra. One feature of the evening was i tempting display of pies and candy being offered for sale by the missionary committee for the benefit f the missionaries in the field. Colors. I Cakes free with every Cakes Free to every J3rd $5M(or over) Purchaser Purchase, to every 23rd purchaser BTBTBTlBa''' Distributors of Quality Merchandise - Everybody's Store. . '; J. Johansen entertained at dinner at their home y evening in honor of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. , -- milil 1 l, - HI Buckley No. 139 & haws V-VAP- p. University Ave. - .. ORUB Vme4 Yearly DP & htg. co. ' l.. larsqn plbg, 343 W. Center St. Leg-ma- f n, reporter, assignment, ONDISPLAY . ' " d to crashing them through. ; From .' And then in a moment of weakness, . : Or lure cf pay day, or luck's quirks, I chucked the whole thing 'twas a horrible sting Eut you bet I had learned the whole works. et . I've taken my jobs as I've found them, " "And now, wheal talk to a guy Who Bosses a siieet, I can tell hini" The How, Where and What, When and Why. And I yearn, as the typewriters rattle And the .linutypes whirr through their stunts, To hand you my jam you read say "Goldarn, This guy was a newspaper manw)nce!" MaxMBiiSHsaasKiasKaiECiszssExzsssiszsszxzssi m - Mr. asd Mrs." Thlllip Boyer, Will- mott and Agnes Boyer of Salt Lake City were visitors Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Asil Thorn motored to Salt Lake City Monday, Mrs.; Leon Harrison entertained members of the S. T. Club at her home Wednesday evening of last week. Mah Jongg and auction Mrs.. Lee bridge were played. iirMah 8uinHlotrQ!Ohprie i 11 ffffi'R PARIS Drastic cuts in their ministerial budgets were urged .upon members of the Paiuleve cabinet by LEGAL NOTICES Consult county rlerk or respective undersigned for further particulars. 6 in biocif tw; lots 6,.,"T ano In Mock Gf T ints Bnrid 0"Tn Mw-l- i 165:, lots 5, 6, 7 and S in block CO; lots 1 and 2 in block 67; Ms 1, 2, 3 Htid 4 in block 6Sf kits and 2 In block Wockji!) lots 1, J, 3 and 70, and lots 1 and 2 in blockTTI, the rust of lot 1 block 72. all in plat "A", and to the entire depth of said parcels or tind back from 5 nud f I m III! CARA NOME The Complete Beauty Trealment " Vs TELLURIDE USED Of course, it's never tea li better to be safe in the fir to gamble i'i "'" ! Old Resident Near Death "l had not eaten food for 10 days and was slowly starving tovtleuth. Given up by five doctors, I tried n iKtttle of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy, which gave relief at once. I am 75 years old and would have died bnt for your wonderful medicine. The jaundice Is all gone and I am gain trenetir-tyer- y ing appetite" and day." It is a simple, harmless prop. aration:xth;it removes the cnfurrhul mnctw froiu the Intestinal tiwct and allays the Inflamimitijm wMch causes practically all stmniicK, liver and aliments, 'Including1 One dose will con appendicitis. vince or money refunded. At all druggists. Jongg abd Mrs. Louis Clegg in bridge. 'Lhncheoa was aehved to twelve members and the' club guest, . Mrs. Manford - Miss Nora RedflelG of Provo is! the guest of Mrs. Lillian Hunting ton. ..'-,.- ' '. " Mr. and Mrs. J(riin W. loung of Mrs. Ada Straw, Mrs, Sadie la nee, .Mrs. Sadie Faucett and Mrs. Mrs. Ellia Thorn, Mrs. Lillian Maud Crandall attendef the restrict LOXDOXryre Crowe," perman- Pocatello motored; . to Springville of the British Tuesday and visited with relatives. nnungton, Mrs. Jennie Wblttaker, Federation of Women's club at Tay-so- n ent foreign1 office, died Tuesday night. They were the guests of their unclft Mrs. Emma Russell, Mrs. Irene Roy- ' last Saturday. Hum-hlngs- Finance Minister Caillanx, who wrote that "heavy sacrifices" asked, of the 'country are incompatible with governmental extravaKane.,, t JJn iinder-secretar- Arthur Leslie. Sin . . f . . no? nw What, is said to be an unusual display of automobile CQUstructlon and pli;rHtlon Motor company, local Telluride Bulck 'dealeJSAaatetSlx Bulck chassis has the rear springs entireMiss Nell Sumsion spent the ly detached from the frame of the week-enwith friends berehaving car, the beams resting on the bump- motored down from Salt Lake City. er pads on the axel housing. 0ne Mr. and Mrs.- - George Roy la nee front spring Is cut away at the front connection and the other at the rear were In- Ogden Friday, returning Sunday.- They t were the guests of connection. . Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Lawrence. The car operates successfully, It Mr. and Mrs. Wllford Williams Is said, with the springs detached, even to the front wheel brakes. The and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams car. also steers readily despite the of Salt Lake City motored to 8r!ng ville - Sunday and risited with unequal connections In front. . friends. , The purpose of the demonstration in to show that the profiling power Mr. and Mrs. Tom Connors and of the car is not transmitted through family and Miss Grace Patterson the springs, but throughjjjie frame motored to Salt La we City Sunday itself, according to 'JfeUnrlde' where they visited with Mrs. Con nor's mother, Mrs, 8adle Stapp. . " Each ip carries with it a bit of romance from the Far. East, hot Tree Tea Japan . bftnci home to your tea cup the fragrance of the Orient's finest tea gardens. Mrs. Henry Clements who were re- and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Arch II. cently married. A large cystal bas- Bird. ket of spring flowers centered the Roy Loverldge has returned from dining table. Covers were laid for immediate relatives. Mrs. Clements Nevada. was formerly Miss Olga Johansen. .Mrs. Boy Loverldge entertained The 106th anniversary of the I. O. at dinner Sunday, covers were laid 0. F. lodge was celebrated Tuesday for twelve. e venTngrwtth a bafiquerinSnce in the lodge halL About zow .hundred temple work Eph Homer, Jndge A. B. Morgan and Harrey ers from the Kolob stake went to Cluff past grand masters spoke on Rait Lake Tuesday where they en the'Princlples of Odd Fellowship. gaged In temple work! During the banquet Murray Roberts Mrs. Mary Rowland was hostess sang several solos and Miss Adell IMersrgaver - reading. The re to the Mothers Study club last "Fri mainder of the evening was spent day. She was assisted by. Mrs. with dancing. Marie Sinks. A paper on the "Life of Edna Ferber" was given by Mrs. Alda Alleman. Mrs. Ada B. Harrison told one of Edna Ferber's stories SPRIXGYKXE NEWS and Miss .Louise Coffman gave a Mrs. Stephen Deal spent a part of reading. Dainty refreshments were I this- week . in Salt Lake City." She served. ,was accompanied borne' by her Mr. and Mrs. Ben Argyle of mother, Mrs. J. C. Thomas of Salt Lake. Fork were In Springville v . "1 Copy desk, morgue and review I've run the whole gamut of copy -- . ' " . : Japan Green III s clip-she- tA Toes-da- m,l0tmmmmmmmmMammmmmmmmmmmmmlmmammtmmmmmmmmmmmU li I've taken my. jobs as I found them, I've slaved and Ive loafed in my time; I've tried the professions, Ofttimes I flatted with crime; i hether rirpihish, broke or stranded, Iyearn for the newspaper mill." Fd sleep in my shoes to keep up with the news And pound the old typewriter fllT"-omtt-ime- Jar l li Press Agent's Lament A are more easily oineadorct treated externally with Ovmr IT Million I . rOLDS I : II -. :: ' 111 Cara Nome- toilet article Is de--; sis:iH'd to help bean-..-l-Hfy the complexion, and each carries the dainty fragrance of .livery ' ' " V Cara ' ' Nome. Ym will love to usa it for its odor idone, $1.00 IIEDQUIST DRUG . STORES Provo " -- Utah xxuxxxrsxsKxsKBixiExnEixiiixixxuEcsx:rrrrx?' w JUL lA flRSP U . M ". HUB M II a t UllUlELUiillliui! sssxzxsxs:E2sxxsz:::zzzsKxxxssxnxxxBxxxxxx:xz;; iliiaiaiw4 |